
Any insect expert? Please help me identify this!


Mar 19, 2014
I need help urgently. I went to a restaurant yesterday and saw an insect like the one in my photos on table. I didn't think much of it. When I came home, I put my handbag into the cabinet. I found two such creatures in cabinet today. I killed one with tissue paper and decided to duct tape the other one so that I can photograph it for identification. Any idea what insect I introduce into my cabinet? I'm so upset with myself right now.

ETA: Not sure if it helps with identification but the mall is only 3 months old so the restaurant is 3 months old as well but I've no idea if the furniture in the restaurant are new or old. It was a wooden table with laminate and metal chairs.
Oh my gosh, I'm sorry cat. But don't blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. I don't know what type of insect that is but hopefully someone here will chime in with the correct info. As another option you can call the restaurant and tell them and see if they know. Also check reviews online of the restaurant. Perhaps other diners have had a problem with this too. Hoping it is a benign/non issue for you.
Missy, I Googled its reviews and all were on food, none on bug. It's pointless to call the restaurant. Where I live, the staff will not be forthcoming even if there's a bug problem since it might mean bad reviews. It's a different mindset where it's all about the business and less about the customer's welfare after the meal (maybe except for food poisoning).
Ugh. :?

Call a pest control company they will be able to help you identify it.

Hopefully it's harmless and won't cause you any problems but if it may be serious they can also either advise you how to treat it or they can come to your home so you take care of it asap.
I have to ask - it is possible that the insects could have come from your bag (or the cabinet in which it was stored)?
That sort of looks ant-ish to me or almost like a termite (but not quite) - although it's difficult to tell from your pictures unless you could take one with more detail. Here is a termite image

Termite nymph?

Many nymphs start out that color, but usually termites have a head and jaws that is sort of oversized for its body.

Keep the body in a Tupperware and call a pest company out. I had a cockroach hitch a ride on me from a restaurant. I lost my shit!!! I killed it, cursed myself for killing it, went through the whole house, made sure that they weren't in my house, called a pest service, had him bait just in case!!!!

I kept the pest guy around for a while. They can identify anything.

Honestly, it looks like a larger ant. They come in all sorts of sizes. Look it up. The colonies send out winged varieties in the spring that are larger than normal. Maybe this guy got out too soon?
Thanks for all your help.

Momhappy, I'm certain the bug didn't come from my cabinet and bag hence I'm very upset with myself for bringing them home. I'm hope it's not a termite. It'd be terrible otherwise.

Gothgrrl, thanks for the photo of all stages of termite life cycle. The creature I photographed didn't look like any of the four.

CJ, House Cat, thanks for the pest control company suggestion. I will do it on Monday. But guess what? I threw away the creature ;( I only have these two photos. I'm terrible at detailed photo taking. I'm praying that these are the only two and I don't find new ones to photograph.
The photo may be enough.

If you are truly worried about wood destroying pests, an actual pest inspection should be about $100. They will take about an hour and go through your home with a fine tooth comb. We have had a couple because we use the VA loan when we buy our house and it is required.

I just read that you don't believe the bug came from your home. I doubt that one or two bugs will cause an infestation in your house. Termites need a queen in order to colonise, like ants and bees. Those little lone bugs, ants, termites, whatever will wander aimlessly until they die.
It looks like a young citronella ant. If you squish it and smear, and it smells like citronella (hence the name) that's what it is. Bought a house in the summer of 2002 and the first warm day of 2003 we had a swarm of them outside and coming up through the floor vents. They were nesting under the slab of my family room. Pest control treated them with the same insecticide used to kill termites, which meant drilling holes around the outside of the family room, and putting the poison in there. They never came back.
Do you live in an area where heavy rains have occurred? I've had ants come up out of the ground and swarm the house and garage when we've had exceptionally heavy rains. I presume their tunnels got flooded.
If you live near a college the biology/zoology/etomology department may be interested in identifying it for you.
If you take it in a container to a pest company they could probably identify it for you.
Could it be a book louse?
They are harmless to humans and wouldn't be a cause for concern

Hi all, I called pest control but they couldn't tell from the photo as I couldn't provide a detailed photo. After more research I think Momhappy is right that it's book lice. I'm airing my cabinet and hopefully they die or go away. I'm avoiding that mall for the time being.