
Anxiety about our future? (POLL)

How concerned are you about the near future of our world in general, and your country in particular?

  • Very concerned

    Votes: 54 62.8%
  • Somewhat concerned

    Votes: 21 24.4%
  • Not concerned at all

    Votes: 11 12.8%

  • Total voters

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
With everything that we're seeing on the news I'm finding myself getting more and more anxious with each passing day. My husband, on the other hand, doesn't seem worried at all.

When we went out to dinner with friends last night one of them said he thought this might be our last time together, at least for a long time, because "all hell is about to break loose". We all laughed nervously and changed the subject. I'm not sure if he was referring to the war, or things happening within our country (U.S.).

Anyway, I'm just wondering how everyone else is feeling about the future. Be as specific (without naming particular political parties or political figures) or as vague as you like.

If you are outside the U.S., what is your mood and the mood in your country? How are you coping?
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Dec 17, 2008
What did your friend mean by all hell was going to break loose? I live in the U.S. and inquiring minds want to know. Does he know something we don't know? As far as I know there would be nothing that would prevent you from seeing each other so what does he think is doing to happen?

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
What did your friend mean by all hell was going to break loose? I live in the U.S. and inquiring minds want to know. Does he know something we don't know? As far as I know there would be nothing that would prevent you from seeing each other so what does he think is doing to happen?

I don't think he has any special insight. He's a financial advisor, not in the military or government. If I had to guess I'd say he's worried about the war and/or the midterm elections.
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Dec 17, 2008
So he might be talking about a market crash?

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
So he might be talking about a market crash?

I don't know. But I doubt that would keep us from getting together for another dinner.
More likely he's concerned about how the war and/or the elections will play out. I know these are causing me a lot of stress. But I don't have any special insight either. Wish I did.


May 17, 2014
If we get nuked by various parties it's going to be all over anyway.

I'm just trying to live my best life and enjoy everyday.

I think we will be wiped out eventually. Who knows when that will be. Could be 100 years, could be next week. I don't see the point in worrying about it. I'm not an Armageddon kind of girl. I don't plan to claw around in the nuclear winter and eat roots or whatever. So I just enjoy the time I leave left.

I'm from Australia.


Jul 7, 2013
I am in UK, apart from the political chaos and cost of living going up, the mood does not appear to be too downbeat, not for me anyway.

I live everyday as it comes, and try to be as content and happy as I can, doing the things that I like to do, and spending time with pets and people that I like etc...

Can't worry too much about the future as I could have an accident at anytime!

DK :))


May 15, 2014
Do I worry about me? No. Not at my age. But I do worry about the future for my daughter and the children she might have. Lots of stuff sitting out there on the horizon for the future. Politically, climate, etc. It doesn't really affect my day to day life as I'm too busy working to think about it much, but when I do think about it, it definitely has me concerned. I'm not concerned about the economy. I'm old enough to have seen it go up and down. It's the things that can't be reversed, or can't be reversed without horrible things happening, that bother me.


Jun 6, 2013
I’ve been much happier since I stopped paying attention to news media and politics 10 years ago. Mankind has lived through the fall of dynasties, wars, recessions and pandemics. I focus only on things I can do: recycling, keeping a low carbon footprint, speaking up for LGBTQ rights and special needs in my community. Indulging in doom and gloom doesn’t do anything to make things better.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
our morgage is due for renewall this month
so im not happy
but i rememebr the 80's
all will be ok so long as Ukrain gets sorted

we have an election next year so im hopeful for a change for the better

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
If we get nuked by various parties it's going to be all over anyway.

I'm just trying to live my best life and enjoy everyday.

I think we will be wiped out eventually. Who knows when that will be. Could be 100 years, could be next week. I don't see the point in worrying about it. I'm not an Armageddon kind of girl. I don't plan to claw around in the nuclear winter and eat roots or whatever. So I just enjoy the time I leave left.

I'm from Australia.

i just dont want the future of the planet stuffed up for the alligators and crocs
they are the most sucessful preditors in the history of the plannet and they deserve to continue on after we have gone
even though we dont have crocs in NZ
you have plenty for both of us =)2


Jan 22, 2014
Here in Australia many parts have been burnt to the ground and many parts flooded. While these events are not unexpected or uncommon, the effects of climate change has increased both the size of areas damaged and the frequency. Very very hard for many people.
Economy wise, our house prices are ludicrous. All well and good if you already own your piece of the urban dream, not so for those whose feet aren’t on the property ladder.
Basically an impossible dream.
Unfortunately for many, who clawed and crawled their way into home ownership, they were too trusting and too dependant on low interest rates. Interest rates are rising, house prices are falling which should be good however for some it means negative equity.
World events - Russian is a mad, crazy beast and everyone should be very wary. China is not benevolent or caring unless it suits their purpose. The UK, goodness, 44 days for a Prime Minister and the loss of the Queen bodes poorly for Royalty. As for the US, can’t see that ending well. Too many rich people too rich while ordinary people struggle to live. Too much inequality, too many guns, too many crazy people with crazy agendas that too many desperate people are tempted to listen to. Sad.
Other countries, too many other countries with economic issues, health issues, climate issues.
Many of us have soooooo much to be thankful for.


Jun 8, 2008
I consider myself a realist
An optimistic pessimist if you will

I cannot bear to watch the news
I take things and life one day at a time
I control what I can control and try not to stress about what I cannot control
I am grateful for all we have in our life but mainly for my loved ones and my true friends
And I hope for a brighter future for the younger generation

But no one can predict the future
No one
So all we can do is the best we can do and try to make a difference where we can

Hope for the best
Prepare for the worst (whatever that means to you)
and it will probably be somewhere in between


Jun 7, 2014
I worry about the kind of world we are leaving for our young people. I find it sickening that young women today have fewer rights regarding their own bodies than my generation had.

I’m very concerned with losing our democracy.

When a state is sending DNA kits home so your child can be identified if there is a mass school shooting one has to wonder what they hell we are doing as a country.
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Sep 25, 2008
Hmmm I tend to think media (of all kinds but particularly left) thrives on doom & gloom so I take most things with a pinch of salt. :roll: They would have you think that the whole world is about to end tomorrow, and it only creates unnecessary anxiety & panic....

World conflict is terrible and obviously we all hope it ends asap but as I work in the Defence industry I know that's also unlikely. Whilst interest rates are going up & costs of living (inc energy) is rising here (Oz) unemployment is low and generally we have with a good standard living as a first world country. I don't stress about the future unduly; it's ever changing and it's up to us to adapt as best as possible.

I have a roof over my head, a job, my family & my health. Already I am blessed beyond measure. :pray:


Sep 10, 2003
The conspiracy hordes are the weakest link to this country remaining free. When you have increasing numbers of people who are showing signs of insanity by spouting idiocy that demonic satellites are controlling voting machines and McDonald's is part of the deep state and pray for an ex prez to implement divine intervention (whatever the heck that means) that is evidence that we do indeed have something to worry about. The examples I just gave are taken directly from statements made at a political rally this weekend. I'm not posting the article here as it might violate the no political discussion rule.

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
I’ve been much happier since I stopped paying attention to news media and politics 10 years ago. Mankind has lived through the fall of dynasties, wars, recessions and pandemics. I focus only on things I can do: recycling, keeping a low carbon footprint, speaking up for LGBTQ rights and special needs in my community. Indulging in doom and gloom doesn’t do anything to make things better.

I consider myself a realist
An optimistic pessimist if you will

I cannot bear to watch the news
I take things and life one day at a time
I control what I can control and try not to stress about what I cannot control
I am grateful for all we have in our life but mainly for my loved ones and my true friends
And I hope for a brighter future for the younger generation

But no one can predict the future
No one
So all we can do is the best we can do and try to make a difference where we can

Hope for the best
Prepare for the worst (whatever that means to you)
and it will probably be somewhere in between

I hear both of you :)

I too have taken long breaks from watching/reading the news. It definitely helped decrease my anxiety. But I realized that, with everything going on, I need to stay informed to some degree in order to be prepared for certain things. It's definitely a trade-off.

For example, I just came across this information. If I lived in New England, I would want to know this so I could possibly prepare:



Jun 8, 2008
I hear both of you :)

I too have taken long breaks from watching/reading the news. It definitely helped decrease my anxiety. But I realized that, with everything going on, I need to stay informed to some degree in order to be prepared for certain things. It's definitely a trade-off.

For example, I just came across this information. If I lived in New England, I would want to know this so I could possibly prepare:

May I recommend a whole house gas generator? It’s saved us many times. And, unfortunately, as far as I understand it, rolling blackouts will become the norm eventually. Due to mismanagement and corruption but that’s all will say since is a verboten topic here. But I highly recommend a whole house generator as a back up if you can.

It was our first major house purchase when we moved here and bought this house. We have a Generac. Worth every single penny

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
May I recommend a whole house gas generator? It’s saved us many times. And, unfortunately, as far as I understand it, rolling blackouts will become the norm eventually. Due to mismanagement and corruption but that’s all will say since is a verboten topic here. But I highly recommend a whole house generator as a back up if you can.

It was our first major house purchase when we moved here and bought this house. We have a Generac. Worth every single penny

Great idea @missy. This is definitely a potential lifesaver when the electric goes down. Especially if someone has to run a CPAP machine or keep medications like insulin refrigerated. But the way things are headed there is the potential for both electric and gas blackouts/shutdowns. If that were to happen, I would probably want a backup solar generator too (if I could afford it :lol:).


Jun 8, 2008
Great idea @missy. This is definitely a potential lifesaver when the electric goes down. Especially if someone has to run a CPAP machine or keep medications like insulin refrigerated. But the way things are headed there is the potential for both electric and gas blackouts/shutdowns. If that were to happen, I would probably want a backup solar generator too (if I could afford it :lol:).

Do you live in California?

AFAIK (and I asked my DH who's in the environmental field) rationing natural gas is not likely to happen so I hope that makes you feel a bit better. Unless you are in California.

I'd be interested to see any info you have about this though as I never say never lol.

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
Do you live in California?

AFAIK (and I asked my DH who's in the environmental field) rationing natural gas is not likely to happen so I hope that makes you feel a bit better. Unless you are in California.

I'd be interested to see any info you have about this though as I never say never lol.

No, I'm in the midwest. Actually I hadn't heard anything about expected shortages this winter in California, only in New England.


Mar 2, 2012
I've always felt that a country gets the leaders it deserves. It saddens me that the US deserves so many MAGA/big lie leaders, but there is no doubt that they are representative of a large part of our population.

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
I've always felt that a country gets the leaders it deserves. It saddens me that the US deserves so many MAGA/big lie leaders, but there is no doubt that they are representative of a large part of our population.

The issues we're facing are so much bigger than those created by one party or another, one leader or another, IMHO.

There's a brand new book that's come out, written by the NYU professor of economics who (famously) predicted the 2008 housing crisis and Great Recession:

I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I did watch this talk he gave in the past few days. Warning... it is extremely informative, but quite intense and scary. Well worth the time to watch it though. He ties many of the (seemingly) disparate issues together:

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Jun 8, 2008
No, I'm in the midwest. Actually I hadn't heard anything about expected shortages this winter in California, only in New England.

Oh you’re talking about electricity. I was asking about natural gas. Fingers crossed everyone has what they need for this upcoming winter.


May 15, 2014
Oh you’re talking about electricity. I was asking about natural gas. Fingers crossed everyone has what they need for this upcoming winter.

Natural gas fuels over 50% of New England's electricity generation, so its the contraints on the New England gas supply that seems to be causing the concern.



Apr 13, 2018
I have none.

People have always been worried about the future.

People have always believed that civilization was on the brink of collapse.

People have always thought that the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

It's just how it is. It reminds me of the idea that no matter how cool you think you are or hip, you always think the youngest generation has it all wrong and yours has it right.

I think it's a natural right of passage when it comes to aging, to believe that the world is ending.

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
I have none.

People have always been worried about the future.

People have always believed that civilization was on the brink of collapse.

People have always thought that the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

It's just how it is. It reminds me of the idea that no matter how cool you think you are or hip, you always think the youngest generation has it all wrong and yours has it right.

I think it's a natural right of passage when it comes to aging, to believe that the world is ending.

I appreciate your response, @LemonMoonLex. But it's not old people thing. In fact, Gen Z/millennials in general are even MORE worried than their older counterparts.

Every year since 1947 the world's leading scientists have come to a consensus on how close we are to "doomsday". The clock was last set in January, 2022, before the Ukraine War, to 100 seconds before midnight. It will be interesting to see where it is set come January, 2023. The tables/charts speak for themselves.

Screen Shot 2022-10-25 at 12.41.43 PM.png
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Jul 17, 2008
I can’t really worry about tomorrow, I just hope when the bad really comes I don’t survive, it.


Feb 2, 2016
It’s rather difficult to feel optimistic in these times but whatever is going to happen certainly won’t be made better or different by worrying about it. I try really hard to practice what I preach because I tell the kids the same thing. The older one asked me the other day how far the effects of a nuclear bomb would reach and wanted assurance that it isn’t something we have to worry about.

Never did I think that would be a question I would have to answer!


Jun 8, 2008
It's just how it is. It reminds me of the idea that no matter how cool you think you are or hip, you always think the youngest generation has it all wrong and yours has it right.

Haha I agree with much of what you write but for this part. I do not think our generation got it right (Gen X). In fact I think were are all just muddling along the best we can, doing the best we can, and hoping we all don't crash and burn. My motto: One day at a time and when that is overwhelming, one hour at a time.
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