
Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European Cut

Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

I'm not an expert when it comes to old stones...But that thing is BEAUTIFUL!!!! :love:
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

I'm not either but think the same about it- lookit the colors it reflects :love: the cut is so charming :) in modern RBs I prefer a white ideal cut but a little wonkiness and color just look so at home in an old stone :)
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

I hear you! Have you checked out the Timeless Classics threads? Lots of beautiful older cut stones there! I just saw your other thread on AVC's too. They are one of my fav's too! How do you think you will set it if you go that route?
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

lizzyann01|1293154717|2805123 said:
I hear you! Have you checked out the Timeless Classics threads? Lots of beautiful older cut stones there! I just saw your other thread on AVC's too. They are one of my fav's too! How do you think you will set it if you go that route?
I'll check it out :)

If I got an AVC I'd probably set it in a Harry Winston style halo but with some twists :) Or maybe one of these 2 settings by Erica Courtney :love: :love: :love: If I went with a HW custom setting, I'd add my & DH's initials somehow :)



Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

(bump) :)

Any other thoughts on this stone?
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

It's lovely! I have an 2ct european cut that's been called everything from L-R color and agree that the warm glow makes the stone. It's like sunshine. Mine is in platinum and doesn't look off. Most stones from that era were cape yellows set in platinum.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

kelpie|1293163770|2805223 said:
It's lovely! I have an 2ct european cut that's been called everything from L-R color and agree that the warm glow makes the stone. It's like sunshine. Mine is in platinum and doesn't look off. Most stones from that era were cape yellows set in platinum.
Thanks for replying! :) I don't have much experience in person with antique stones - mostly just from pics, and I know not every old stone is great but this seems to be a charming stone :)
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

one word - and I'll say it thrice


:love: :love: :love:
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

I should warn you that my stone looks amazing 95% of the time, but in certain lighting (like on the bus) it just looks greenish grey, kind like a dead fish.

ETA- Yes it is oozing charm!
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

I love the look of it. Color's right up my personal alley, the patterning is lovely, the depth and table are right at my sweet spot for OECs. The pictures are promising too, no under-table darkness that jumps out at ya (though it's a bit tough to tell with the pics JbEG is using). The price seems a bit high, but it does have a GIA report which is not typical of antique stones- and I think JbEG has an upgrade policy now, which is also nice and maybe worth paying a bit of a premium for, since I don't know of any other antique diamond vendor that has one. I'm thinking it will be one of those stones that is rarely just white looking, instead mostly looking a soft antique white/cream color face up in most lights. I like that look, not everyone does. It does look like it'll be visibly off round- I wouldn't care, but as long as an antique stone has great light return I don't usually nitpick stuff like that. Probably it would look best in a setting that is a bit more ornate to distract from the off-roundness, rather than something super simple... if the off roundness bothers you at all that is.

If you are a fan of old cuts, you could do *way*, way worse, at least from what anyone can tell without handling it. Just check out the light return in person to see if it's to your taste. See if you get any distracting darkening under the table from various angles, make sure you're getting lots of fire flashes from the entire face of the stone, not just the edge or the center. Many OECs will look okay in terms of not having darkness under the table, but will have lazy facets (particularly in the center) that don't flash fire much and just sit there. I'm picky about that, lol- I want the whole stone returning those pretty rainbowy chunky flashes.

Since it sounds like you're considering an AVC also, I'll share this too: I got an AVC and was able to compare it to an OEC I'd always considered well cut with the exact same face up size. I'd always wondered if an AVC would just blow the antique cut out of the water. Guess what? Not even. The OEC held it's own beautifully, and I found that in most lighting conditions both cuts were pretty much equally beautiful and fiery- with the AVC showing a bit more obstruction and thus darkness in some lights, actually. But in terms of fire return, a well cut OEC is definitely not shown up by an AVC. The AVC has more of a variety of virtual facet sizes/patterning- extra extra large where the maltese cross shape under the table is, some medium, and even some small around the edges. An OEC is more evenly just large chunky facets. Both looks are appealing, to my eye.

Oh and BTW, the girdle being thicker, is awesome in an antique cut. So many of them have these super, super incredibly thin fragile girdles that limit the types of settings you can use drastically- both of the two I wear every day are like that, and I could never prong set them or wear them with the girdles exposed at all. This puppy you could safely set any way you like, and that is really nice IMO.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

It's a beautiful, beautiful diamond. If I hadn't already purchased something very similar, I'd definitely be considering this!

I purchased a 4.09ct O/P OMC from JbEG earlier this year and they could not have been more wonderful to deal with. I never felt under pressure to complete the transaction quickly, and Erica had the patience of a saint answering all of my questions. I haven't got my diamond yet (it's still with JbEG), but I don't for a minute regret the purchase. Diamonds like these have such a special quality about them, and I know I will never bump into anyone wearing anything like it here in Australia.

I also seriously considered the 4.20ct N AVC that I saw you were interested in. At the end of the day, it was pretty easy for me to choose the OMC. Although the AVCs are gorgeous, I find them a little more 'clinical' than true antique cuts, and I wanted to have the history associated with the cutting of an older stone. But, I would still love to have the AVC - don't get me wrong! Neither diamond would be a bad choice, and by all accounts GOG are equally wonderful to deal with.

If you do purchase this diamond from JbEG though, I know you won't regret it. Good luck!
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

It is beautiful!

Zahra your diamond is one of the prettiest I think I have ever seen, I remember it on the site, I can't wait to see what you do with it :))
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

What is a European cut?
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

LALove|1293152225|2805092 said:
I know - well think at least - I am in the minority with my preference for lower color actual antique stones :D For those of you who feel the same, can you give me your opinions on this stone? Pretty please :)

I know it's a bit wonky but that kinda adds to its charm IMHO. :)

I don't think you are in the minority at all. I love, love, LOVE the OEC you posted. Very pretty--I love the lower colors in antique cuts. Love the mounting with the monogram too. :love: There's a store near me that sells a ton of vintage jewelry and a lady who works there has a lower color diamond---it is beauuuuutiful. It's not yellow, more like a lower color, but in a champaigne/ beige-y kind of way, if that makes sense. Twice, I've tried to "brave up the nerve" to ask her what is the exact color of that diamond...not brave enough yet, maybe next time. :wink2: I did see an "N" color diamond once that had that same maybe it an N? Or O or P? I need to ask for sure!

Did I imagine this???? Did someone say they thought the diamond was pricey for what it was? I thought I read that in this thread some where but now I don't see it, so maybe I imagined it. Heck, maybe it was another post where I read it. :? Anyway, I looked at one similar to this yesterday and it was 11K...let me think here. It was 2.8-ish, Si1 (seriously though, I think it probably was more like a VS2, but got a Si1 because the girdle had a bit of a mark on it--what do they call that...abraided, braiding, bruded, bruding???? Something like that. Plus you could polish it. Color was O-P. I know next to nothing about pricing, though...I mean I know the ball park figure, but really knowing pricing is beyond me. Anyway, I passed on it because I really want over 3 carats--maybe 4.

I think we should hire LGK to come took at diamonds with us! I love your knowledge of the antique cuts, I wish I knew as much as you did because it sure would make purchasing a diamond a lot easier for me. Hmmm...darkness under the that common in OEC's...I need to make a note to look for this.

Hey, there a photo of your diamond here. I know I must have come across it when looking at all of the photos.

ZahraLeyla, are there any videos of your diamond? I saw it on the JBERG solds, but I would love to see it in a video. Are you keeping the setting it was in or are you changing it? I've got my eye on a 3.0-4.0-ish carat...I'd love to see what a 4 carat O-P looks like in real life.

Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

LALove, what is your current feeling on this stone?! It is gorgeous! Which way are you leaning? AVC or OEC? I can't wait to see what you decide!

LGK, you are so darn knowledgeable on old stones! I posted a thread in timeless classics looking for more info on shopping for an oec. When you have time, I'd love for you to stop by and give me some words of wisdom!
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

no expert, but love it!!!
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

ChunkyCushionLover|1293205012|2805403 said:
What is a European cut?

Awww, c'mon CCL - I thought you were up to speed on all the different cuts! :naughty:

Just joking - it was a typo on our photo hosting site description, though it's correct on our website. I've fixed it - obviously should read "Old European Cut" - duh.

Sorry for the ommission - we've been SO crazy busy that we didn't catch the mistake and appreciate you pointing it out. :D

One thing I'd like to mention, which I've said before and feel is so important, is that when comparing antique diamonds make sure you're looking at apples to apples. GIA to GIA, or if comping to EGL or uncerted stones, adjust for that too. For example, a GIA O/P might grade as M from another lab. So you'd need to comp pricing against EGL M stones for the closest match. We've used both GIA and EGL and find that EGL is typically off by 2 color grades from GIA, with GIA being the stricter lab. We initially used EGL in order to be in line with what most antique dealers use, but we've now switched over to GIA because our clients prefer it. But this makes comping our certed stones to other dealers' stones a bit less straightforward.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

Wait, I know that's not one but there are European cuts that followed the OECs, right? I thought I had one, smaller culet, better symmetry, and rounder shape than OEC. Right? Or am I crazy?
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

Driving (well DH is driving) to MILs for Xmas eve so will reply individually in a little bit. But I just noticed that stone is on hold and not by me :nono: ;( Lesson learned.. Next time I'm interested in a stone I'll put it on hold before I call attn to it in an online forum.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

LALove|1293214534|2805508 said:
Driving (well DH is driving) to MILs for Xmas eve so will reply individually in a little bit. But I just noticed that stone is on hold and not by me :nono: ;( Lesson learned.. Next time I'm interested in a stone I'll put it on hold before I call attn to it in an online forum.

Oh, wow, that's too bad. :eek:

When I saw it was on hold I assumed it was you, and I was looking forward to reading some more discussion on it. I've started seriously thinking about buying an OEC, and was looking to add to my currently very minimal knowledge base since that was a stone I had admired, but had no idea if it was a good buy or not.

Just as a general rule, putting a stone on hold (or in some cases, buying it) before you discuss it is a good idea. I've watched this same thing happen numerous times on the CS forum, and it's made me very, very cautious.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

LGK-- thank you so much for taking the time to post!!!! :bigsmile: -- it was so helpful! I'm going to keep it to refer to when considering older cuts.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

Thank you to everyone for giving me your thoughts on this stone. :)

Zahra- I can't wait to see more pics of that stone- great find!!! I love that antique cuts aren't seen around everywhere, it's kind of neat to have something unique. :)

My diamond sparkles- maybe not in the minority on ps but certainly in my circle which is fine by me. :praise: I read too that someone thought it was a bit pricey but even if it is a bit more than somewhere else I can't imagine by much at all. It's hard to get comps for these old cuts. I agree with hiring LGK!! :appl: :appl:

Lizzy- IF the stone isn't sold, I'm not positive yet but it's a contender. The price is great and I do think it's lovely but I'm kind of stuck on that 4c N AVC.. if I had the 28k I'd get that today over any other 28K stone.. I'm not going to rush into anything this time especially with a genuine antique. So now I'm kind of debating between spending the extra $ - would I love the 4c AVC $16k worth more than this OEC? I don't know.... ::)

Aoife- that's why I posted it- I had no idea if it was a good stone, price etc. I'll definitely do that next time I post a stone I may be interested in purchasing. If this sells, no biggie as I'm not decided between this or any OEC and an AVC.. and I'm sure more charming OECs will pop up :)
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

LALove|1293214534|2805508 said:
Driving (well DH is driving) to MILs for Xmas eve so will reply individually in a little bit. But I just noticed that stone is on hold and not by me :nono: ;( Lesson learned.. Next time I'm interested in a stone I'll put it on hold before I call attn to it in an online forum.

Well drats! I was out shopping for some last minute Christmas stuff so it wasn't me! :wink2: I definitely recommend not posting acutions or links to stuff you are considering. It seems like I've seen this happen before. :sick:

Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

Lol, I'm always happy to help enable other old cut lovers :bigsmile: :Up_to_something: I've been spoiled since I get to look at so many at work and spend quality time playing with them if I want to.

Dang lurkers...! Well, hopefully that means The Perfect One is out there waiting still.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

I loved the stone and would have it in a heartbeat. Lucky girl whoever snatched that up.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

Darn, LA, sorry.

I, too, have learned the hard way not to post a stone till you put it on hold.

FYI, the honey in my avitar was appraised as a "P". Lower colored stones are lots more fun than the higher ones. Mine can do, depending on the conditions, white, ivory, buttery yellow. Fun.

Another one will come along. Promise.
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

Well it's ok with me if it's sold and I'm happy for whoever gets it. :) there will always be more OECs - JBEG does a good job finding them and if I go with a GOG AVC, and the one(s) I have my eye on sell before I'm ready to commit, they'll get more of those too :)
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

sonomacounty|1293311470|2805969 said:
Darn, LA, sorry.

I, too, have learned the hard way not to post a stone till you put it on hold.

FYI, the honey in my avitar was appraised as a "P". Lower colored stones are lots more fun than the higher ones. Mine can do, depending on the conditions, white, ivory, buttery yellow. Fun.

Another one will come along. Promise.
Thanks sonomacountry! :D I think we were posting at the same time. I agree that there are or will be more beauties out there.

Your stone is GORGEOUS! I LOVE it!!! :) :)
Re: Antique stone lovers- thoughts on this O/P VS2 European

Thanks LA. I also have a GOG AVC. I tell you, there is nothing, nothing, nothing like it. Real vintage is nice and romantic but the performance on the GOG AVC is out-of-this-world.

If the AVCs existed when I bought my antique, I would not have bought my antique. The AVC blows it away (and my antique is a good performer, too.)

Go low color, you can get a lot bigger stone and the different shades of white / yellow they can do is much more fun.