
Another neighbor''s barking dog issue....what would you do?

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Dec 4, 2007
We moved into our house 2 1/2 years ago. We have very friendly neighbors and have gotten along very well.....until today! About a year ago, they got a dog who is an incessant barker. When my neighbor's are gone, ANY kind of noise will set this dog off. Then she'll bark for like an hour at a time. It's most annoying at night when my 2 yr old daughter is trying to sleep or when we're trying to go to bed.

My husband mentioned it to them about 3 months ago. She gave us a small bag of cheerios and said to tell the dog, "no bark" and then give her one to make her stop barking. We tried this ONCE last week but it only made her bark more intensly. My husband told them the next day that we tried the Cheerios and they did not work. My husband is overly friendly and accomodating to people so I KNOW that he did nothing to instigate any kind of argument.

Well, today we were playing with our daughter in our backyard when our neighbor popped her head over the fence and said, "My dog trainer said for you to not use the Cheerios any more because it's actually rewarding her for barking." I told her that we only used them ONE time. We asked her if there was anything else to try.

She got very short with us and said firmly, "Well, I'm NOT going to use a shock collar and I'm NOT going to lock her up inside the house." I said, "Well the only time it's really an issue is on Saturday night when you're gone late. Is there anything we can do for that one night when you're out late? The dog barks pretty much non-stop until you get home." (That's probably until about 11:30 or so.)

She said, "she's a dog, all the dogs in the neighborhood bark and I'm not going to lock her up. We were here first!" Her voice started to quiver like she was going to cry! Then she started to walk away and told her dogs, "Come on, we have to go inside."

We were left with our mouths dropped to the floor! Seriously, she said "We were here first!" What the heck!!!!

What would you do?
To me, it sounds like she''s really embarrassed about the problem and can''t figure out what to do about it, so she''s getting defensive.

I really don''t see why she can''t keep the dog inside while she''s gone ... I only know one dog who stays outside when the owners aren''t home. Everyone else I know keeps their dogs inside. But if she''s totally against that idea, there''s nothing you can do.

As far as things you can do to make the dog stop, I can''t think of anything to help you. I grew up with some barky dogs and I never did figure out how to shut them up
As far as why she won't put the dog inside, she said that "it would be so mean to lock her up like that." I guess they have to put the dog in a crate while it's inside and she thinks that's just really cruel.

I don't think there's anything we can do but just live with it. My husband is the peacemaker and he wants to go over there and talk to her. I keep telling him that if that's what she's decided then there's nothing more to discuss.
There''s really not much you can do but report it to the police. They will ticket the owners. This might cause some friction between you and your neighbors, so you might be stuck.

You could try some kind of background noise like a fan or a humidifier to drown out the barking noise when you are trying to sleep.
A fan is a good idea Tuckins! I wish I had the guts to call the police, but that would start an all out war! I guess I''ll be a good girl and will just put up with it.
Wow, rewarding a a dog with cherrios when they stop barking? So Everytime a dog barks it learns that you or someone else will show up with cherrios... The dog is being rewarded more for barking.... I strongly suggest you all stop doing that for starters.
The dog sounds like it has seperation anxiety and things like the owner scent would be nice for the dog to have while they are gone (shirt, pillowcase etc..) Also if noise is a trigger/antecedent then they should leave music on or a tv to make outside noise go away. That dog should also be walked more since it has alot of energy to help it sleep while they are gone.
Also excessive dog barking is a public nuisance and can be reported to the police. I have called on a house 2 doors down from me and the problem stopped after a couple visits from the police. They left the dog out all day in the heat and it would bark and bark. For me I could care less about the neighbors and what they think about what I did. For one, it was anoymous so they had no clue who called. I worry more about the animal that can't speak for itself. I doubt your neighbors dog likes barking all day.... i am guessing your neighbor thinks it mean to put it inside becasue it will ruin her furniture. IMO the right thing is to worry about the dog and not your neighbor... Dogs don't bark for fun all day.
Date: 3/1/2009 6:02:41 PM
Author: beach
Wow, rewarding a a dog with cherrios when they stop barking? So Everytime a dog barks it learns that you or someone else will show up with cherrios... The dog is being rewarded more for barking.... I strongly suggest you all stop doing that for starters.
The dog sounds like it has seperation anxiety and things like the owner scent would be nice for the dog to have while they are gone (shirt, pillowcase etc..) Also if noise is a trigger/antecedent then they should leave music on or a tv to make outside noise go away. That dog should also be walked more since it has alot of energy to help it sleep while they are gone.
Also excessive dog barking is a public nuisance and can be reported to the police.

This has been going on for a year. In that time, per the owner's request, we tried her Cheerio thing ONE time and it didn't work. So, that isn't a factor in the barking.

They leave their dog outside so I don't think music or a TV would help in this situation either.

That's a good suggestion about walking the dog more to tire her butt out!

I think I'll let our neighbor cool off for a while. She's obviously verrrry sensitive about her dogs and if I make any other suggestions right now, it would just make her mad. Right now, she's basically said, "tough! Just deal with it!"
I am sorry this is not a helpful thing to say but...

I HATE neighbours.

OMG Steel, that made me LOL! Thank you for helping me see the humor in this!!!
I wish you the best of luck. Just be honest and offer suggestions. Talk about your issues with the barking and how it cannot continue because of.... the dog is not happy being outside at all. I think the owner is being very selfish and more worried about her furniture and her dog urinating or deficating on the floor etc... No reason why you should deal with her issues though.
Cross your finger that your neighbor''s dog is an old dog. If she''s unable to stop the barking and you don''t want to complain it to the police, your last resort would be for the dog to die of old age (pretty soon).
Tee hee!! That''s funny LoveGem! Their precious doggie is only about 2 years old.
Call the police, they will tell them to shut the dog up.
You really need to report it to the police the next time it happens. It''s actually very cruel to the dog because he is obviously upset and very agitated. Chances are the dog is poorly trained and can''t be indoors because he''s destructive. They obviously have a problem dog and aren''t getting it trained. But your friendly request hasn''t done the trick. They need to be ticketed before things improve.

I am sorry you have to deal with this. We''ve had barking dogs in our neighborhood too and I can''t figure out how people think it''s okay to let their dog disturb everyone around.
Date: 3/1/2009 6:44:13 PM
Author: swingirl
You really need to report it to the police the next time it happens. It''s actually very cruel to the dog because he is obviously upset and very agitated. Chances are the dog is poorly trained and can''t be indoors because he''s destructive. They obviously have a problem dog and aren''t getting it trained. But your friendly request hasn''t done the trick. They need to be ticketed before things improve.

I am sorry you have to deal with this. We''ve had barking dogs in our neighborhood too and I can''t figure out how people think it''s okay to let their dog disturb everyone around.

Worry about the dogs health rather than the neighbors feelings...
That''s a really good point! The dog must have some serious anxiety issues about being left home alone.
I have no idea if this actually works or not, but someone sent me the link a few days ago.

Dog Silencer
Well, I''m sitting here listening to the neighbors'' dogs barking right now. Seems like everyone has multiple dogs except us, and when one starts barking, the others answer. Geesh...

Anyhow, if the dog is barking constantly late at night and keeping the baby awake, I would for sure call the police. There is no reason you have to tell her that you did it, and I wouldn''t. Any of her neighbors could call and she won''t know who it was.

There is no reason for her to think that using a kennel is mean. It isn''t, as long as she gets home soon enough to toilet the dog (like no longer than 8 hours). Sounds like this woman has a lot to learn about dogs and neighbors!
Date: 3/1/2009 7:05:46 PM
Author: OUpeargirl
I have no idea if this actually works or not, but someone sent me the link a few days ago.

Dog Silencer
WOW! That looks really cool!!! We might have to get one if she''s not willing to make some sort of compromise.
Ditto that WOW!!! I might have to get one of those, too!! We had a similar situation, but *luckily* our neighbor cooperated and no longer leaves the dog out. But, I swear, if they didn''t cooperate, I would NOT hesitate to get one of these. It is a small price to pay for sanity...and a good nights sleep. I really feel for you!

Get one...and tell us all if it works! They have a 30 day money back guarantee!!

Another idea...write to the "Dog Whisperer"...maybe you guys could get on his show! He could call it "Keeping the Peace in the Neighborhood."
She needs to stop spending the money on her dog trainer and spend it on a dog walker. If the dog is not getting walked or not getting enough exercise then the dog is bored. A lot of people just leave their dogs in the back yard thinking this is all the stimulation and excercise they need but that is wrong....dogs are easily bored and they need to get out and explore, use their minds a bit. Good Luck!
Your neighbor has no idea how to teach her dog not to bark.The fact that she spoke to the trainer is a good , she may get help.The dog is still young so if she gets the right help and changes her attitude maybe the dog will improve.
Would it be possible for you to approach the dog trainer when the owners are not there?
You may want to look into your city bylaws to see what to do about it.
I think your neighbor does not know how to handle it at this point.So I would make sure she knows you don''t approve of it ( leave her notes with time of barking have it all documented.) Give her a little time she may get proper help.
I would not even talk to her ( she sounds unstable now) So writing notes each time it occurs will keep her aware that you are not accepting the barking dog.I sympathize with you.
I used to think that leaving my dog is her crate was cruel (even though it is huge and she can spread all the way out in it without touching the sides or her water bowl). I would try to leave her in the house, but she would destroy things. I tried leaving her on the deck, and she would defecate because of separation anxiety. She is HAPPIER in her crate. She loves it. Runs in there, and sees it as her private space. Maybe your neighbor needs a book on dog psychology. Or if the dog ''likes'' her crate, maybe a pet igloo outside would make her more comfortable? I also second the dog walker. My dog would hate to be outside alone all day...
Counties have ordinances regarding such things and if the owners disregard these they can be fined. You just have to file complaints (call the police each time the dogs bark before and after the times listed in the ordinances), but then you will be at odd with your neighbors. If your neighbor doesn't want to use a "shock collar" you can suggest a " citronella collar" which just sprays a little citronella in the dogs face everytime it barks. It stops them from incessant barking very quickly.But who knows if they will spend the money to buy one or use it, but it doesn't harm the dog in anyway.

Now if your neighbor is no longer talking to you or wants to listen to you, this is what I bought when I encountered a similar situation:
it is called the Pet Agree Training Device (Petsmart carries it.) about $25.00

It is very safe to use. I used it on my own dog when he would bark non stop, but I primarily use it when my neighbors's dogs don't shut up. It emits an ultrasonic sound that only dogs can hear. As soon as I point it in the direction of the barking and press the button, the dogs stop and even move away from the fence. It took about a week and they no longer even go near our property and stop barking when they see us. You don't have to be close up to the animal. You can open the door or window and point it in their direction and press the button (we are at least 20 yds away from the fence). You will see them stop barking immediately. Again this doesn't harm the dog in anyway, but the disclaimer is that sometimes it doesn't work on all dogs. For me, it has worked on every dog I encountered as I am a runner and have dogs also come after me. It works better than pepper spray!
If you were to have really loud parties through the night would they be upset? most likely, the dog barking is a NOISE VIOLATION. I would call the cops until THEY find a solition. I know this sounds mean and passive aggressive, but you have already tried accomodating them... but they aren''t bothered by it, because your neighbors AREN''T there.

Trouble is... it doesn''t matter who was there first. IT IS THEIR DOG that is the problem, and they will need to find a solution. I think the fact that your TWO YEAR OLD is being unable to sleep because of the dog, is RIDICULOUS.

Cheerios dont work... peanut butter does... the dog is soo busy licking that they dont bark... ahaha!!
Hope this works out!
Date: 3/1/2009 11:37:21 PM
Author: ilovedogs
She needs to stop spending the money on her dog trainer and spend it on a dog walker. If the dog is not getting walked or not getting enough exercise then the dog is bored. A lot of people just leave their dogs in the back yard thinking this is all the stimulation and excercise they need but that is wrong....dogs are easily bored and they need to get out and explore, use their minds a bit. Good Luck!

I have no good advice, luvmyhalo, only sympathy. The sound of a barking dog just grates on the nerves--it's too bad the neighbor is so defensive. I have a couple of friends who have vocal dogs and use a squirt bottle with lemon juice. When the dog barks, they give the "quiet" command and if the dog still barks, the owner squirts a little lemon juice in the dog's mouth. I would personally worry about accidentally spraying the dog in the eyes (I have bad aim and that sounds painful), but I've heard from several people that it's a very effective training technique. I think it would be hard for you to employ this technique, but it would be nice if she tried some sort of taste deterrent (like bitter apple?) when the dog did not respond to "quiet".
Thanks so much for the advice everyone. PS is so theraputic!!! I think I''m going to buy one of those Ultrasonic Bark Control units that OUpeargirl and soocool posted. I hate confrontation so this seems like the best solution to shut the dog up and avoid any more arguments from the neighbor. Watch! The dog will be immune to the thing and will just bark more!!!! Then, it''s a jar of some thick ooey gooey peanut butter! LOVE that suggestion tlh!
Date: 3/2/2009 5:42:26 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
I know that the police here in SD will not go out to barking dog complaints. Those are referred to Animal Control & Noise Abatement in our city.

Its a hard thing to deal with, I know.. believe me I know. I''m sorry snd I wish I had another suggestion.. your neighbor''s dog seems to want attention and some training.. his owner should provide it!
Thanks SDL! I think it''s the same here too. Animal control handles them.

BTW, we were in Del Mar this weekend. I loooove the beach there. Hubby surfed, DD and I played in the sand. Aaaaahh, soooo fun!
Will you let us know if the ultrasonic thing works? I have been THIS CLOSE to buying one to deal with my neighbor's dog for a while now. If it works for you, I'm buying one for sure!

And you have my sympathy - we have been dealing with the same thing on and off for about 2 years now, and it's very irritating!

Also, I agree that it sounds like the dog is very unhappy in the yard. He or she would be much happier with exercise and time spend with the family in the house! One of my dogs needs to be crated to help her with her separation anxiety, and she never minds going into her crate. She has plenty of room, toys, and fresh water at all times. We're all more relaxed knowing that she is safe and our house is too. As long as the dog is not left for hours on end, I think a crate is kind, not cruel.
i wish i could call the cops on my neighbors loud anoying kids. they just stand there and yell at the top of their lungs. so anoying!!
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