
Another introduction - and advice needed!

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Mar 11, 2009
Hi Ladies,

I''ve been lurking for a while, but decided to finally come out of the woodwork. I''m 27, and I met my boyfriend in law school. This summer will be our two-year anniversary, which sounds sort of short to me, but we got very serious very fast. We talk frequently and in great depth about getting married and our future together - he''s said he is going to propose by the end of the year (but refuses to give me any more details) and we have our first date to go ring shopping next weekend! I''m super excited - I''m totally crazy about him, and he''s really just the best guy ever. And I''m afraid I''m already getting a bad case of LIW-itis - I think about getting married ALL the time.

But I''m totally stumped about what kind of ring I want! I have giant fingers - like, size 9. I make jokes about my man hands all the time, but honestly I really hate them and I''m nervous about how any ring will look on them.

So, I was curious if you have any advice for styles that are more flattering on larger fingers. Here is what I know I like and don''t like: My style is generally classic - I am drawn to solitaires, or three-stone rings, possibly with sapphires as side stones. I''m inclined towards a basic round-brilliant or a princess cut, though I''d be open to other things. I don''t particularly like fancy shapes (pear, marquise) or halo settings (though I know they are very popular around here, and I''ve actually seen some on here that I like much more than I would have expected).

I think he''s willing to spend what sounds to me like a lot of money - around $25K, maybe? So I think that gives us a little flexibility to work with.

Anyway, I''d love to hear your suggestions! Or even see pictures of other big-hands-rings. Thanks for all the great advice!

Hi, Hazel!

Welcome to PS!

That''s awesome that you guys are getting ready to look at rings! It''s so much fun!!

I don''t have much advice about the rings situation, there are many more on PS that could probably be of more help. Just wanted to stop by and say hi and welcome you to the board!
Hi Hazel29

I actually met my BF in law school as well! Going through that torture together can be such a bonding experience...

I also have larger fingers. A lot of people will tell you to pick a more substantial setting so it doesn''t get lost on your finger or make it look chubby. My problem with that is thicker settings make my fingers swell even larger
So I''ve been looking at medium 2.5-3 mm thick settings.

There are a few threads with handshots of girls with larger finger sizes. I''ll see if I can dig them up for you.

Wecome Hazel. And congrats on the up and coming shopping trip! WOO HOO!!

I wanted to post because I have pretty big fingers too - 7.5 ish. The good news is you have a big budget and I really think that the bigger the rock, the more flattering it is on larger fingers. I love classic and round too.

With a $25K budget you will totally be able to get a beautiful 2ct stone, no problem. Don''t worry about it - take a look, try some settings on - it will look gorgous on you, I promise! Keep your mind open and I bet it will just "come" to you..... and you will KNOW it when you see it!

Keep us in the loop! We want an update on Monday!
Thanks Elle! I appreciate it, and I am really really excited. It''s all I can do not to spend all day browsing ring sights looking for inspiration, and only slightly frustrating to know it may be a nine month wait anyway...

Anyway, I look forward to chatting more!
Welcome hazel! I''m 27 as well
Sounds like you and your guy are heading in the right direction! How exciting!!! My only suggestion for the ring situation is maybe searching in the search box for size 9 rings. Or possibly starting a thread in Show Me the Ring section and ask if anyone has size 9 rings...
I don''t have any advice, but we''re all here for you during your most severe bouts of LIW-itis (well, all bouts, really!)!
Welcome, Hazel!
With a budget like that, you shouldn''t have any trouble obtaining adequate finger coverage. It sounds like you''ll end up with a stunner!
You guys are the sweetest! Thanks so much for the advice, and the links! I will definitely keep you all posted (though shopping isn''t until the weekend after this coming one - hard to wait!) We are visiting his parents that weekend, and they ask CONSTANTLY about when we are getting engaged, so they will be thrilled.

So far he only wants to look at Tiffany''s (which I love, but don''t feel limited to - he''s a little brand-focused I think). But I hope we''ll find some other jewelry stores to browse in.

Anyway, thanks again!
Welcome hazel!

I agree with the other ladies that $25k should provide adequate finger coverage, but I think a 3 stone ring with yummy pears like bebe''s ring
...only smaller.
I agree with the ladies and Sammyj''s suggestions are great. I think you should show SO that although Tiffanys offers a great brand name you can get a better quality and cut for your money if you shop around, especially through the pricescope dealers. It all depends on your preference as a couple - you dont seem as set on Tiffs as your SO does. Maybe your Ering doesnt come in a little blue box but he can shower with you Tiffanys for holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays for the rest of your life
Thanks Sailorsweet - I agree! I am just going to ease him into it slowly... but he''s an exceptionally good researcher, and he loves projects, so I think he''ll get into it :)
I think a thinner band (3mm max) with a big ol' rock would look awesome on your hand. In fact, I don't think anyone can go wrong with a simple solitaire. And with around $25k, you can certainly get a gorgeous sizable stone!!!

ETA: Completely ditto SailorsSweet<3. Tiff is great if you have to have the band, but you can definitely get more bang for your buck elsewhere.
Welcome to the board!!! Let us know what you find on your first trip ring shopping! It''s a lot of fun, and your budget will get you an amazing ring!
Date: 3/11/2009 12:15:38 PM
Author: ladypirate
Welcome, Hazel!
With a budget like that, you shouldn''t have any trouble obtaining adequate finger coverage. It sounds like you''ll end up with a stunner!
Ditto! I also have size 9 fingers (and hate them) and wish to high heaven we had a budget even half as large as your to get the kind of finger coverage I would like!! Your ring will look gorgeous! What styles do you like?
Thanks ladies! I actually think it''s sort of ridiculous to spend this much on a ring (particularly because I still have student loans) but he feels pretty strongly about it so who am I to stop him?
Actually, he comes from a southern family that feels strongly that these are the kinds of things you shouldn''t skimp on - it''s like a point of pride for him or something.

I like a combination of things - I really like the x-prongs in Vatche rings, but I also like sapphire side stones...and I''m willing to be happily surprised by discovering that I like something totally unexpected!

I also haven''t really seen x-prong settings in any rings other than the Vatche ones - are any of you familiar with other designers who do that?
Hi and welcome, Hazel!! Our stories sound pretty similar- I''m 27 too and bf says he''s planning on proposing before our 2.5 year anniversary, which is this summer!! We got really serious, really quickly, too- but I think that''s generally a good thing.

I also have hands on the larger size (7-7.5) and can alarmingly palm a men''s basketball- no good! And not to be a debbie downer or anything, but most stores won''t have much for you to try on.. or rather, they will, but the rings might not make it much past the first knuckle or so. Hahah, at least that''s what happened to me! Not quite the same when you have to squint at the top of your finger and picture how the ring would look on the bottom! (In the three times we''ve been shopping, only ONE ring has fit my finger- and I basically stared at it lovingly and refused to take it off the whole time we were in the store!)

That aside though, you will have SO much fun!! Ring shopping is such a blast!! You have a great budget to work with, so whatever you get will probably look just great on your finger. I''d try some three stones (I love the sapphire side stones too!) and really just try on anything you even kind of like to get a feel for what looks good on your hand. Some of the rings I LOVED online didn''t look so hot on me. I''m pretty traditional but thought I really liked halos, until I saw one on my hand- it looked like an ice cube floating in open sea. Maybe if we''d gone up a few carats if would have looked better... Salespeople in stores have told me that a thicker band would help the ring look more substantial (and my hand less so?? ha), but personally, I really preferred the look of a solitaire with a band on the thin side. To me, the ring looked more delicate and my finger looked (to me at least) a lot less huge than usual!

Best of luck to you with ring shopping- you will have such a great time!!! Seriously, keep an open mind and just try on anything and everything that catches your eye... can''t wait to hear all about it!!!
Hi Hazel, welcome
a 2ct solitaire will look HOT to TROT on a size 9 finger
but im afraid i have to agree with the others on tiffs, because 25k will assuredly get you 2cts or up from a pricescope vendor, at tiffs the same will run you more like 40k....not worth it IMHO... yay for ring shopping though, cant wait to hear all about it
and make sure you try on some big beauties at tiffanys
Thanks ladies - I really appreciate the advice!
hazel WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!
I would look at a design that takes up some good spread.... like an oval... even a pear can be quite slimming. Also my MIL has a marquis, it is only 3cts, but looks like 5. That has some serious finger coverage. I''d take a look at the eye candy folder, and just see what speaks to you. My boss has a 3ct oval, and it looks like a 5ct cushion. It is an AB FAB CUT, and wow does that have some serious visual power...

Other cuts are known for not taking up as much space on the finger. The elongated looks of the pear, marquis, and oval will give you some more spread... so I know you don''t like them... but have you seen them in person? Often times your opinion may change after you''ve checked them out. I wish I saw pears before -- because I am sooo crushing on them right now!!! (So you''re idea may chnage a bit.)

But with $25k, and the AWESOME PS vendors, you''ll have plenty of options!!! best wishes!
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