Do you have to get an appraisal in order to insure it? Can''t you just use the certificate and the receipt of what you paid for it?
I know I can trust who I''m gonna buy it from.
Last time I had a diamond appraised, I had to sit there and take the abuse from the appraiser who was a cut freak perfectionist. "Its not an E its an F, its not an SI1 its an SI2. This diamond is nowhere near ideal. Look I can see an inclusion. You should return it for something smaller but better cut."
After all of this I still thought the stone was nice. Never mind that I got it for a great deal and he even admitted that it was worth more than double what I paid for it. I don''t think I want to go through that experience again when I know I''m going to keep this one no matter what. Last thing I need is a diamond expert making me feel insecure about my purchase and a like cheapo.
So do I really have to get it appraised before I can insure it?
I know I can trust who I''m gonna buy it from.
Last time I had a diamond appraised, I had to sit there and take the abuse from the appraiser who was a cut freak perfectionist. "Its not an E its an F, its not an SI1 its an SI2. This diamond is nowhere near ideal. Look I can see an inclusion. You should return it for something smaller but better cut."
After all of this I still thought the stone was nice. Never mind that I got it for a great deal and he even admitted that it was worth more than double what I paid for it. I don''t think I want to go through that experience again when I know I''m going to keep this one no matter what. Last thing I need is a diamond expert making me feel insecure about my purchase and a like cheapo.
So do I really have to get it appraised before I can insure it?