
An Introduction -- LIW #102

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Feb 6, 2010
Hi Everyone!

I gave a hello on the LIW list page, but I thought I should add something here as well. I feel I need to make up for all my vicarious viewing and lurking by actually posting something!

My name is Nikki, I''m 26 from PA. My boyfriend (32) and I have been together for a little over two years and have lived together for one year. He is the most wonderful person I have ever met and I am so lucky to have him in my life. Even better, he feels the same way about me. I couldn''t ask for more!

Except to marry him!!!!!! We''ve talked about marriage and we both know without any doubt that we want to get married. Unfortunately, because of finances, I have no idea when an engagement could happen. I''m a medical student with full loans and he owns his own business in real estate and will be going back to school next year (let''s just say this economy has been cruel for real estate, poor thing, he works so hard too).

We have talked about rings, looked at some in stores, and scoped this website together. He''s actually quite enthusiastic about jewelry and is interested in what I like/don''t like in rings.

So, I''m lucky in that our relationship is rock solid and consider our relationship to be very significant (he put down "fiance" for marital status on an application for school). I just can''t wait until the day I can actually call him my fiance, wear a beautiful ring, and have our relationship taken seriously by others (when you work with people who are mostly married, and you mention your "boyfiend", I feel like people just don''t realize that he is just as important to me as if he were my husband or fiance).

I get so excited when I look at rings, or jewelry of any kind for that matter. I think my true calling was to open a jewelry store and design jewelry (I even had a massive rock collection as a kid). Then again, I know that is WAY more difficult than it sounds - it''s a touch industry and I respect those who can do it well.

My love for engagement rings started the first time I tried on a Tacori 2620 with a 1.5ct center (my heart raced!). Since discovering Leon Mege, I am IN LOVE with his designs! They are intricate yet so clean! I also love a simple eternity style band engagement ring like that of Memoire. Choices, choices, choices!

I thouht about going for a simple, less expensive ring because of the financial situation and upgrading later. I wish I was on board with that idea, but I don''t want to ever upgrade my e-ring -- I want to keep my first one forever as it has a certain senimental value that I think would feel different the second time around.

What type of ring is everyone hoping for? Anyone have any creative ideas on how to get around the finances option?

Hope all is well with everyone! Dust all around!

So Excited

Dec 11, 2009
Hello Nikki,
Welcome to the LIW list! Hope that you stay is short, but it sounds like you may need to wait for a few things in life to be lifted from the plate first. As for your request for what kind of rings we all on the LIW list are waiting/wish for, mine is on my avatar... It is actually sitting in its box in our safe waiting for my BF of 4 yrs to propose...
Unfortunately, I don''t think that there is any "creative" way to get around the finance issue or we all would have many many diamonds and jewels without thinking twice


Feb 6, 2010
I don''t have any super creative ideas... but I do know I''m hoping for a round brilliant, solitare, with a super skinny band with pave stones. I loooove thin bands.

I hear you on the finances though. I just finished my Master''s degree and will quite possibly be paying loans until the end of time...


Jun 8, 2009
Welcome to the group!! I hope your stay is short and sweet!!

As for your question, to get around the finance issue, have you ever thought about having a gem stone e-ring? There have been absolutely beautiful ones on the board! Then if you still want to get a diamond e-ring, it''d be something you can do down the road when finances are better!


Oct 19, 2009
Hey there! I am also a medical student with tons of loans, and finances are definitely tight with us as well.

One thing we did was look at a pawn shop for some stones. Although we didn''t end up buying there, they had a huge selection of some beautiful diamonds (we live in Chicago so there''s a lot of inventory). In the end, I got a 0.33 ct round solitaire that we purchased on ebay, and will use that stone in the new setting with the hopes of upgrading the center stone in the future. Granted, the center stone we bought has no paperwork so we took a gamble, but we ended up getting very lucky with a beautiful diamond. Also, we bought my setting from a store that was going out of business. It was 80% off the original price because of the liquidation ($2000 platinum setting with 0.3 ct side stones for $380). Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities like that as well.

Good luck and welcome!!!


Feb 6, 2010
Hey Everyone!

Thanks so much for your responses to my post!

SoExcited - that''s awesome that he already has your ring! The anticipation must be killing you. That Verragio setting is gorgeous.

Mmm, looks like I''m not the only one with student loan struggles! The gemstone e-ring and keeping an eye on pawn shops and going out of business sales are both good ideas. Babycrush, I CANNOT BELIEVE the price you got for that platinum setting! Bailey Banks and Biddle recently went out of business and I took a look there, but it seemed that they played the game of marking up the price before the discount.

I will be patient. . . .and until my time comes. . . . .I will keep drooling over everyone else''s blingtastic beauties, hahaha.


Aug 3, 2009
Welcome! Glad you''ve found the board.

I don''t have much advice to offer on the financial front. The only thing I can think of is that you may want to figure out what the two of you can afford now, and then find out what ring you love that will fit your budget. Because there are beautiful rings at all sorts of price points, and the ring will seem a lot more beautiful if it doesn''t take years to save up for (or pay off).


Mar 23, 2009
Hi and welcome! I think if you want a cheaper option for rings, you can look into getting an eternity band and then making that your wedding band when you can afford a solitaire. Then you still have the sentimental value and still get to wear it every day.
I''m a fan of long engagements, and I think it''s better to put off the actual marriage part until you are financially stable.


Feb 6, 2010
Hi Kribbie! Thanks for the suggestion, I think it''s a good one too. If things don''t improve, I might start heading in that direction. I''m also a huge fan of long engagements and financial stability. If it''s not the right time with everything else in your life, marriage/wedding planning could be a stress rather than an enjoyment.


Jun 26, 2008
Welcome Nikki

Alas no ideas from me you im not a fan of the upgrade idea for me i figure best to wait til all the pieces are in place to get the dream ring! and in the meantime i get to be with my dream guy...

ha that might just be one of the lamest things ive ever committed to ''paper''

anyhoo, what Leon Mege styles do you like? Im coveting an EC with tapered baguettes down the track!!


Feb 6, 2010
Hmm, between everyone I''m talked with who is going through a similar financial situation in one form or another, I think we should start a thread about it. Except I''m still new and not quite that brazen yet :-/ Weird, who knew -- out going in real life, not so much online. I''m learning though!

Kribbie - I looked into some eternity bands, 5 and 7 stone rings. Holy cow! I could be on to my next best thing! There are some gorgeous ones out there. I''m particularly partial to the 7 stone rings with the trellis settings. I''ll post a pic. (would have to figure out how to get it custom made -- designer keeps it very expensive). Sasha Primak and make some beautiful ones. I have a jeweler in Philly I love, so at some point, I just may have to bring him these pictures!

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