I don''t think I''m allowed to post what I think of Sandra....the mods might not like it.
I like Fo a lot though. Up in the air on Celia. But really none of the girls strike me like Caridee and Melrose did in the past, or Natasha, or Dani and Joanie.
I think they only allowed Sandra to stay because of her ridiculous attitude and all the nice drama that will make for them on future episodes. Isabella was just too darn sweet to make for good reality TV.
Allison made an impression on me--I think she has a great, unique, model-y look, but she might be too shy to take advantage of it.
Date: 3/5/2009 5:11:47 AM Author: pennquaker09
The weird nose bleed girl . . . Nate was like, ''Rewind that, I want to make sure she said what I think she said.''
I loved it when they were looking through the pics, and Celia, the blond girl''s comes up, and Miss J said, "There''s two cups of crazy in THOSE eyes!"
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