
American Idol, Season 11. Anyone else obsessed???

I've had the flu... I'm so far behind.. but I just saw a spoiler of a picture with the final 13... so disappointed... No Creighton.. I really like him... and I like Reed too... thankfully Phillip Phillips made it... the girls.. still clueless.. I need to watch so I can actually have an opinion... very far behind!
I do not get all the love you are all heaping on waste of precious space far as I'm concerned. It feels to me like he cannot carry a tune in a bucket, and all I can think of with the CONSTANT hair flipping is "milli vanilli." This kid is NO not in the same league.

Phil and Jessica are my favorites by a country mile, with Heejun, Holly Cavanaugh and Skylar following closely behind. While I like the Gentle Giant, I really don't think this is the right vehicle for him.
I was pleased with the results overall last night. a few i'm not that into but hoprfully they'll be weeded out fairly soon or step up their game.

i am worried about the girls doing Whitney though. sound like a train wreck waiting to happen. but guys doing stevie should be good.

oh & can I just say, no more freakin' Adele songs. i counted at least 5 this week. and can we replace randy with jimmy iovine? at least he can give some much needed criticism.
aljdewey|1330720497|3139423 said:
I do not get all the love you are all heaping on waste of precious space far as I'm concerned. It feels to me like he cannot carry a tune in a bucket, and all I can think of with the CONSTANT hair flipping is "milli vanilli." This kid is NO not in the same league.

Totally agree with this. He sounds like he's screeching, not singing, and I just want to take a pair of scissors to that hair so he'll stop flippin' flipping it! LOL

I also don't get Skylar. I thought she sounded awful on Wednesday. True, she had a lot of energy, but she was jumping around so much that the melody didn't really flow and it sounded more like talking/yelling than singing to me (with her enunciation).

I'm sad that Jen Hirsh didn't make it. I really liked her. And Reed Grimm. I'm not so sure about Erika and think she'll probably be one of the first ones eliminated. Her and Jermaine. He's a sweet guy, but an American Idol he is not.
Awww, so many Deandre haters here!!! I don't know I like him. I'm not sure he's my favorite anymore, but I like him. I will agree that the hair flipping is annoying though. :wacko:
Hooray for Idol!! I am pulling for Phillip and Elyse. I don't mind Deandre, I just don't REALLY like him like so many do. Heejun cracks me up, it overshadows his voice. My husband likes Jermaine (alj and I have the same thoughts about this not being the right forum for him but thinking he's amazingly talented) best.
I was really surprised the judges asked Jermaine to come back. He's very talented but I don't see him as American Idol material. My husband was disappointed they used their wild card for Deandre. I like him though (minus the hair flipping, it's SO annoying!). My top favorites are Jessica and Phillip. I also like Elise and Hollie.
Holy moly ... has anyone else seen it yet??

1. Jessica
2. Phillip
3. Hollie
4. Skyler

But Red-streak in her hair girl was good too .... and that first dude (which is the WORST position because everyone forgets to vote for you).
Nooooo, I haven't seen it yet!!! Hubs and I got all comfy in bed, looking forward to watching AI on our TIVO, and the WHOLE 2 HR EPISODE was messed up because of a bad signal!!! I'm so upset! Thank goodness my parents have it recorded and I will go over there in a bit to watch it so I can catch up....Feel bad for MH b/c he wont be able to....I'll be back!!!! :))
Ok, just finished watching. Gosh, at this point, they are ALL so good. Its so hard to choose, but my 2 favorites are Holie & Jessica. Hollie has such an AMAZING voice. I just love her. She gave me "goosies" lol!!!! Jessica is great too, so I really think its going to come down to these 2. I also love Skylar and Phil. I think Shannon & Elise are in trouble though for sure- didnt care for either of their performances. I've always been a fan of Mary J, so I thought it was great to have her there!!! :appl:
decodelighted|1331177522|3143675 said:
Holy moly ... has anyone else seen it yet??

1. Jessica
2. Phillip
3. Hollie
4. Skyler

But Red-streak in her hair girl was good too .... and that first dude (which is the WORST position because everyone forgets to vote for you).

agree completely. it's gotta be either shannon or elise going home tonight. i'm kinda hoping shannon. while she's got a grace great, but there are many "power" girl singers. i feel like elise's voice is more unique, she just didn't do well with that song (i don't think she would have done better with "the greatest love" though. i think she should have been listening to her song 24-7 for the 5 days it was given to her.) as for bottom guys: i think jeremy was on the bottom last night.
Ok, so I just got done watching last night's performances. SPOILER ALERT - AVERT YOUR EYES!!!!!

Soooo, I thought it was strange when they opened up an 11th spot for Jermaine a couple weeks back. There was no explanation. They just waived the rules this one time, didn't open an 11th spot for another girl, just mysteriously let Jermaine join the top 10 boys.

NOW, a couple weeks later, he's suddenly eliminated due to some warrants? At first I was mad, felt they humiliated him on the air and exploited him by sharing the details. But duh - then it clicked. It can't be a coincidence that Jermaine was the extra guy, and now he's getting disqualified and they're back to the "right" number of contestants. Am I just jaded? I think it was all planned from the get-go. There's no way that the show doesn't perform a criminal background check on all its contestants BEFORE they compete. I'm just so irritated by this stunt - it's unnecessary. Are they hurting for ratings, or something? Or am I being paranoid - did anyone else feel this way when they watched it?
ericad|1331873881|3149840 said:
Ok, so I just got done watching last night's performances. SPOILER ALERT - AVERT YOUR EYES!!!!!

Soooo, I thought it was strange when they opened up an 11th spot for Jermaine a couple weeks back. There was no explanation. They just waived the rules this one time, didn't open an 11th spot for another girl, just mysteriously let Jermaine join the top 10 boys.

NOW, a couple weeks later, he's suddenly eliminated due to some warrants? At first I was mad, felt they humiliated him on the air and exploited him by sharing the details. But duh - then it clicked. It can't be a coincidence that Jermaine was the extra guy, and now he's getting disqualified and they're back to the "right" number of contestants. Am I just jaded? I think it was all planned from the get-go. There's no way that the show doesn't perform a criminal background check on all its contestants BEFORE they compete. I'm just so irritated by this stunt - it's unnecessary. Are they hurting for ratings, or something? Or am I being paranoid - did anyone else feel this way when they watched it?

hmmm...i didn't think that necessarily but did think the whole thing was strange (bringing him back, then finding out about outstanding warrants & eliminating him). and, really, i don't put it past the producers.

but i was very happy to see shannon go. i'm sure the girl can sing but i didn't care for any of her songs thus far. and i think she pales in comparison to the other powerhouse female singers they have on this season.

...i'm still phillip all the way ;)
I think Shannon thought she was a better singer than she really was an kit started over singing and really stretching it at the end.
so...what did everyone think about tonight's results?? is everyone still watching?


i def didn't think the worst performer went home. i really thought either heejun or deandre should have left. and i thought josh ledet should have been in the bottom 3, instead of erica. i didn't get it. i thought her song choice/execution was good. i liked her haircut. i really thought the judges might save her.

fav performances of the week were elise (i'm glad she wasn't in the bottom, she didn't deserve to be), colton, and phillip (of course :bigsmile: )
Lulu, I agree! I was surprised Heejun didn't go home. Erica's not one of my favorites but she performed really well this week. I thought it was funny that Steven Tyler seemed mad at Heejun for not taking it seriously. He's not one of my favorites either and I don't think he'll last much longer. I still like Deandre but I didn't like his performance at all this week.

Colton did an awesome job, but I'm still rooting for Philip to win. I still love Jessica, but it's beginning to bug me that she over-sings all the time. I like how Diddy told her to tone it down a bit. I think that helped, and her performance was great. Elise had a great week, too. Skylar did well but I don't like how she shouts all the time.
heejun has got to go! he should have never made the top ten.... so disappointed in how it worked out..... Steve Tyler was right about him.. he's not taking it seriously... I can't believe they let her go... :errrr: and didn't save her...

I love Phil Phillps... but worried he is not willing to loosen up a little.. I get the whole thing that I am who I am....but it's American Idol and you gotta give a little...
May, I'm not surprised they chose not to save Erica. I think if it was one of their favorites (Philip, Jessica, or maybe Colton or Joshua), they'd use it, but I think it's too soon in the competition.

I think it's great that Phillip did his own thing. I see what you mean, but I like how he's saying, hey, this is who I am...
I was SO DISAPPOINTED that Erica went home. I think Heejun should have gone for sure. He's got a good voice, but his performance this week was horrible. I thought everyone else did really well. :))
Mayk|1332497310|3154959 said:
I can't believe they let her go... :errrr: and didn't save her...
Eh, she's just okay. I think America thought she was desperate for cutting all her hair off like that. We SMELL desperation and it repels. And as for the judges, the "save" is really only there if one of those "Uh, oh -- DAUGHTREY just got voted off" moments happens. It was never meant to be a one-week lifeline for people who have ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE OF WINNING WHATSOEVER. I mean, seriously, her?
In THIS field of people? The wedding singer is winning it all? #Notgonnahappen. :rodent:
Agree with Deco. Erica wasn't top five material- if she wasn't voted off this week it prob would have been next week. I think the save is really for when someone they think is a top fiver is voted off too soon.
No you are all correct.. she wasn't the best or not in the top five.. but she is WAY better than Hejun and Deandre.... who I think is getting the teenage girls vote... he's cute....

Don't get me wrong about my comments about Phil Phillips.. I love him.. would buy his record and go see him in concert.... I just don't want to see his strong desire to be "himself" over power his chance to stay longer.... I think Jessica will be the winner... and well deserved..she's a talent.. but I think he will still have a career long after the decisions are all in... :bigsmile:
I agree that Heejun is just not going to go much further. He is doing very well, but not AI winner material, IMO. Skylar is great but hasn't gone too far out of her country/rock safety zone, same with Elise and her rock zone.
I'm drawn to Phillip Phillips (seriously??? was there NO other name that appealed to you when your son was born??? really???) because he seems so sweet like Scotty was last year - and my DD has a major league crush going on for him! - but he could loose the 'hiding behind the guitar' thing that Diddy pointed out.

Holly is impressive - but young. Deandre is lovely to look at, sings well but I do agree it's the teen and grandma vote that's keeping him alive now.

Good crowd this year!
Enerchi|1332533782|3155279 said:
I agree that Heejun is just not going to go much further. He is doing very well, but not AI winner material, IMO. Skylar is great but hasn't gone too far out of her country/rock safety zone, same with Elise and her rock zone.
I'm drawn to Phillip Phillips (seriously??? was there NO other name that appealed to you when your son was born??? really???) because he seems so sweet like Scotty was last year - and my DD has a major league crush going on for him! - but he could loose the 'hiding behind the guitar' thing that Diddy pointed out.

Holly is impressive - but young. Deandre is lovely to look at, sings well but I do agree it's the teen and grandma vote that's keeping him alive now.

Good crowd this year!

Enerchi.... Exactly. Seriously people.... He's gotta live with that name forever! Let's just call him Phil no last know like Prince before he changed his name to a symbol... Or started calling himself "Formerly Known As"....
Mayk|1332534241|3155281 said:
Enerchi|1332533782|3155279 said:
I agree that Heejun is just not going to go much further. He is doing very well, but not AI winner material, IMO. Skylar is great but hasn't gone too far out of her country/rock safety zone, same with Elise and her rock zone.
I'm drawn to Phillip Phillips (seriously??? was there NO other name that appealed to you when your son was born??? really???) because he seems so sweet like Scotty was last year - and my DD has a major league crush going on for him! - but he could loose the 'hiding behind the guitar' thing that Diddy pointed out.

Holly is impressive - but young. Deandre is lovely to look at, sings well but I do agree it's the teen and grandma vote that's keeping him alive now.

Good crowd this year!

Enerchi.... Exactly. Seriously people.... He's gotta live with that name forever! Let's just call him Phil no last know like Prince before he changed his name to a symbol... Or started calling himself "Formerly Known As"....

Yeah, like Robbie Robertson... how unimaginative are these parents? Do you not 'test drive' the name before submitting to the government??? Geesh...

"Phil" or P2 or Psquared --- yeah! PSQUARED!!! I like that one! :lol:
Phil and Colton are my faves. I went back and watched their performances 3 times each - cant wait to buy their music in a couple of years.
Bumping this thread to see who you guys think will go home tonight and who will win? I really thought in the beginning it would have been a Colton/Jessica finale. So sad Colton is not there anymore. Would have been amazing to see two true musicians in the finale with Phil and Colton. oh well, go PHIL!!! Loved Beggin last night. Josh screeches and sorry, I don't see the appeal. I did like his last song last song, but it is overall too screamy/screechy for me.
I honestly can't even vote because I think all three of those kids are GREAT in the style of music they are in. Joshua has the whole act down, Jessica has an amazing voice and maturity for her age, but she is going to be better at 25. Phil is just endearing to me because he is very humble and easygoing and HIMSELF. I really like listening to him.

I usually have a strong favorite at this point, but not this year because these three are all so different, amazingly talented, and seem like good kids, which is nice.
I'm hoping my P2 = winner prediction comes true! (If so my husband swears we're betting in Vegas next year as I have a pretty good track record picking these early.)

Neither of the others appeals to me much. I think Joshua will go home tonight but hard to tell. Usually the person in 1st position is at a disadvantage as too much time elapses between their last song & voting beginning. Also, I think his best song was his first -- WAY before voting. But poor Jessica is so booooorrrriiiinnnggg. As boring as Joshua is ... uh ... prancy.

P2 is easily the cutest, handsomest contestant they've EVER had -- plus he's funny & playful & low-key & not desperate. Has anyone seen his version of Eminem's "Lose Yourself" online? Playing at like a local Bennigans or something. He's the real deal. Really jamming w/a jam band in his flip flops & jeans with all the passion of a stadium performance. I like the kid. What can I say.

ETA: I was kinda hoping for a P2 vs. Skylar finale --- I loathed Colton!
decodelighted|1337278819|3197481 said:
I'm hoping my P2 = winner prediction comes true! (If so my husband swears we're betting in Vegas next year as I have a pretty good track record picking these early.)

Neither of the others appeals to me much. I think Joshua will go home tonight but hard to tell. Usually the person in 1st position is at a disadvantage as too much time elapses between their last song & voting beginning. Also, I think his best song was his first -- WAY before voting. But poor Jessica is so booooorrrriiiinnnggg. As boring as Joshua is ... uh ... prancy.

P2 is easily the cutest, handsomest contestant they've EVER had -- plus he's funny & playful & low-key & not desperate. Has anyone seen his version of Eminem's "Lose Yourself" online? Playing at like a local Bennigans or something. He's the real deal. Really jamming w/a jam band in his flip flops & jeans with all the passion of a stadium performance. I like the kid. What can I say.

ETA: I was kinda hoping for a P2 vs. Skylar finale --- I loathed Colton!

OOOhhh, Phillip did "Lost Yourself?!" I'll have to check it out. Last night's performances were great, and while I think all three are super talented, Phillip's style is what I like the best.

I feel bad because I really do think they're great, but I get tired of listening to Jessica's growls and Joshua's habit of turning everything into gospel.