
American Idol, Season 11. Anyone else obsessed???

Dani, I'm watching but I'm behind a few episodes - I plan on catching up this weekend, so I'll be back with my favorites soon! (I can't remember the names of the the ones I like so far :oops: so I'll have to pay attention). I agree that there are some really talented people this year.
Re: American Idol, Season 11. Anyone else obsessed?

I'm obsessed over AI EVERY year! :lol: I always end up picking the winner, too :wink2: This year my favorites are Jen Hirsh and Jessica Sanchez for the girls and Reed Grimm and Heejun Han for the guys. I'm also really glad to see Baylie Brown make it this year! I loved her on Season 6 and always wondered if she'd ever come back!
Been watching since first season. My winner prediction: Phil Phillips. We'll see!
decodelighted|1330131696|3133805 said:
Been watching since first season. My winner prediction: Phil Phillips. We'll see!

Oh yeah, he's great!
decodelighted|1330131696|3133805 said:
Been watching since first season. My winner prediction: Phil Phillips. We'll see!

he's my fav too! along with heejun. i'm excited for them to start the live shows :bigsmile:
We're watching it. More of the guys stood out for me this time around. I really like Phil Phillips (he's the Dave Matthew's type, right?), Deandre Brackensick, and Reed Grimm.

I remember a few of the girls' performances (Jessica Sanchez was great) but I can't pick any favorites yet.
I know. I really like the guys this year too. But there was just something about Deandre's performance the other night...I think he is going to go far no matter what happens. I like Phil Phillps and Reed Grimm too alot as well though. I've never really been a huge AI fan before, but Im SO INTO IT this year!!
Love Phil Phillip...and Reed Grimm

But I love to see what JoLo is wearing every week and what color nail polish Steven is sporting!
Yes!!! Love HeeJun's humbleness and personality :) Ladet is amazing! So much talent I really like many of them :)
Ooh Jen Hirsch and Bailey brown are great too
Did you guys watch tonight? There were a couple of standouts, but overall I thought it was kind of mediocre. Joshua Ledet killed it!
LAJennifer|1330495645|3137082 said:
Did you guys watch tonight? There were a couple of standouts, but overall I thought it was kind of mediocre. Joshua Ledet killed it!
I really liked Jeremy's take on "Gravity" the best -- but according to Dial Idol -- I might be alone in that sentiment! HA! Felt pretty amp'd that the judges verified my hunch re: Phil Phillips by saying they left the auditions talking about HIM this year. Meeeee tooooo! We need a new Dave Matthews. C'mon now. Our existing Dave Matthews is getting O-L-D!


1. Jeremy (but I'm afraid he's a goner -- WHY? He's so good! I love him!)
2. Joshua Ledet
3. Phil Phillips
4. Creighton Frieker
5. Reid Grimm

Fast forwarded through most of the others -- some painful stuff! Really, Eben -- Adele? Try again! Once you've had a single life experience maybe. Aretha? Really, White Chocolate? SHUDDER. :eek:
Are we going to start the brownie baking?
My predictions:

1. Joshua Ledet- SO TALENTED. No matter what, that kid is going far. Amazing voice, he gives me chills every time he sings.

2. Deandre B- I really do think he's awesome. Plain and simple. He has the voice AND the look.

3. Jeremy- Such a sweetie, with a great voice to match. Love him.

4. Phil Phillips- he does remind me of DM, but not quite. I like his growl-y type voice, but I don't think he is going to win.

5. Reed Grimm- Yeah, he's good. I like his personality the best though. I could see him becoming a great Broadway performer.
my choices (not soley based on last night's performances):

1. phil
2. heejun
3. creighton
4. j. ladet
5. colton

6. deandre

man, last night was painful, no? so many bad song choices. geez, i hope the girls fair better tonight. eben singing adele was terrible & ill-advised. kid needs to stop singing such emotional songs and then putting absolutely NO emotion behind them. oh & that one who sang aretha? eeehhh :roll: i want to help these kids pick their songs, they are soooo terrible at it. and i hope the judges start judging after this round. i get annoyed with the "everyone's so great" routine.

@deco, i agree that jeremy's "gravity" was the best last night but as the show ended & i was thinking about who i liked, i could not remember his name only his performance. i don't think he made enough of an impression in the early rounds & unfortunately i can see that playing into voting tonight.
LAJennifer|1330501488|3137115 said:
Are we going to start the brownie baking?
(wiping brown crumbs off corners of mouth) Start? :tongue: :bigsmile:

I should say my list wasn't my *prediction* of who will get through .... just my personal top 5. Who I think will get through .... oy. Will think more on that.

So America is picking 10 (5 boys, 5 girls) & the judges are each adding a Wildcard? Is that the deal -- I must have fast forwarded through that explanation.

I hope the girls are better. It does seem like there's more Girl talent (aside from Phil & Joshua).

Dani -- I am so sorry -- but I kinda loathe your Deandre dude. Chalkboard screech aversion style. And I think his icy blue eyes stab my soul. JLO wanted to punch Joshua. I wanted to grab Deandre by his hair and swing him safely out of ear shot. :) :naughty:

Re: my one true Season 11 love Phil Phillips: Richard Lawson of Atlantic Wire said it best: "He is a dreamboat wrapped in a stone fox wrapped in a pancake, so who the hell cares what the hell he sounds like." :twirl:
lulu66|1330543931|3137517 said:
@deco, i agree that jeremy's "gravity" was the best last night but as the show ended & i was thinking about who i liked, i could not remember his name only his performance. i don't think he made enough of an impression in the early rounds & unfortunately i can see that playing into voting tonight.

I'm glad you thought so too. I was feeling pretty crazy & lonely 'bout it! Maybe he shot himself in the foot w/the "Jer-Bear" nickname thing so early. Folks probably couldn't remember his name period! He also landed a bad performance slot. I'd heard rumors he was considered for the "pimp" spot that Ledat got (last before the "surprise" 13th blah blah). I guess producers thought Ledat's rehearsal was better or they just wanted him more for the Top 10.

Maybe they'll give him a Wildcard slot. Though Nigel Lithgoe was Twittering today that those might ALL go to GIRLS this year. :Up_to_something:
decodelighted|1330545993|3137541 said:
I should say my list wasn't my *prediction* of who will get through .... just my personal top 5. Who I think will get through .... oy. Will think more on that.

So America is picking 10 (5 boys, 5 girls) & the judges are each adding a Wildcard? Is that the deal -- I must have fast forwarded through that explanation.

Re: my one true Season 11 love Phil Phillips: Richard Lawson of Atlantic Wire said it best: "He is a dreamboat wrapped in a stone fox wrapped in a pancake, so who the hell cares what the hell he sounds like." :twirl:

deco, mine is my personal list too. i can rarely predict what "all" of america will decide. lol. wildcards? i think you're right. 5 girls, 5 boys, 3 wildcards (one from each judge). and i with you on phil. i can't get enough of him. i think he has the perfect personality for the show: totally humble, yet completely talented & passionate about the music. love.him.
What is up with the Dial Idol predictions? Are they usually accurate - does anyone know? For kicks, I just looked them up . . . and, well . . . I was quite surprised. Eben is the most safe, followed by Chase Likens. Check it out.
LAJennifer|1330552323|3137657 said:
What is up with the Dial Idol predictions? Are they usually accurate - does anyone know? For kicks, I just looked them up . . . and, well . . . I was quite surprised. Eben is the most safe, followed by Chase Likens. Check it out.

if those are the people who get through, i will be thoroughly disappointed to say the least. i don't even remember who jermaine jones is or what he sang. and i remember 2 on that list on b/c of their terrible performances (eben & "white chocolate" adam brock). oh & i don't like the country guy either. ugh. i hope it's sooo wrong.
LAJennifer|1330552323|3137657 said:
What is up with the Dial Idol predictions? Are they usually accurate - does anyone know? For kicks, I just looked them up . . . and, well . . . I was quite surprised. Eben is the most safe, followed by Chase Likens. Check it out.
I don't think they're accurate anymore because so many people vote via text .... I'm also guessing that Eben was the Vote For The Worst choice & that spiked the West Coast #s. When I looked after the East Coast shows -- the order was ENTIRELY different. If people were VERY organized they could see who is lagging in the East Coast vote & go crazy trying to save someone. Where the East Coast voters don't know who they need to *save*, kwim?
Mjsbigblog is reporting that the producers are making two girls sing the same Adele song tonight. Jen Hirsch & Elise? Clearly they wanna get rid of that Elise because she's not "TV pretty" enough for them. "ONLY ONE normal-sized plainish girl may advance!!!!" :rolleyes:

I also read that Jessica Sanchez got pretty far on America's Got Talent five years ago in their first season when she was 11.
Ha ha, Deco! You made me LOL!!! Why dont you like Deandre? I think he is sweet. And I just loved his performance of that Maxwell song the other night (I love Maxwell). I do agree that Phil is talented (and he is super cute). But the next Dave Matthews??? :naughty:
Dani|1330562828|3137823 said:
Ha ha, Deco! You made me LOL!!! Why dont you like Deandre? I think he is sweet. And I just loved his performance of that Maxwell song the other night (I love Maxwell). I do agree that Phil is talented (and he is super cute). But the next Dave Matthews??? :naughty:
I can't explain it! I *know* he's "cute" etc -- but the hair-tossing and screeching and face-pulling and squeak-singing. I just can't. I cannot.

Mr. Phillips just reminds me of Dave Matthews (mannerisms?) and pouty lower lip. HA! Is my husband looking over my shoulder? I feel guilty somehow. :Up_to_something:


My brownie dish is empty so that must mean ONTO THE GIRLS. Can I just say I like that little green-tipped, spangly sprite? Aw I just think she might be me fav-or-rate gurl. Has anyone seen Reba lately? It's possible a coked-up hyena has be-kilt her and is using her hide-n-hair to perform under the, c'mon now, PREposterous stage name "Skyler Laine".

Who o who should go through ...

1. "Skyler Laine"! (Shhh, Reba, we're coming for ya)
2. Jessica Sanchez
3. Hollie Cavanaugh
and then it gets tougher -- you know what ... I didn't like any of the rest of them very much. I *want* to like Erika Von Pelt & Jen Hirsch ... so ... maybe them? Not sure why Elise got such a licking @ the end ... she didn't sound good to me. But she was funny about her room service flower recycling? So her? That insufferable Staten Island girl actually sounded kinda contemporary on "Dock of the Bay" -- against ALL ODDS. So her?

Most everyone else was a shade or twelve of AWFULNESS so ...

What did you dudes/dames think??????????
Ok, just caught up on AI now, thanks to my TIVO.

So, Deco, I totally agree with you. I'm loving Jessica Sanchez, Hollie Cavanaugh, and Miss Skyler (but I think more because she is cute and a good entertainer). Hollie & Jessica are just fantastic voices- I dont think Skyler is in the same league though, honestly. I also do like Elise- I think she has a very rich, soulful voice...but maybe a little too much? Like I said before, so much talent this year, its going to be hard to choose....
Nobody really knocked my socks off - idk, maybe I start expecting too much once it gets to this part of the competition? I think nerves gets the better of some of them at this point. I liked Skylar, Jessica, and Hollie. I kind of liked Brielle too. I think Shannon has a good voice, but she came across as kind of...old-fashioned, I guess. I couldn't get past the feeling I was watching a high school talent show. And oy, Haley kinda demolished Sweet Dreams - the only thing she succeeded in doing was to remind us of how good Annie Lennox is. I didn't think Elise did as good a job as the judges did, but I do like her voice. Overall, I was a little disappointed, but again, maybe I'm expecting too much :?:
I agree with you June- I think Haley is actually a great singer, but that song was terrible for her. I really can't stand Brielle- she just irks me. Shannon does have a good voice too, but didnt blow my socks off.
junebug17|1330621352|3138366 said:
I think Shannon has a good voice, but she came across as kind of...old-fashioned, I guess. I couldn't get past the feeling I was watching a high school talent show. And oy, Haley kinda demolished Sweet Dreams - the only thing she succeeded in doing was to remind us of how good Annie Lennox is.


i actually thought elise's version was good (one of the best of the night) and completely blew jen hirsch's out of the water. but maybe that's just me? lol.

well, here's my breakdown from the girls. excited to see who gets through tonight.

1. elise
2. hallie day (not that great last night but loved her all through auditions)
3. hollie
4. jessica s.
5. syklar

brielle (begrudgingly. her personality is kind of irritating to me. but she was much better than i expected.)
shannon (girl can sing but it is a bit too mature for her age imo.)
So, what did we think of last night? I just about fell off my chair when they eliminated Deandre!!!! Also Jeremy!!! OMG!!! What is wrong with America- these boys can sing!!!! But, I'm SO happy they're both back! All in all, I think the people that made it really deserve to be there....except, uh, the "gentle giant".....I actually think he has a great voice (I loved his Luther performance the other night), but he is just not in the same league as the others. Also, don't know how I'm feeling about Erica. I think she has a good voice, but as MH pointed out, "she kind of sounds like Cher." I don't know, he's kind of right I think!!! ;)) Also, I'm so glad Brielle is gone. I don't even know how she made it as far as she did. I didn't like anything about her and found her to be so annoying (her and her mom!). Ugh, I know I'm sounding harsh, but I just don't think she has a great voice at all.

Can't wait till next week- saw that Mary J Blige will be on (she is one of my very favorites)!!! YAY! :appl: