
Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end boutique?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I don't feel comfortable... :oops: I have had only been inside a Tiff & Co. store twice... :oops:
IYO...nowadays, is Tiff & Co. still consider a high end store?
btw; there aren't any boutique stores in our town.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Come to NYC and you won't be afraid to go in to any of the high-end stores on 5th Avenue. They are filled with tourists wearing flip flops in summer.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

You should be DF ;) Your daughters will bankrupt you.

I get a lot of dirty looks and have been treated like crap in some high end shops because I am chubby. Notably was Fred Segal, Santa Monica specifically. I got laughed at literally. They were not shy about it at all. I guess they didn't think my fat person money spent as well as skinny person money. Their commission loss, because I left without a purchase, and I planned to make quite a purchase. The other place I got surprisingly obnoxious glares was Bergdorfs in NYC. I was insanely disappointed by how rudely we were treated. We were GLARED at. Dh thinks it was him, because of his trench coat and blues skull cap. When I went back alone it was less obnoxious but I still have to stalk salespeople for service. (Which never usually happens...)

I don't often shop at the high end mall here in STL because, at least at Neimans, security stalks you if you're not known social royalty or known money in the area. Doesn't matter if you buy stuff, doesn't matter what you look like.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

I've been practicing :bigsmile:

It used to make me nervous to go into any high-end place. I'd make sure to take extra time on my hair and wear my nicest clothes and if DH was with me make sure he had freshly trimmed hair and nice clothes.

I've been seen walking into a nice jewelry store wearing faded/torn jeans and an oversized sweatshirt.... and the one day with yoga pants, stained sweatshirt, and no bra :lol: (that awful day was the day before my wedding when I was dropping stuff off for cleaning on my way in with DH for yet another MRI -- hence no bra!)
They know me. No big thing.

I think a lot of how I'm treated in different stores has to do with my confidence and comfort level. If I'm tired and just sort of browsing for some random thing I get a very different response than when I'm well rested and look like I know something. I've been treated like a thief in some of my nicest clothes at low-end stores but also treated with great kindness in my grungiest at the high-end stores.
How you feel reflects in how you walk/talk/stand and I think that sends a strong message to others.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

No, I am not afraid and I don't recall any experiences where I've been treated negatively. If I know that I'm going to be shopping high-end, though, I dress appropriately.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

High end jewelry stores don't intimidate me. I consider them to be like museums. I have no interest in high-end fashion boutiques, though. Blegh. I'd rather browse at Saks.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti


I'll go with you DF :bigsmile: We'll go for coffee afterwards.

Wear your fanciest watch!
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Not afraid, just tired of the snobiness I occasionally see from the associates.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Not usually, but it depends on the vibe of the store salespeople. Most of the time I go in and am asked if I need any help. Sometimes I say I am just browsing and sometimes I do accept their offer.

Never would I feel uncomfortable at T&Co though. I do not find them intimidating in any way. I'm with Begonia DF. Just let us know when you will be in town and we'll go with you. No one would dare intimidate you with us on either side of you. :cheeky:
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

How so with that thick skin you always remind us of?
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

I don't mind going into the posh shops inside Harrods in London. It feels less scary. I wouldn't feel brave enough on Bond Street. They have security guards on the doors! What if they won't let me in! :errrr:
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Hamilton Jewelers at the Pavillions.

I just check out the window displays... and try not to leave any evidence. :cheeky:
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

If I'm by myself, I absolutely hate it. If I'm with someone else like my hub, I don't mind as much.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

lol, nope not afraid but I would likely get told to leave within 3 minutes.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Oh I have no issue in jewelry stores, though they tend to escort me out when I ask too many questions that show I know more than they prefer me to know
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

DF, just superglue that watch to your nose and you'll be fine.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Not afraid at all.

DK :))
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

I'm not afraid to enter a high-end boutique.

I've been in Tiffany's a bunch of times, but the most fun experience was when we went to Vegas last summer and we had been drinking. I told the gal I wanted to try on the most expensive pair of stud earrings they had and the woman indulged me. I have no idea how much there cost, but they were around 4 cts tw...IIRC. After that, I tried on a couple fancy necklaces. It was a blast. Vegas is so much fun. lol

After we got back, I was obsessed with a ring I saw on the Vegas strip and went to a local Tiffany store and asked to see that ring and the gal laughed when I told her my Vegas story.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

I wouldn't say I'm afraid, but I don't feel comfortable and it's not that enjoyable for me.

eta: I'm not that much of a browser anyway. I only go to stores if I am planning on buying a specific item.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

I used to not dare walk into any Fancy Dan store. But I've discovered a secret: if you forget your own self & talk to the salespeople as you would anyone you just met, they thaw right out. Look them in the eye, say something pleasant about their day or work, whatever, and presto!

Often we find coolness or snobbery when we expect to. Leave your expectations at the door. And lemme tell ya, T&Co salespeople have no more than anyone else to be snotty about! Most of them aren't -- they're just tired, beat down, underpaid, and may not know as much as they should, though many have gemology degrees. A huge number are single mothers. Just think of that when you go in.

Or, take Kenny's suggestion!
kenny said:
DF, just superglue that watch to your nose and you'll be fine.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

I don't like shopping in general. I only enter any store/shop when there's is an intent to buy high end or not. I've never gone into a store just to browse. I think that would be intimidating.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

I used to troll T&Co. for setting ideas, cost comparison and to try on pieces I could never in a million years afford. I was always treated well. Despite my young age and lack of designer label fashion, I could always pick out the most expensive piece in the case-(not necessarily the biggest or blingiest-just 'to die' for stones of superb quality. The salesperson was always surprised. Ditto for Cartier. But I never had the nerve to ask to go in the private rooms and have them bring out bling when I knew I would not be buying anything. I never wanted to waste a salespersons time or possible commission. After I got a few beautiful rings, I would wear them and the salespeople were so nice asking me about them and tell me the jewelry was beautiful and they would try to sell me a pendant or earrings to match. Buying jewelry should not be an intimidating experience. If you feel uncomfortable, just walk away-they are plenty of other places that want your business.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

crown1|1393969541|3627452 said:
How so with that thick skin you always remind us of?
I know, am I not weird?... :lol:
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

VRBeauty|1393970622|3627466 said:
Hamilton Jewelers at the Pavillions.

I just check out the window displays... and try not to leave any evidence. :cheeky:
They don't allow bums like me into your rich neighborhood... ;(
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Whenever I am near a high-end boutique I seem to have a pram, a heap of children's toys etc and at least one child crying.
So even though I'm dying to go in, I never do of course.
I'm the lady walking slowly past, window shopping like crazy, with three children complaining loudly lol....while some tiny little well-dressed uni student nips in past me - the doorkeeper opens right on cue - in to spend daddy's money *groan*
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

I've done it but not with real relish.....more just to be obnoxious.
once they see the spess in 22k gold they warm up.....and then it is obvious I know as much if not more than they do about color stones so they sort of just grin and bear it! :twisted: :lol:
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Nope. I'm from California where people in ratty shorts, a t-shirt and flipflops walk into expensive jewelry stores or designer shops all the time. And the sales people would be stupid to ignore clients based on how they look because the most innocuous looking people can have gobs of money.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

Yes. It's just you.

I have no issue walking anywhere. And I don't need to dress up to go either.

Sweatshirt and jeans and Cartier? Sure. No problem.
Re: Am I the only one that is afraid to enter high-end bouti

LLJsmom|1394000380|3627775 said:
Nope. I'm from California where people in ratty shorts, a t-shirt and flipflops walk into expensive jewelry stores or designer shops all the time. And the sales people would be stupid to ignore clients based on how they look because the most innocuous looking people can have gobs of money.

THIS exactly. We have millionaires that look homeless out here.

DF is from Nor Cal too. But outside Sacramento.