
Am I being unrealistic???? Honest and brutal answers appreciated!

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Mar 28, 2009
First I would like to say that the opinions and answers I have received from PS in the last couple of days have been the most valuable information I have received in my quest for a diamond.... so thank you to you all!

Situtation: I am planning on popping the question in May, so obviously I need to get a move on! I am currently working with 2 online vendors (one recommended through PS).

I am looking for a 1ct princess cut diamond to go in a solitaire white gold trellis setting. The setting will be custom, so the diamond is the problem!

Budget: diamond only, is roughly $5K ... willing to go up to $6K though.
Color: D,E,F,G
Clarity: VS1 or better
Cut: "ideal" ..... or best
Polish: excellent
Symmetry: excellent
Fluorescence: none

and a good ASET or IS....

so .... honestly, am I asking too much? or just not looking hard enough??? as always, thank you for your opinions!

Thank you for your response! This seems to be a nice diamond. I''m still a beginner on the IS and ASET, but they definitely look better than what I''ve seen so far (opinions?).

WF happens to be one of the two vendors I''m working with also!

Does anybody know what their PS discount is (if they even have one)? I mentioned PS on the phone but was not told anything.

As far as VS2, I will definitely take that into consideration (others have suggested this as well). She is really not picky on clarity, as long as it is a nice eye-clean diamond. Honestly, I think I''m A LOT more picky than her!!!
Hi Diddy,

The diamonds DS and Gypsy posted for you are excellent and the type of thing you should be concentrating on if you want a top cut Princess. I would add VS2 to your list for sure and it sounds like you are fine with that, most will indeed be completely eyeclean in this clarity grade.
Date: 3/31/2009 11:50:55 PM
Author: diddy

Thank you for your response! This seems to be a nice diamond. I''m still a beginner on the IS and ASET, but they definitely look better than what I''ve seen so far (opinions?).

WF happens to be one of the two vendors I''m working with also!

Does anybody know what their PS discount is (if they even have one)? I mentioned PS on the phone but was not told anything.

As far as VS2, I will definitely take that into consideration (others have suggested this as well). She is really not picky on clarity, as long as it is a nice eye-clean diamond. Honestly, I think I''m A LOT more picky than her!!!
With WF it''s usually 5% off for ACA''s, and 2% for ES stones. HPD is 3% with wire transfers.

I would drop the clarity to an eyeclean SI1. If it''s eyeclean, and you can''t see anything, no sense paying for more of what you can''t see, and that will allow you a larger stone. Also, in very well cut stones like the ones linked here, you can easily go to H in color and still have a very white stone. That would also allow a bigger stone.
Diddy, you've gotten excellent advice so far. With a well-cut princess, you may very well be able to go to H and still have a gorgeous diamond that faces up without noticeable color.

I own a .62 J, SI1 princess stone and it faces up quite white in person; the slight body tint is only evident in photographs.

As far as our PS discount, do you see the stone in the cut quality search? It should reflect the discounted price, but if not, don't be shy to ask whomever you're working with.
I remember Wink making a post about his store, HPD, having a PS discount in addition to the 3% off from wire-transfer. Cannot find the post, but if you are buying from him, no harm in asking.
People can find eye-clean SI2s. I would DEFINITELY drop it to at least VS2 clarity, and G color should be more than white enough. You could even drop it to H in a well-cut princess and not see a hint of color.

ETA: I see this is advice you've already been given, but I guess it never hurts to hear it from more people.
If you''re concerned about the lower colors (not that H is low), you could also consider a stone with florescence.
I bought an eye-clean SI1. Two separate GIA-certified gemologists said that they would have graded the diamond a VS2. So I would definitely be open to SI1 if you''re willing to look at a number of diamonds.
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