
Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snooped?


Jun 9, 2010
Alright, I will begin... as ashamed as I am to say it, my FI's computer was up one day, and I noticed he had 2 emails from two different vendors that I know he is working with- I didnt "want" to open them, but alas I did :Up_to_something: ... each jeweler has a stone that he is interested in, and apparantly he is asking them each for their all in buy price inclusive of a very specific setting- he is negotiating with both for the best deal- so that he can make a decision NEXT WEEK!!! Yeeks!!!! :eek: So I swore that after that, I didnt want to know anymore.... No more snooping, I am satisfied in knowing that his hunt is coming to a close...

But please don't leave me hanging here, I already feel terrible that I read his emails.... Anyone else care to share, and make me feel like less of a crazy woman!
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

Once SO realised I would be waiting alot longer then expected when we bought the ring he gave me sooping priviges to keep me sane.

So I know where it is hidden, once in a while I try it on but I don't leave our room wearing it. He knows and it's fine with him.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

Ohh, you lucky girl... I am trying to excerise some SERIOUS self control here, lol!!!
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

None at all. Maybe I'll understand the insanity one day.

If you want to be part of the buying process, then why not be a part of it?

And if you don't, then why snoop?

Regardless, congrats on your impending engagement. I know this must be a very exciting time!
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

I don't snoop. If there's something I want to know, I ask. But I know he would be pi$$ed if I ruined a surprise through snooping.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

While I've been tempted, and I admit to some poking around his apartment in the past, I haven't actually snooped for the ring in months, and I'm confident that I won't going forward. At this point, it would probably ruin a special surprise. And because I know it's really coming at some point, I can relax more.

I do have one confession, though--as long as we're sharing. About a year ago, when I knew I wanted to marry him, I secured a new email address with my future married name. You know, just in case ;) I don't use it, of course, but I like knowing that it's waiting for me.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

OMG - sweetpea, thanks for the inspiration!! I just did the same thing -HA! I hope I"m not tempting fate....
Anyway, in answer to the OP's question, I haven't snooped because I honestly don't think there's anything to snoop for yet.
We've had the "yeah we want to get married" and "where do we want to get married" discussions, but I just don't think it's happening until maybe January or February. Frown.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

SweetPea-<3 said:
While I've been tempted, and I admit to some poking around his apartment in the past, I haven't actually snooped for the ring in months, and I'm confident that I won't going forward. At this point, it would probably ruin a special surprise. And because I know it's really coming at some point, I can relax more.

I do have one confession, though--as long as we're sharing. About a year ago, when I knew I wanted to marry him, I secured a new email address with my future married name. You know, just in case ;) I don't use it, of course, but I like knowing that it's waiting for me.

Awwh, Sweatpea your note made me smile :D I have a similar email address that I have been using to collect wedding information from vendors, this way I ahve one dedicated email for all wedding "stuff"...thanks for sharing!
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

I checked for the ring in his sock drawer. hehe.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

I haven't snooped, but I don't really have a reason to. We picked out our diamond and setting together, so I know (basically) what the ring will look like. I also know that he already has it, but that he wants to plan a surprise proposal. I genuinely do want to be surprised, and I also want to wait until the proposal to know what the finished ring looks like. :)
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

I've snooped, I won't lie. I've checked his computer for internet history and his documents for anything ring related. I've checked his wallet for business cards and around the apartment. I've found nothing.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

I knew my FI had the ring, and wasn't looking for it...however I did stumble upon it because he stuck it on the top shelf in our bathroom. I was putting towels away and saw it...picked it up, started to crack it open but I'd been really adamant about not seeing the finished product til he proposed. So I tossed (yes, tossed!) it up on the shelf again, ran to the living room and asked him to find a better spot in case I lost my willpower. :rodent:
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

tammy77 said:
I knew my FI had the ring, and wasn't looking for it...however I did stumble upon it because he stuck it on the top shelf in our bathroom. I was putting towels away and saw it...picked it up, started to crack it open but I'd been really adamant about not seeing the finished product til he proposed. So I tossed (yes, tossed!) it up on the shelf again, ran to the living room and asked him to find a better spot in case I lost my willpower. :rodent:

I LOL'd when I saw your post...good for you! As nosey (ahem, curious) as I have been lately, I REALLY don't want to see the final result until he pops the question, I just want to make sure that the actual ring has been ordered! I just want it done already...
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

Oh I know tis hard but DON'T SNOOP!!!!
Let yourself be suprised!!!!!
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

Haha...Pushin'- I agree, my snooping days are over. I really do want to be surprised, plus I have already been lectured it seems by a few other posters. Thanks for the support, as I get through my excitement!
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

I have to confess that I have snooped and found, but he made it way to easy. When my SO and I picked out the e-ring and band set (that he's now selling because it's apparently not nice enough) he asked ME where he should hide it, which I told him to maybe find a pocket or something in his closet. I know that he keeps his luggage in his closet to which I found the rings both in the front pocket. Now that he's looking for a new ring, I don't want to know anything about it, it just didn't feel right picking it out and being there while he purchased it. I have no idea what his progress is now, and I plan on keeping it that way.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

SweetPea-<3 said:
I do have one confession, though--as long as we're sharing. About a year ago, when I knew I wanted to marry him, I secured a new email address with my future married name. You know, just in case ;) I don't use it, of course, but I like knowing that it's waiting for me.

I loved this idea! I just did it! Shh! :lol: :halo:
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

Mashira said:
SweetPea-<3 said:
I do have one confession, though--as long as we're sharing. About a year ago, when I knew I wanted to marry him, I secured a new email address with my future married name. You know, just in case ;) I don't use it, of course, but I like knowing that it's waiting for me.

I loved this idea! I just did it! Shh! :lol: :halo:

I just looked and my first name + (hopefully) future last name is taken :( Which is odd since my mom picked an uncommon spelling for my first name. I guess I'll have to throw some numbers on the end.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

If you don't want to stick numbers on the end of it, you could try a different combination...

Desired name: JaneDoe (taken)
You could use: Jane.Doe, JDoe, J.Doe ect..
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

Mashira said:
If you don't want to stick numbers on the end of it, you could try a different combination...

Desired name: JaneDoe (taken)
You could use: Jane.Doe, JDoe, J.Doe ect..

Tried those...all taken!! I could also through in a middle initial. I'm not going to worry about it for now, I'd hate to jinx anything.
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

SweetPea, that made me smile! And I totally just did that. Great idea :naughty:
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

I'm a BWW here, but my level of snooping was.... I picked out the ring :mrgreen: I got to see the ring once he had it in hand :mrgreen: and he randomly took it out several times so I could "check on it" :mrgreen: ANNNDD... I even took a few pre-engagement pictures and posted them (a year and a half ago... almost two years ago) on PS :mrgreen: I know some people would be appalled by this, but eh, we're pretty easy going in that way... :lol:
Re: Alright, confession time- to what length's have you snoo

mariewest said:
I've snooped, I won't lie. I've checked his computer for internet history and his documents for anything ring related. I've checked his wallet for business cards and around the apartment. I've found nothing.

Marie? Ah, guess we both use PS...

(just kidding)