
AHHHH!!!!! Good news and bad news

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Aug 21, 2007
Well the good news is I''ve gotten a job off in Utah ( I currently live in ohio) I am going to be going out there around sept 16 and living there for at least a year. The bad news is my SO and i are going to be getting engaged before that, and than I''m pretty much moving 2000 miles away. He is finishing up graduate school, and will be here (ohio) until at least june. I''m more than likely going to see him for a few weeks when he has christmas break, but other than that im off to the desert with a sparkly new ring, and no one!

Anyone have similar experiences with long distance relationships for a while?>??


May 8, 2007
I did long distance for over 4 years. I''m not going to lie to you and tell you it''s easy, because it''s not. But for us it was very important to make our own lives in our seperate places. It keeps your mind off the fact that you''re not together. We also used to do dinner dates via cell phone where we would cook the same thing together and eat while we talked. I always looked forward to those!
The time will fly, and you guys will be back together before you know it! Can''t wait to see the ring! Good Luck!


Aug 4, 2007
Been doing a long-distance relationship for about 2.5 years, I have a little bit o'' sparkles on my finger (not an engagement ring, but a warm-up), I last saw him April 28th, and won''t see him again until Sept. 17th when he rescues me from Heathrow. (He lives in the UK, I live in the US.)

I''ll be going to grad school there next year--we''ll still be long-distance, but only 4 hours away by train, instead of 6 away by plane with the damn ocean in between. But yeah, the distance SUCKS. Each time you leave each other, it gets harder, and the time passes slower (although we have to go many months between visits because it''s so far, so it probably won''t be so bad for you). But still, bleh.


Jun 9, 2005
Hi cl2ysta1,

I was once in a relationship with a Marine deployed overseas. It is very tough but if you love one another and make an effort to continue to communicate and see each other as much as possible, it will be fine. Communication is key though. You don''t want to drift apart from each other and that is what prevents that from happening. It is also an opportunity for you both to be creative in how you let each other know how much you miss each other. It can be more fun than you think! In the end, you both are getting yourself set up for your future together. I think that''s wonderful! I wish you all the best!

Many hugs,


Mar 15, 2006
I am also in a long distance relationship right now (PA and CA). Is it possible for you 2 to visit more often? My SO and I are committed to visit at least every 6 weeks, it gets expensive but is worth every penny of it. Everyday we also talk on Skype with web cam and cell phone for hours and hours. The conversation does not have to be meaningful but the knowledge of having each other "right there" really helps. It is not easy, but totally worth the work.


Aug 21, 2007
Thank you all so much for the kind words!!! I know everything will be fine between us, but it just sucks b/c its like our whole relationship is LD. we spent the first 4 months together close, but than school started back up and we were 3 hrs apart. I than was with him for about 5 months before we were 3 hours apart again b/c of my summer job, and his school work. I don''t think us visiting anymore than a few times in the next 10 months is going to be much of an option b/c i am working weird schedules at the new job (some weekends) and he is busy writing up his thesis ( he will be graduating in june with his masters. It''s just going to be stressful on both of us, but thank god for free verizon in calling. it''s saved us millions! lol!


Aug 4, 2007
Date: 8/23/2007 8:02:36 PM
Author: cl2ysta1
Thank you all so much for the kind words!!! I know everything will be fine between us, but it just sucks b/c its like our whole relationship is LD. we spent the first 4 months together close, but than school started back up and we were 3 hrs apart. I than was with him for about 5 months before we were 3 hours apart again b/c of my summer job, and his school work. I don''t think us visiting anymore than a few times in the next 10 months is going to be much of an option b/c i am working weird schedules at the new job (some weekends) and he is busy writing up his thesis ( he will be graduating in june with his masters. It''s just going to be stressful on both of us, but thank god for free verizon in calling. it''s saved us millions! lol!
A few times over 10 months will be ok. Not optimal (obviously), but doable. It''s once you hit the 4-month mark and realize you still have a bit to go that it really sucks.


Jun 15, 2006
My now husband and I were LD for the first 10 months of our relationship. It certainly wasn''t easy, but definitely managable (obviously we''re married now!). Send care packages, write cards and notes, commit to talking once a day/every other day/whatever works for you and stick to it, etc. Take good care of yourself too, though and be sure not to isolate yourself from opportunities to make friends, etc. because you''re living on the phone with him or whatever. Good luck!


Feb 15, 2007
Congratulations on your new job, Crystal! I was in a former LD relationship, and we established a really nice ritual: we''d write letters to each other (actual letters, not Hallmark cards, but written out full length correspondence on stationary) and it was really, really nice. I was in college at the time so I had much more time on my hands back then. But, I think if you two can make the time to write you''ll have a wonderful stack of keepsakes to commemorate this period of your relationship.

I''m also the first person to try to convince anyone to write anyone a real letter, because I think it''s a very important means of communication, so I''m biased. But it''s still sweet, I promise!

Hey, and at least you''ll have a gorgeous ring to look at whenever you miss him.
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