
AGS vs. HRD certifications.


Feb 3, 2018
Hi Pricescopers. I recently bought a 0.44 crt ACA from WF, AGS certified.

I have seen and read some comparison of GIA vs. HDR, but couldn't really find that many comparisons of AGS vs. HRD grading reports, So I was interested in what the difference between the AGS and HRD certifications would be for the same diamond.

Because I live in Europe, and AGS is less known off in Europe, as see HRD or GIA. If send the diamond to HDR Antwerp for analysis.

In the GIA vs. HRD comparison I generally see, one or two color difference and/or one or two clarity difference. I was expecting more or less the same color/clarity difference between the AGS and the HRD certifications.

I have chosen the (new) HRD certificate widths also feature's hearts and arrows images of the diamond.

So for the Pricescopers how are also interested in the comparison between AGS and HRD certifications, here it is.

Av: Min: Max:
Diameter: 4.915mm 4.91mm 4.92mm
Depth: 3.02mm 61.5%
Table size: 2.76mm 56.2%
Crown angle: 34.3°
Crown height: 0.74mm 15.0%
Pavillion angle: 40.7°
Pavillion depth: 2.12mm 43.1%
Girdle: t/m 1.6% 3.9%
Star length: 52%
Lower half: 76%
Culet: pointed: 0%

Weight: 0.446 crt
Clarity: VS2
Color: F
Cut grade: AGS ideal 0
Light performance: AGS ideal 0
Polish: AGS ideal 0
Symmetry: AGS ideal 0

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Av: Min: Max:
Diameter: 4.92mm 4.91mm 4.93mm
Depth: 61.3%
Table size: 56%
Crown angle: 34.3°
Crown height: 15.0%
Pavillion angle: 40.7°
Pavillion depth: 43.0%
Girdle: medium: 3.5%
Star length: 50%
Lower half: 75%
Culet: pointed 0%

Weight: 0.44 crt / 0.44590 crt
Clarity: VS1
Color: F
Cut grade: Hearts and arrows
Light performance: exc
Polish: exc
Symmetry: exc

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Sep 3, 2000
HRD and AGSL both are credible labs. I don't see many HRD reports, but have experience with them. To my way of thinking, if it is not a GIA report, then it is not likely to always be in perfect alignment with any past, present or future GIA report on the same diamond. It is not a conspiracy to hurt anyone, but it is a fact that grading with human eyes, using somewhat subjective color and clarity grading determinants frequently makes matching grades on the same diamond more accidental than readily possible. You just should not expect even the best of labs to match one another all the time. They are frequently a grade apart in color or clarity and far less frequently on both. AGSL has the upper end of cutting tied up in the USA, but the vast majority of US grading reports are GIA. HRD is likely a larger factor in Europe than AGSL is here in the US. They all do a good job, but are not likely to perfectly agree on grading. If you set your sights on owning a diamond you have a few general choices about the level of quality, but these levels are adjustable for the different ways people think about what is important.

Many on Pricescope know cut quality is a highly important essential. The vast majority of US customers don't know much about cut quality and would think a D/E color VS1+ makes a very high quality diamond. Few of them can afford such a diamond anyway and the one they end up with may well be I/K-SI2/I1. They may still find it a happy compromise. Exact grading of color and clarity is likely less important to most users than the one thing most people don't even understand. To buy a great looking diamond, cut quality is more important than any lab's exactness of color or clarity grade.

You pay a bit of a premium for AGS000 diamond because they cost more to cut and lose more weight in the cutting process. Only AGSL allows consumers to see that such diamonds have that degree of fine cutting to stand out above GIAXXX stones. AGSL graded diamonds without the 000 cut grading have no special value or place in the market. Such diamonds might be a bit discounted like HRD diamonds may also be discounted. The consumer tends to prefer the GIA label as a Brand and that is the real nature of doubt and discount for diamonds with excellent but from slightly secondary grading labs. Deserved or not, that is the reality.
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