
AGS Platinum DQD vs. GIA


May 3, 2011
I an in the process of seaching for an engagement ring/diamond for my longtime gf. Naturally, the first thing that came up when purchasing diamonds online was certification. I've done a lot of research with the help of pricescope. At first, i thought that GIA was a MUST because of how popular the certificate is. There are a lot more GIA certification then there are AGS. I also found that GIA and AGS are comparable. However, based on further research, i find that a AGS certification is far more superior for the following reasons.

1) More strict guidelines - AGS grades from 0-10 (0 being Ideal) and GIA grades from Poor-Exellent. The top grade from AGS-Ideal will always be GIA-Exellent, but a GIA-Exellent is not always a AGS-Ideal.

2) AGS has a Light Perfomance grade. It measures the diamond based on Light Performance whereas GIA measures the diamond based on the diamonds Proportions. To me isn't a Light Performance a better measurement of how much a diamond shines? GIA only gives the proportion of the diamond, this is much harder to determine if the diamond is ideal (although we can use HCA).

3) AGS has a computer generated light performanc image of the diamond. This helps me look to see if the diamond has good light return, proportions, and good arrows.

Given this, wouldn't it be a slam dunk to go with an AGS Platium DQD if im looking for a good quality round diamond? I'm not saying that GIA is no good, i'm just saying that AGS is better. I have a higher chance of finding a good diamond and weeding out the bad ones with an AGS report. Am i wrong to say thing? Any criticism or support of my statement would be greatly appreciated.
by limiting yourself to AGS, you are going to miss out on other good diamonds. I would not do that. Also, you are essentially just limiting yourself to branded diamonds, which will cost more.
My criticism is that you may eliminate some outstanding stones that happen to be graded by GIA. For example, Good Old Gold has in the past bought H&A stones from cutters that used GIA grading. They also have the AGS software and can determine light performance. So don't limit yourself so strictly to AGS. But yes, an AGS Ideal cut report is a pretty easy way to buy a diamond, and indeed, you'll find most stones at WF and Brian Gavin graded by AGS because that is where they have their stones sent for grading.
Thanks. I do feel like im limiting myself as GIA is also very reliable and reputable. I don't plan on passing on a GIA diamond with great proportions (HCA) at a good price. although AGS has a less guess work.

Does anyone know how much it cost to get a diamond certified by GIA vs. AGS Platinum DQD?