
Advice Needed On Diamond Purchase


Mar 1, 2016
Hi Guys,

I am new to the diamond industry and am in the process of buying an engagement ring for the love of my life.

Currently I have been doing much research on the internet and meeting many different jewellers, which has made the decision so much harder as there is so much conflicting information amongst each retailer I visit.

This is the diamond I have nearly pulled the trigger on:

Carat Weight 1.01 carat
Color Grade G
Clarity GradeVS2
Cut GradeExcellent
Fluorescence: Strong ( this does not bother me)

Holloway Grader gave it a 3.3 and showed fire and scintillation as only good, whereas the Fire-trace report graded these as Very Good and Excellent. I was a little confused by this.

I was hoping someone with a little more knowledge could shed some light on whether it is a good
diamond or not.

I have attached the GIA report,Ideal Scope Image as well as the Fire-trace report

The Jeweller has told me it is a bright ideal cut stone and personally recommend it. I just want to double check with you guys to see what you thought as I am very new to diamonds and wanted to make sure it is a good stone as it means a lot to me and my girlfriend.

Really appreciate your time and input.



Pass. Terrible stone.
Thanks Gypsy.

Can you please let me know why you think it is a terrible stone?

I'm not an expert or in the trade so I can comment on this particular stone. Fluorescence is not horrible and I have never heard of stones with fluorescence making stones darker. Lighter maybe, but not darker.

Back to why gypsy says pass: this stone's crown is 32 degrees and 12.9%. That's going to be a flatty. The HCA is 3.3, it is recommended to reject stones that score over 2.

From what I've seen you'd want to ask your jeweler to pull something for you within these ranges:

depth: 60-62.3% (but HCA penalizes for deeper stones)
table: 54-57%
crown angle: 34.0-35.5
pavilion angle: 40.6-41
(Pavilion angle will depend on the crown angle)
Girdle: thin, medium, slightly thick.
Thanks guys so much for your input.

So from my understanding this diamond has the following problems.

Proportion Issues Been:
-Shallow Crown Angle / Height 32.1 -> ideal around 34
-Steep / Deep pavilion angle 41.5 -> ideal 41 or slightly less

Ideal Scope image highlights

- Light issues with diamond when looking from straight on axis.

I am a little dis heartened by the whole situation as this was a stone recommend to me by the jeweller :(

But what I can say is a Big thanks to everyone who has had the time to reply and give me so much valuable information.

Hi Nick

Just to add to that pavillion angles 40.6-41.0 should be fine.

However it's favourable if you don't pair Pavillion on the deeper side (>40.8) with crown on the steeper side (>35).
I think that's salesmanship. They wanted to sound expertly authoritative with the sale pitch so you'd give them your business. I'm sure they wouldn't buy some of what they sell for themselves. Good thing you found this site like I did. The good folks here are great and will give you their honest opinions.

The first step is to locate a stone that possesses all of the recommended proportions, use the HCA to see if it scores < 2.0, then scrutinize the light performance images, e.g. IS, ASET, Hearts, etc.

Be patient and good luck!
Low crown + deep bottom half = :knockout:
Thanks guys.

Here is a 360 degree view of the diamond.

I'm shattered as I really wanted to propose in the next few weeks, looks like the search goes on for a better diamond.
Thanks to everyone's input.

I think I might have to pass on this stone as it sounds like the proportion is not ideal and will compromise the light reflected through the diamond.
Thank you Flyingpig for posting these beautiful diamonds.

They all look really nice and sparkly.

I'll have a good look when I get home from work.

I'am overwhelmed and very grateful at the support some members have given me :D :D :D
nickgen|1456878847|3998152 said:
Thanks guys.

Here is a 360 degree view of the diamond.

I'm shattered as I really wanted to propose in the next few weeks, looks like the search goes on for a better diamond.

Let us know your budget/specs and we'll find you a well cut stone and setting in budget that you can propose with in the next
couple of weeks.
Hey tyty333,

I am hoping to get a diamond with these specs:

- Colour: G
- Carat:1 - 1.05
- Clarity: Eye Clean VS2 Preferably
- Cut: Ideal --> This has come to my attention as been one of the most important factors for the beauty of the stone.

Fluorescence does not matter so much.

Price wise I was hoping to keep it around the 7,000 usd figure - 10kaud.

One more questions, I understand that the diamond I have looked at has the following issues:

A shallow crown and a deep pavilion, and is not well proportioned in terms of what is considered an Ideal Cut Diamond but I was wondering why it did reasonably well in the light test I posted that showed the performance in relation to the: Brightness, Fire, Scintillation as all Excellent with the Fire tipping the top end of Very good / Excellent?

nickgen|1456963750|3998794 said:
One more questions, I understand that the diamond I have looked at has the following issues:

A shallow crown and a deep pavilion, and is not well proportioned in terms of what is considered an Ideal Cut Diamond but I was wondering why it did reasonably well in the light test I posted that showed the performance in relation to the: Brightness, Fire, Scintillation as all Excellent with the Fire tipping the top end of Very good / Excellent?


Have you asked the vendor about how they generated that report? I'm not familiar with their method, but there's a chance it could be biased or based on soft judging criteria. The HCA scores and IS image (light leakage ring) have both independently suggested that stone not being a strong performer. The effectiveness of these qualitative tools have been widely recognized whereas the validity of that report is questionable in my opinion.
Hi Newjourney, I believe the report was generated by using the AGS Performance Grading Software. I am told by the vendor that it is the most accurate software for diamond analysis and he is the only vendor in Australia with such technology.

When I refer to the light leakage or poor proportions he tells me to refer back to the report that shows:

Light performance 96.9%

-B Excellent
-F Very Good / Excellent
-S Excellent

Also in report diamond has been noted as and Ideal cut and very bright stone :think:

I am going to give the diamond a miss as there are quite a few flaws in this diamond and it is ultimately not what I am looking for.