
Advice needed on a radiant cut

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Feb 18, 2010

I am a first-time engagement ring buyer who has covertly surveyed my girlfriend''s tastes, been to Hatton Gdns several times (surprisingly really enjoying the experience) and done my best with the research and would really appreciate an independent opinion on a stone before I buy it.

The GIA certificate states:

Cut-Cornered Square Modified Brilliant
Measurements: 5.78 x 5.62 x3.49 mm
0.91 carat
Colour: F
Clarity: VS1
Clarity Characteristics: Feather
Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Very Good
Fluorescence: None

There is also a diagram of the diamond with 68% across the table, 62.1% depth, ''none'' at the cutlet and ''slightly thick - thick'' on the girdle.

With the platinum setting I am going to pay £3300 which is around about US $5100

How do the cut/dimensions rate?
Should I worry about the feather?
Is there anything else I should be looking for?

This is a big purchase for me so any critique or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!
Date: 2/18/2010 2:24:02 PM

I am a first-time engagement ring buyer who has covertly surveyed my girlfriend's tastes, been to Hatton Gdns several times (surprisingly really enjoying the experience) and done my best with the research and would really appreciate an independent opinion on a stone before I buy it.

The GIA certificate states:

Cut-Cornered Square Modified Brilliant
Measurements: 5.78 x 5.62 x3.49 mm
0.91 carat
Colour: F
Clarity: VS1
Clarity Characteristics: Feather
Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Very Good
Fluorescence: None

There is also a diagram of the diamond with 68% across the table, 62.1% depth, 'none' at the cutlet and 'slightly thick - thick' on the girdle.

With the platinum setting I am going to pay £3300 which is around about US $5100

How do the cut/dimensions rate?
Should I worry about the feather?
Is there anything else I should be looking for?

This is a big purchase for me so any critique or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!
Hi Mick and welcome!

Its difficult to advise without images, radiants and other fancy shapes can't really be judged by the numbers unfortunately. It appears that the diamond has a table which is quite a bit larger than the depth, normally the reverse is preferred. Have you looked at many radiants in person? What I would do if you prefer to shop in person, is purchase an
ASET scope. This would really be useful in helping you evaluate the cut as a supplement to your own eyes and preferences, the scope will help you judge the light return of the stone. They are simple to use with a little practise.
With the feather, usually VS1 inclusions won't present a problem but you can always get your diamond inspected by an independant appraiser, your jeweller might be able to suggest someone in your area - preferably someone that does not sell diamonds so you get an unbiased opinion.
Thanks Lorelei - for your welcome and your time replying to my post! To answer your question; I am shopping in person but unfortunately time is now of the essence and I will probably not have the time to find an AEST scope and learn how to use one. I will definitely take your advice on getting an unbiased appraisal before I purchase though.

In the many stores that I looked in, none even came close to matching this price for similar specs. However browsing the internet I did find a shop in the same area with a diamond with virtually the same specs but a depth % closer to the table %:

Shape and Cutting Style Radiant
Measurements (mm) 6.31 x 5.07 x 3.43
Grading Results
Carat Weight 0.90
Colour F
Clarity VS1
Additional Grading Information
Table 69%
Depth 67.7%
Girdle Medium
Culet None
Polish Excellent
Symmetry Very Good
Fluorescence None
Clarity characteristics: crystal, cloud, needle

I realise that you cannot really judge a radiant cut by numbers alone but would this have a greater likelihood of having more brilliance? I will have a look but probably will not be able to tell the difference. I am guessing that these characteristics are normally less noticeable/significant than feathers.

Sorry to keep on pestering you but I really need and value the advice.

Again many thanks!

Date: 2/18/2010 8:01:52 PM
Author: Mick32
Thanks Lorelei - for your welcome and your time replying to my post! To answer your question; I am shopping in person but unfortunately time is now of the essence and I will probably not have the time to find an AEST scope and learn how to use one. I will definitely take your advice on getting an unbiased appraisal before I purchase though.

In the many stores that I looked in, none even came close to matching this price for similar specs. However browsing the internet I did find a shop in the same area with a diamond with virtually the same specs but a depth % closer to the table %:

Shape and Cutting Style Radiant
Measurements (mm) 6.31 x 5.07 x 3.43
Grading Results
Carat Weight 0.90
Colour F
Clarity VS1
Additional Grading Information
Table 69%
Depth 67.7%
Girdle Medium
Culet None
Polish Excellent
Symmetry Very Good
Fluorescence None
Clarity characteristics: crystal, cloud, needle

I realise that you cannot really judge a radiant cut by numbers alone but would this have a greater likelihood of having more brilliance? I will have a look but probably will not be able to tell the difference. I am guessing that these characteristics are normally less noticeable/significant than feathers.

Sorry to keep on pestering you but I really need and value the advice.

Again many thanks!

Hi Michael

I wish I could help more but I can''t responsibly tell you that either of these diamonds will be better than the other as I have no way of getting this information or how they differ.....With VS1 inclusions for the most part you shouldn''t have a problem.

The best thing you can do with either stone is ask if you can view them away from any bright store lights to see how they look in everyday wearing conditions. Although the diamonds might lose a bit of steam once the bright lights aren''t driving them, you don''t want them to go totally dead, you still want some life coming from the stones even in lesser lighting conditions.
As Lorelei said, it is nearly impossible to judge a fancy cut diamond off the report (although having the GIA report for what sounds like a lovely stone is great for all kinds of other reasons).

I can not say enough about finding and working with a vendor whom you trust – whether he/she be on the internet or in a brick and mortar store.

Having said that, if I have this correct, Mick32, you are shopping at B&M stores, looking at stones that you can see and hold in person. Correct? If so, LOOK at each diamond in as many lighting situations as you can. I've used several wonderful jewelers who have always offered to let me take a diamond outside to examine in natural light. I realize this may not always be possible, but, you get the idea.

As you examine each diamond, hold it up close. Hold it far away. Look at it against your skin. Watch it change in various lights. Then, compare each diamond to several others – diamonds that are equal in value as well as more costly... sometimes the results are unexpected (like a pricier diamond is not necessarily a better diamond). When you look at several stones, which one catches your eye? Can you figure out why? Don't be afraid to change you mind about your initial pick. As you wrote, this IS an important decision.

You want the one that you just can't forget. Every diamond is different. Every cutter has a way with stones. If you look at enough of them, you WILL pick-up on their differences... personalities, if you will. It sounds corny, but, a desirable diamond should captivate your attention. When you examine your favorite diamond, does it excite you? Is it memorable after you leave the store? How does it compare to other diamonds in the store... even stones that are a different cut?

With radiants, there are so many different looks, I have no idea where to begin with this (other than to echo that the GIA report info indicates a problem-free stone. Unfortunately, a few physical aspects as well performance and personal taste are not accommodated in reports). So, in terms of the diamond's overall look, does the diamond faceting look like crushed ice – with lots of little glittery sparklies? Or, is it more of a traditional looking brilliant cut – with long, flat wedges radiating out from the culet? Which do you and/or your girlfriend prefer? How is the diamond in terms of its transparency... does it give the impression of a myriad of wet mirrors (yes!)? Or, does it appear flat and "white"(boo!)? Are there any dark or extinct areas (another boo!)? Can you see your hand through the stone (boo again!)?

You indicated that you've enjoyed the experience so far. I'm guessing you've educated yourself along the way and have eliminated many, many diamonds. Now, you've got to trust your knowledge AND your eye. It is trusting BOTH that will give you your answer. And, if you have a trusted vendor to help, all the better. Ultimately, regardless of a report or scientific tool, a diamond's appeal is based upon what your eye sees. Trust yourself. If you have doubts, you've probably not found the right stone (or, it is too early in the process to recognize the right stone). Again, it sounds trite, but, at some point a diamond will "speak" to you. Follow your heart.
What a great post Rockit!!!
Thank you both for your effort and great advice which has really made a difference. I rechecked the first stone I mentioned, comparing it with other stones with diff shapes and specs, looked at them in a dark corner and outside the store (I was surprised they were ok with this!), in my hand, through the x 10 monocle etc. To me it still seemed to have the most scintillation and brilliance so I bought it! Everything is now in place for popping the question in May and I feel relieved and much more confident that I have made the best decision. This website and forum has been by far the best resource I have come across and I''ll be recommending it to a few others I know who will be facing the same challenge soon. With my new-found appreciation I might just offer to tag along!

Again many thanks,

Date: 2/21/2010 1:13:31 PM
Author: Mick32
Thank you both for your effort and great advice which has really made a difference. I rechecked the first stone I mentioned, comparing it with other stones with diff shapes and specs, looked at them in a dark corner and outside the store (I was surprised they were ok with this!), in my hand, through the x 10 monocle etc. To me it still seemed to have the most scintillation and brilliance so I bought it! Everything is now in place for popping the question in May and I feel relieved and much more confident that I have made the best decision. This website and forum has been by far the best resource I have come across and I'll be recommending it to a few others I know who will be facing the same challenge soon. With my new-found appreciation I might just offer to tag along!

Again many thanks,

MANY congratulations Michael, I am so pleased we were of real help to you - particularly as we do want to ensure that buyers from brick and mortar stores get the help they need. Although it isn't as easy when we don't have much information to work with, there is still much we can do to help this group of buyers, thank you for your positive feedback that we were of real assistance.

Best of luck with the proposal, please come back with some pictures of the finished ring!
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