
ACA H&A vs Ideal Cut on Whiteflash...

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May 20, 2003
This the first time I''ve run into tha ACA H&A. It seems for the same price ~6200, I can either buy a 1ct ACA/H&A G/SI1 with HCA of 1.4 or a 1ct ideal cut with E/VS2 with HCA of .9 The H&A is very romantic.... but am I getting similar quality doa,pmds??

As Garry H. (aka Cut Nut) wrote: "A score below 2 (Excellent) means you have eliminated known poor performers (more than 95% of all diamonds). Your own personal preference may be for a diamond with an HCA score of 1.5 more rather than one with a lower score of say 0.5."

HCA takes only average Table size and Crown and Pavilion angles into account. It also doesn't take symmetry and minor facets into equation.

Once you found diamond(s) with HCA below 2, you might want to consider other factors like H&A for example. The best thing of course is try to compare both candidates yourself and chose the one you like the most.

Let us know what you decide.
Thanks, that makes the HCA score more clear. I guess my other question is whether the ACA cut is going to make up the difference between an ideal E/VS2 vs the lesser G/SI1. Any recommendations on where to get the H&A cut besides the well advertised and respected Whiteflash?

P.S. this web site sure does make the diamond search much more enjoyable
It's all in the cut...that's what makes it unique
For the scintillation and sparkle you seek.

The hearts and arrows you'll see are true
That's what proves the ideal cut for you!

I just went through the same decision making process. In the end it is YOUR decision. Everyone has their own opinion. For me, I am no expert and was concerned about buying sight unseen over the internet. I did not want the hassle of returning something and I'm not sure I could really tell the difference between stones unless I had them side by side. Even then I'm sure I couldn't judge the clarity. So my decision was to be certain that I was getting the highest quality cut I could and manage the color and clarity by how much money I was willing/able to spend. I decided on ACA H&A by Whiteflash and am very happy with the decision. What I gave up was being able to personnaly compare different diamonds with different HCA numbers. Would I prefer a dimond with a HCA of .7 vs one with 1.5 or 1.7? Well I bought a total of 5 diamonds (small). One had a HCA of .7 and one had a 1.7. I, honestly cannot see a difference. They are both (all 5 actually) incredibly brilliant and sparkly and flash color like crazy. Would I have gotten the same result with non-H&A for a little less money? I Don't know but I am a very happy camper with no regrets. Hope this helped. Have fun
I have an ACA H&A diamond and I can truly say that there is a visual difference between a H&A and an ideal non-H&A diamond. Actually, it also depends on the size.
I recently had the opportunity to compare my F VVS2 diamond to someone else's ideal (but not H&A) E VS1 diamond and there was a huge difference. Even the person who owned the E colored diamond couldn't believe how much clearer my diamond looked and also how much whiter it looked.
In fact, they kept insisting that I must of bought a D color because they were positive that theirs was an E color.
On the other hand, if the diamond is not that big, say less than 15 points, then I don't think it would make as much of a difference. But that's just my opinion.
There's no true ideal definition. That said...a regular 'ideal' cut stone with an excellent HCA score will (in my opinion) not compare to a SuperIdeal H&A such as the ACA stones or even the SuperbCert. It's not as though you are talking about an H&A vs a SuperIdeal H&A. H&A itself is a superior cut (when done right) over a typical ideal. So yes you should see a difference. I would get the G SI1. I have a G stone and it faces up bright white. SI1 is fine if the stone is eye clean, thats all that matters. Between two comparable size ctw stones, if the color is not visible nor are inclusions, I would go for the excellently cut stone each time.

Plus if you were to see those two stones in person, I can almost guarantee you can see the sharp arrows with the ACA and you will not see that with a regular ideal. You may see slight outlines, but not the sharp amazing arrows that come with well cut H&A's.

Look at some pictures on the Eye Candy forum. Maybe that will help.
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