
About to start building a ring, need opinions though!

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Jan 11, 2007

I’ve probably looked at close to 1,000 different pictures on the internet over the last several months, and there was 1 particular ring that really moved me. In fact, I found it on this site! I’m sure the owner won’t me stealing her design, ……well kind of.

Over the last year I’ve done my best to subtly find out what kind of engagement rings speak to my girlfriend. Based on the comments she’s made, and her personal style , I know the following. She doesn’t want anything loud or gaudy. She is a tiny girl with small features. I would describe her as classic, and elegant, not trendy at all. She’s made comments that she doesn’t want a solitaire round cut diamond because “it seems like every ring I see is a round cut diamond in a Tiffany setting.” (* No offense to anyone who might own that particular ring, just not what she prefers.) I think she wants something original is what it comes down to. I should also mention that she loves Sapphires. Based on all of that and all the photos I’ve looked at, this is what I’ve come up with. It''s going to be a combination of these two rings, with an Emerald cut diamond, not a round cut. I think the EC is ver classic and simpy stated. The center stone will be between 1.5 and 1.7 ct. Would love feedback good or bad. Thanks.

The band below the filigree will be taken from this ring, minus the sapphires, I think that would be too much.

Hi Pauly,

I have to say, I LOVE the band. I think it's very unique. Certainly beautiful and unique, I especially like the use/placement of the sapphires.

The one thing I am unsure of is whether an emerald cut stone would look ok with that band. I think it might be out of proportion with the way the band is. Also, has she mentioned that she likes emeralds? I simply ask because emeralds seem to be one of the cuts that people either love or hate (like pears or marquise too), and if she hasn't expressed interest in one, there is a chance she wouldn't like it. It just doesn't throw as much fire as a round or other cuts, so just something to consider.

If you were to put an EC in this setting, I don't think you would be maximizing the beauty of the EC. Something a little simpler/narrower for the band would, in my opinion, make an EC stand out much more AND might look more dainty on your girlfriend's hand. If she's tiny a ring with a wide band might restrict her WB options and might also be getting dangerously close to "big". If you could make the design a bit daintier that would be a fantastic choice.

Also, do you know what kind of WB she wants? Or whether she cares if it sits flush? Unless you get something custom made, it would be hard to get a WB to sit flush with this ring, which might be a consideration.

But I love that you are working hard to design a ring she'll love. The effort will be well noted I'm sure!!!
I like that setting a LOT. I also think that if you aren''t getting a round... then it would look best with either a fat (1.2-1.3 ratio) oval or a non-stepcut cut corner square... I just don''t think that a emerald cut is going to to shine that setting. I''m sorry. Would you consider a fat oval... or a cut corner square?
If your set on an emerald cut... I would consider a three stone. With sapphire side stones.

Emerald set N/W with baguette or trap saphires... or set E/W with saphire traps would be my pick. Very classic, and very elegant. This one on the right below with sappire traps would be stunning.

Or if you are set on an antique look: This setting is a possibility.. with saphire instead of diamond rounds at each of the four <> points.
Date: 2/22/2007 6:36:54 PM
Author: Gypsy
I like that setting a LOT. I also think that if you aren''t getting a round... then it would look best with either a fat (1.2-1.3 ratio) oval or a non-stepcut cut corner square... I just don''t think that a emerald cut is going to to shine that setting. I''m sorry. Would you consider a fat oval... or a cut corner square?

I like the top setting too ... but I disagree with Gyp & think it *COULD* work with an Emerald Cut. Here''s why ... the Cartier Ballerine setting is similar & set with an EC. It''s so popular & desirable it''s the FOCUS of their new ad campaigns. I''ll see if I can find a pix.

The 2nd pix looks a little "busy" to me, but it might just be the picture. If that''s an "inspiration" pix and whoever is gonna make it might tone down the "foof" - that could work too.
Here''s one view of the Cartier Ballerine setting

Deco... that cartier is a LOT less busy IMO that the one posted above. For one thing its uniform and has very simple prongs. I think that if the above setting was simplied... maybe just two sets of leaves-- one on each side... instead of 4 sets. And the side view simplified as well. With plain single prongs or maybe HW double prongs at each corner... it would work. But as it is... I just don't think it's going to work very well. EC's are so simple and refined... that they look cluttered in really ornate settings to my eyes. But at the least... they need to be the focal point. The first setting above competes too much with the EC to do that. THe Cartier doesn't. It lets the center shine.
I hope tacori e-ring comes and posts her ring!!! I couldn''t find a thread dedicated to it, but it is an emerald cut with sapphires :)
Thanks to all of you for your comments. It osunds like an EC is not the way to go for this particular design, which I''m OK with. When push comes to shove I would rather opt for a different center stone, and keep the band. I am thinking about a fat oval, thanks for the suggestion. If anybody else has any thoughts, I would love to hear them.
Good choice! I think a fat oval would look much better with that band. Remember to keep it on the smaller side though if she likes dainty jewelery.

Good luck and make sure to post when you get it made!!!
Thanks Neatfreak!

Anybody else have any thoughts?
maybe she wouldn''t mind a round brilliant if it was in a unique setting like the one you posted? just a thought...i also think a cushion could look beautiful in this type of vintagey setting! an oval would be pretty, too.
Fat East west oval or a cushion... definitely. I would contact Mark T at ERD for both of those.
Would you go east west with the cushion, or just the oval?
It depends.

You said you were interested in 1.5-1.7 carats. In MM size those are going to be completely different sizes depending on the shape. Ovals have great spread, and cushions don''t. So an excellent oval is going to be bigger at the same carat size than a cushion.

But, ovals have bowtie issues which bug some people. And Mark at ERD''s square cushions don''t have this problem.

If I wasn''t worried about spread... I''d get a cushion like MMM''s, moremoremores, or Travelinggirls, hands down with that setting. It''s an antique look for an antique setting... and cushions are just stunning.

However, if I wanted a larger looking stone for my money... I would get an oval.

So, I would prioritize.

Is she most interested in a large stone?

If the answer is yes , I''d go for the oval.

Either one would be stunning, frankly. So it''s not like you are going to get a dog either way!

I have some oval cut guidelines if that''s what you decide on... so that you can give them to Mark with a request for a stone with the least bow tie effect possible. If you go for a cushion.. just ask for a chunkier non-radiant looking plot with a small table, high crown and good spread and let Mark do his magic.
Thanks you. From what you''ve described, I''m more inclined to go with the cushion. I will keep you posted as things progress. Appreciate your help!
Yes, I think a chunky cushion would be a lovely choice.

By the way, whose ring is this &/or where did the setting come from? It''s absolutely gorgeous!

YAY. I didn''t want to sway you too much. But I was rooting for a cushion too. I would personally, also ask Mark if he can replicate the setting for you... because I think he could do it, and do it well!
I love the original setting you posted - it''s stunning. I see also that you''re now leaning towards a cushion. I was going to say that you should really find out if she likes the subtle sparkle of an EC, but that''s moot now. A cushion will be gorgeous!
Thanks again Gypsy!
I love that ring and think it will look gorgeous with a cushion.

Good Luck and come back with pictures!
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