
A smudge on my proposal? Or am I over-reacting?

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Dec 31, 2006
Where do I begin? I've been in a relationship for almost 4 years and have decided to surrender my bachelor-hood. After entertaining the thought of a proposal in the next few months I figured I'd rely on her "best-friend", who was married a few years back in Hawaii, to pick her brain about a design for a ring. (We'll call her friend.... ah, "Betty") . They met for lunch and coincientally went ring shopping. To make a long story short, I now know the very specifics of the ring.

After making a mental note and equipped with photos of the ring, I dragged a couple of buddies who have gone thru the gauntlet of diamond shopping to the jewelery district in Los Angeles to a person they've both used. They are making the engagement ring and band as we speak/type.

My GF often talks about getting married on one of the islands of Hawaii and since I've never been I was courious as to the cost of airfare for our next vacation. Being bored at work I checked airfare and was surprise to find such a good deal..... time for a shotgun trip! Needless to say that fell thru and she was dissappointed but being the fairly brilliant man that I am I figured we should plan it out a little better, find airfare and a condo, dog-sitters, etc.. In my attempt at being romantic I came up with what I believe to be the most original way of proposing...... in MAUI! I know, it's not as original as I thought but I came up with it on my own.... so I/we have everything booked for the end of February. She has absolutely no idea of what's in store!

Now, to get to the point. My GF called Betty to tell her that we're going to Hawaii and asked for suggestions on things to do, she left a message. The next day I get an email from Betty saying that she can't help but wonder if I had plans on proposing in Hawaii. She went on to say that getting engaged and married in Hawaii is something very special to her and her husband and had hoped that our plans were different. That we would have a "story of our own", her and her husband are very excited for us and please do not be offended by the email, "we love you both".

I haven't replied to the email thinking I'll give her a few days to think it through and realize how foolish and selfish that was considering she's my GF's bestfriend and future Maid-of-Honor. But, a couple of days ago I get a message asking if I have received her email... apparently the foolishness is beyond her.

What's your reaction? In my defense my GF and I were just dating when Betty got married in Hawaii and I had absolutely no idea that got engaged there. My GF and I were also unable to attend the wedding so we truly had no idea or intentions of plagiarizing their wedding/memories. Should I be offended, hurt, betrayed (for my GF) and all the other emotions that I'm going thru? I truly think this is a smudge on my proposal idea.... now I feel that if I don't go thru with my plans I will be depriving a childhood dream of the special proposal from the woman I plan on spending the rest of my life with, but if I go thru with my plans I will be upsetting her best friend and perhaps stealing their idea. How do I reply to betty? I'm at witts end.
I would tell Betty to go pound sand. What''s she going to say next, that she got married in a white dress and that she hopes your GF will come up with an original color of her own? Pulleeze.

It''s your life, your love and your happiness. It sounds like you are being thoughtful about this...both in terms of your proposal and your GFs friend''s feelings. But in my mind she''s nuts.
Well, my reaction is that Betty doesn't own the market of proposing or getting married in Hawaii.
I mean to say she didn't get proposed to on Hawaii, was married there. So you proposing there is wrong to her?? If that's her thinking, well it's so wrong. I have no words for that. You obviously are a very considerate person, and are taking her feelings seriously as she is your GF's BFF. But sheesh. I think her reaction is selfish. But that's just me...... I have been married for 20 years, and if it was my friend who I helped pick out the ring, etc.. I'd be thrilled for you guys. I dunno, kind of speechless here.
Date: 1/13/2007 1:29:57 AM
Author: Kaleigh
Well, my reaction is that Betty doesn''t own the market of proposing or getting married in Hawaii. I mean to say she didn''t get proposed to on Hawaii, was married there. So you proposing there is wrong to her?? If that''s her thinking, well it''s so wrong. I have no words for that. You obviously are a very considerate person, and are taking her feelings seriously as she is your GF''s BFF. But sheesh. I think her reaction is selfish. But that''s just me...... I have been married for 20 years, and if it was my friend who I helped pick out the ring, etc.. I''d be thrilled for you guys. I dunno, kind of speechless here.
I know, isn''t it Kaleigh? The more I think about it, I can''t believe someone would waste typing energy sending that email.

Does Betty have kids? If not, beat her to the punch. Then when they announce they are thinking of having kids, tell them that you and your woman conceived in bed...and it''s very special to you that your child was created in bed. Then tell her that you hope she doesn''t copy your idea and that she''ll conceive on another piece of furniture.

It''s just THAT stupid to me.

But silliness aside, just respond nicely that it has always been your and your GFs dream to get engaged on Maui, and that as her best friend, SURELY she would not begrudge her best friend a lifelong dream! Tell her you are sorry, as you didn''t know about her engagement there, blah blah blah, and that you look forward to having her in your wedding party.

Then add a P.S. and ask to look through her wedding album so make sure you don''t steal any of her other *original* ideas.
ugh i am so sorry!!! no you are not over-reacting to think that this betty chick is smoking the crack pipe to think that hawaii somehow belongs to her and her husband?? my husband and i got married 3 years ago in hawaii but do i care if any of my friends want to get engaged there or married there or whatever? no way?! in of the PS gals on here got married at the same exact place that we did and i think that it was my happy review of the island and what we did there that might have turned her onto the idea. do i care? no, i was flattered!!! we had a wonderful time and wedding and i only hoped she'd have the same.

in any case, i think it's crazy she is acting like this BUT you do have to tread carefully. if she is truly a best friend to your wife-to-be, you do not want to alienate her by telling her she's off her rocker for claiming hawaii as hers forever (big eye roll!!!). how close are you with this gal? do you feel like you can speak freely? or is it kind of a more formal relationship? because i would want to be honest and kind of point out that hawaii is a big area and that she can't really expect for NOTHING remotely romantic to be happening in any of her friends lives EVER just because she got married there. what if got forbid you guys wanted to honeymoon there? is that off limits too?

or you could just respond and say...something along the lines of 'we love you both and respect your friendship as well, which is why i hope you would understand that this is something really special to us as well and that i am a bit surprised that you would ask for me to change my entire proposal game plan because you and your husband married on one island over 4 years ago' (or whatever the specs are).

honestly, i don't even know. hahaha. hopefully others will have some great suggestions. but yeah she's out of her mind to ask this...sorry to say. and it is selfish of her and i honestly can't believe she even sent that email. sometimes you really wonder about people.

ETA: omg you guys are fast, i was composing and like 4 responses came in. whee!!
Date: 1/13/2007 1:35:02 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 1/13/2007 1:29:57 AM
Author: Kaleigh
Well, my reaction is that Betty doesn''t own the market of proposing or getting married in Hawaii. I mean to say she didn''t get proposed to on Hawaii, was married there. So you proposing there is wrong to her?? If that''s her thinking, well it''s so wrong. I have no words for that. You obviously are a very considerate person, and are taking her feelings seriously as she is your GF''s BFF. But sheesh. I think her reaction is selfish. But that''s just me...... I have been married for 20 years, and if it was my friend who I helped pick out the ring, etc.. I''d be thrilled for you guys. I dunno, kind of speechless here.
I know, isn''t it Kaleigh? The more I think about it, I can''t believe someone would waste typing energy sending that email.

Does Betty have kids? If not, beat her to the punch. Then when they announce they are thinking of having kids, tell them that you and your woman conceived in bed...and it''s very special to you that your child was created in bed. Then tell her that you hope she doesn''t copy your idea and that she''ll conceive on another piece of furniture.

It''s just THAT stupid to me.

But silliness aside, just respond nicely that it has always been your and your GFs dream to get engaged on Maui, and that as her best friend, SURELY she would not begrudge her best friend a lifelong dream! Tell her you are sorry, as you didn''t know about her engagement there, blah blah blah, and that you look forward to having her in your wedding party.

Then add a P.S. and ask to look through her wedding album so make sure you don''t steal any of her other *original* ideas.
Just don''t tell Betty your ideas for kids names!!! She''ll own them too!!! Seriously, people these days are wacko. I never dealt with any of this back in the day. I kind of feel bad for the sense of entitlement that is going on now. I am floored!!!!!
Date: 1/13/2007 1:27:28 AM
Author: TravelingGal

I would tell Betty to go pound sand.
AMEN......and perhaps she can do that in the Carribbean so she won''t mar your sand in Hawaii while you propose!
Date: 1/13/2007 1:35:02 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Does Betty have kids? If not, beat her to the punch. Then when they announce they are thinking of having kids, tell them that you and your woman conceived in bed...and it''s very special to you that your child was created in bed. Then tell her that you hope she doesn''t copy your idea and that she''ll conceive on another piece of furniture.

It''s just THAT stupid to me.
OH MY LORD....that''s absolutely HYSTERICAL! TG, you get better the longer you''re around.!

Date: 1/13/2007 1:39:51 AM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 1/13/2007 1:27:28 AM
Author: TravelingGal

I would tell Betty to go pound sand.
AMEN......and perhaps she can do that in the Carribbean so she won''t mar your sand in Hawaii while you propose!
20.gif looks like some of the gloriously blunt ladies are hanging out on PS tonight.
In the vein of trying to be somewhat nice and diplomatic, I''d likely reply to Betty something like this:

"Honestly, Betty, my only real concern is making my GF happy, and since she does want to marry in Hawaii, that''s my make her happy and to fulfill that wish. I''m pretty confident that we''ll be able to put our own unique spin on it, as have the many couples who''ve married in Hawaii years before any of us, so I''m confident we''ll still have the ''story of our own''.

I hope you can understand that our plans are about what we want together, and not about taking away anything from your special time there. As GF''s best friend, I''m sure you''ll appreciate that. We really look forward to this special time in our lives, and to having you and your husband be a part of it."
Aljdewey - You are SO much nicer - and clearly more diplomatic - than I am. LOL


House - The fact is this Betty girl sounds childish, selfish and, frankly, not very much like a good friend. And you don''t need to say anything in your own defense, because she''s just being ridiculous.

I think it''s admirable that you are concerned about her feelings and opinions, but the fact is Hawaii is one of the most popular places in the world to get engaged and/or married. She doesn''t have a monopoly on it, and she just needs to deal.
Go forward with your plan - it sounds like a great one, and the fact is you and your GF will have "your own story" because your proposal will be about the two of you. And not dearest Betty.

I would respond to Betty''s e-mail but I would keep it short and direct. You don''t need to justify yourself to her. Tell her you appreciate her warm wishes, but remind her that this is YOUR relationship and that you''ll do what you want. You might consider reminding this girl that a true friend would be excited for those she cares about, instead of focusing solely on themselves.
Betty does not own Hawaii. For crying out loud, that would be like me emailing someone who was about to propose to his GF in downtown Chicago, just like my DH did 4.5 years ago! Jeez! Betty is making herself look like an a*s in this situation! Just because she got married in HI it''s ok for her to monopolize the entire state/concept of getting engaged there? I don''t think so. She''s letting her inner child get the best of her and taking it out on you. She needs to wake up and get a reality check, and realize that friendship and happy marriages/engagements are not based on where the actual event takes place.

Love, love, love AlJDewey''s take on the appropriate email response! LOL! Completely appropriate! Good luck to you!
OMG monarch... ''inner child''....i love it.

my inner child is ready for bed. LOL!
Thank you all for your replies and definate support. It''s been over a week since I got the request, on my birthday nonetheless, and I''m still completely taken back. I find myself thinking who in their right mind would say such a thing and make such an asinine statement, taking possession of such a beautiful idea.

I actually decided to call her husband since he was a culprit in the "We were hoping you had other plans" and to try to speak rationally (man to man) to him about his wife. It went okay but I could tell he was somewhat trying to be supportive of his wife but also stated that when I do get married my perspective will change about how certain things are more special. (I don''t really understand that statement but perhaps the translation will come thru when I''m wed). I asked if it would be better for them if I proposed to my GF in the middle of a corn field in Nebraska.... that''s pretty original for Californians (not so much originality for those States that allow sibling marriages though!). I also express how this is a decision based on what will make my GF the happiest and that - that is my first priority. I''m just very disappointed that the thrill of her being able to call her best friend after the proposal is been taken away perminently, based on a selfish act (I didn''t mention the selfish act part but eluded to it). I stated to him that I haven''t replied since I''m still sorting thru feelings on how I feel about her statement and that I would prefer to call since emails tend to hide emotion, tone of voice and there''s more room for mis-interpretation. He said that he would pass on some of the conversation to her.... we''ll see how that goes, I haven''t received any emails/calls since the conversation 2 days ago.

I don''t plan on sharing any of Betty''s request to my GF during the vacation although it kills me not to tell her right now! I think we''ll have a discussion once we get back.... I think it only be appropriate that she knows. Is that a bad idea to share that with her? All your input is so appreciated........ Thanks TG, Kaleigh, Mara, Aljdewey, Dawn and Monarch!
I understand where Betty's coming from in wanting to keep her own experience unique and original among her circle of friends. Honestly, though, she shouldn't expect to maintain that when her "special place" is HAWAII! If she wanted to be the only one to get engaged/married somewhere, she should have chosen somewhere far, far away from the Hawaiian islands. Like the Sudan.

Or something.

If, in the end, you decide you do want to abide by Betty's wishes, there is always the option of proposing right before the trip, and treating it as an "engagement-honeymoon." She won't be expecting it then. But honestly, if Hawaii is where you want to propose and where your girlfriend wants to be proposed to, don't let her friend ruin your special moment just because she thinks it will ruin her own. If her psyche is over 13 years old, it shouldn't ruin anything for her.

As for telling your girlfriend about this whole mess afterward, it's completely your call--and largely depends on her relationship with the friend. Telling her could go either way; it could cause a feud with her friend or she could be bothered that you didn't respect her friend's wishes (two extremes, the latter is very unlikely). I agree with you that it would be best for her to know, and it will be better coming from you than from her friend (as long as you describe the situation diplomatically!).
Oh my... some people.

One of my closest friends is getting married a few months after me. Recently she asked where we were going on our honeymoon, and I said St. Lucia... her reaction was "oh, we''ve wanted to go there for years... but I guess we''ll have to find somewhere different now." Incredulous, I asked why they couldn''t just plan their own trip to St. Lucia... and her response was "well we want to have different pictures and memories." UM... it''s a HONEYMOON... I''m pretty sure our respective memories are going to be pretty unique!! And furthermore, isn''t it kind of fun to be going to the same island as one of your closest friends?? We know of several other couples who have gone or are going there... and we''ve already talked about planning a big anniversary trip together some year!

Personally, I like the idea of sharing a similar story/experience with people I care about... it''s such a fun thing to have in common! And I think stubbornly clinging to the idea that a honeymoon/proposal is only special if it is totally unique, is kinda missing the point!! Your GF''s friend needs to take a minute to get over herself.
Date: 1/13/2007 1:29:57 AM
Author: Kaleigh
Well, my reaction is that Betty doesn''t own the market of proposing or getting married in Hawaii.

Nuff said.
if i were you intended, i would be just as happy if you proposed the day before you plan to go to hawaii. i would be happy if you told me about betty''s e-mail. in fact, i think you should let her read this thread. then i would call betty and thank her for ruining my fiance''s proposal and let her know that he was so much more considerate of her feelings than she was of ours. then i would wonder if she tried to pick out an ugly ring so it would not compete with hers.

i wouldn''t actually do all of this but i think she should have to live with the guilt that she cares only about her memory and not anyone else''s.
Seriously, these people all need to get over themselves and face a few realities.

It''s 2007. There''s unlikely too many things that are ACTUALLY unique anymore. Wherever you''ve been, people have been there before you.

To think that you can maintain exclusivity on anything - be it location, style of wedding, year of wedding, etc. ......well, it''s just narcissistic and PETTY and competitive. DOGS do this....walk around peeing on things to claim them as their own. Do you really want to be a DOG?


If I weren''t in the mood to be diplomatic with Betty, I''d point out " shouldn''t really have to worry about anyone infringing on the unique and wonderful memories of your nuptials in Hawaii because, to be honest, the first thing that NOW comes to mind when I think of you isn''t your wedding in Hawaii. It''s how incredibly small and petty your behavior is.....and that impression is far more dominant than recollections of your wedding."
This is so ridiculous I had to respond.
No matter how you propose, it will be special because it''s yours. But, if it bothers you, I would call them (Betty and husband) and find out the "specifics" of the proposal. Did he propose on the beach at sunset? Then you can propose by the falls. Tell them you don''t want to do what they did. There are so many different things you can do that will make your proposal unique.
Be careful that "Betty" doesn''t childishly ruin your surprise and tell your gf on purpose. Some people will go to any old is she? her and her husband sound like kooks. have fun and provide beautiful
proposal shots when you return from what i think is the most beautiful and romantic place.
Date: 1/13/2007 3:34:03 AM
Author: house_64
I asked if it would be better for them if I proposed to my GF in the middle of a corn field in Nebraska.... that''s pretty original for Californians (not so much originality for those States that allow sibling marriages though!).

Not to add to the childishness in this thread (speaking of "Betty" here), but excuse me?? There are people who post on Pricescope who reside in the land of "sibling marriages". Maybe I need to do some research on the marriage laws in NE, but wow.

Aside, like everyone else, I think Betty is being silly and unreasonably territorial, and house_64 would not be out of line to propose/marry in HI if that is what he and his gf want to do. If she wanted to have a "story of their own" to share with no one else, they should have married on the moon.
Date: 1/13/2007 9:44:58 AM
Author: ephemery1
Oh my... some people.

One of my closest friends is getting married a few months after me. Recently she asked where we were going on our honeymoon, and I said St. Lucia... her reaction was ''oh, we''ve wanted to go there for years... but I guess we''ll have to find somewhere different now.'' Incredulous, I asked why they couldn''t just plan their own trip to St. Lucia... and her response was ''well we want to have different pictures and memories.'' UM... it''s a HONEYMOON... I''m pretty sure our respective memories are going to be pretty unique!! And furthermore, isn''t it kind of fun to be going to the same island as one of your closest friends?? We know of several other couples who have gone or are going there... and we''ve already talked about planning a big anniversary trip together some year!

Personally, I like the idea of sharing a similar story/experience with people I care about... it''s such a fun thing to have in common! And I think stubbornly clinging to the idea that a honeymoon/proposal is only special if it is totally unique, is kinda missing the point!! Your GF''s friend needs to take a minute to get over herself.

OMG, I felt just like your friend on our honeymoon. I was totally not expecting thousands of other people to be on our Caribbean cruise, and now my honeymoon memories are tainted with the knowledge that other people were there at the same time as us. Ghastly, isn''t it?
Date: 1/13/2007 11:25:20 AM
Author: JCJD

Date: 1/13/2007 9:44:58 AM
Author: ephemery1
Oh my... some people.

One of my closest friends is getting married a few months after me. Recently she asked where we were going on our honeymoon, and I said St. Lucia... her reaction was ''oh, we''ve wanted to go there for years... but I guess we''ll have to find somewhere different now.'' Incredulous, I asked why they couldn''t just plan their own trip to St. Lucia... and her response was ''well we want to have different pictures and memories.'' UM... it''s a HONEYMOON... I''m pretty sure our respective memories are going to be pretty unique!! And furthermore, isn''t it kind of fun to be going to the same island as one of your closest friends?? We know of several other couples who have gone or are going there... and we''ve already talked about planning a big anniversary trip together some year!

Personally, I like the idea of sharing a similar story/experience with people I care about... it''s such a fun thing to have in common! And I think stubbornly clinging to the idea that a honeymoon/proposal is only special if it is totally unique, is kinda missing the point!! Your GF''s friend needs to take a minute to get over herself.

OMG, I felt just like your friend on our honeymoon. I was totally not expecting thousands of other people to be on our Caribbean cruise, and now my honeymoon memories are tainted with the knowledge that other people were there at the same time as us. Ghastly, isn''t it?
Yeah, I was so taken aback that I didn''t point out how hard-pressed she''s going to be to find an island that NOBODY else has EVER honeymooned on before.

She is a good friend, so I feel badly talking about her in a negative light, but I just have NO patience for that kind of self-centered, hyper-competitive perspective on things. Especially something as fun and exciting as a proposal/wedding/honeymoon! I just try to remind myself that she has other good qualities to make up for some of the crazier ones.
Man...this Betty and her husband are unbelievable! Tons of people get engaged and married in Hawaii everyday. It would be different if you were planning to get married on the same day as them, at the same location, your lady wearing the same wedding dreass...but come on now...incredible. I just hope Betty doesn''t ruin the surprise.
Get engaged where ever you want to get engaged. No one should tell you what to do. Goodluck!
house 64, it sounds like you already took care of it as much as it needs to be taken care of w/Betty by talking to her husband. Now it''s up to them to get a grip on reality and grow up! Funny how you felt that a phone call would be better because tone can be misunderstood in email. This is true, but were it I that had to make that call, my tone would probably keep getting angrier as the call went on. I would have just cut&paste aljdewey''s response! Kudos to you for keeping your integrity and dealing with it head-on.

I wonder if Betty felt that, since she had a hand in helping to find the right ring, she should have been consulted on the rest of the proposal. Some people are like that. My worry would be that she might blow the secret before the trip.

Funny story-- When my husband and I were on our honeymoon in Aruba (1989), we went on one of those sunset sailing cruises and pretty much all the other people were honeymooning couples. We got to drinking and chatting and the next thing you knew, all the women were talking in a group about their weddings. Everyone was having a good time, some of us lived in the same state and the women were exchanging numbers. All of a sudden one of the newlywed guys, I guess seeing what fun the women were having hanging out together (?), got a bright idea and suggested -- "hey, why don''t we do a guys night out this week!" My husband, who at 32 was a bit older than the rest, looked at him and said, "buddy, you''re on your HONEYMOON! There''s not gonna be a guy''s night out!" We were all cracking up.

Of course, at the time I did not realize that my honeymoon was being forever tainted by all the other newlyweds who decided to honeymoon in the same place we did at the same time. THE NERVE!
Dear Betty,
I have appreciated your help during this time and I know my future fiance values your help and support as well. I''m happy for you that you were engaged and married in Hawaii. From the research I''ve done online this seems a fairly common occurance. That said, I came up with the idea to go to Hawaii on my own, not knowing it was what your husband did for you. I''m happy that you had such a wonderful experience, and I know you wouldn''t want to ruin a wonderful experience for (insert girlfriend''s name), the woman I am asking to marry. Our experiences may differ or be similar, but they wll never be the same nor does one diminish the other. Our special time isn''t about you (okay leave that part out, I''m just dying to say betty honey this isn''t about you now move along!)
You have no power to ruin my plans you controlling weena.
Date: 1/13/2007 3:34:03 AM
Author: house_64
Thank you all for your replies and definate support. It''s been over a week since I got the request, on my birthday nonetheless, and I''m still completely taken back. I find myself thinking who in their right mind would say such a thing and make such an asinine statement, taking possession of such a beautiful idea.

I actually decided to call her husband since he was a culprit in the ''We were hoping you had other plans'' and to try to speak rationally (man to man) to him about his wife. It went okay but I could tell he was somewhat trying to be supportive of his wife but also stated that when I do get married my perspective will change about how certain things are more special. (I don''t really understand that statement but perhaps the translation will come thru when I''m wed). I asked if it would be better for them if I proposed to my GF in the middle of a corn field in Nebraska.... that''s pretty original for Californians (not so much originality for those States that allow sibling marriages though!). I also express how this is a decision based on what will make my GF the happiest and that - that is my first priority. I''m just very disappointed that the thrill of her being able to call her best friend after the proposal is been taken away perminently, based on a selfish act (I didn''t mention the selfish act part but eluded to it). I stated to him that I haven''t replied since I''m still sorting thru feelings on how I feel about her statement and that I would prefer to call since emails tend to hide emotion, tone of voice and there''s more room for mis-interpretation. He said that he would pass on some of the conversation to her.... we''ll see how that goes, I haven''t received any emails/calls since the conversation 2 days ago.

I don''t plan on sharing any of Betty''s request to my GF during the vacation although it kills me not to tell her right now! I think we''ll have a discussion once we get back.... I think it only be appropriate that she knows. Is that a bad idea to share that with her? All your input is so appreciated........ Thanks TG, Kaleigh, Mara, Aljdewey, Dawn and Monarch!
well ask the man to pitch in so you can take her to tahiti instead haha - soo stoopid!!!!
I would tell her about it because it''s likely to be an issue in the friend''s headanyway so it might as well be in the open. I dunno - it''s so stupid I wouldn''t even want friends like that.
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