
A single piece or variety?


Apr 28, 2008
CS'ers, would you rather have a single colored stone piece, or variety?

If you had the choice to:

a) halt collecting to save up for an expensive piece, knowing that it would take some time to save for and mean that you wouldn't have funds for other pieces for quite a while


b) keep collecting, and build up a beautiful, diverse collection

What would you do?
I'd go with A, because I think everyone should have some substantial pieces in their jewelry wardrobe.
Single piece as beautiful as I can find. In everything I buy or collect -- silver, crystal, stuff bought traveling, even clothes -- I'd rather have fewer but better than more of lesser quality.

--- Laurie
I would rather have fewer nicer pieces over many less quality pieces.
Short story : I want to be "A", but I know I am "B"

Too impulsive.
I could never afford to set all the stones I have, but I don't care because I like them for other reasons.

Soon, I plan to settle down and buy a stunning example of the 3 stones I love most for an expensive and
worthy collection. Maybe next year :sun:
ooo~Shiney!|1307189812|2937584 said:
Short story : I want to be "A", but I know I am "B"

Too impulsive.
I could never afford to set all the stones I have, but I don't care because I like them for other reasons.

Soon, I plan to settle down and buy a stunning example of the 3 stones I love most for an expensive and
worthy collection. Maybe next year :sun:

Yes, that's me as well. I am impulsive when it comes to my favorite dealers too, as they sometimes have some remarkable buys.
I have about 10 rings, and I love them all! I think 10 is a lot by some PS standards and nothing for others, lol. And I have a pendant or two as well.

I like having a variety in CS because I enjoy the design process as much as the collecting process.
I love this question.

I would definitely say A - and think I'm A. I usually have a few targeted things I'm after and so I take my time and get what I want. I don't have any children, but I do have 3 nieces. I enjoy having heirloom quality pieces that could be passed down to them.... or sold if I decide I want something else. :cheeky:
I think I feel like I ought to be an A (you always hear about how you should get the best stones you can afford and all that), but I'm definitely a B.

I realized the other day that the favorite piece in my (admittedly small cheap) collection has changed pretty much every month. If i only had one piece I think I would become dissatisfied with it after about a month, no matter how nice it was!
I've only started looking more at colored stones but with my latest purchase I'd definitely say A - one super nice piece that I will wear for a long time and pass to my daughter one day!
I'm B and I'll tell you why;

1. no kids
2. no kids
3. no kids


ok there's a 4th; I'd get too bored with 1 piece.

Arcadian|1307236759|2938072 said:
I'm B and I'll tell you why;

1. no kids
2. no kids
3. no kids


ok there's a 4th; I'd get too bored with 1 piece.


Ditto this 100%! I've always valued variety in my collection. I have a spending limit on individual stones, and I set most of my pieces in silver to keep the price down.
Variety. I'd get too bored with only one ring!
I like variety too.
The OP's question was whether or not you'd like A. one special piece or B. a variety (to paraphrase) and I noticed that the responses so far from those who chose A were "a few" special pieces, but no one said just one special piece.

I don't know if I would be content with just one special piece, but I am trying to transition from being a B (which I definitely was for the first few years I did project rings) to an A, which a few special pieces.

What I'd like to be is an A, with several special pieces, LOL, but that is going to take some time. So right now I think I'm somewhere in between the two.
Wow--its been great to read the responses!

Colorluver did pick on an important element--what about having just a single piece over variety. I meant this to be a fun question, just to see what drives CS'ers. Those on the diamond boards seem really e-ring oriented--many people are working on or upgrading their engagement rings, and others do have pendants and studs, but by comparisons CS'ers seem to have a lot more CS pieces. Some could argue that this may be because CS's are less expensive (in some cases--we all know that's not true in all cases) but, diamond lovers have the choice to add other diamond pieces, such as eternity rings--so the psychology/mind set behind CS purchasing interests me. Also, we do have a pendant for the unique and different, and also seemingly for variety, hence the question. 8)
Each time I plan to save for a single piece, but then I see a pretty stone that definitely belongs in the "variety" pack, and say, why not?
Plus, I have several rather expensive single pieces and came to realize that some of them were lucky buys and some I would not buy today. To save for a single expensive piece, you have to have more knowledge about these stones.
I meant penchant. Apologies for the typos!
packrat|1307291562|2938352 said:
I like variety too.

While I like variety, if I find a gemstone species that I love, I try to collect more of it. For me, it doesn't suffice to just have one violet spinel, I need more of them. So while there are many gemstone varieties out there, I kind of get stuck in a mode where I only look for a certain one. However, if the color gets me, and the price is right, I'll go for something different too. That's how I found chrysoberyls.

I get into a certain gemstone, and I'm a gonner. It is also worse when that gemstone has so many different beautiful hues. :twisted:
ooo~Shiney!|1307189812|2937584 said:
Short story : I want to be "A", but I know I am "B"

Too impulsive.
I could never afford to set all the stones I have, but I don't care because I like them for other reasons.

Soon, I plan to settle down and buy a stunning example of the 3 stones I love most for an expensive and
worthy collection. Maybe next year :sun:
My answer exactly.

I'd love to save up for a really nice piece but I know I'll keep on trying to buy as many Barry stones as I can get (not that Barry's stones aren't nice . . . . you know what I mean).

Plus there are those dredded rum induced ebay purchases that I just can't seem to control. :sick: :sick:
I started out as B compiling a collection of lots of different stones and pieces. But then I found, especially in rings, that I'm only comfortable wearing one ring per hand, so I've ended up selling lots of my pieces and saving up to have only a few, quality pieces that I think I'll probably keep for a long, long time.

But I'm a woman, and reserve the right to change my mind............. frequently and with no notice!! :naughty:
A and OCD won't let me decide!

definitely B, lots and lots of variety... :$$):
I'm with Shiney and Athena. I love variety and I don't feel guilty spending $75 here or $250 there, but something over $1000 makes me feel like I should be putting it into my house.
BTW, Athena, what goes into that rum when you're on Ebay? :loopy:
texaskj|1307411496|2939484 said:
I'm with Shiney and Athena. I love variety and I don't feel guilty spending $75 here or $250 there, but something over $1000 makes me feel like I should be putting it into my house.
BTW, Athena, what goes into that rum when you're on Ebay? :loopy:

You've put into words something that I've been feeling with every gemstone purchase. I typically set a $200 limit on individual stones (with few exceptions, like my precision-cut sphene and tsavorite). I simply can't justify spending more than that on one piece...however, add up all the smaller pieces I've bought, and I've spent $1000 many times over. I just value diversity in my collection to a point that I feel that I'm getting more bang for my buck with many small pieces.
I am definitely A. I'd much rather save for more significant pieces rather than get inexpensive items more frequently.
Arcadian|1307236759|2938072 said:
I'm B and I'll tell you why;

1. no kids
2. no kids
3. no kids


ok there's a 4th; I'd get too bored with 1 piece.


I here you Arcadian!LOL :P

This is why im an "A", but would LOVE to be a "B" :wacko: :naughty:
A with some B thrown in. An A will make me swoon everytime I wear it (or rather many A pieces) and when I feel funky or playful, the B pieces are thrown in the mix to shake things up a little.
texaskj|1307411496|2939484 said:
I'm with Shiney and Athena. I love variety and I don't feel guilty spending $75 here or $250 there, but something over $1000 makes me feel like I should be putting it into my house.
BTW, Athena, what goes into that rum when you're on Ebay? :loopy:
Bless PS's new search - now I can answer you: coke. :-)

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