
A lovely little Y-Z diamond


Jul 18, 2011
The Leibish folks sent me this today:

Isn't it just cute? I like the light lemon hue and the symmetrical cut. Tough to tell how grayish it really is. I can't imagine the IF clarity and cut are worth sacrificing a darker color at that price point. What do you think?

Ok I won't start any more threads tonight.


Jun 29, 2008
I'm going to be honest if you don't mind - and I'm only being this honest because, as you said in another thread, you're learning and I hope this may help a bit! Please feel free to tell me to go away if you want and ultimately you must make up your own mind because everybody likes different things AND some like super duper top of the range stones and others like quirky odd stones that others would pass over. Neither are right or wrong, it's simply personal choice so on that basis ...............

When I look at the diamond you've posted there are a couple of things that strike me:

1. If you look at the colour it's concentrated in the centre of the stone. This does sometimes happen with FCDs. If you're buying an FCD you may want to find one that has more consistent overall face up colour. The colour MAY be evenly distributed around the stone BUT the cut may be making it look otherwise OR the colour is not evenly distributed. I have seen a number of diamonds like this and in the end they bug me because if I buy a yellow diamond I want to see yellow - not just parts of it being yellow! An important point however is that the diamond may be priced to reflect this.

2. Not all Y-Z diamonds face up the same in colour. Some Y-Zs are much more yellow than this. For example I have a U-V that is very yellow by comparison (GIA report). Pricing of these type of diamonds can be quite tricky because colour (most importantly) and cut play a part so there's not a typical $x per carat. To my eye - and I am NOT an expert - I would consider this to be a very very pale face up Y-Z diamond (and Leibish's photos are usually pretty accurate).

There is obviously something that has attracted you to it though and so it's worth getting for a look! Leibish have a wonderful returns policy so I'm sure this won't be an issue.

Hope this helps.


Jan 2, 2008
I have to agree with lovingdiamonds- I am personally not keen on the way the yellow is all in the centre. The outsides look white/grey. Also it is very pale yellow and its shown against a white background. Against a hand I expect it will look even paler. That said beauty is in the eye of the beholder so if it appeals to you that is all that really matters. I've got a fondness for really elongated stones that no other PSer would touch as they don't perform well- but I love 'em.
Best of luck.


Jul 18, 2011
I'm absolutely glad you're honest and willing to tell me how things really are, guys. I had similar concerns about the color at the edges--I would want to see photos from off-center angles before I really considered it. But for some reason, the facet definition seen through the table, along with that center color, really caught my eye. I post these things to see what you guys think of them because, through a lot of lurking, I've come to respect a lot of the opinions around here. You PSers generally know what a good stone looks like, and since I'm mostly shopping online, that's a great resource. Thanks!


Jun 29, 2008
You're welcome Goldie. One other thing to look at is the actual cutting. Can you see how the sides of the table (the top bit) angle downwards towards the edge of the stone? That means that when you look at the stone head on the light will pass out of the top of diamond towards the edges so if you rotate the stone to the side, you may see more colour but rotate it back and it'll be gone again. Once set, the most common way to see a diamond is head on so it may be comething that will annoy you (or not). It would irritate me to death and I have a pear cut that is similar that I don't wear because of it!


Apr 30, 2005
Yes some have more even color distribution than others and I also prefer the more even ones.
Some Greens have an issue with uneven color distribution.

Since yellows are more abundant I'm sure you can find a more even one.
I suspect this is also a factor in pricing.

I'm confused, did you already buy this?
I'm asking because usually when a stone is sold the price is replaced by the word, RESERVED or SOLD.
Don't be shy about returning a stone to Leibish.
FCDs have to appeal to you in person and they understand that.
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