
A Holiday Guest


Mar 10, 2010
I volunteer a couple days a week at the local SPCA, and last week they sent an email out to all of us asking if we'd foster cats over the holidays. With adoptions slowing to a crawl and reduced staff and volunteer hours during that time, it's hard for the kitties to get much attention. I was in walking dogs last night, and said I'd take someone, and let them choose. I described my 2, and my apartment, they picked a 7 month old boy who's already 11 pounds. He's going to be a lunker! :shock: He's a big love, already rolling over for tummy rubs, giving me kisses, and generally hanging all over me whenever I go in the bathroom where I have him set up. He seems pretty happy in there, as my bathroom is huge, even bigger than his walk-in cage at the SPCA. So without further ado, meet Woody. :appl: :appl: :appl:






What a sweet boy! So nice of you to give him a home to hangout at. I'm sure he'll love it there!
Awwww, Woody is a LOVE!!!!! Surely a loving family will take him home soon, he would be a wonderful addition. I wish I wasn't allergic to cats. They are such great pets.
Woody is adorable! :appl: He looks so happy in the area you have set up for him. He has a beautiful face and looks super sweet! Sending him lots of dust for a new home to come up for him soon. You are wonderful to have him for the Holiday! :clap:
What a sweet face I love him!

How nice that he'll get to spend the holidays surrounded by people and love. Thank you for giving him a warm home! :appl:

ETA: best kind of guest there is!
Thanks for fostering. He's adorable.
That's so nice of you to share Christmas with him!

He's a cutie! Love the white tip at the end of his tail.

Hope he gets adopted soon!
He's a darling - this from a woman who loves cats but is very allergic to them. I adore them from a distance.
Oh. Oh. Oh. I want him. I can't have him, mind you. But he's so adorable, I want him. What a lovely thing you are doing. Have I mentioned I want him. If I win the lottery this next couple weeks I'll take him.

Oh. He's so precious.
Gypsy|1450845655|3965168 said:
Oh. Oh. Oh. I want him. I can't have him, mind you. But he's so adorable, I want him. What a lovely thing you are doing. Have I mentioned I want him. If I win the lottery this next couple weeks I'll take him.

Oh. He's so precious.

You'd LOVE him!!! :love: :love: :love: He climbs into my lap, puts his tummy up, all the while purring at 90 decibels! He went from nervous to a total lovebug in less than a day. :love: :love: :love: I clipped his claws, pushed him around on the floor, I can do anything to him. Oh, and he now knows what the infamous red dot is. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Where do you live, I'll bring him to you! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
Rockinruby|1450811538|3964914 said:
Woody is adorable! :appl: He looks so happy in the area you have set up for him. He has a beautiful face and looks super sweet! Sending him lots of dust for a new home to come up for him soon. You are wonderful to have him for the Holiday! :clap:

He better be happy, he's 'remodeled' the entire bathroom!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: The downstairs neighbors probably wonder how I got the pony in the elevator! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ohhhhhhh sweet! Lucky cat to have you as a foster mom. Gotta love those black and white kitties!
Elliot86|1450848384|3965182 said:
Ohhhhhhh sweet! Lucky cat to have you as a foster mom. Gotta love those black and white kitties!

I know, he's such a cutie! Wonder if him and a certain chunk are related. :D
What a wonderful holiday gift you are giving Woody!

I love his markings. We affectionately call bicolor cats cow cats lololol. He looks ready for winter, with a little black hat on his head, a black vest, and a black leg warmer or tail warmer around his tail lololol.

I have a female cow cat like Woody, and she's a big girl at 17 lbs. when we bring her to the vet, the vet And tech always crack up bc she's the size of a small dog lolol.
PintoBean|1450849718|3965187 said:
What a wonderful holiday gift you are giving Woody!

I love his markings. We affectionately call bicolor cats cow cats lololol. He looks ready for winter, with a little black hat on his head, a black vest, and a black leg warmer or tail warmer around his tail lololol.

I have a female cow cat like Woody, and she's a big girl at 17 lbs. when we bring her to the vet, the vet And tech always crack up bc she's the size of a small dog lolol.

Great description of him! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Post a pic of your girl, 17 pound IS big. :D

I just got the video uploaded, hope it's OK to post. He's meeting a red dot for the first time. :appl: :appl:
Andelain|1450847588|3965175 said:
Gypsy|1450845655|3965168 said:
Oh. Oh. Oh. I want him. I can't have him, mind you. But he's so adorable, I want him. What a lovely thing you are doing. Have I mentioned I want him. If I win the lottery this next couple weeks I'll take him.

Oh. He's so precious.

You'd LOVE him!!! :love: :love: :love: He climbs into my lap, puts his tummy up, all the while purring at 90 decibels! He went from nervous to a total lovebug in less than a day. :love: :love: :love: I clipped his claws, pushed him around on the floor, I can do anything to him. Oh, and he now knows what the infamous red dot is. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Where do you live, I'll bring him to you! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

I'm in NOR CAL. But I can't afford another one right now. :(( But I did get the husband to agree that if I won the lottery I would get him.
Darn, so far away! But you'd love him, he'd be made of velcro.
You're doing a wonderful thing for this cat! It's great that you're fostering this lovely cutie! :wavey:
Andelain|1450852225|3965199 said:
Darn, so far away! But you'd love him, he'd be made of velcro.

Where are you again?
He's adorable. That video shows what a sweetie he is. And he is going to be big, you are right. One of my boys is 18 pounds. And pear shaped with it.
Gypsy|1450852455|3965202 said:
Andelain|1450852225|3965199 said:
Darn, so far away! But you'd love him, he'd be made of velcro.

Where are you again?

Virginia these days.
Gypsy|1450852719|3965203 said:
He's adorable. That video shows what a sweetie he is. And he is going to be big, you are right. One of my boys is 18 pounds. And pear shaped with it.

That's a lot of cat! :shock: But if you really want to see a big one, this boy was 23 pounds in this pic. And with no fat!


You've seen in other pics how big my hand is, right? :shock:

WOW. That's a large cat!

My Jack has fat. Although if you ask him, he'd tell you it's just that the white fur on his belly makes him look fat, but he's really not fat at all. And please, can he have more food now.


Wow, he's pretty! :love: :love: :love: And it' not 'fat', it's 'pleasingly plump'! :bigsmile:

The redhead that I just posted could stand on his back legs and easily put his front paws on my stomach.
Andelain|1450854374|3965217 said:
Wow, he's pretty! :love: :love: :love: And it' not 'fat', it's 'pleasingly plump'! :bigsmile:

The redhead that I just posted could stand on his back legs and easily put his front paws on my stomach.

Oh wow. He's a very handsome boy. He looks gentle too.

I don't know how tall Jack would stand. He's got a huge head and paws. So his bone structure is large, it really isn't all fat. And he does stand taller than my others. But he has definitely filled out quite a bit since we took him in (right off the streets, followed my husband home, literally).

Is Woody still all head and paws like a kitten? Or is he proportional. My Whitey is 14 pounds. He was probably about 11 pounds at Woody's age. His head is 'normal cat' sized (not giant Jack sized) and so are his paws. Woody looked tall at the start of the video.

My newest, Penny was 7 months when we got her. We thought she had room to grow. And she did. But it was all sideways. She's definitely got 'plump' going on. I'm just waiting to see if it will pass as typical teenage 'plump' that they put on once their metabolism slows to adult levels, then lose as they adjust to eating less, or if she's going to need watching. Jury is still out.
I love that white tipped tail of his. One of my kids has that too.

I'm generally a sucker for black and white cats though.
He's catching up to his head, but those paws are still ahead of the rest of him. I'd expect him to go 15-16 pounds before he packs on any pudge. Thing i, he's never had a home, so he's bee in a cage most of his life. So he's soft and klutzy, as you saw near the beginning of the video. He's a terror, I had to clean up the mess in my bathroom before I took that video.

As for Mitch, the big red boy, he really was a sweetheart. Unfortunately he went to the rainbow bridge far too soon.


I'm very sorry for your loss of Mitch. He looks like a love.

It's very important for kids to have experience in a home. My Penny was raised in a cage at Petsmart till we got her, never fostered. Everything was so new to her. Some in a good way, but a lot of it in a bad way. First time we vacuumed she didn't come back out for two days she was so traumatized. And she never got to socialize with other kids properly, was very much a loner. That was okay, because my kids run the spectrum of unfriendly to totally friendly and she's gotten good at knowing when someone wants her around and when someone doesn't. Plus Whitey's taken her under his wing, but it really took her a while to show her real personality. And she didn't know how to "cat" in a lot of ways. She mimicked the others (especially Whitey) a lot at the start. And she just didn't trust enough to let vulnerability show. As she trusts us more and more (she's been with us 10 months) she's opened up and is getting more comfortable. But it's been a longer process than it should have been for a number of reasons, and one of them was her lack of proper home socialization. She just didn't know how to act. What a couch was. What a bed was. She'd never seen them before.
Mitch belonged to a friend who was very dear to me. He died in 2012, Mitch in early 2014. I and his family all think Mitch just wanted to be with his daddy.

I can relate to what you're going through with Penny, I do one shift a week at the Petsmart near me. One thing we make a point to do is let all the kitties out of the cages so they can play, argue, get petted, sit on the bench with us, get teased with kitty toys, etc. It's no substitute for a real home, but we do the best we can to get them ready for their future homes. Some come and go so quickly that I only see the once, others stay for months sometimes. Sometimes I'll see one starting to get cage stale, so I'll pay their adoption fee to encourage adopters to choose them over another. One that we had a while was a Manx, and he went into depression while we had him. Manx are already laid back, but a sad, depressed Manx is a sight you don't want to see.
Right now I'm listening to the THUDs coming out of my bathroom, and wondering what the downstairs neighbors are thinking. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: