
A different OMC halo


Aug 10, 2010
Hi everyone,
My long ring saga is nearing it's end. My somewhat crazy ideas have finally materialized. I know they are not everyones cup of tea but I am really pleased with how my ideas meshed into a lovely result.

It is really scary to try to bring something into existence when you have never seen anything like it. Add to that that the stone I fell in love with was not really conductive to the design I wanted. I really want to thank Daniel and Caren from DanielM for holding my hand, for doing so many CADs and trying at all times to create miracles, without them it would have been a harrowing experience.

The stats:
Daniel weighed the stone and it just goes to show that with old cuts you can never know the weight just from measurements.
Centerstone is a OMC cut diamond coming in at 1.07ct and facing up quite a bit larger at 6,89x6,17mm.
I finally went with 1.1mm melee in the halo, 4 bezeled rounds in the shank at 1.5mm and 4 baguettes at 2.5x1.5mm.

Now the photos that Caren took:




Question for all of you:
The inner bezel is a bit thicker than I prefer. My stone is not a perfect oval so the bezel is making up for that. Should I ask them to try to thin it out?
Beautiful.... :appl:
I am thinking to get a OMC too, would you mind to share some comments of OMC cushion?
Before encountering OMC and OEC I was pretty set on getting an oval or a marquise, then I saw my first old cut. After that the only thing I wanted was old cuts, preferably OMC. I adore the chunky flashes of color and how they will preform even with minimal amounts of light.

Are you looking for an antique stone or a newly cut OMC? This forum has loads of examples of both. With antique OMC especially they often don't have perfect symmetry and the shape can often be softer than modern cushions. Mine for example was closer to an oval. Attaching a photo of my stone in her old setting so you can see the shape.

Also they are often cut deep but sometimes like mine they are cut shallow, so I recommend to look at the measurements not just the carat weight. They girdle can be a problem area so check for nicks and such. Mine had a pretty big one which made me want to bezel it.

The cut varies a lot between different OMC (when talking antiques), I have seen some that look like a piece of glass and other like mine are little fireballs so always look at the stone in real life or go with a trusted vendor that can check it out for you.

Gorgeous!! I don't think the inner bezel is too thick. To me, it looks proprotional to the width of the outer edge of the halo. It's beautiful!
I think you should see the ring in person first before deciding on whether the inner bezel is too thick, as pictures tends to magnify a great deal.
I had to go read your thread w/CADS to get caught up. Truly, it turned beautifully. I,too, would wait to see the ring IRL before having them thin out the bezel. Bet you can't wait to get it on your hand. :appl: :appl:
natascha|1302645606|2894423 said:
Before encountering OMC and OEC I was pretty set on getting an oval or a marquise, then I saw my first old cut. After that the only thing I wanted was old cuts, preferably OMC. I adore the chunky flashes of color and how they will preform even with minimal amounts of light.

Are you looking for an antique stone or a newly cut OMC? This forum has loads of examples of both. With antique OMC especially they often don't have perfect symmetry and the shape can often be softer than modern cushions. Mine for example was closer to an oval. Attaching a photo of my stone in her old setting so you can see the shape.

Also they are often cut deep but sometimes like mine they are cut shallow, so I recommend to look at the measurements not just the carat weight. They girdle can be a problem area so check for nicks and such. Mine had a pretty big one which made me want to bezel it.

The cut varies a lot between different OMC (when talking antiques), I have seen some that look like a piece of glass and other like mine are little fireballs so always look at the stone in real life or go with a trusted vendor that can check it out for you.

Natascha, thanks for your input. I am not sure about antique OMC or new cut. The one I am looking into only has Good symmetry, so I guess it's an antique. If you don't mind you can go to my thread to take a look ( the second one) [URL=''][/URL]

Will be a big different between antique and new on light performance?
I'd like to get a cushion with big blue/yellow/orange chunky flash, so is OMC a right choice?
It's beautiful! I love the alternating side stones running down the band. It looks like a completely different stone in the new setting. What an awesome makeover!! Regarding having the inner bezel thinned out, I think I'd leave it be, since the stone is not a perfect oval. I'd hate to accidentally cause a structural issue. I think it looks perfect!

ETA: I didn't realize you hadn't seen it in person yet, I would wait and see what it looks like once it's on your hand. There's a very good chance that it's a bit magnified in the pictures, and it won't even bother you once you have it on your hand.
Whoa, that's beautiful!! :love: :love: :love: I don't think the inner bezel is too thick at all. I love the shank/side detail. Post more pics when you get it please...

Finally!!!! :appl: :appl:

I've been waiting for this! I think it turned out beautifully! And, no, I don't think the inner bezel is too thick. I think it looks perfect the way it is!

When will you get it? I am excited for the hand shots!
natascha|1302644188|2894406 said:
Question for all of you:
The inner bezel is a bit thicker than I prefer. My stone is not a perfect oval so the bezel is making up for that. Should I ask them to try to thin it out?

I wouldn't mess with it. It looks very pretty!
It turned out great...I remember you going through the design process! I wouldnt change a thing. The halo looks
perfect to me.
I wouldn't mess with it either. Looks pretty proportional to me as well. Can't wait to see t he hand shots!
Such a beautiful diamond and setting! Thanks for sharing and please post hand pics when you can!

I am especially interested in your setting, my OMC is kind of oval shaped as well and I have debated having a new setting made for it too (it's in an antique filigree round setting now) and wondered if I should play up the 'almost' oval shape, by bezel-ing it...yours gives me a good visual to go by!

What color is your OMC? Sorry if I missed that somewhere. =)
It turned out beautiful! Love the sidetones!
Wow, love that setting!
Wow. I love love love the alternating rounds and baguettes in the shank! So different and gorgous!!!!!!
FanTAStic! I think you designed something marvelous here - I'm usually not big on halos, but there's such a perfect balance between shapes and proportions here. And I think the inner bezel is a great match for the rest of the ring! Please do post hand shots once it's in (and on!) yours ....
I remember seeing you post the CADs a while ago and when I saw this on Daniel's etsy page I couldn't wait to see your post on it!

I think it's lovely the way it is and I can't wait to see you post pictures!
I remember your post with the CADs and I was patiently waiting to see how it turned out! It looks great, I wouldn't change a thing! Can't wait to see hand shots 8)
gemdandy- it makes me really happy to hear you say that, I was worried that it would not look proportionate.

D&T- the problem is I can not really see i before deciding. DanielM is in the US and I am in Sweden where it is practically impossible to send jewelry. I had to send my ering from Spain the last time and I do not think I want another jeweler working on this.

Unicorn64- Made me smile that you took the time to go back and look. You are absolutely right, I can't wait to have in my greedy little hands. :appl:

brina- The light return will vary from stone to stone independently if it is an antique or a newly cut. You will get all the colors in he rainbow and yes OMC are usually geared to colored light return, so you are on the right track :naughty: Oh and the stones that you are looking at seem to be newly cut.

manderz- that is exactly why I don't want to tamper with it. I wear my rings most of the time so they do get smacked around a bit. Thanks for the compliments.

BoulderGal- I must say that I love your screen name. I promise lots more pics when I get it.

Lil Misfit- Sorry for making you suffer :wink2: I will probably get it next week, I hate that shipping takes so long.

Winks_Elf- Thank you.

tyty333- Is it wrong that I love that you remembered my design process?

luv2sparkle- Thank you :mrgreen:

Ara Ann- I remember your issues with your beautiful ring. I love bezeled OMC and I might be wrong but I believe it is a more secure setting for those fragile girdles.
I completely forgot to add color and clarity :oops: The OMC is an H ( although in the above photos she looks nearly champangey, I wiss it were the case but I have never seen her anything less then crazy white) and the clarity is a SI1. She is however not eye clean, I can sometimes see a little carbon spot in the middle, the shot in her old setting really highlights it.

ApilBaby Happy to hear that you like it, I thought a lot of people might find it to busy.

Novel- Thank you!

Amys Bling- me too, I was inspired by the lovely gemstone bands cropping up here n Pricescope.

Circe- Thank you, that means a lot to me. I was really trying to find the correct balance between shapes and proportioned so it would look right and not like a hodge podge of different rings and styles.

mrswhs- From one DanielM lurker to another, thank you.

starlgurl78- Thank you, I am really pleased with the outcome.
Beautiful! :love:
I cant wait to see your photos when you get her :))
Oh my gosh! (insert gush here)...this is soooo my cup of tea! Natascha, I love, love, LOVE it! It's really just fabulous and the workmanship is awesome! You and I must have similar tastes because it is exactly what I would want! Oh, and funny hting, I've also been looking at ovals and marquise cuts along with OMC's and OEC too! I agree, I like the bigger flashes of light that the OMC and OEC gives off. I think you made a great decision, really you did!

Oh, and I totally agree, to leave it as is. Close up photos tend to magnify everything is right!

Oh! Oh! Oh!!! I LOVE IT!!

What a gorgeous and unique piece.
Thanks Natascha :D

Add: the stone I am looking at is 1.02ct, but the facing up seems pretty small, only 5.97*5.84, way to smaller than its weight should be.
I don't know if it would bother me. :errrr:
I am so frustrated right now that I want to scream! :angryfire:

My e-ring was supposed to be here today. Guess what, it is back at the jewelers. It is the first time they have sent such a high value item overseas before and the people at their post office gave them the wrong information. The sent the ring out but before it even left the US it was returned. Now we don't know how to ship it insured back to me! :angryfire:

Does anyone know how we can send it insured? USPS does only go up to 2500 dollars for jewelry.

My shipping problems don't end there. My old setting with a new spinel was supposed to be here tuesday. It got delayed on Monday because apparently more documents were needed. Since they did not have my number they did not try to contact me (of course the could not send a letter, that would be to difficult :rolleyes: ).

Of course no one had a clue who had it so I have spent all say calling customs, the post office, etc trying to find it. Finally discovered Fedex has it and they say the need proof that I exported the setting. The lovely thing is by the time I got Fedex on the phone it was to late to talk to the right department. Also the insured amounts don't match because my diamond was not in this package. So now I need to convince them that it is my ring but who knows what documents I need for that. Oh and it is soon Easter so nobody will be working for 4 days. :angryfire:
The ring has been sent! :appl:

Everyone cross their fingers and hope that all goes well this time around. It should be here on Wednesday. I am going to call Fedex Imports on Tuesday to hopefully get them to let go of my rings. Since it is Easter I can't get these people on the phone tills then.
So....did ya get it?
Has your ring finally made it to you???? I would love some handshots :appl: