
99.2% of recent US Covid deaths were unvaccinated people


Apr 30, 2005
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Oct 7, 2004
Fauci is so full of BS!. 99%?, really? :wall: . Yes, all the elderly should be vaccinated, but to **edited, please do not fear monger on PS**

Of recent deaths, yes. The national numbers correspond with numbers coming out of hospitals here in LA County. Also, "young kids" aren't allowed to be vaccinated yet but I sure hope it's approved before school starts.
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Sep 24, 2011
Well----Darwin will sort all this out eventually.
The virus will run it's course, and variants and mutations will happen.
We can choose to vaccinate and get booster vaccines as needed. Or not.
If you choose not to vaccinate you will not be allowed certain privileges such as traveling outside the US.

Schools should require the vaccines, as they do with DPT, measles, etc. Those who choose to not vaccinate can choose to home school. We all have choices.
And those who choose to not vaccinate need to stand by their convictions and make other educational arrangements for their school age children. I mean--you wouldn't allow a school to allow students who could carry diphtheria or whooping cough, right?
My understanding is that fairly soon the vaccines will get full FDA approval and will no longer be categorized as experimental, at which point that objection will be negated.


Apr 30, 2005
Well----Darwin will sort all this out eventually.

No so fast.
While that would be nice, survival of the fittest doesn't quite apply to virus vaccines.

Even if they don't admit it, every unvaccinated person volunteers to become a virus mutation factory.
It would be Darwinism if they only killed themselves off.
But by refusing vaccination they invite the virus to use their bodies as petrie dishes to breed new mutant strains that more-effectively kill people who are vaccinated.

Darwinism would be forcing every human on the planet to get vaccinated, by force if necessary.
That's how the "fittest" human race would survive.
But no! We're not that fit.
We're too wimpy, respectful, polite, and nice :roll: ... so the needless deaths, of the guilty and the innocent, will continue. :nono:
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Sep 24, 2011
Lol-I stand corrected.
Perhaps I am confusing Darwin and survival of the fittest with survival of the most intelligent.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Luckily our grandkids aren't at school age yet. Ain't no way in hell they are gonna inject my grandkids with an experimental drug. :naughty:


Apr 30, 2005
Luckily our grandkids aren't at school age yet. Ain't no way in hell they are gonna inject my grandkids with an experimental drug. :naughty:
DF, don't let your grandbabies outside.

The Dems are secretly developing "StarJabs".
It's a constellation of orbiting low-earth orbit drones that stalk and silently vaccinate Republican kids from behind.
Now you'll know why your little ones can't sit down for long at dinner tonight.

"Relax, we're from the government, and we're here to help."

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May 1, 2009
Every drug in use today started off as experimental, even the most common ones.

Anyway good luck to the unvaccinated. It’s tragic but people will die of their deliberate choice. I just hope that their decision don’t cause unnecessary tragedy to other people - like medical workers and family members.


Oct 7, 2004
I just hope that their decision don’t cause unnecessary tragedy to other people - like medical workers and family members.

I read that a lot of immunocompromised people who were vaccinated are showing almost no antibodies. The medication/treatment keeping them alive also prevents the vaccines from working. Those people are essentially trapped at home now that everything is reopened and masks aren't required anymore. :(

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Every drug in use today started off as experimental, even the most common ones.

True, but none of these drugs came into market within 1 yr. The avg time is like 6 yrs?

Diamond Girl 21

Jun 26, 2017
I read that a lot of immunocompromised people who were vaccinated are showing almost no antibodies. The medication/treatment keeping them alive also prevents the vaccines from working. Those people are essentially trapped at home now that everything is reopened and masks aren't required anymore. :(
Thank you for making this point. I'd also like to add that some people are unable to to take the vaccine for various reasons. I think we can all be a little less judgmental.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
DF, don't let your grandbabies outside.

They have been out in public forever, so stop the fearmongering. :naughty: The odds are very slim for kids of being hospitalize for Covid 19. My grandson may had already contracted the virus in Dec. 2019. He had a fever for 4 days. The Dr. said he have a ear infection but the antibiotic didn't lower the fever like it usually does, then after 4 days his fever was gone.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Thank you for making this point. I'd also like to add that some people are unable to to take the vaccine for various reasons. I think we can all be a little less judgmental.
And I'm one of those people. @kenny , you can label me as a very selfish person, b/c I'm not gonna risk my life to save yours.


Apr 30, 2005
And I'm one of those people. @kenny , you can label me as a very selfish person, b/c I'm not gonna risk my life to save yours.

So, according to your way of thinking I, and nearly all the other selfless vaccine-taking liberals here on PS, have risked our lives to save yours, and the lives of your grandchildren.

You're welcome.
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May 13, 2018
I read that a lot of immunocompromised people who were vaccinated are showing almost no antibodies. The medication/treatment keeping them alive also prevents the vaccines from working. Those people are essentially trapped at home now that everything is reopened and masks aren't required anymore. :(

Thank you for making this point. I'd also like to add that some people are unable to to take the vaccine for various reasons. I think we can all be a little less judgmental.

I think those people able to take the vaccine, and won't, are variant factories who are doing a great disservice to those people who genuinely can't take the vaccine, such as the immunocompromised, because it's leading to a situation where the pandemic lasts longer and the people who are immunocompromised have to stay indoors for longer. But, of course, nobody said the world's fair. There's always people who care about themselves more than society at large, and they can usually afford to do so.


Well that's the last nail in the coffin for the anti-vaxers claiming they don't need the vax, or that COVID is a liberal hoax, or whatever other hare-brained anti-science garbage they've fallen for. :doh::doh::doh:

why such a harsh statement? You don't know the reasons why some of us refuse to vax. My husband and I had the COVID virus in February and both have ati-bodies. Therefore, we are more "vaccinated" than those who got the jab. Don't be so critical - you certainly don't know everyone's situation. And personally I feel that it is ridiculous to vaccinate a child - big government push and a lot of propaganda. We shall see - this is an experimental "drug" - they only call it a vaccine so that they do not have any liability - what do you say to the children who have heart inflammation and to those who have had severe side effects from the so called "vaccine" - why must you be such a jerk when you don't even know the long term effects of the "jab" nor do you know everyone's concerns and reasons behind refusing to adhere to peer pressure?


And to add to my comments - how do you know for sure that 99.2% of COVID deaths were unvaccinated? This is what big mainstream media is telling you - do you believe everything they say? Maybe do a little research prior to repeating what the fake news is telling you. Just a CNN repeat in my opinion. I find your comments to be quite offensive and uncalled for.


May 13, 2018
why such a harsh statement? You don't know the reasons why some of us refuse to vax. My husband and I had the COVID virus in February and both have ati-bodies. Therefore, we are more "vaccinated" than those who got the jab. Don't be so critical - you certainly don't know everyone's situation. And personally I feel that it is ridiculous to vaccinate a child - big government push and a lot of propaganda. We shall see - this is an experimental "drug" - they only call it a vaccine so that they do not have any liability - what do you say to the children who have heart inflammation and to those who have had severe side effects from the so called "vaccine" - why must you be such a jerk when you don't even know the long term effects of the "jab" nor do you know everyone's concerns and reasons behind refusing to adhere to peer pressure?

While the rest of your argument is sound, I disagree with your notion that getting actual COVID makes you "more vaccinated". Each individual who naturally overcomes the disease can have antibodies who attack different parts of the virus.

The mRNA vaccines (I have on good authority from research lab microbiologists) target MANY sites on the spike protein, and trains your body to make antibodies targeted to the critical part of the virus that allows it to latch onto cells.

If your body makes antibodies against other parts of the virus that vary more than the spike protein, according to the strain, then you're not as well-protected against other stations of the virus as the people who took a vaccine trained to target the part of the virus that tends to change the least. I've heard that reinfections with different strains are more serious for those that did not get a vaccine.


May 1, 2009
And I'm one of those people. @kenny , you can label me as a very selfish person, b/c I'm not gonna risk my life to save yours.
And so, you are welcome too.


Thank you for making this point. I'd also like to add that some people are unable to to take the vaccine for various reasons. I think we can all be a little less judgmental.

There is a difference between “cannot” and “will not”. Don’t think anyone is judging those that “cannot”. Let’s not confuse the issue. We are discussing the “will not” people.

I think those people able to take the vaccine, and won't, are variant factories who are doing a great disservice to those people who genuinely can't take the vaccine, such as the immunocompromised, because it's leading to a situation where the pandemic lasts longer and the people who are immunocompromised have to stay indoors for longer. But, of course, nobody said the world's fair. There's always people who care about themselves more than society at large, and they can usually afford to do so.

Well said


May 13, 2018
And to add to my comments - how do you know for sure that 99.2% of COVID deaths were unvaccinated? This is what big mainstream media is telling you - do you believe everything they say? Maybe do a little research prior to repeating what the fake news is telling you. Just a CNN repeat in my opinion. I find your comments to be quite offensive and uncalled for.

How do you know that this is fake news? Knowing as many medical researchers and doctors as I do, I have respect for the integrity of the NIH--and it's not only Fauci who's saying so about this statistic.

I think Fauci is getting a lot of flak for attempting to reason with you-know-who and then having to give up because you-know-who was just not persuadable to reason.


How do you know that this is fake news? Knowing as many medical researchers and doctors as I do, I have respect for the integrity of the NIH--and it's not only Fauci who's saying so about this statistic.

I think Fauci is getting a lot of flak for attempting to reason with you-know-who and then having to give up because you-know-who was just not persuadable to reason.

I don't know for sure - just as you don't know for sure. I understand all of the people who listen to what the so called "professionals" and Dr. Fauci say however, I don't agree with what they're saying. I do not trust the government, and most certainly , I do not trust Dr. Fauci. Too much misinformation. And I refuse to take a vaccine when I have already had the virus and am most certain that I am just as safe as those who have been vaccinated. We have talked with our Doctors and based on what we know, we feel certain that it's right that we don't take the "vaccine". And again, it's not a vaccine, it's an experimental drug - they're referring to it as a vaccine so that they have no liability to those who have side effects or death due to the experiment. Personally, I feel that it is a big Pharma push. Long term will prove more information. The scary thing about this, they're not documenting the negative effects of the "vaccine" - this concerns me.


Yes - quite astonishing!


May 13, 2018
I don't know for sure - just as you don't know for sure. I understand all of the people who listen to what the so called "professionals" and Dr. Fauci say however, I don't agree with what they're saying. I do not trust the government, and most certainly , I do not trust Dr. Fauci. Too much misinformation. And I refuse to take a vaccine when I have already had the virus and am most certain that I am just as safe as those who have been vaccinated. We have talked with our Doctors and based on what we know, we feel certain that it's right that we don't take the "vaccine". And again, it's not a vaccine, it's an experimental drug - they're referring to it as a vaccine so that they have no liability to those who have side effects or death due to the experiment. Personally, I feel that it is a big Pharma push. Long term will prove more information. The scary thing about this, they're not documenting the negative effects of the "vaccine" - this concerns me.

It's true they are not documenting the negative effects as much as they should, but they did try. A lot of the non-documentation comes from privacy concerns. For example, when I took the vaccine I voluntarily signed up for a text/web based service to track symptoms, where they prompt every so often for you to report your symptoms. It's not NIH's fault if people are experiencing negative symptoms and only ranting about them on social media instead of reporting them to health agencies.

I would think I have a healthy distrust of big government, and 3 of 4 times would vote against it. However, I think there is a fine line between distrust and outright paranoia, which I'm seeing a lot in right wing extremists (not to confuse you with one).

It's awesome that you and your doctors agree. It's true that the negative effects of the vaccine are worse for those who caught the disease already, and in light of this fact, the potential benefits may not be worth the added risk.

I really disagree with your stubbornness to call the COVID vaccines, vaccines. The smallpox/cowpox vaccine was made long before the FDA came into existence and started putting regulations on medicines and vaccines. I think given the varied individual response to any drug, ANY prescription drug is an experimental drug on the individual who is taking it whether or not it's a vaccine and whether or not the FDA has approved it after years of study. For these "experimental drugs" to have been so successful in large scale experiments in preventing imminent death due to COVID, means they qualify as vaccines.

At the end of the day, it's your beliefs vs my beliefs, and yes, I do believe time will reveal the truth.


It's true they are not documenting the negative effects as much as they should, but they did try. A lot of the non-documentation comes from privacy concerns. For example, when I took the vaccine I voluntarily signed up for a text/web based service to track symptoms, where they prompt every so often for you to report your symptoms. It's not NIH's fault if people are experiencing negative symptoms and only ranting about them on social media instead of reporting them to health agencies.

I would think I have a healthy distrust of big government, and 3 of 4 times would vote against it. However, I think there is a fine line between distrust and outright paranoia, which I'm seeing a lot in right wing extremists (not to confuse you with one).

It's awesome that you and your doctors agree. It's true that the negative effects of the vaccine are worse for those who caught the disease already, and in light of this fact, the potential benefits may not be worth the added risk.

I really disagree with your stubbornness to call the COVID vaccines, vaccines. The smallpox/cowpox vaccine was made long before the FDA came into existence and started putting regulations on medicines and vaccines. I think given the varied individual response to any drug, ANY prescription drug is an experimental drug on the individual who is taking it whether or not it's a vaccine and whether or not the FDA has approved it after years of study. For these "experimental drugs" to have been so successful in large scale experiments in preventing imminent death due to COVID, means they qualify as vaccines.

At the end of the day, it's your beliefs vs my beliefs, and yes, I do believe time will reveal the truth.

Thank you for voicing your opinion (against my opinion) in such a nice way - I appreciate it. It's nice to agree to disagree and I wish that more of us on this forum could be as civil as you. I respect your opinion just as much as I stand by my opinion. Take care. :wavey:


No so fast.
While that would be nice, survival of the fittest doesn't quite apply to virus vaccines.

Even if they don't admit it, every unvaccinated person volunteers to become a virus mutation factory.
It would be Darwinism if they only killed themselves off.
But by refusing vaccination they invite the virus to use their bodies as petrie dishes to breed new mutant strains that more-effectively kill people who are vaccinated.

Darwinism would be forcing every human on the planet to get vaccinated, by force if necessary.
That's how the "fittest" human race would survive.
But no! We're not that fit.
We're too wimpy, respectful, polite, and nice :roll: ... so the needless deaths, of the guilty and the innocent, will continue. :nono:

Show me the "science"- who are you quoting? This is the problem, no solid "science" to prove what you're saying. Just a bunch of propaganda and media and far left liberals are saying this. Why should I believe what you're saying? Now they want to go "door to door" and convince people to take the "vaccine" - really? - they can stay off of my property and should not come to my door. Many have died from the "vaccine" and have had sever side effects from the "vaccine" - however, we don't hear about this. And social media is censoring and removing information that goes against the "vaccine" - why not allow opinions and debate?


Aug 27, 2011
I’m very pro vaccine myself and my teenager has had the first dose but I understand why some people can’t take the vaccine (and also why some won’t).

I just want to say that I don’t agree at all that the negative effects of the vaccines are not being noted. Here in the U.K., at least, there is a “yellow card” system where anyone, doctors and patients alike can report side effects of any drug. That is how they are collecting the data and when anything of significance shows up, it is acted on.
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