
9-11 Never Forget!!!!!

It was 11:30pm here (Australia) when my husband and I saw the footage of the second plane hit. An image I will never ever forget. We were lucky to travel around the US in 2011 and visited the monuments at Ground Zero. As I stood looking to the skies a plane flew overhead and my hair stood on end, it was so eerie and solomn. Many tears flowed that visit. Such unimaginable evil and tragic losses.
Nope, never forget...
I was watching CNBC when the 2nd plane hit the tower. After the 2nd plane hit the tower everyone knew this was no accident...:(sad
the scariest day i can ever remember
we woke up to it in NZ
i honestly in my half asleep state for a second thought it was a movie like die hard

ill never forget stairing into the faces of NYC and realizing they were people just like us
all those people, all those families, all those firemen

Into the fire Bruce Springsteen

may you strength give us strength
may your faith give us faith
may your hope give us hope
may your love give us love

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I never forget
I broke down weeping when I called my son this morning, remembering how I feared that day I'd never see him again, and thinking of all the losses sustained by many we knew and knew of.

I was able to find a pure recording (no newscaster voices or narration) of the Tower of Voices - with wind chimes representing each of those killed on Flight 93 - at the Memorial in Shanksville, PA that @redwood66 told us last year had been completed. It's a beautiful soundtrack for contemplation in commemoration.
Tried to watch the 9/11 Inside Air Force One show on History tonight, had to change channels because I was getting to upset.
After 18 years it is still raw.
I broke down weeping when I called my son this morning, remembering how I feared that day I'd never see him again, and thinking of all the losses sustained by many we knew and knew of.

I was able to find a pure recording (no newscaster voices or narration) of the Tower of Voices - with wind chimes representing each of those killed on Flight 93 - at the Memorial in Shanksville, PA that @redwood66 told us last year had been completed. It's a beautiful soundtrack for contemplation in commemoration.

I just got back from Michigan. I drove there and back from Connecticut for two family events, a wedding and a baby naming ceremony (which turned out just to be a party, but one that people flew in for). I drove to Detroit for the wedding with other family members, but drove home from Ann Arbor alone. As I drove through the long state of Pennsylvania I thought about the passengers on Flight 93 and their courage. I am glad that this thread has gone up in Hangout every year and that members come back to share further thoughts here. I really appreciate reading all of your contributions. I know I am not alone in finding myself, still, sometimes back in a place of sorrow.

I connect the attack with diamond groups because it was while I was on "Diamond Talk", an earlier diamond forum, that I learned of the first plane hitting the tower. The jeweler Juan Lozano from Mexico, who was also a pilot, posted that that that was not normal.... I can' believe it was 18 years ago.

Thank you for posting, Molly Malone...and everyone else.

A lot of you may have watched this video before... the last calls/messages to family and friends are heart-wrenching. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to listen to one of them, much less be the victim who had to muster the strength to make the call... knowing it will be their last words to loved ones.
