
5 stone CAD help?


Mar 2, 2009
Hi guys!

It's my first foray into CAD designs, and wanted to get some input from the more experienced about anything I should be concerned about?




How think is that band going to be? I wonder if you might want to taper that a bit, I'd imagine 2mm to be perfect, how big is it now?

Also, I might want the first and second pair to sit a little lower, if not lower all the stones?

Looks like it'll fit your finger! That's awesome.
Niel|1381068048|3533063 said:
How think is that band going to be? I wonder if you might want to taper that a bit, I'd imagine 2mm to be perfect, how big is it now?

Also, I might want the first and second pair to sit a little lower, if not lower all the stones?

Looks like it'll fit your finger! That's awesome.

Also I wonder of they could make the 2 prongs at the very end into one, mine does that. And I did it so the small set wouldn't get swallowed up by too many prongs. Just an idea. I can't wait to see it finished.
Love the trellis setting and how the prongs are now. Looks like the center sits up higher than the rest, is that something to wanted? (To make it look more like a center with 4 side stones rather than a graduated 5 stone band?) otherwise looks good and I'm sure they will do a great job with it based on my own experiences with this vendor! :)
I think the center is set higher so that the ring will fit across my finger, lol. I mean, it's about 2.5cts of diamonds on a size 4.5 -5 finger.

I emailed her to ask how thick the band would be and that I chose the trellis because I wanted something that looked light and airy, so want to minimize the metal if possible, we'll see what she says. :)

Heh, I"d be surprised pandabee if you've worked with my jeweler before since she's local to Philly. :)

Thanks for the input!
Niel|1381068249|3533065 said:
Niel|1381068048|3533063 said:
How think is that band going to be? I wonder if you might want to taper that a bit, I'd imagine 2mm to be perfect, how big is it now?

Also, I might want the first and second pair to sit a little lower, if not lower all the stones?

Looks like it'll fit your finger! That's awesome.

Also I wonder of they could make the 2 prongs at the very end into one, mine does that. And I did it so the small set wouldn't get swallowed up by too many prongs. Just an idea. I can't wait to see it finished.

+1 to all. I think it's going to be beautiful.

I also asked her if it was possible to "merge" the tops of the trellis so that there are shared prongs between the stones, it might make everything fit better, lol.
It looks very 'flowy' w the trellis arms - I like it!! I find the size of the prongs in CAD's are HUGE and they can be fine tuned and shaped well once cast. I do like your idea of seeing if they could be swept into 1 prong, instead of 2, but not sure if that would still work at different heights. Worth an ask, tho!

Are you wanting the squared off edges of the shank or would you prefer them to be softened and rounded?? I have rings with both profiles and like them for different other features, but was thinking, with the soft flow of a trellis swoop, if a rounded shank may be more compatible in style....?
MakingTheGrade|1381090461|3533249 said:

I also asked her if it was possible to "merge" the tops of the trellis so that there are shared prongs between the stones, it might make everything fit better, lol.

I was going to suggest that as well, but i didnt wanna sound likei was trying to remake mine :lol:

If they were able to turn them into shared prongs, and set the last 2 prongs into 1 prong, that would be so minimal and delicate
MakingTheGrade|1381080032|3533187 said:
I think the center is set higher so that the ring will fit across my finger, lol. I mean, it's about 2.5cts of diamonds on a size 4.5 -5 finger.

I emailed her to ask how thick the band would be and that I chose the trellis because I wanted something that looked light and airy, so want to minimize the metal if possible, we'll see what she says. :)

Heh, I"d be surprised pandabee if you've worked with my jeweler before since she's local to Philly. :)

Thanks for the input!

Ah okay my bad they looked just like ERD's cad images hehe. I need to post some SMTB pics of my jbeg trellis so you can get an idea for how it would look with the shared prongs/swoops in between each stone. I agree with enerchi's suggestions on the shank 5 stone is a rounded one and it's super comfortable for one, plus I do agree that it lends to the swoopiness of the trellises.
New CADs in, any thoughts?




I like it much better with the shared prongs!
last two


The thinner shank tapering in where the stones begin looks much better. I'd tell them to make the inside of that shank comfort-fit, too.
Love love love it. I'd only suggest making the shank more rounded. Unless you specifically don't want that.

Also, could the jeweler have you try on a band that has 5 stones that fill about the same space of your finger? Make assure the sides don't go down between your fingers too far.

I know its not scientific but I laid my ring on top of my phone with a zoomed in picture of yours. The diamonds go a little bit further down the shank but not too much. And I think I could have had a little more room to fit diamonds. So it'll probably be fine. But maybe if she has a ring for you to try on to make sure before you finalize? Maybe have you try the wax on?
I already asked about the rounded shank, I don't know if it just looks that way because CAD design just makes things look more squared and hard.

I can't try on the wax itself as it's too fragile. :/ She said she could do a rough cast in something cheap like silver for 60$ if I was really paranoid. Do you think it's worth it though? I feel like so many people get CADs done with jewelers in whole other states and things turn out fine.
MakingTheGrade|1381432702|3535443 said:
I already asked about the rounded shank, I don't know if it just looks that way because CAD design just makes things look more squared and hard.

I can't try on the wax itself as it's too fragile. :/ She said she could do a rough cast in something cheap like silver for 60$ if I was really paranoid. Do you think it's worth it though? I feel like so many people get CADs done with jewelers in whole other states and things turn out fine.

You know I dont :lol: :lol: :lol: that's why I added the ?, I'm truly not sure...

Would 60 dollars be worth it? Maybe. Do you think if the stones agent too far down to your inner fingers you would be annoyed? If no than I wouldn't do it. If you're very concerned I might. Its cheaper than starting over right?

And as for the shank worse case if she still doesn't do it when its finished if you don't like it I would think they could smooth it out post production? Maybe? I'd probably just being it up one more time and see
VAST improvement!! It flows so much more gently and softly w the shared prongs --- and I love the tapered shank, too. If you can have her polish/round the edges once its cast, that would be perfect!

Great looking ring, MTG - you are going to be so happy with this beauty when its complete!! I love it now :appl: :appl: :appl:
Yup, she got back to me to say that she will round out the band after it's cast. I'm going in tomorrow to pick up my red spinel ring, and she'll do some measurements to make sure everything fits :)
She also sent this for dimensions in mm

Wow I really like the new cad....
22mm across for finger coverage---- WOWZERS!!! Thats REALLY going to give a *huge* wall of bling!! I'm jealous!! its going to be AMAZING!!!!
Enerchi|1381448936|3535570 said:
22mm across for finger coverage---- WOWZERS!!! Thats REALLY going to give a *huge* wall of bling!! I'm jealous!! its going to be AMAZING!!!!

Yeah, I'm a little nervous about the 22mm, lol, the top of my finger isn't even that wide!
I'll ask my jeweler tomorrow though, I imagine a little bit wider is fine since it sits above my finger but I"ll see what she says.
My jeweler took some measurements when I picked up my red spinel ring, she'll clarify some of the measurement since 22mm seems like an awful lot. Regardless, I'll go by when the wax model is done to eye ball it before the gold gets cast.

Here are the proportional hand shots though


I love this jeweler your working with she seems so accommodating. Did she seem to think everything would be fine?
She is pretty awesome! :) I keep her steadily occupied, lol.

Anyways, got to play with the wax today, pretty comfortable that it'll fit across my finger. She recommended I not try it on my ring finger sine the wax is fragile. But I did try it on my pinky, and even then, it wasn't too far around, and the prongs will be much shorter once cast and cut down to size.



It looks like a million bucks! The only thing I would request is that the stones be set as far down in the seats as possible to keep the ring low profile (or relatively low anyways). Will be amazing!
Oh awesome! How long until its finished??

This is going to be so ridiculously blingtastic.
Niel|1381974218|3539199 said:
Oh awesome! How long until its finished??

This is going to be so ridiculously blingtastic.

Well, she finished casting and rounding the edges for the band. Will start setting the stones next week :D She said she'll try to send me pics of the casting tomorrow, but if not I'll take some pics when I drop off the main diamond for setting. It's still in the Van Craeynest.
Casting pics!


