I have been doing alot of research online for a diamond. I finally spent a few hours in the diamond district (oh boy!!) It is a mad house there. It reminded me very much of shopping for a used car in PA. Anyway, I visited 5 different dealers, and without even trying they were giving me "30%" off rap. It seems to me that this is a standard down there. So I ask, what is really a good deal off rap? 40-50%? For example I was looking at only GIA stones I was quoted $5,990. (almost 40% off rap) according to a sheet I happened to get a copy of from Jan 2003) on a 1.44C G VS2 62/58 VG/VG med flo. This sounded almost too good to be true. what is your opinion? The stone looked very nice to me, but i am leary as I am still in the process of learning. My felling is if i spend some more time down there I can easily get 40 or more% off rap but what does that really mean? P.S. This dealer also had a 30 day money back policy. any help would be appreciated. I am looking for a stone around 1.5C G VS1 Ideal cutr round with VG/VG and no flo.. What would be considered a good deal on that type of stone? Price per carat-wise?