
3-Stone Do-Over


Apr 7, 2010
I had to get my original 3-stone ring cut off as I've had to deal with terrible water retention. When they tried to re-size it the jeweler was unable to as there was a defect in the gold used in the original setting. It was really porous and looked like a sponge on the inside. I took this opportunity to have the setting changed as I did not like the profile of the original and the diamonds were set too high. They say "everything happens for a reason". I'm glad it happened as I'm much happier with my new setting.




Profile shot.

I do like this much better! Sorry for the medical problem but perhaps every storm cloud does have a silver lining!

Would love to see more pictures!
Oh I bet you are so happy! This is beautiful. I like the detail work on the galley. Sorry you had to go through that but what a beautiful reset!
OMG your ring is my all time favorite side detail I've ever seen. Who made it? They did a wonderful job. I really love it!! :love: :love:
:clap: wow, I am amazed :-)
Such beautiful details :appl:
Great reset. Congrats with your stunning ring.
Hello gorgeous!! :D
Thank you everyone for taking the time to look and for your kind comments.

MissGotRocks - thank you. It has been rough lately but minor compared to what others are dealing with. I'll try to post more pictures with a better camera.

Moneymeister, luvsdmb - I'm glad you like the detail on the gallery. I wasn't sure if it was going to be too much. My inspiration ring, which was a much larger 3-stone, actually had small diamonds in the baskets. As my stones were smaller, I tried to incorporate the design with the engraving. This ring was made in Toronto by the same man who made my larger 3-stone. Both rings have different elements from the inspiration ring.

Aprilbaby, Tiger Lily, Acinom, Bonfire -thank you!

For reference, my ring is size 6.5. The center stone is 8.3 mm and the sides are 6 mm. Center is L VS2 and sides are J SI1.
Wow, I love it!! :love: The detailing on the profile is a joy to look at, what a beautiful way to showcase those gorgeous diamonds! I'm really sorry to hear about your health issues and hope things are better for you soon…but this new setting certainly is a silver lining!
Love it! Absolutely every cloud!
I love how the right setting can really bring diamonds to life -- what a transformation!! It was pretty before, but now it is breathtaking. :appl:
I too, am sorry for the reason for this reset, but that being said, I love it! It's absolutely gorgeous! The details are exquisite and it looks gorgeous on your hand!
Thank you all so much. Hopefully I'll never have to change the setting again.

I've attached a few more pictures (I hope you don't mind).




Just a couple more with my other 3-stone.



Wow, they are both gorgeous rings!!!! I love the reset.
Wow, I really love the new setting, too! :love: That was definitely a great outcome to what started out to be a problem!
The reset looks fabulous!
Beautiful reset!
The profile of your reset is nicer than that of the old setting. Love both the reset and the other larger 3 stone ring :appl:
Exquisite detail on your reset. It's beautiful! And your other 3 stone is a knockout. Love them both.
Sorry for the late response but I just got back form a business trip to Calgary.

Thank you all for your positive comments. I really am happy with the way this ring turned out and how it looks on my hand. :appl: :appl:
Omg, it's gorgeous!! Congratulations on your reset. Hope you're doing better health wise. I love the details on the gallery and shank!
Such pretty 3 stone rings..i'm green with envy :mrgreen:
Wow it's beautiful.
Your ring is beautiful.
I really really really like your new setting!!
I really really really like your new setting!!