
2010 Jewelry Projects Thread

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Lurking and look forward to seeing all your completed upcoming projects. Have to totally laugh (at self) though as I now understand the true meaning of a "push" present. While reading previous threads with this term I always thought it was "push" for an upgrade. Had NO idea it was reference to a birth push. And yes, I am blonde. LOL!!!
I''ve been hankering for a full prong-set eternity ring for a while now, and I''d love to realise that dream in 2010. I''d looooove the Annette''s U-Prong from Whiteflash, yummy tummy
I''ll save my pennies and see what happens! Financially this will be the year to do it as we have no more big ticket items to purchase for our house, and withing the next two years or so there will hopefully be a baby on board! That''s my rationale, anyway

I''d also like to upgrade my tennis bracelet and diamond studs eventually. That''s all.
Date: 1/3/2010 1:23:25 PM
Author: Upgradable
I''ve got to finalize my plans to set my star sapphire. My fund raising has stalled, but I''m pretty sure I''m going to go with James Meyer to mount it. His craftsmanship is so unique and beautiful!

I also have a collection of small oec/omc stones that I''d like to have made into a cross to wear daily. I want it to be simple, but with a vintage feel.

I''m also looking at/for nice yellow gold or two toned earrings to wear every day. This along with a bracelet of some sort ought to hold me for the year.
I just got a very reasonable quote from James Meyer to make the mounting for my star. It looks like I''m off and rolling!!!
Date: 1/3/2010 12:02:54 PM
Author: Lady_Disdain
I have several stones I would like to set this year, including 3 that already have settings (spinel, ruby or demantoid, spess).

I want a thin tenis bracelet.

My dream would be a ruby ring from Richard Wise.

Edited to add: an asscher in a baquette setting
Do you gals think 3 very thin tenis bracelets stacked on my right hand would be too much? The more I think about, the more I like the idea.
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