
$200 doesn''t buy what it used to...

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Jul 26, 2004
So, if someone gave you 200.00 to spend on yourself right now, what would you buy?
jeans, perfume?

Let me explain:

We''re a little poor right now, just bought a house, paying off old debt (almost paid off, though, yah!)
I teach in a low paying charter school for refugee children (got to do it for the love, not the paycheck...)

We were just given 500.00 to spend on ourselves. The realistic and needy couple that we are, we decided to get
my car tuned up (it''s a 97, so we were worried that it might be a costly tune up) and hurray hurray, the tune up
was minor... less than a hundred dollars!

So, I suggested we split the remaining 400 and go on a guilt free shopping trip.
There are tons of things that we NEED (we just bought a beautiful CandB dining room table, but cannot afford the chairs...)
so we could probably chip in a bit more money and buy a chair apiece... but that''s a bit practical for my liking right now,
I wanted this to be fun money, since it came from no where, and we''re sure to get the chairs eventually.

So what would you buy? 200.00 doesn''t really go very far these days, but to me it seems like a lot. I kind of want to buy
something that I would feel too guilty to buy at any other time.

I''m probably a bit out of date on the fashion scene (as I learned when TravelingGal was purse shopping, lol!)
All my jeans come from Old Navy. Most of my clothes come from JCrew. My husband laughed and said that I''d probably buy
a few things at JCrew that look exactly like everything else I wear.

I''m tempted to look into a NICE pair of jeans, I''ve never ever even dared to try on a pair.

Thoughts suggestions? Hurry, before I get practical and put it towards groceries.
a purse!!!
you could get a coach for about $200 or maybe a MJ on sale somewhere?

a small diamond fashion pendant? like a small circle or butterfly or something fun?

a sweet pair of tall black boots?? mmmm black boots.

a fun new holiday outfit? could shop at jcrew''s sale and most likely come out with something under $200. OR bcbg''s sale dresses are AWESOME and under $200 typically. perfect for new years.
Fun project!! Ya HAVE to treat yourself every now & then!
I'd consider what I'm trying to accomplish ... do I want something *lasting* (like a small piece of jewelry), *luxe/daily* like a hot super-flattering pair of jeans, or a *memorable experience* ... like a day at the spa, or skydyving or a fancy dinner.

PERSONALLY -- I'd probably get Jo Malone perfume or something *NOW* & then save the left over $125 or so until *after* the holidays & score a super luxe cashmere sweater at a bargain price during the crazy sales then happen then. I'd choose fancy jeans over a sweater if I was YOU perhaps ... but they don't make fancy ones in my size *drats*.

ps -- boots are a good luxe/daily idea too

pps -- I will say that this $200 Barefoot Dreams blanket is one of my very fave, if not FAVE fave wedding presents. I already have the robe & the sofa throw ... but on the bed!!! Decadent (and daily!)
Ooooh, this is fun!

I think I would buy a pretty piece of sterling silver jewelry from T&Co! I just got a catalog in the mail today and there is a LOT of lovely jewelry for under $200.

$200 may not buy what it used to... but it''s still a VERY nice amount to be able to splurge a little on! Have fun, and let us know what you end up with.
I''m so happy to have such a response!
It makes it all the more fun to dream!
I did splurge on a great pair of black boots just recently, I also got a great diamond pendant (maybe I''m not as frugal as I made myself out to be!)
Hmmmm, sterling from T and Co... that''s a thought! Purse! Definitely a thought!
Maybe I could get a belt, top, jeans from Banana Republic?
I''ve been dreaming in cashmere lately... (my mind is so much richer than my paycheck! lol!)
A great pefume? Seems just selfishly right!
I did do it up on spa treatments right before the wedding, so maybe not spa right now. Ha ha, definitely NOT ski diving! As adventurous as I feel, I like to keep both feet on the ground.
I think I might want a sinfully expensive pair of jeans! Is that silly?
All of my jeans are from Old Navy, are the great expensive jeans out there really worth the price? Maybe I should go to Nordstroms and try on a pair? I think I''m afraid I''ll become addicted.
ha ha! Keep ideas coming!

Oh, more on perfume, I''d really like to try a really nice perfume.
lol two cents on jeans?

having just lost some weight...i can now almost basically wear any jean i want to and have it look pretty good on me. that wasn't the case previously and i spent more on more expensive jeans because they might have 'accented' my more positive assets and hidden other ones kinda thing. i love AG jeans because they made my booty look great. long lean legs so i felt pretty good and looked tall and thinner etc.

however now that i am thinner, i have discovered that the $25 or $50 jeans look just as good on me as the more expensive brands do now. in fact, i only have one pair of expensive jeans right now in my jean rotation, a pair of citizens which were about $140 at nordstroms. they fit fabulously. but so do my A&F jeans and my American Eagle jeans. today i went to loehmanns and i got two more pairs of jeans, both for $39 each, retail was $100 and i don't even recognize the 'brand names' they are. but they look awesome on me and one has a pretty embroidered pale blue butterfly on the back pockets.

so really i used to be firmly on the expensive jean bandwagon but i have seen your pictures and i don't know if you will be that jazzed with how the more expensive jeans look on you because you are tall and thin/in shape and i think you can probably wear almost anything and look awesome! so anyway, go try on the jeans, but i wouldn't be shocked if you were like eh it looks okay but i dont know if its worth $175 or something!!

i do actually think that the seven jeans if you are tall and thin are pretty flattering but they can get pretty pricey. i have been coveting a pair of the A pocket ones but so far have not been able to mentally pony it up for $172 NOR should i!! i am pretty happy with my cheap jeans, lol! and they are flattering! i get compliments on them all the time.

but i'd check them out anyway at nordies...why not. and while you are there, check out the purse dept! and the perfume dept! and their jewelry dept! and their makeup dept! and their shoe dept! and lingerie...don't forget that...your hubby might like that dept...LOL!
What Deco said! Jo Malone and cashmere, yum...and before and after holiday treats. Perfect.

Whatever you do, please don''t buy groceries!
and why is buying 2 chairs to go with the new table being too practical? just curious..... actually, that''s what i''d do with the spare cash....groceries, no....chairs, yes.

or i''d save that $200 until sometime next year when i''d chance upon an absolute find that i''d want to buy but didn''t have the $ for....... just because you have it doesn''t mean you have to spend it. i really would keep it until something popped into my frame of existence that would be a no brainer for me to spend the $ on.

movie zombie

ps that''s how i got my fab 1/2 price 18k red gold italian chain last june......even at half price it was way more than $200 but hadn''t got my christmas present yet and was able to say very very clearly that it was exactly what i wanted. too good a deal to pass up and no guilt feelings for having spent the $.
30 towards music, Supremes' #1 hits and maybe a 50's or 60's compilation
40 for makeup, Shiseido powdery foundation and eyeliner brush
50 for new pearl earrings; looking to upgrade my studs to 7.5 mm
80 Amtrak to see my hunny
PERFUME!!!!!!! Without a doubt! Take some coffee beans with you in a little bag ( refreshes your sense of smell as it shuts off after too many sniffs) and get busy at the perfume counters! I don't think anything else has the power to make you feel glamorous like perfume!

fer 200 i would go pawn shopping! studs, an old mine cut ring, you never know what you will find.

From your posts, it seems like you might be leaning towards jeans...I think that''s a great purchase. and although mara is advising against them, you should at least go and try some pairs on and see if they are worth it to you. at least this way you can scratch your own personal curiousity. i also know that at least one "premium" brand - paper, denim & cloth recently reduced all its prices (down to more like $80 from $130-$150) because that market is becoming oversaturated.

I also love the ideas about perfume, music, cashmere!
Love the ideas everyone! I have so much to think about! Hurray!

MovieZombie, the thing about the chairs (Crate and Barrel Basque chairs, love them!) is that I would have to use my money, and DH would have to use his money, and we''d only be able to get 2 chairs. We need 5 (we have a bench that goes with the table already.) We think we might get ALL the chairs after our tax refund. Saving the money is a wise decision, but I''m far from wise, lol. Sometimes I just want to shop. It''s the selfish and greedy me coming out.

Mara, I''m so glad to hear you say that about the jeans (and thanks for the compliments!) I''ve been really trying to figure out what the big dealio about the more expensive jeans is, just intreigued and curious, really, but my old navy jeans suit me well.

I''m really dying to go and smell some good perfume. I had no idea about the coffee bean trick. Too cool!

LadyKemma, I never ever would even have thought about going to a pawn shop. I never even considered the possibilities! I really really would LOVE some studs, I wonder if I could find any? I also wonder if I could get over the fact that some poor soul had to pawn them...

Keep the ideas coming, planning is almost as fun as shopping!
I won'' t spend the money til after the holidays... since right now I''m (ahem) trying to think of others! Why is it so easy to think about all the things I want????
jeans sounds perfect! i don''t know if i''ll spend the entire $200 on it though. i''ve never tried on the ''expensive'' jeans, but i did go check out the american eagle artist jeans that mara was raving about and ended up buying 2 pairs!

they look great on me! i bought a pair of dark antique wash in the regular length so i can wear with my heels (they make me look thinner too!) and a pair of sun bleached faded in short so i can wear with my sneakers and flip flops (yeah, for me i can still wear flip flops during this time of year! hehe). plus they were $39 bucks a pair! can''t beat that! sam buys jeans from them regularly and they look awesome on him too!

i would say buy a couple pairs of less expensive jeans, some perfume and a pair of shoes! that''s $39+$39+$65+$50! just perfect!
Cashmere is so worth it if you''re in a cold climate! How about a cashmere scarf from Burberry? Its a luxe classic that would last you years.

I have some Jo Malone perfume on right now - orange blossom - reminds me of Florida, where I grew up. I really love it.

As for J.Crew the spring sales are coming up, so you could also wait until then. There are some great sales right now, so you could also get a nice designer wallet or a leather purse from somewhere.

Personally I''m eyeing the Alexander McQueen skull scarf (can''t help it) or a Tiffany chunky silver bracelet if Santa does''t put them under my tree. I''m also thinking of a Burberry scarf/ear muff combo in the nova check and maybe some new fur earmuffs.

Also Signed pieces has some silver Tiffany hoops and a 1837 bracelet that would be about $200.
Fun fun fun fun,
I''m seriously thinking about perfume now, I''m so excited just to go "look" at some of the fancier fragrances that I would never have considered. I''ve always wanted cashmere, but it''s not such a smart buy for me because I live in Atlanta, with all this crazy global warming it''s been between 60 and 70 degrees this week! Not very Christmasy!
I''ve also only been in a Tiffanys store once (our first e-ring shopping experience, lol! I still feel stressed about it three years later... the woman noted that my hands were "athletic looking" I took it to mean manly... lol!)
I know this thread has progressed passed jeans, i just thought i would let you know an interesting piece of info I learned tonight.

a woman who owns a clothing store in the NE come to our hotel once a month or so. She comes to buy clothes for her store. She buys nameless jeans in the fashion district for around $4 and then sells them with her own label at a clothing store for $150!!!!!! Those same jeans can be purchased by target and sold for $20!

I''m too chubby for jeans (or at least to wear cute ones) but it makes me feel better to know that the jeans arent worth all that much more than the label!
$200..I vote for the perfume (probably b/c I need a new scent..haha..) I think the cashmere sweater idea is great too and agree that if you wait until next week you can probably get one on sale for a great price. I love the purse idea too of course. I went in our coach store the other day and found some really cute ones under $200, so a cute purse with matching wallet or something?? ooo fu, can''t wait to see what you decide to get..
cash is fungible.

I would get a massage for $25 from a massage school student and use the rest to pay off more of your debt.

cash is fungible. so it doesn''t make sense to earmark this or that cash as "splurge money" if you wouldn''t do so with your own paycheck.

cash is fungible.
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