
2.25 carat Mahenge sleepy spinel in 18K LOGR


Sep 20, 2008
I upgraded the diamonds too. It's a pretty ring, and it reminds me of a ruby.

I didn't take a lot of photos lately, have been very busy, but here's a sunshine shot.

Far away hand shot for better perspective, and yes, I routinely wear three rings on the hand. :wacko:

I originally bought this setting for a blue spinel cushion I had, but it didn't look great in there (a little too big). This stone (from Tan) was the only one that fit it nicely. It has a nice high crown which I enjoy too.

OOOOHHH, TL, that is a beauty!! :love:

I think you've outdone yourself!

I like the way the yellow gold warms up the pink :cheeky:

Have you noticed yellow gold is coming back into fashion? I sure have, and you've used it beautifully! :appl:
That 18K is really buttery - yum! The pink/gold combo has a southeast asian feel to it - very nice!
TL, that combination of rich yellow gold and brilliant pink is wonderful!
Beautiful trio of colors!
It is such a tease...

They are all beautiful
:love: :love: Those colors goes so well with the yellow gold.
TL, your stones always have such amazing colors, they're a joy to behold. And heck, I'd like to behold you walking down the street with 3 rings on one hand!
Gorgeous! I like the combo of high karat gold with the shocking pink.
I too love the look of all three of those together!
tourmaline_lover said:
I upgraded the diamonds too. It's a pretty ring, and it reminds me of a ruby.

I didn't take a lot of photos lately, have been very busy, but here's a sunshine shot.

Oh TL! That is super duper pink... I almost want to pop it in my mouth hehehe Those electric pink sleepy gems will always have a special place in my heart, a wonderful find and great ring, I hope it is one that you wear often :appl:
Thanks for all your kind words everyone. The stone was really not my first choice for a ring, but it fit in the setting and it has an antique look about the cutting. The stone goes more orange indoors which I'm not a fan of (reminds me of a flame spinel), but as I won it on auction, I'm happy with it. It's a nice stone for what I paid, and I love the richness of the 18K YG, and the cutting on this gem. It also has some decent fluor. I have some nicer Mahenge spinels, but I'm waiting to get nicer settings for those. I also am still on the hunt for a setting for my blue spinel cushion. I was thinking this one, but his counteroffer was way too high (not far off from the BIN price). :(( I hate spending too much on settings.

BTW, I have worn that violet spinel and the chrysoberyl everyday since I had them set. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE those stones/rings. The middle finger is reserved for "the stone I'm in the mood for that day" - LOL!
TL, I love how rich and buttery contrast of the 18YG with the pink spinel. I agree with Cellentani about the southeast Asian look of the ring. Very pretty!
Lovely the rich colour of the setting, and with the other two rings worn together, they sure are a bright and colourful combination. :appl:
I love your collection, so vibrant and lively. Makes me happy when i look at your pictures!
Thanks to everyone again for all the kind words.
That is gorgeous TL! Love the richness of the yellow and pink combination! :love:

Is that the spinel that was extra deep?
TL, the colour of that spinel is just lovely, and I adore it paired with your other 2! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Oh thanks so much everyone once again. Sorry I didn't personally thank everyone, just very busy.

Here's a natural diffused light photo. Very boring lighting to take the photos in, but it reminds me of a ruby because it is sleepy like many rubies, although there is sparkle. My camera couldn't capture all the sparkle though. As you can see, out of the sunlight, it does have some orange in it.

Brandy, yes it's a deeper stone with a high crown, which is why it faces up small for a 2.25 carat. The setting is a 7x7mm.


Where's my post gone? I KNOW I posted in this thread! Oh well, from memory what I said was that I love the picture of your three rings together - the perspective is great. How does your sleepy react compared to non-sleepy spinels? Obviously it'll sparkle less but I wondered if it changed colour in different lights because of the more "dense-ness" of the look? Hope that makes sense!
Love the colors! Very nice :appl:
LovingDiamonds said:
Where's my post gone? I KNOW I posted in this thread! Oh well, from memory what I said was that I love the picture of your three rings together - the perspective is great. How does your sleepy react compared to non-sleepy spinels? Obviously it'll sparkle less but I wondered if it changed colour in different lights because of the more "dense-ness" of the look? Hope that makes sense!

It's not as saturated as the other pink-reds, but it's still very pretty. They definitely can get more red than this stone, especially my elongated cushion. No brown in this gem though. I can't complain at all for what I paid. Here's a side view so you can get an idea of the high crown. I'm a sucker for high crowns. I wish I had the original vendor photo. I thought I kept it somewhere, but I can't find it on my computer. :confused:

I was like "okay......" until I saw the high crown, then it became "YUM!". :tongue:
Very pretty. :love:
You must have a collection of beautiful Mahenge spinels... I would so love to see a group shot of all your Magenge rings.... please? :halo:
It's gorgeous TL! I love it set in that yellow-yellow gold.
Awww, thanks everyone!!

Here's a group shot before I had the ring set. Sorry about the reflection on the case, and the middle stone is my spess. The elongated cushion is the most saturated out of all of them. The other photo is my blue spinel cushion I wanted to put in that setting, but it won't fit. :((


Very pretty.
tourmaline_lover said:
Here's a group shot before I had the ring set. Sorry about the reflection on the case, and the middle stone is my spess. The elongated cushion is the most saturated out of all of them. The other photo is my blue spinel cushion I wanted to put in that setting, but it won't fit. :((
Thanks for the photos TL!
I can see that the elongated cushion Mahenge has an intense colour with a clear & crystalline appearance, but the others are not so bad either. ;)) :love: :love:
I also love your blue spinel - hope you find a nice setting for it soon.

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