
2.02 ct round- need your expertise

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May 17, 2003
Have educated myself over several months on your great forum. Getting engaged and my local town jeweler who I have been dealing with for years turns up a stone for me. I want the biggest round stone I can get for my money with gross quality being secondary but I don''t want a total piece of dull junk.The stone has papers from Accredited Gem Appraisers of Philadelphia, 723 Sansom.

Unset round diamond, 2.02 Ct wt.
8.22 x 8.28 x4.87mm
modern cut, very small culet
31.2 degree avg crown angle, 10.7% crown height
59% depth, 64.9% table, 44.7% pavilion depth
AGA cut class: 3A
UV fluor: inert
approx. GIA color: "I"
Aprrox. GIA clarity: SI2
Value $14,500

I know the Holloway Cut is 5.4 and not very good with the fire and scint. being poor and the table is rather large with the resulting loss of scint. However, the inclusions are on the edges of the stone and are not visible without a 10X. The color of the stone looks good to me versus G''s I have seen. The price quoted firm is $7000. Two questions, knowing that I am looking for size versus quality but not total junk is this stone competitively priced or am I overpaying? 2. Is this stone by dimension and cut something I should consider taking into account what I noted above? Thank you for all your potential input. Larry
Hi Ahr!

Dave Atlas is one of the experts/appraisers that participates in this forum. He is well respected.

Price Scope vendors sell similar color, clarity, and carat weight diamonds in the $7115 to $9440 price range.

Hope that helps.
Being a B&M price, it's really EXCELLENT. The stone sounds a very good SI 2, if you aren't able to spot inclusions with your naked eye at that size.
The cut isn't that bad. I would call it upper average. Not the most perfect or sparky, but if you're working on a budget and you want to get the largest stone possible, then it's a good choice. Stones with large tables look larger than stones (of the same size and measurements, obviously) with smaller tables. I would say this could be a nice looking stone that doesn't break the bank and allows you to get the size you wanted and correct grades. AGA is really excellent. Is the stone sparky enough for you? Are you able to compare it with a better cut?

I would pass on that stone (although I agree with Giangi on the price) - you can find better here on PS - try going to price stats function, select 'by carat 2-2.99' and click on the g/h vs1/2 in the AGA1A or AGA1B table (try to experiment a few times). Then sort by price per carat and find the one you want (I personally chose only GIA and less than 61.3 depth) - you will discover in 2mins that your price is way off for the quality you can get here on PS !

Good luck.
Dear Giangi and Richard, The stone doesn't necessarily "speak to me" but it sure does a loud "whisper". The spark in comparison to better cut stones is adequate and when I took the stone out of the shop into natural light it still stood up well with a lot of light and some spark.I think the spark could be better but I am happy with it especially in regards to price and no inclusions seen with the naked eye. Thank you again for your kind advice. Larry
Thank you PQ, this gives me some points of comparison. Larry
Dear Final cut, I will take a look at the stats and see where this takes me. Thanks again. Larry
Hey AHR~

I think your thoughts combined with the comments of Giangi and Mr. Sherwood give you a good idea if this diamond would work for you.

I only commented on price because I am a novice on the intricacies of the various cut Classes. I haven't seen them and I can't visualize what they would look like. Giangi said it was nice and Giangi is far more advanced than I am. Richard Sherwood, an independent appraiser, ditto'd. The diamond was appraised by Dave Atlas, a well respected expert. I gave you price stats. Seems you've found a pretty good deal locally if the diamond pleases you.

Final Cut had a good suggestion. If your B&M has some well cut diamonds to compare to, you might do that side by side. See if the price difference to get a better cut in your size is worth it to you. It might be. Or, maybe you'll decide to sacrifice some carat weight to get a better cut.

Sounds like you've got a good start and now comes the hard part. "What do I do?? What do I do??"
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