
19th c. Amethyst Rivière Necklace: Can it be fixed + need help designing earrings

Emerald City

Jun 1, 2020

True old money does not discriminate (especially if they learned from the revolutions).
I am sure she is happy someone is wearing it and appreciates it enough to restore it and care for it. It's truly beautiful.

When you come from Old money, you are surrounded by those things are you grow up, so it's more "normalized", which is why some people seem out of touch, because it's just an everyday thing. The rest comes from education and exposure to the fact that it is a great responsibility to have that kind of wealth and to do your best to spread it around to help people where and when you can.

I will forever kick myself over a 3ct edwardian diamond ring i came across in an antique shop in Austria that looking back i should have jumped on - it was before i knew more about antique diamonds and all that jazz we come across here on ps (and education).

You could always check over the online catalogues for the auctions and see if you spot the ruby again - if you think it's worth the detective work. I am sure we would all love to see it.

Can't wait to see the next evolution of this piece, it's fantastic!!

:) Thank you. I am excited to see how this looks finished, myself. I think I will contact Sako and see if he would be willing to work on it. I know he would do a wonderful job.

I know the feeling of kicking yourself for not buying 'that thing' you saw somewhere for a killer price. I could have had that jade necklace for $200, and it is worth many, many times that. ARGH. Lol.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
You are very sweet. I would have been honoured to bring my necklace to your tea party. :) I used to host tea parties for my friends and it is a lot of fun making the little tea snacks, getting out the nice china, etc.

I am honoured that you said my necklace is a stand-out piece here. PS has some astoundingly fine pieces so I am humbled that this necklace merits attention. I truly treasure it and I am determined to get it repaired/restored. (Just not with this jeweler - the way they handled their damage to my herringbone necklace is shameful.)

boo hiss that jewler

Emerald City

Jun 1, 2020
boo hiss that jewler

Yeah, no kidding. I met with him today and he REFUSED to admit that herringbone necklaces should not be carried in a piled-up figure-8, REFUSED to teach staff to only carry such necklaces flat, and REFUSED to admit to ANY wrongdoing. However, he said he will change store policy so that staff will no longer carry customers' pieces to the back unless repairs are agreed upon. I think he knows his clerk messed up. When he himself was handling my herringbone, he was VERY gentle with it and kept it mostly flat except when feeling where the bend was. He knows she didn't handle it properly, but he won't make it right. Lying cheating scumbag!! I called the police, who helpfully told me it was a civil matter. Snort.

My amethyst necklace is out of their nasty hands at least. But man, what an upsetting and dispiriting experience. After being injured by a nurse and now this, I swear I just don't want to leave my house anymore. That was a really nice herringbone, weighing almost 22g and in perfect condition until that idiot got her hands on it. I am so pissed off.
Jan 20, 2012
Yeah, no kidding. I met with him today and he REFUSED to admit that herringbone necklaces should not be carried in a piled-up figure-8, REFUSED to teach staff to only carry such necklaces flat, and REFUSED to admit to ANY wrongdoing. However, he said he will change store policy so that staff will no longer carry customers' pieces to the back unless repairs are agreed upon. I think he knows his clerk messed up. When he himself was handling my herringbone, he was VERY gentle with it and kept it mostly flat except when feeling where the bend was. He knows she didn't handle it properly, but he won't make it right. Lying cheating scumbag!! I called the police, who helpfully told me it was a civil matter. Snort.

My amethyst necklace is out of their nasty hands at least. But man, what an upsetting and dispiriting experience. After being injured by a nurse and now this, I swear I just don't want to leave my house anymore. That was a really nice herringbone, weighing almost 22g and in perfect condition until that idiot got her hands on it. I am so pissed off.

I am so sorry for your recent troubles, my friend! Hopefully you're coming out of the darkness and into the light at this point... better times ahead!!

Emerald City

Jun 1, 2020
I am so sorry for your recent troubles, my friend! Hopefully you're coming out of the darkness and into the light at this point... better times ahead!!

Awww, please accept my Internet hug: *Internet hug*

I hope so, too. The herringbone necklace is still wearable so I am trying to focus on the positive; but people like that jeweler and his employee make the world a worse place to live in. I would NEVER treat someone the way they treated me. The world is the way it is because people are the way they are. Truly good people are rare and should be cherished when they are found.

@Karl_K: In other news, I think I found a pair of amethyst earrings to match my necklace! @diamondseeker2006 recommended a NY jeweler for a separate item; while browsing, I discovered the earrings. They are even the style @Karl_K and I discussed: a hook for the ear, then a round amethyst with a pear at the bottom (both huge), both set in 14k yellow gold that almost perfectly matches my necklace's settings! When worn the minor differences won't be noticeable; I had to look closely at the picture to even tell the differences. I am hoping the jeweler can get them to me soon. :) My profound thanks to you both!!!

My regular jeweler had recommended taking sections off the necklace and turning them into earrings, but I could never do that! It would be sacrilegious. That necklace is WELL over 100 years old; I don't have the right to chop it up like that, and besides, it would ruin the drama of the necklace. The earrings I found today are a much better alternative. :)

Thank you all for your help with this thread. The ending is that I am currently seeing if Sako can and will fix the necklace, and I have seemingly found earrings to match via kismet. (Thank you, kismet!) I will post the new necklace once it is fixed, though that looks to be months if not longer into the future. Beautiful jewelry is worth waiting for, though. :kiss2:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Yeah, no kidding. I met with him today and he REFUSED to admit that herringbone necklaces should not be carried in a piled-up figure-8, REFUSED to teach staff to only carry such necklaces flat, and REFUSED to admit to ANY wrongdoing. However, he said he will change store policy so that staff will no longer carry customers' pieces to the back unless repairs are agreed upon. I think he knows his clerk messed up. When he himself was handling my herringbone, he was VERY gentle with it and kept it mostly flat except when feeling where the bend was. He knows she didn't handle it properly, but he won't make it right. Lying cheating scumbag!! I called the police, who helpfully told me it was a civil matter. Snort.

My amethyst necklace is out of their nasty hands at least. But man, what an upsetting and dispiriting experience. After being injured by a nurse and now this, I swear I just don't want to leave my house anymore. That was a really nice herringbone, weighing almost 22g and in perfect condition until that idiot got her hands on it. I am so pissed off.

oh im so sorry to come back and read this :(2
and mad and grumpy on your behalf

but what comes around goes around so he will get his come-uppents

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Awww, please accept my Internet hug: *Internet hug*

I hope so, too. The herringbone necklace is still wearable so I am trying to focus on the positive; but people like that jeweler and his employee make the world a worse place to live in. I would NEVER treat someone the way they treated me. The world is the way it is because people are the way they are. Truly good people are rare and should be cherished when they are found.

@Karl_K: In other news, I think I found a pair of amethyst earrings to match my necklace! @diamondseeker2006 recommended a NY jeweler for a separate item; while browsing, I discovered the earrings. They are even the style @Karl_K and I discussed: a hook for the ear, then a round amethyst with a pear at the bottom (both huge), both set in 14k yellow gold that almost perfectly matches my necklace's settings! When worn the minor differences won't be noticeable; I had to look closely at the picture to even tell the differences. I am hoping the jeweler can get them to me soon. :) My profound thanks to you both!!!

My regular jeweler had recommended taking sections off the necklace and turning them into earrings, but I could never do that! It would be sacrilegious. That necklace is WELL over 100 years old; I don't have the right to chop it up like that, and besides, it would ruin the drama of the necklace. The earrings I found today are a much better alternative. :)

Thank you all for your help with this thread. The ending is that I am currently seeing if Sako can and will fix the necklace, and I have seemingly found earrings to match via kismet. (Thank you, kismet!) I will post the new necklace once it is fixed, though that looks to be months if not longer into the future. Beautiful jewelry is worth waiting for, though. :kiss2:

but :appl:
for the earrings:kiss2:
and i think you are right about not shortening the necklace to make earrings

it might just reduce the drama of the necklace if it was shorter

one of my seemingly never ending never finishing projects, nowhere near the league of your beautiful necklace, is a cherry amber 'set' i got in an online auction
the stones are lovelly (i dont usually do red) but it had once been an opera length or probaly longer necklace and had been butchered to make two sets - im sure i paid the price of the origonal necklace and the butchering labour

the earrings were just butt ugly and the braclete was set in the most fake looking fake gold and the necklace was a bit tight on my fat neck
it had had tiny rubilte spacers added, which it now no longer needs with all the graduated amber stones back in place
i had great pleasue in pulling it all apart
it all just cheapened really lovelly old cherry amber

i do look forward to it being a longish necklace again

meanwhile i eaglely await the arrival of your new earrings so you can show us and inspire me
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