
September Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning, my HLT friends. Can you believe it is September already? I sure can’t.

Deegee gave me this idea to focus this month on how hard it is for us to wrap our minds around the changes we’ve made in our bodies. We don’t really see ourselves with our new bodies even to the point of we don’t even recognize ourselves. When you see yourself every day it is difficult to notice the subtle changes that take place from day to day. Taking before and during photos is very helpful so you can see the progress but trust me I know those before pictures are few and far between because none of us want our pictures taken especially if we don’t feel good about our appearance. Be proud of your accomplishments big and small.

What interesting things have happened to you dealing with a change in your appearance?

I have a couple of stories to share.

The first one was we went out on my birthday and got me a new cell phone. We got home and I put on sweats and was setting on the couch reading the manual. Marty of course was playing with the phone – no way does he read the manual first. Monday I was showing friends of mine my new phone and was going through the pictures and I got all mad that Marty took a picture of “some woman” on my new phone. Then I noticed it was our couch and that was my laptop. That woman was me. I’d lost over 100 pounds then.

About the same time we ran in to a girl friend of mine at the mall. I was a few feet ahead of Marty and we were walking in to the store and I said hi to her. She gives me a dirty look and mumbled “hello” and just lights in to Marty in a very agitated. “So, where’s Marcy” continuing to give me the evil eye. I said “Tammy, it’s me”. She had not seen me at all since I started my diet. She thought Marty was out with some other woman.

The last one was when we were at the hospital waiting around while Marty’s grandma was in the emergency room. They asked us to leave for awhile so we were in the cafeteria. I had just had my hair highlighted that weekend and it was very blonde. I decided to go to the restroom and of course I was in deep thought. I came out of the stall, washed my hands and turned to walk out of the restroom I saw some skinny blonde lady and jumped back and said excuse me. She didn’t answer thought because it was ME and I had turned to face a wall of mirrors! D’oh!

Well, if I start now I might get to bed by 11:30.
Laters, :wavey:


Nov 29, 2004
I finished august with 22 days of workouts. 2 days less than July but I think I did pretty good. Today was one of those was crazy busy, and I didn't even get to work on any of things I had planned to so I will be working at home tonight. We are leaving town Friday morning for our annual labor day trip and have a 5 hour drive so I'm going to see if I can check out an aircard from the IT guy and get some work done in the car. I also went to see my old eye dr today and it was totally worth the 1.5 hour wait. He diagnosed me with eye allergies gave me tons of drop samples, a prescription, and didn't think I was crazy. He agreed that switching to daily contacts would be a good thing and said I was on the right track with that. So since I haven't worn my sample pairs I'll save those for next week. He also said to wear my contacts sparingly until my eyes clear up but they are already doing so much better and I've only done I dosage of drops. Also my other grandma hasn't been doing well lately and we found out today that she has some lung and heart issues, she is refusing treatment so the doctors give her 6 months or less to live. She is in her 90s and has early alzheimers so it is for the best. I'm more worried about how this will affect my grandpa (she is my step grandma but they have been married for over 30 years). I went for a walk when I got home tonight even though I really didn't want to, but I knew it would clear my head and prevent me from taking a nap. DH even offered to cook dinner tonight, which was really sweet and I'm so glad he did!

Marcy thanks for starting the opener. I have been trying to work a lot harder lately on exercising and healthy eating, my problem area is my tummy. I went dress shopping with SIL after work yesterday and I told hte sales lady I wanted cute work dresses for fall and she was showing me the area for all the "younger ladies" and telling me what a good body I had. And I was like wow thank you! And especially glad she said that since I will be in a bathing suit this weekend.


Apr 27, 2007
marcy - your stories cracked me up! You're too funny!! A neighbor of ours who had been staying at her summer home for several months saw us at the grocery store but we didn't see her. She cornered Matt at our mailbox the next day wanting to know who he was with the day before and where I was. Her boyfriend (they're in their 70's) said something about the skinny girl next door outside playing with her dog. Funny! Earlier this summer, Matt and I were in WalMart. I was pushing the buggy while he went looking for something. I could see him trying to find me again, so I caught up with him and he actually said "excuse me" and kept going. He walks really fast, so by the time I got the cart turned around and caught up with him he was trying to call me on my cell phone. For the first 15 years of our marriage I had long hair, was always a little overweight (obese at my heaviest according to the BMI chart), and I always wore baggy clothes and absolutely NO shorts and no shirts with sleeves shorter than 3/4 length. They day he couldn't find me, I had on shorts, a short sleeved t-shirt, and my hair was above my shoulders. I can't blame the guy! He's even more confused now that my hair is straight and chin length!!

appletini - The daily disposable contacts really helped my eye allergies, but I still have to wear glasses every now and then. I used Patanol for years and tried Elestat. My eye dr switched me to Bepreve in February, and that in combination with the aqua comfort daily disposables has helped so much. I was at the point that it was either glasses full time or having lasik surgery. I am at the age if I have lasik, I'll probably need reading glasses too and I didn't want to go there if I could avoid it.

I had a meeting today that I totally forgot about until the reminder popped up on my calendar a 10 minutes before it started. I hate being unprepared, but it went okay after all. It was about that blasted computer project that I fear I'm going to be working on for the next 3-5 years. Maybe they'll think I'm a slacker and pick someone else! We had grilled chicken, corn on the cob, broccoli & salad for dinner and are getting ready to take our walk. I had intended to get to bed earlier last night, but I read my book a little to late and ended up getting the same amount of sleep as usual. It's no wonder I'm half asleep when I get to work in the morning. Getting to bed before midnight at least 2 times a week will be my goal for September. I'll start that next week. Have a wonderful day tomorrow!!


Nov 29, 2004
Deegee, Bepreve is one of the samples he gave me and also gave me a sample of Pataday. He wrote a prescription for both so I can decide which one I like more. I looked both up on the online pharmacy the Pataday is super cheap although the Bepreve could be worse but when I saw the price difference I admit it has swayed me. I'm trying the Pataday sample first.


Mar 13, 2008
Whew!!! It took me a good 30 mins to be able to post on here.

Marcy, your stories are so funny!!! I haven't taken any after pictures yet, but I had some pretty un-photogenic before pictures. I guess I'm still in the mind set that I need to work on myself more... I'll try an after this weekend and do a compare... Somehow I don't think the changes are that distinctive... But that's probably all in my head.

Deegee and Apple. My allergies have been going *CRAZY* for the past few weeks. My doc actually prescribed me Pataday too. I'm taking Allegra, Singulair, Pataday and Flonase/Nasonex for ragweed hay fever. But I found that the good old Neti Pot has helped leaps and bounds more to help me get a full night's sleep. I would wake up periodically in the night because I'm so stuffed up. Last night I Neti'd before bed and didn't wake up once. Sigh... I can't wait until this ragweed season is over....

Haven't done any running this week. On Sunday James ran his first of two triathlons. It was RIDICULOUSLY hot. I was following him along and cheering for him. While I waited for him to come back around I jumped in and helped out at the aid station. They ran out of cups! And then eventually out of water. It was CRAZY.... James was TOTALLY out of it by the time he finished. Probably a mix of dehydration and heat exhaustion. We hung out and he downed 2 bottles of water, Gatorade and a hot dog. He felt better and we biked home. I was WIPED and probably a fair bit dehydrated too. Took a 2 hr nap, and it was WAAAAY to hot to do our 12-er. So Sis and I passed on it...

Eats haven't been that great...Dinner Sunday was pizza with Sis and her boyfriend. Monday James and I played hookie, and we ate out for lunch and dinner. Last night I had dinner with the director, my boss and some other coworkers/managers. It was good to rub shoulders with the big guys. I drugged up before I went to the restaurant, but I was MISERABLE by the time dessert came round. They picked Maggiano's, Chicago Italian franchaise. I was relatively good, but not as great as I could be...

That's all for me. Happy September folks!!



Nov 29, 2004
lliang, hopefully things get better for you. Nasal allergies are the worst. I take flonase everyday and it really helps to prevent allergies. If things get bad then I take allegra D as needed. That is what is so wierd about eye allergies, my nose is fine.


Apr 27, 2007
lisa - I totally forgot about the neti pot! I have been so stopped up all week. I'll have to pull that out tonight before I go to bed. I'm sure Matt is tired of hearing me gurgle in my sleep where my mouth keeps popping open because I can't breathe! It was really hot this weekend. I hope James is feeling okay after his triathlon. I always get sick if I overdo it when it's too hot outside.

appletini - Bepreve is expensive, but it's working for me right now. I think I used Patanol for so long that it doesn't work for me anymore. I haven't tried the other one you mentioned. My Bepreve comes in a 10ml bottle, where my Patanol was only 5ml. That makes me cringe a little less at the pharmacy. The only thing that bothers me about it is that I can taste it for a while after I use it. Yuck.

Matt is out with his buddies picking his fantasy football team, so I'm on my own tonight. Lily and I walked early, and I had a frosty from Wendy's for dinner. I have been half sick at my stomach all week and food didn't sound good tonight, but ice cream sure did! I'm going to read for a bit and try to get in bed early. Matt and I plan to take tomorrow afternoon off to do something fun. It's the 12th anniversary of the car accident that changed the course of my life, and Matt's such a sweetie pie. He always tries to keep me from brooding on that day. We haven't planned anything yet, but we'll think of something. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. :wavey: I am so excited for a long weekend. Woo hoo! :appl:

Appletini, I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. It is so hard. Hugs to you, her and your grandpa. That was nice of your husband to cook supper for you. Going for a walk is always a good call. Congratulations for working out 22 days in August. I hope the new contacts work out for you. I really need to start wearing my contacts again; it is so nice to see. How nice to get such a great compliment when you were shopping for a dress.

Deegee, I am totally laughing at your story of Matt not recognizing you in the store. That is awesome. Too funny about your neighbor too. Don’t count on getting out of the project at work – that is the curse of competency. :bigsmile: I actually sent out an email today about our program being slow. I am sure my boss was “happy” to see that. There were 4 of us adding things at the same time and we kept getting an error message. So I copied it and sent it out to the group email along with mentioning how the system works okay when we first log on but the more things we do the slower it gets. I’ll see if I hear about it tomorrow. How sweet of Matt making sure to give you some TLC on the anniversary of your accident. Hugs to you.

Lisa, I am sure you’ll be delighted and surprised with the changes in your body. I need to try the Neti Pot. I am so stuffed up right now. Ugh. Congratulations to James on his triathlons. That is very cool. We have had a few cool days. It was chilly this morning.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope you had a nice long weekend. We went camping and enjoyed a few nights looking at the stars with our telescope. There were only 6 of us out there with a family stopping by (we didn’t know) to look through the scopes. I guess they found us on our website. They were pretty rude and assumptive. They brought a very hyper dog who ran all around in the dark including very near Marty’s scope. You are in the dark – please keep your dogs on a leash. Aak. Then they had an iPad to use for finding constellations which is so bright you may as well shine flashlights in our face. Then they assumed the scope we had was the club scope and wanted to know if they joined the club if they could borrow it. Umn, no. We were glad they didn’t stay long and they didn’t bother to say ‘thanks” either.

I was not happy to find evidence of mice in our trailer. We put out traps and D-Con. I have to wash everything now because I worry where it’s been in the trailer too. I don’t know if I’ll do it until spring since we probably won’t go back out this year.

I made pot roast for lunch today. Now we have lots of leftovers for lunch too.

San Diego Lady. I love your new picture. You look like a completely different person with your new hair color. I love your bling key ring. Congratulations on your new Prius. How exciting for you. Congratulations on being lower than you’ve been in years. That is always a great feeling.

Take care. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007
SDL, I am delighted to hear you enjoy looking at the stars. We saw an amazing meteor Saturday night - it was bright, slow and actually burst a few times at the end. We decided that was the highlight of the weekend. Yes, those people were rude. I thought of updating our club website for star party manners but sadly those type of people don't think the rules apply to them. Good for you feeling better about your shape. I think we are all our worst critics too.

Have a great day tomorrow. :wavey:


Jun 25, 2007
Marcy - I would suggest that you go ahead and make sure there are no inside mice now, as they will eat linens, curtains, cushions etc. We are having to completely rebuild my grandparents' camper b/c of our little mouse friends..... or not so much friends.

The stargazing crashers sounded RUDE.

Hope you all had a good weekend. I got in a walk, and some ab work. I can't say I really ate healthy. Living back home sucks. My grandmother asked for dinner ideas. She suggested shrimp and I told her several times NO. For some reason shrimp are seriously turning me off right now. Like gag reflex turning me off. What does she cook for dinner last night? Shrimp alfredo. What did I have? Turkey on whole wheat... no cheese b/c there was none.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I made homemade pizza for supper. I struggled at work today wanting some chocolate but I got out 100 calorie snacks instead. We are going in to a busy season and one of my team will be out on maternity leave for 6 weeks. They induced her today because the baby was starting to lose weight. I sure hope everything is okay.

Dragonfly, I hate to hear you are not enjoying living with your grandma especially if she keeps cooking shrimp when you don't want any. Good luck! Wow, that stinks about mice eating up everything in your grandparents camper. We will have to keep an eye on it. We put out some D-Con. Maybe we need to put out more. Aak. I might have to call them a bad name.

Take care.


Jul 22, 2007
Wahoo! I'm back!! It's been 8 weeks since I had Lily and I'm doing great! Yesterday, I finally saw a 1 staring at me from the scale-the FIRST number!! So, 199 was my first goal and I made it! I haven't been under 200+ lbs for probably 10 yrs. I was 230 when I started working out and then immediately got pregnant. I dropped 15 lbs during the first trimester and then delivered at 240. My next goal is 190. I know it'll take a while since I'll be building my muscles back up and not just losing weight. My final goal will be somewhere between 175-180 depending on where I feel really good.

The weird thing is I've never been larger than a size 18, but after losing 30 lbs from pre-preggo weight, I'm only at a 16. Whatever, I've made it halfway to my final goal!

I'm going off my pre-preggo weight and measurements for my official start-off.

230 lbs

199 lbs
43-34-46 (hopefully my waist measurement will decrease a little quicker now!)

I've also lost over an inch in my arms and legs!

That's all for now, hopefully I'll get back into checking this thread every day!


Mar 13, 2008
Hey everyone!!!

How's it going. I've been really bad about posting this week but sounds like everyone's doing well. James has his last triathlon this weekend, I'm going to cheer him on. He was VERY disappointed with his first one, he was just too hot and dehydrated, he was almost 30 mins slower than his goal. But this one is going cold and rainy ;( But at least it'll be more pleasant for him. Hopefully they won't run out of cups and eventually water like the Chicago Tri. :-o

We went to Sonoma over the long weekend. Mmmmm... yummy foods, farmers markets and tasty wine! It was a girls weekend, sis and two good friends of mine. It was great. We didn't really drink all that much. I mean we drank a fair amount but we weren't in the bag or anything. So I'm pretty happy with my curb'd alcohol consumption. But James is going to be all done with training and I have a whole extra month so I have to be good while he's being all irresponsible and not training. UGH! So not fair! I'm ready to run this marathon TOMORROW!

SDL, hooray for the new car!!! I'm glad you like it. Aw, sounds like you have an uber girly car!! That's fantastic. Then none of the boys will want to drive it. Tee hee! WOW! You've made some wonderful progress! Go you!!! Big congrats, and HOORAY for the jeans! What brand were they again?

Marcy, OMG about the astro-crashers! One of James's friends has a scope and we went out to their lake house in Michigan. I got to see SATURN! How awesome!! It was way cool. DUDE I totally know what you mean about people and their dogs. I have a dog but it gets me so mad that people aren't responsible with their dogs and let them run loose or a million yards ahead of them with those infernal flexi-leashes. Hope your mice problem takes care of itself.

Apple, hugs about your grandma. I hope your allergies are clearing up. Mine are, thankfully. Allergies are the WORST!!!

Deegee, how was your night alone. Sometimes it's nice when James is out I get to hang out with Sis and do all girly stuff. Hee hee.

The dog's been sick the past few days. :( She had tummy troubles and has been pooping and puking. The vet gave her some medicine that helped but she just threw up tonight. I'll call the vet tomorrow and see what she says...


Apr 27, 2007
Howdy all!

SDL - Congrats on the new car! I love the key fob - that' s awesome!! And YAY for being able to fit into your inspiration jeans, and congrats to your hubby to for his 10 lbs! My hubby lives on junk food and eats only one healthy meal a day - dinner that I prepare. Half the time he's eating chips with dinner (he thinks frito's are a side dish for everything), so he tells everyone that he's gained what I lost.

marcy - that stinks about your stargazer crashers! I hope it didn't ruin your trip. I took Astronomy in college, and we used to have to go to the soccer field at 4am for stargazing. I loved it! I remember the fist time I saw Saturn through a high powered telescope, it was so beautiful. I remember thinking that it looked like the perfect charm for a necklace. My astronomy teacher had so much enthusiasm. I remember him more than any other professor.

shiny - Hi!!!! I was jut telling Matt last week about how I cried during the WW meeting where I weighed in at 199. I worked really hard to get below 200, and when I hit 199 I realized that I really could get the weight off and I became even more determined. It was so motivating to me and I never lost sight of my goal after that. What's weird is that I didn't go down many sizes at first, but I think I kept tightening up even after I hit my goal and went down a couple more sizes. Hands, feet - everything!

lisa - I hope the doggy is okay. I hope James is more satisfied with his triathlon this weekend - hopefully the weather wasn't so hot. It was so wonderfully mild here. The high all weekend was 73. Aaahhh. Your girls weekend sounds great. I have a friend who has a lake house in MD which is perfect for girls weekends, except the boys always come along. They usually do their thing and we do our thing so it's sort of like a girls weekend!

dragonfly - I hope things are going better at your grandmother's. We always stayed with our grandmother for a few weeks every summer when we were kids, and everything she fixed was deep fried and slathered with butter and gravy. That's how she ate, and the funny thing is that she just celebrated her 98th birthday and is in great health!

Last week was a super busy week - probably for everyone! I did a whole lot of nothing this weekend and it felt great. We didn't go anywhere or do anything but read and watch football. We did venture out tonight for a trip to the grocery store and for dinner, but that's it. I dropped one of my rb studs with its jacket down the sink while I was trying to put it in today. I wasn't standing by the sink, but it hit the countertop and bounced in. Luckily Matt was able to save it without having to take all the pipes apart. Whew! I'm heading out for a walk, so have a great week everyone!!!!


Nov 29, 2004
Hey everyone. Sorry I've been MIA. Work has been crazy busy and I didn't go the gym at all last week. but I did walk/jog on Saturday and I went to my Total Body class today! It's a new week and a new me. Plus the project I have been working went live today, so aside from working out a few kinks, I should have my evenings to do what I want for the next few weeks, until something else comes long to make me crazy busy again.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had a nice, lazy weekend.

Friday night we met the in-laws for supper. Saturday we went out for breakfast and then we washed and waxed our car. Mid afternoon we rode out to a bar about 14 miles out and had lunch then went for a nice ride on the way home. Saturday night we rented the move “The Lady With a Dragon Tatoo”. It was pretty good. Sunday we went grocery shopping and then cooked some assorted things for lunch this week.

I have been spending way too much time playing Angry Birds. I am also enjoying my digital reader. I bought a trilogy by Michael Connelly (a series about a detective) and have finished 2 of the 3 books.

Somethingshiny, I am glad to see you here! Congratulations for being under 200 pounds. How exciting.

Lisa, I hope James was happy with his time in the triathlon this weekend. Your girl’s out weekend sounds like a great deal of fun. I hope your dog is doing better. That is great you got to see Saturn through a telescope.

Deegee, that is very neat you remember your astronomy teacher. I hear from former students all the time. A Saturn charm for a pendant would be great. That was lucky Matt was able to retrieve your stud and jacket. Very scary.

Appletini, I hope things settle down for you at work since your project went live.

Take care. :wavey:


Mar 13, 2008
Hey everyone,

Oy this weekend was eventful not in a good way. Still more family drama with my folks divorcing etc it did a very good job of sucking the fun out of me. I'm still kinda down in the dumps today. I tried to talk to James about it because they need help and I'd want to loan them a money to help them. But that went poorly. SO I just ended up in a total funk today. Sis and I went on a short run today, with new running shoes (yay!) and that helped a lot.

Thanks everyone for asking about the doggie. She's still sick. The vet changed up her medicine and her bland diet. We're doing a more comprehensive test for parasites and we'll see. Poor girl! I feel so helpless that I can make her feel better. She's still playful and active and still has her appetite so my vet is still really optimistic. She says as soon as she starts to act down bring her in immediately since she's be kinda sick for over a week now.

Marcy, how was the movie? I devoured all 3 books (the last two were on my loaner nook) I really liked them. I'll have to check out the author you suggested. I love getting reading suggestions from people. I heard a few articles/reviews from NPR that sound interesting. I want to try to get those too.

Deegee, sounds like you had fun vegging out. James did the same. He was SOOO excited that football is back. :)

That's all for me.



Apr 27, 2007
Good evening everybody!

appletini - I hope you have some great evenings before you get crazy busy again! I hope the project goes smoothly.

marcy - I'm glad to hear you had a great weekend too. I read all three of the books in that series. I downloaded the first and second, and then realized after I read them that I would have to wait several months for them to release the third. It drove me crazy! Are you still loving your car? Matt told me yesterday that if I really wanted a new car, I needed to get my rear in gear and start doing some test driving. I'm waiting for the 2011's to come out for each of the models I'm interested in. One of them won't be out until mid-October, so my rear is staying put for a while!

lisa - sorry the doggy is still sick. Lily had an intestinal infection a few months ago. Mercy, it was bad!!!! She was on the bland diet for a while, and she really loved the boiled chicken and white rice, and the plain yogurt. I think she was disappointed when we started feeding her regular doggy food again. Matt is beside himself with joy that it's football season again. I like some football, but he wears me out with it!

Today was a long day. It took an extra hour to get to work because of traffic, and then the interstate was closed for 3 hours due to a huge wreck on the way home so we were really late getting back. Matt gets so bent out of shape when we get stuck, but I was involved in a wreck on the interstate years ago that blocked traffic for hours and caused hundreds of people to be late for work and I know the people in the wreck tonight would much rather not be there. I hope they're okay. I wish instead of getting upset, Matt would realize that someone is probably hurt and we'll make it home safely - late, but safely. We had a quickie dinner of tacos and Spanish rice, and then took our walk. I'm beat! Have a great day tomorrow everyone!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! I hope you had a great day. I had some fun tonight. I made up Marty some fake business cards for work with his first name listed as Sheboygen. Then I misspelled our last name. His phone number is 63ASKME. I am sure he’ll have some fun with them.

Lisa, I am so sorry to hear your parent’s divorce is causing you some worrisome days. It has got to be rough on all of you. I am glad your run was helpful. I am glad your dog is still active but I hate to hear she is still sick. I hope the new meds help. The movie was actually quite good. Not bright and cheery but good. How did you like the Nook? I’ve been reading quite a bit since I got my ereader. You’ll have to pass on some suggestions for me to read as well. I would appreciate it.

Deegee, I am glad you enjoyed that series of books. Marty reads a lot so he has been giving me suggestions. Yes, I am still loving my car. I had to take a picture of it right after we washed it and waxed it this weekend. I will be anxious to hear what you get when you get for your new car. I am glad they were able to get Lily all better after her infection. As soon as I read you were behind a big wreck I immediately thought it would be very upsetting to you before I even read what you said. I hope they are okay too. When you get your car please get one rated 5 stars for safety. :bigsmile:

Take care, :wavey:


Jul 22, 2007
Hi, all.

Just wanted to say hi! I am still at 199 which makes me happy. I was afraid it would be a 24 hr thing!

Lily had shots today and is now running a fever, JT is getting over a double ear infection, and my ball broke. Other than that we're good, lol!

Lisa~ I'm so sorry about your folks. That causes so much stress! Dust for your pup to feel better!

That's all for now, I've got to keep rocking!


Mar 13, 2008
Hey everyone! Sis and I are going to do our run today. Hooray new shoes. It's kinda sad that it's totally dark when we're running but we got some nice reflective running vests. I feel better running in them. I wore my shoes around today to break them in more. We're aiming for 3 midweek runs and our LOOOOONG run on Sunday.

Thanks everyone for thoughts re: the folks. It's OK. I emailed James about how much I'm under pressure. Its like EVERY WAKING MOMENT I can't do anything for myself. I get PS time and that's about 20 mins. :( Not enough for me... He was understanding about it but I don't think he was *that* much. Didn't offer to pick up any of the chores around the house... :nono: I was all set to call a cleaning person, but now with my folks mini-crisis, we'll be on serious save mode since I would like to loan them money to help them out.

SDL, 45 mpg! THat's crazy. James used to have a truck (totally nonsensical in CHICAGO) and he was all excited to get 25 mpg in my Taurus when we switched to single car. His truck got total'd. He likes to say it bought my e-ring. ::) Good luck on your last 10 lbs. You've done a great job and you look INCREDIBLE. Hooray for your shift change! What do you do that you have such tough hours (if you don't mind me asking), Zumba is a WORKOUT gir!!! Go you for gettin' your Zumba on!

Marcy, I *really* liked the Nook. I think I want to get one, but maybe next year. I like htat you can check out epubs from the library and load them on the Nook to read. :) A new library JUST opened up by us, James and I are total nerds and want to go. I'm a bigger nerd because I can't WAIT until tomorrow. Sis and James are out for a coworker's quitting party so I'm on my own. AND the library's open till 8PM on Thursdays so I get to check it out! Woot!!!!

Deegee, you're so right on your attitude about those terrible accidents. I confess i'm a lot like Matt and just get REALLY annoyed that I'm stuck in traffic. I never thought of it that way. Thanks for the perspective. It really makes you stop and be thankful. Wow. I do get annoyed at rubber-neckers though. It's enough that there's an accident but gawking doesn't make anything better.

SS,Yay for your "1" ::) Keep up the great work. How's Lily doing? Are you back to 100% able to do whatever you want or are you on some doctors orders to refrain from some things?



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope you had a great day. I made us bacon cheeseburgers for supper. I used the 120 cal English muffins, low fat swiss cheese, 1 piece center cut bacon and 96% lean burger. It was quite tasty.

Michelle, probably both you and Daisy will have a hard time adjusting to the new schedule. Marty used to work different shifts and it really messed up his sleep. Tell Steve happy birthday for me. Too funny he had to have 2 pieces of cake to make sure it wasn’t poisoned. Congratulations for staying at 150 and good luck on reaching your goal by vacation I am glad to hear my posts make you smile.

Somethingshiny, I am glad the scale is holding at 199. Woo hoo!

Lisa, I am glad to hear you and your sister got some nice reflective vests to use when running at night. Yay for new shoes. Around our house Marty doesn’t take hints or even think of offering to help me out so I find the best way to get help is to ask for it. He says it just doesn’t occur to him so maybe James is like that too. I don’t think it would hurt to ask anyway. :bigsmile: I hope things settle down and you get some more me time. The new library sounds very nice. We got a new library about a year and a half ago and it’s very nice too but sadly they don’t have the epub books to rent. My Sony reader can take them too.

And speaking of reading I am off to get in some reading before bed.



Apr 27, 2007
Good evening everybody!

marcy - that's a cute idea for the fakey business cards for Marty. I need some that have my title as Fire Chief, since all I feel like I do is put out fires! I have read so much since I got my kindle. As soon as I finish one book, I'm downloading another. When we're stuck in traffic or when I'm trying to kill time, I pull it out and read. Although yesterday while we were stuck for so long, I played Angry Birds instead of reading. It's addictive.

lisa - I'm so sorry about your parents. That has to be tough. Husbands can be so dense sometimes. Matt can be very thoughtful at times, but sometimes when I really really need help - he's completely clueless. It's in their genes, especially during football season! Aren't new exercise shoes awesome? I bought a new pair of New Balance walking shoes, and I it's just like I'm walking on clouds...not quite, but you know what I mean!

SDL - Glad you'll have your evenings at home soon, but 3:45 am? Geez!!! I won't whine so much about getting up at 6:15 from now on. When I started WW, I wanted to get down to 140 but I got to 145 and decided that I'd be satisfied.

shiny - poor little Lily and JT! I hope they feel better soon. I still have never used my exercise ball. I guess all the exercise I'll get on that thing all the work I did to get it inflated!

I'm determined to get to bed before 11:30 tonight. I threw a turkey breast in the crockpot today, and we had turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, stuffing and veggies for dinner - and it was only 6 points! I bought a new kind of beer this evening (a honey lager) and tried one after our walk, and it was sooo tasty. I want another one! But I'm going to go to bed right now. My mom has to have a heart cath and possibly stents in the morning, and I just found out about it and she made me promise not to come home. I made my dad promise to call me as soon as she gets out. My mom has been Ms. Healthy Eater and Exercise Guru her whole life, and my 98 yr old gma has had a steady diet of food deep fried in lard and slathered in butter. Mom has blockages, and gma has never had any type of heart/cholesterol/blood pressure issues, or anything else for that matter. Makes no sense! I'm glad mom taught us healthy habits anyway. Have a great day tomorrow everyone.


Nov 29, 2004
Hey everyone...just popping in really quick. My project blew up, although mostly not my fault. I'm working with two departments and one department needs stuff done and the other has to make the corrections, well group that needs everything provided data that was out of date so the group doing corrections doesn't have good data to validate their guess who is stuck in the middle and taking the laptop home every night. I did go to yoga during lunch yesterday. And my grandma passed away today...she went peacefully in her sleep and we knew this was coming b/c the Doctors gave her ~6 months but it was more like 2 weeks. I did go for a walk after work today to clear my head and took a little nap and DH cooked dinner for me. Tomorrow is a new day!


Nov 29, 2004
oh and just remembered one good thing this week...i've been wearing dresses everyday b/c I went shopping over the weekend and several people have complimented on my figure, so at least something seems to be working.


Jul 22, 2007
deegee~ Good luck to your mom!

Lisa~ I think I missed something. Where are you running now that you need vests?? As far as a cleaning lady to help out, have you thought about hiring a local teen? They may not do as good of a job, but you could get one for a couple hours at a much cheaper rate. Oh, yes, I've been cleared for everything although I have to ease into it all because I'm not yet fully healed.

SDL~ Wow, I just caught sight of your avatar pic! You're so gorgeous!

apple~ I'm sorry for your loss. That sucks that you're stuck in the middle at work.

I realize that PS2 has been a rough turnover, but where have all the other HLTers gone?

I have to get JT off to school so see ya later! Have a great day!!


Apr 27, 2007
Hi everyone.

appletini - so sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope your project woes get cleared up soon.

shiny - hope your kids are all better today!

marcy - your cheeseburgers sound tasty. I love those 120 calorie english muffins. I've been eating them for breakfast with a piece of turkey sausage and egg beaters.

Mom's heart cath revealed ugly stuff. Her main artery (the one they call the widow maker) was 100% blocked and another artery was 70% blocked. They put in stints in the main artery and she has to go back again in a few weeks for stints in the other. The doctor told her that she should have had a heart attack, but he thought all the years of exercising and having a healthy heart saved her life. Her blocked artery had sprouted little vessels (that's not the term, but I can't think of it right now) to try to get the blood flowing. She's totally bummed that she has done all the right things over the years. No one in her family has heart issues, so the dr thinks its not hereditary. I'm so incredibly relieved that she was able to walk in to the hospital this morning to get this taken care of, and she didn't end up there after having a heart attack. I'm off to take my walk and then read for a while. I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.


Mar 13, 2008
Apple, good luck on your project stuff. Hooray on the compliments. :)

Deegee. Mmmm.. Crocker turkey :) I'm glad you found some nice beers you like. I'm glad your mom's surgery went well. Sorry to hear about what the doctors found. But sounds like her healthy living was so good. I hope your mom will be okay. Sending some dust her way.

Shiny, I"m in Chicago. It's already pretty much dark by 7PM, so the vests are necessary.

I went to the library today while Sis and James were at the coworker farewell happy hour. I wanted to get a library card but I left my ID in my shorts after my run yesterday. :( So I'll have to try again on Saturday.

No running today. Dinner was some leftovers: chicken wings, slaw, broccoli, French onion soup. The vet got back to me with what's wrong with the dog. She has a parasite. It's somewhat persistent because the lifespan is short, the parasite lays eggs, the eggs hatch and the whole cycle repeats itself. I cleaned the house since she's had some accidents in the house, and I didn't want her to re-infect herself.

That's all for me. Hope everyone's doing well.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I went to the mall after work for a remount sale. I looked through the cases and walked away. It was all very pricey with only a few gemstones. Then I ventured over to the golf course and walked the last few holes with Marty.

Somethingshiny, I have a friend who has a 14 year clean her house and she does a marvelous job. I don’t know where everyone went but PS2 does seem to have less participants.

Appletini, I am very sorry to hear about your grandma. You and your family are in my thoughts. That is too bad about the project difficulties at work. I am glad they figured out what is wrong with your dog; I hope she is all better soon. How sweet to get such great compliments on your appearance.

Deegee, I saw a lady in a Q5 tonight with a big dog setting on the passenger seat. I thought of you and Lily out for a drive! You should make up some fire chief business cards; that is a great idea. I am glad you like your Kindle and of course Angry Birds. I swear I heard their laughter at work today so I must be playing it way too much. :devil: Your turkey dinner sounds marvelous. I sure hate to hear the doctor’s report on your mom but it sounds like they are getting her all fixed up. I am glad she didn’t have a heart attack. Very scary though.

Well, I - like Deegee - hope to get to bed not only at a decent time but early. Wish my luck. I’ve had a stiff neck for a few days so I didn’t sleep well last night. I think I got it from the sink being too tall for me at the beauty parlor. I really have to struggle to set up high enough for them to wash my hair and then I have to bend my head back really far since I barely reach the top. When she had me setting there for quite awhile putting on the neutralizer then rinsing my hair I remember a muscle started hurting so bad that I almost told her I had to set up for awhile but I didn’t. It is getting better but I am pretty sore. I am glad my car has a backup camera because I can’t turn to look right very far; I guess I’ll have to go around the world turning left for a few days.

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