
1.17 OEC-- she's a keeper! And an antique finger warmer.


Jul 18, 2010
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to my previous thread because I was convinced that my love for this stone was justified. I encountered it in my local jeweler's when the purpose of my visit was just to see some OECs in person. Much to my husband's surprise, I fell in love... oops! Although it probably deserves a good old fashioned name, I can't help but think of it as Rainbow Brite. Diameter is 6.60 x 6.65 and estimated specs are G, VVS2.

Due to this being an unexpected splurge, my budget for the setting was slim to none but I had to make sure the knife edge girdle would be protected. My jeweler ordered the Stuller illusion box solitaire in wg. I hope to have it set next week, the hunt for a setting has been painful. I'm so afraid this little guy is going to disappear under the couch!

I sold my princess engagement ring to help fund the new stone so I'm warming my finger with another antique-- my great grandmother's transitional in platinum. I don't know what size the diamond is but my wedding ring is 3mm for reference. This stone is always cloudy (it seems like maybe the lower halves/pavilion facets are not polished?) and the prongs were butchered by another jeweler, but I love this ring because it has been passed down from mother to daughter three times now and it will be my daughter's someday.




A couple of fire pics and my great grandmother's ring:




Ah, I love them all! That loose oec has such a pretty pattern inside! I also am a huge fan of filigree so I'm swooning over that wide band you've got peeking on the right side of the last 2 photos :love: I think rainbow brite is an awesome name!
Your stone is a stunner! Congrats on finding her.
Wow, that's a very pretty stone!! :love: Congrats on finding such a beauty - come back and show us the finished ring!

And your grandmother's ring is so sweet! Looks lovely on your hand!
I love your OEC! Bigger culets are my fave. It somehow makes the stone so endearing.

The fire shots from your grandmother's ring are blinding! 8-)
Gorgeous!!! :love: Wear her in health and happiness!!
Rainbow Brite is so pretty!!!! I love her cute culet!!! Your grandmother's ring is gorgeous as well. Love the family heirlooms!! One day (I hope) my rings will be passed down hehe
Wow! That's a fireball of a stone you've got there! I can't wait to see photos of her set! Your grandmother's ring is gorgeous too, as is the wide band peeking out in some of your have quite a collection going there!
Thank you Bella! The patterning seems to be half flowery and half geometric depending on the angle, and while I usually prefer things to be symmetrical I think it prevents obstruction issues. The filigree band was a gift from my husband when we were dating. It's beautiful but it scratches my baby so I don't get to wear it too often!

Thanks derbygal! I think I was pretty lucky in finding her!

Junebug, I will definitely update with the finished ring. Thank you so much! Your ring is one of my faves.

Thank you GemFever! The culet is much more subtle in real life but I think that's what captivated me most. The fire shots are from the OEC, sadly my heirloom ring does not sparkle like that. I saw in your thread that your stone is growing on you-- I'm glad to hear that because I adore it!

Thank you so much missy, I will!

Thanks pandabee! I hope it will be a long, long while before our rings are passed down!

Yennyfire, my collection is pretty small but I get to enjoy each piece more that way... that's what I tell myself! Thank you so much!
Gorgeous! That's going to look so fabulous when it's set! Can't wait for pics!

ETA on your grandmas ring. Have you given it a GOOD clean? Like in an ultrasonic? These old rings often trap a lot of stuff on the backside that needs a serious cleaning.
bastetcat said:
Gorgeous! That's going to look so fabulous when it's set! Can't wait for pics!

ETA on your grandmas ring. Have you given it a GOOD clean? Like in an ultrasonic? These old rings often trap a lot of stuff on the backside that needs a serious cleaning.

Thank you bastetcat! If it's half as beautiful as yours I will be thrilled! I thought the jeweler who redid the prongs cleaned it but... perhaps not well enough. I will ask the jeweler when I have my other stone set, thank you for the suggestion!
Wow! That's exactly what I want. However, I'm really cheap, so I would have to go with something a little less clear and white.
summerlove6|1364083659|3412035 said:
bastetcat said:
Gorgeous! That's going to look so fabulous when it's set! Can't wait for pics!

ETA on your grandmas ring. Have you given it a GOOD clean? Like in an ultrasonic? These old rings often trap a lot of stuff on the backside that needs a serious cleaning.

Thank you bastetcat! If it's half as beautiful as yours I will be thrilled! I thought the jeweler who redid the prongs cleaned it but... perhaps not well enough. I will ask the jeweler when I have my other stone set, thank you for the suggestion!

Aww shucks!

Your grandma's ring is lovely! I just remember cleaning off hubby's grandma's rings (I wear her old wedding set now and then) and GOOD....NESSSSS....the amount of stuff I got off that set. It's like it was never cleaned (and the stone has a chip on the crown so I didn't want to put in a sonic). I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and finally got out a little icepick to get to the backside to scrape through the gunk....erg....
She is definitely a keeper. What a gorgeous OEC! and your grandmother's ring is so special. thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous stone!! fantastic faceting and great performance - love the fire shots!!! enjoy your beautiful finger warmer ;)) :love:
Congratulations on getting Rainbow Brite and sending that princess packing :bigsmile:. What a gorgeous diamond. Can't wait to see it set.

Gorgeous diamond.
summerlove6|1364056130|3411763 said:
Junebug, I will definitely update with the finished ring. Thank you so much! Your ring is one of my faves.

Wow, I just saw this, thank you so much for the compliment - sometimes I feel my ring is a bit plain compared to some of the rings here on PS, so I really appreciate your nice words! :))
Wow! Your grandmother's ring is gorgeous! I love the setting details.

I can't wait to see how rainbow brite looks once she's set ::)
I love both!!
Hi AnnaH! I was planning on getting something much lower in color/clarity but this stone happened to find me. Good luck in your search!

Bastetcat, after I read your post I attempted to do an icepick-style cleaning using sandpaper and a paperclip... but to no avail. It sparkled a tiny bit more but only on the pavilion facets that look polished. The others are still dull. Thank you for inspiring me though!

Ariel- thank you very much! I'm happy to share.

Enerchi, thank you! I definitely will enjoy my heirloom for years to come.

Liz- thank you, and thanks for affirming my decision to say see ya to my princess! I felt a little bit sad but I'm loving this one so much, there is no comparison.

Junebug, you're welcome, and I would never consider your ring "plain"!

Thank you marcy, HopeDream and Rosebloom!

Well, there was an issue with the setting I originally wanted. The folks at Stuller told my jeweler that the illusion setting would not hold my stone, it was too big... I really can't complain about a problem like that! So I picked a different Stuller setting, a six prong solitaire. I wanted to protect the girdle as much as possible but I have heard enough times that I have nothing to worry about with this stone; plus, that's what insurance is for! Here are a couple more pics of the stone and the finished setting. I apologize for my incredibly dry hands!




Some more pics:




Last ones:


oooho it's gorgeous!!!!! I love the big culet, just winking at you!! The new setting looks much happier too, love it!
Gorgeous! That diamond throws so much color. Love it.
What a gorgeous stone. You must be thrilled. Wear it in happiness and good health!
Very white diamond! So hard to find these old stones in higher colors.
Thank you pandabee! The culet is what won me over!

Thanks Treenbean! The colors mesmerize me. It does this amazing thing in front of closed Venetian blinds but I just can't capture it on camera.

Thank you misskittycat! I am beyond thrilled, and I will!

Thanks CharmyPoo!

At the risk of seeming self-indulgent, I will post a few more pics. I hope no one minds :D




extremely beautiful diamond :appl: love the stuller setting too !