
1.0ct vs 1.25ct revisited

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Siamese Kitty

Feb 3, 2006
Hi all! I know this topic has been discussed before in the past, but how noticeable do you think the difference is between 1 and 1.25 carats? Also, if you already had a 1.25 carat ering and found that you were becoming increasingly color sensitive to your stone, would you be willing to "downgrade" to 1 carat to get a better color? (all else being equal).

To give more information, the diameter of the current stone is just shy of 7mm and the color is I. Current stone is undeniably gorgeous, but a little warm.

Siamese Kitty
I myself was debating between a 1 carat round, a 1.2 carat round and a 1.11 carat round. The 1.2 was lower in color and the 1.0 was cheaper, but I decided I needed a little more size. The 1.11 was perfect and that''s what I ended up with. If I were you, I would try to look at some stones in the 1.2 range which are a bit cheaper than stones hitting the 1.25 range and look pretty similar.

I definitely do think there is a noticeable difference in size between a 1 and a 1.25.
Thank you for your input KC. I definitely think you had the right idea, I''m just not sure if I would be able to hit the 1.1ish range with a big color upgrade and still be within budget. (I think it''s going to come down to a colorless stone for me since my yellow gold setting is contributing some warmth, too.) If I can''t do it right now it''s not the end of the world, but does anyone else have any thoughts about this?
And here''s a picture of the current set if it helps.
I only have the Whiteflash picture for the time being.

*bump* for more opinions
Date: 4/3/2009 4:50:09 PM
Author:Siamese Kitty
Hi all! I know this topic has been discussed before in the past, but how noticeable do you think the difference is between 1 and 1.25 carats? Also, if you already had a 1.25 carat ering and found that you were becoming increasingly color sensitive to your stone, would you be willing to ''downgrade'' to 1 carat to get a better color? (all else being equal).

Well, you asked!
There is definitely a visible difference between a 1ct and a 1.25ct, given that both are equally as well cut. There would need to be something very wrong with a diamond for me to downgrade in size. I'm quite sure I wouldn't have bought it in the first place
A one carat stone is about 6.5 mm. A 1.25 carat stone is about 7 mm. So, the difference would be .5 mm. I think that there is a visual difference. However, you have to decide what is most important to you. No one else can make that desicion for you. For me, the most important thing is to have a great cut. So, I would pick a better cut diamond that is smaller than a larger diamond that is poorly cut. As far as color, I would pick a larger I color over a smaller D color . JMHO. Good luck.
I agree there will be a visual difference between a 1ct and a 1.25. But it sounds to me like the color is what is bothering you more than the size. I am very color sensitive and prefer the icy-white look of the D and E stones. I may be in the minority but if all else is equal with regard to cut, clarity etc., I''d pick the smaller diamond in the colorless range. Of course I to D is a huge jump, perhaps something around a G would still be colorless enough for you.

What other combinations have you looked at? Do you know yet where you start to see warmth or how much is acceptable to you?
I''d go for size, myself. I had a big pair of diamond studs and decided I wanted better quality, even if that meant a smidge smaller. Well, the new ones are better quality but honestly...I miss the size!

I think some people, most of us here on Pricescope, have a hard time just enjoying what we have. We always want something more. I think if you down grade you will miss the size. Heck, even Tiffany''s sells I color, it''s really NOT that warm but it''s what you''re focused on right now. If you down grade in size and up in color I guarantee you will miss the size and want a new setting to make you diamond appear larger...then after that it''ll be something else. :) I know, because that''s the type of person I am so I''m not picking on you.

Be happy with what you have and find something else to spend your money on is my opinion.
Some people are more colour sesitive than others but if you get a diamond that is cut optimally for sparkle then it will not only look brighter and hence bigger but will look whiter face-up too.

As your diamond is set in a yellow gold ring (even if the prongs are white)- then you will see more warmth reflected into it from the yellow gold around it.

If cut quality is equal then a 1.25 carat is noticeably larger than 1 carat when the diamonds are loose or on a simple claw setting though in some settings e.g. bezel or halo, the difference becomes less apparent

Here is a picture of a 1.25 (ca. 7mm) vs 1.5 carat (vs. 7.4mm) from one of the PS old posts - the difference between a 1 carat (ca. 6.5mm) vs 1.25 (ca. 7mm) is going to be of a similar order

1.25 carat vs 1.5 carat diamond a.jpg

Hmm... that is a pretty big difference.


I appreciate everyone''s opinions. For me to change stones, it would have to be an (almost) even swap since the ring is relatively new. I couldn''t ask my husband to pay any more since there are definitely more important things on which to spend money. It seems the general consensus is that the size would be missed. You all are probably right. In the end, it is a beautiful set and I feel very lucky to have it.

Thank you again for your help!
I agree, 6.5 mm to 7 mm is definitely obvious as a solitaire. Less so in a halo though, IMO.
You would definitely be able to see a difference.
No way I would sacrifice the size for the color all things being equal.
I thought that I read somewhere that there has to be a 20% increase in size for it to by noticable. I actually had a 1ct. that was stolen and it was replaced by a 1.25. I definately noticed a difference. My first one was a G and I am color sensitive so it did bother me at times because I could see a little yellow. When I was looking for the replacement stone I told the jeweler I wanted between a 1 and 1.25 ct., I was hoping to upgrade in the process but said I would take a 1ct. if it was higher color. I am not sure if I meant it when I said it or not. Luckily I never had to find out because he found me a 1.25 D. I would like to think I would have taken the smaller stone, higher color. It is a tough choice though, Good luck!
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