
“Quirks” that someone in your family has..THAT DRIVE YOU CRAZY!!!

Grammar Nazi, here!!! :wavey:
I cannot stand when people do not know how to speak correctly, use proper use of words in the correct context, cannot spell, or fail to put a complete sentence together, cohesively, and coherently.
Most commonly used pet peeve of mine: “Could/Should have went....”
I find it difficult not to interject & say, “Could/Should have GONE!!” :nono:
I work with women older than I am who cannot take a clear & legible message, type it, correctly, and send it off to the appropriate recipient. It’s MADDENING!!
**If any of you are wondering if I sit behind my screen & proof-read spelling, punctuation, and grammar in posts all over this forum...I DO!!** However, I refrain from commenting!! :lol-2:

Yes! Grammar police unite!!! :lol-2: The one that gets me most is “(name) and I” when it should be “(name) and me.”
Yes! Grammar police unite!!! :lol-2:

LOL what really drives me batty is when people misuse the "I" vs "me". And many people do. :oops: It's not so hard but OMG I think it is almost accepted to use the "I" even when it is grammatically correct to use the "me".

And make no mistake I am not perfect at all and I just do my best but the I vs Me makes me go Oy Vey.:geek2::P2::)
LOL what really drives me batty is when people misuse the "I" vs "me". And many people do. :oops: It's not so hard but OMG I think it is almost accepted to use the "I" even when it is grammatically correct to use the "me".

And make no mistake I am not perfect at all and I just do my best but the I vs Me makes me go Oy Vey.

Hahaha! I just edited to say that that’s the worse of them all. Too funny! (And, yes, I do not have a subject in “Too funny!” :lol-2:
Grammar police always make me so nervous. I was an english tutor until I had shock treatment. It actually attacks the grammar center of the brain. Word recall and sentence structure, commas, etc are a real struggle for me. Please be gentle with people. You never know why they struggle.
Grammar police always make me so nervous. I was an english tutor until I had shock treatment. It actually attacks the grammar center of the brain. Word recall and sentence structure, commas, etc are a real struggle for me. Please be gentle with people. You never know why they struggle.

Wow, hope this doesn't come off strange but that is fascinating. I wonder how your brain stores that kind of information, I would have assumed it would store stuff in a way which was less susceptable to errors from random changes in electro magnetic potentials.

I have been watching my own gramma really derail over the last few years. It is terrible. I now use english words with chinese gramma -- chinese sentences tend to communicate more information with fewer words. It is very elegant. But when you start directly translitterating into english it does sound a bit weird.
Grammar police always make me so nervous. I was an english tutor until I had shock treatment. It actually attacks the grammar center of the brain. Word recall and sentence structure, commas, etc are a real struggle for me. Please be gentle with people. You never know why they struggle.

As I wrote I am far from perfect and I NEVER correct anyone. It's not my business. And I never think badly of anyone because their grammar isn't perfect. That would make me a hypocrite and also using perfect grammar does not make one a good person.

Just the "I vs Me" thing drives me a bit batty but I keep it to myself. :sun:

And I subscribe to the school of thought:

I now use english words with chinese gramma -- chinese sentences tend to communicate more information with fewer words. It is very elegant. But when you start directly translitterating into english it does sound a bit weird.

You really got me thinking with this! Now I’m coming up with examples in my head.
DH is pathologically conflict avoidant. And he procrastinates like crazy. Both of these dynamics tend to create the situations that DH is trying to avoid. It drives me batty.
My father; 30% of what he says is followed by him smiling and repeating it word for word in a whisper to himself. Meaning a lot of the time he just speaks from his heart and doesnt examine it until after. The whispering and sh*% eating grin on his face makes me always want to yell at him, "What the heck are you doing???"

My daughter started doing this at one point in her teens (the repeating it verbatim to herself in whispers, not the grinning.) Now and then she still does it. I have no idea why-- nor does she-- but there are obsessive-compulsive tendencies on both sides of the family, so I wonder if it's a behavior on that spectrum.

Edit: I got curious and googled it. It's called palilalia.

"Palilalia is a speech tic that is characterized by a child's instant repetition of words that he or she had used in conversation. Often, the repeated words are said in a whispered or mumbling tone. A child who uses palilalia may say, "I want to go to the store" and then immediately whisper, "go to the store." This disordered speech pattern is included among the common characteristics of autism, and along with echolalia, is often an indication that a child is not acquiring or using verbal communication in a neurotypical fashion."

The comments on that page I linked are really interesting. Seems to be a rather common thing.

My D is not on the Autism/Asperger's spectrum (or at least never diagnosed as such) so I find this interesting. However, it's also not her only behavior that is also typical of people on the spectrum. Beginning as a toddler she sometimes "flapped" when happy/excited. We were told it was "overflow".
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Ugh. My aunt. Love her to death, but I just want to strangle her sometimes.

She has always chosen to purposefully live in BFE, so no matter where you are it's always a drive to her, and then she feels the need to have people cater to her. Come here for X holiday. Hey, on your way to the other side of the planet, can you swing by and bring me a carton of milk?

And planning a multi-step trip. :confused2: So let's start in Texas, run to Canada, swing by Oklahoma, go back to Canada, hit California, then New York and then back to Nevada, head to Florida, now Washington, back to Texas and end in Canada.

Almost forgot the time she was a sales consultant for some "adult toys". That was a real knee slapper. Nothing like having a date with you during a family holiday in the middle of nowhere BFE and your aunt slides over to ask how her turkey is and if she'd like to buy a ball gag, a love swing or some anal beads. :shock:
Grammar Nazi, here!!! :wavey:
I cannot stand when people do not know how to speak correctly, use proper use of words in the correct context, cannot spell, or fail to put a complete sentence together, cohesively, and coherently.
Most commonly used pet peeve of mine: “Could/Should have went....”
I find it difficult not to interject & say, “Could/Should have GONE!!” :nono:
I work with women older than I am who cannot take a clear & legible message, type it, correctly, and send it off to the appropriate recipient. It’s MADDENING!!
**If any of you are wondering if I sit behind my screen & proof-read spelling, punctuation, and grammar in posts all over this forum...I DO!!** However, I refrain from commenting!! :lol-2:

Oh, boy. I hope you'll forgive me for this:

"Grammar Nazi here! I cannot stand when people do not know how to speak correctly, use proper words in the correct context, spell correctly, or put a complete, cohesive, and coherent sentence together.

My most commonly used pet peeve is the incorrect use of tense: “Could/Should have went…”
Gah! Just kill me now! I find it difficult not to interject and say, “Could/Should have GONE!”

I work with women older than I am who are given a clear and legible message but cannot correctly type it and send it to the appropriate recipient. It’s maddening!

If any of you are wondering if I sit behind my screen and proofread posts all over this forum for spelling, punctuation, and grammar, I do! However, I refrain from commenting with my corrections. LOL!"

FTFY. I know, I'm going to hell for this. Grammar hell.
My daughter just told me what I do that drives her nuts, and I had no idea I do this. Apparently if I nod off while sitting next to her on the couch, I react to any sound in the room, or any stimulus-- even if she shifts position-- by humming "mmm." :lol-2:

So that brings up the question: what do you do that drives other people crazy?
Someone in my household talks under their breath when they're frustrated. I used to try to listen hard in case I was involved and could remedy
the situation. Now I'm like, f*k it! If it bothers you enough to say something then you had better speak up otherwise I'm ignoring your half whispers!

So freeing not to bother!
Ugh. My aunt. Love her to death, but I just want to strangle her sometimes.

She has always chosen to purposefully live in BFE, so no matter where you are it's always a drive to her, and then she feels the need to have people cater to her. Come here for X holiday. Hey, on your way to the other side of the planet, can you swing by and bring me a carton of milk?

And planning a multi-step trip. :confused2: So let's start in Texas, run to Canada, swing by Oklahoma, go back to Canada, hit California, then New York and then back to Nevada, head to Florida, now Washington, back to Texas and end in Canada.

Almost forgot the time she was a sales consultant for some "adult toys". That was a real knee slapper. Nothing like having a date with you during a family holiday in the middle of nowhere BFE and your aunt slides over to ask how her turkey is and if she'd like to buy a ball gag, a love swing or some anal beads. :shock:

So want to meet your aunt she's sounds comedy
So want to meet your aunt she's sounds comedy

Oops apologies grammar police . Thankfully no one actually does it on this forum but people who correct other people's grammar and spelling irritate the hell out of me. It always comes across as so petty.
Oops apologies grammar police . Thankfully no one actually does it on this forum but people who correct other people's grammar and spelling irritate the hell out of me. It always comes across as so petty.

Oh and I should say now, I fully get why it's highly irritating, I just think unless you want to sound sanctimonious you should hold your tongue which obviously everyone here does!
My mom’s need to criticize my appearance is probably what drives me the craziest.

After the past few years, I’m just grateful we are all still alive to drive each other crazy. I hope we will be driving each other crazy for another 40 years.

I probably do too many things to count that drive my family crazy.
Grammar Nazi, here!!! :wavey:
I cannot stand when people do not know how to speak correctly, use proper use of words in the correct context, cannot spell, or fail to put a complete sentence together, cohesively, and coherently.
Most commonly used pet peeve of mine: “Could/Should have went....”
I find it difficult not to interject & say, “Could/Should have GONE!!” :nono:
I work with women older than I am who cannot take a clear & legible message, type it, correctly, and send it off to the appropriate recipient. It’s MADDENING!!
**If any of you are wondering if I sit behind my screen & proof-read spelling, punctuation, and grammar in posts all over this forum...I DO!!** However, I refrain from commenting!! :lol-2:
Yinz guys need to lighten up n'at!
Haha, Matthews, I bet you just hate the Pittsburghese!
My mom’s need to criticize my appearance is probably what drives me the craziest.

After the past few years, I’m just grateful we are all still alive to drive each other crazy. I hope we will be driving each other crazy for another 40 years.

I probably do too many things to count that drive my family crazy.

I think most moms do this. Who hasn't heard from their moms one of the below comments.
You're too thin, you're too heavy, wear some makeup, too much makeup, what are you wearing, and so on and so forth. Believe me it's not just your mom Callie.

And yeah I drive my family crazy with my quirks too.:oops2: Gotta love the whole package right? :lol:

I'm with you. Rather be driving each other crazy and have them in my life than the alternative. it all goes too fast.:cry2:
When I was on an internet dating site a while back I came across a post where a guy wrote, "And yes, I am silently correcting the grammar in your profile to see if makes sense for me to move on to looking at your pictures." I didn't want to go out with him, I wanted to MARRY him. Alas I'd just met TR at that point so I never reached out, but with an English degree from a major university I am thinking he may have been my soulmate!

One thing my mother does that makes me insane: revisionist history. She'll be telling story and the whole time I'm thinking, "Wow! I wish I'd been there!" And then I realize *I*WAS*THERE*. And what happened is nothing like what she's saying. Even worse: sometimes I'm thinking "Wow! I wonder who that happened to?!" And then I realize the story she's telling is something that allegedly happened *TO*ME*. My mother lives in her own little world. The past is fluid. The future will be whatever she makes it up to be. Her motto: If you don't like the facts just create some new ones.
Grammar Nazi, here!!! :wavey:
I cannot stand when people do not know how to speak correctly, use proper use of words in the correct context, cannot spell, or fail to put a complete sentence together, cohesively, and coherently.
Most commonly used pet peeve of mine: “Could/Should have went....”
I find it difficult not to interject & say, “Could/Should have GONE!!” :nono:
I work with women older than I am who cannot take a clear & legible message, type it, correctly, and send it off to the appropriate recipient. It’s MADDENING!!
**If any of you are wondering if I sit behind my screen & proof-read spelling, punctuation, and grammar in posts all over this forum...I DO!!** However, I refrain from commenting!! :lol-2:

If we ever happen to meet in person, I shall wash your feet and anoint them in oil.
My husband and kids all have "restless leg syndrome". They are constantly shaking.....drives me crazy! I don't think it is a medical condition in their case, because they stop when I tell them to stop.

My ex did and so does my son! He is such a fidget.
This is my quirk that drives my husband nuts:

I never, ever set any alarms in 15 minute increments from the top of the hour. It’s always whatever number sounds good to me.
This is my quirk that drives my husband nuts:

I never, ever set any alarms in 15 minute increments from the top of the hour. It’s always whatever number sounds good to me.
My mother slurps her soup..I have to excuse myself and go into the other room.
LOL what really drives me batty is when people misuse the "I" vs "me". And many people do. :oops: It's not so hard but OMG I think it is almost accepted to use the "I" even when it is grammatically correct to use the "me".

And make no mistake I am not perfect at all and I just do my best but the I vs Me makes me go Oy Vey.:geek2::P2::)

This is me! It all but makes me twitch, especially when I hear a teacher do it. (I work with kids)
I'm and online grammar police too, but I don't have family members with grammar issues, just f-bomb issues. I don't understand punctuating every sentence with profanity even when not SIL (sister-in-laws)...

"F-ck that was some funny $h!t"....every F-ing sentence!
If any of you are wondering if I sit behind my screen and proofread posts all over this forum for spelling, punctuation, and grammar, I do!
So that means I'm not allow to post on PS? :Up_to_something:
This is my quirk that drives my husband nuts:

I never, ever set any alarms in 15 minute increments from the top of the hour. It’s always whatever number sounds good to me.

I do this too! This is funny: my husband does a similar thing with the temperature setting for the oven. He uses arbitrary temperatures; instead of 350 he'll use 380, instead of 425 he'll set it to 410. And THAT drives me nuts!