
“Conscience and Religious Freedom Division”

Edit...never mind..losing my nerve. Don’t want to be banned for the f-bomb
Somebody needs to come to my house and tie me to a chair because.... I couldn't watch all of it, the nausea was overwhelming. These people are depraved.

I am staying outta this for health reasons. ;))
w t f

All the nopes! I'm not intelligent enough to make any eloquent statements here. Ugh.
'"No one should be forced to choose between helping sick people and living by one’s deepest moral or religious convictions,' Severino said today..."

I vehemently challenge anyone's "deepest moral or religious convictions" if those convictions don't involve helping ALL sick people in need. F-Tards.
This totally reinforces my comments the other day about the Trump administration and his followers wanting to go backwards in history. Even the arguments/ideas the guy is talking about in the video are taking outdated ideals from your constitution and outdated amendments and laws and claiming these need to be upheld today.

There is this movement globally but particularly in the US to return to these what I would term "golden ages" of the past where industrialisation meant more people had jobs, where women and non white people were viewed by white men as lesser and subservient, where the church and it's ideals had more authority over people's lives. Where the rich made all decisions for the poor.

Sadly these people are too stupid to see that a jump back or a return to these so called "golden ages" or periods in history isn't going to propel American forward and really those points in history have already gone, you can try and recreate them but it's fulfilling false promises by Trump if you will - all these people want to hark back to these eras and it's popular with many particularly the church and the far right, but they don't have the capacity to see that they are short term measures that really aren't sustainable long term.
This totally reinforces my comments the other day about the Trump administration and his followers wanting to go backwards in history. Even the arguments/ideas the guy is talking about in the video are taking outdated ideals from your constitution and outdated amendments and laws and claiming these need to be upheld today.

There is this movement globally but particularly in the US to return to these what I would term "golden ages" of the past where industrialisation meant more people had jobs, where women and non white people were viewed by white men as lesser and subservient, where the church and it's ideals had more authority over people's lives. Where the rich made all decisions for the poor.

Sadly these people are too stupid to see that a jump back or a return to these so called "golden ages" or periods in history isn't going to propel American forward and really those points in history have already gone, you can try and recreate them but it's fulfilling false promises by Trump if you will - all these people want to hark back to these eras and it's popular with many particularly the church and the far right, but they don't have the capacity to see that they are short term measures that really aren't sustainable long term.
It's somewhat ironic that the US, amongst others, are fighting 'Islamic State' / ISIS / whatever they're called this week, with their strong desire to return the world to 'the good old days' at the expense of all the benefits modern progress has enabled, while at the same time electing and supporting a President that wants to do exactly the same thing...
It's somewhat ironic that the US, amongst others, are fighting 'Islamic State' / ISIS / whatever they're called this week, with their strong desire to return the world to 'the good old days' at the expense of all the benefits modern progress has enabled, while at the same time electing and supporting a President that wants to do exactly the same thing...

The sad thing is that only intelligent people can recognize that irony. It will be a cold day in hell before I surrender of my freedoms as a woman. If I go down, I will go down fighting, and you WILL see me on the news lol!
No matter how much republicans/neo-cons/cons try to turn back the clock, the clock marches on. With birth control today the need for abortion will continue to decline as it has been declining for years. The morning after pill(s) should be available easily. More older people espouse these backward views based on religion or whatever they base them on.. republicans believe in pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, making your way without help (ala 1850s) although it's not easy anymore. I sincerely hope these people forcing their views down my throat feel the same way about capital punishment.
Well, in order to the 'go back' that these people want entails, women preggers in the kitchen, no computers. What these people are too ignorant to understand is, unless we have an atomic war and the world goes black, we are not going back, you can't, the reason why is MONEY, companies will make more money on drones, robots, software in really wired Austin TX, my bestie doesn't food shop anymore, period, zero, nada, they just shop online at the local HEB and have it delivered, which can soon be done by driverless vehicles, her booze is delivered, she has the Amazon thingy set up where the driver can access their home by a few numbers (they travel A LOT) they have a camera/safe system that anywhere anytime in the world they can look thru their whole house, when she is in Europe/S A/Cali and it's cleaning lady day her cleaning lady (nice lady) has entry thru a number and the first thing the lady does is turn the A/C lower :) and next up my BFFFFFF turns it back up just on her phone. You don't even need a guy to come to your house and put in a security system and pay 100s a year it's all online, they are so SMART oriented it's scary (and they are 53 and 62).. my point? the world is changing and these types of things trickle down, heck hubster and I put in a small camera system (I have no cleaning lady :) ) as we are going to travel for a month. I'm not nearly as rich as my bestie btw. (and @redwood66 she just had a precancerous tumor in her colon and a ton of other huge medical probs, but she keeps on truckin') this is the world for us in a few years... going back is just not possible. So eventually abortion and religion will diminish as science and other means grow. MY .5555K opinion.

It's somewhat ironic that the US, amongst others, are fighting 'Islamic State' / ISIS / whatever they're called this week, with their strong desire to return the world to 'the good old days' at the expense of all the benefits modern progress has enabled, while at the same time electing and supporting a President that wants to do exactly the same thing...
So eventually abortion and religion will diminish as science and other means grow. MY .5555K opinion.
I like your optimism but I'm not sure I share it!!
You believe in personal responsibility and it's coming more and more :)
Yes I do. ;)) And while we're at it, the government stop wasting our money and tighten their belt.

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