
UC Berkeley


Jan 22, 2017
ruby59|1486070704|4123416 said:
t-c|1486068938|4123403 said:
JoCoJenn|1486013298|4123161 said:
...And I'm sure tomorrow's classes will be canceled so as to allow everyone to process the events from the night before. Might as well tag Friday on as well, for good measure.

Puh-leaze. I don't know what mamby-pamby university you are thinking of but UC Berkeley doesn't cancel classes. Bomb threats, earthquakes, blockades, doesn't matter -- classes continue.

Here, see:

And how many were able to do their homework and study due to the chaos to prepare for the next day's classes.

The riots were on campus. Most students live off campus -- even the dormitories are off the main campus -- so I would bet that many weren't all that bothered. Besides, not studying for a day isn't going to kill anyone. These kids have brains.

If you are/would have been so traumatized, it seems to me you're more the type JoCoJen was making fun of.


Feb 5, 2004
t-c|1486071498|4123429 said:
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:

Apparently it was not enough for them to throw rocks and bottles but they attacked people and sprayed one woman in the face with an unidentified liquid. They beat and bloodied another man.

Then went off campus and damaged some buildings in the city for good measure.

My question - why was no one arrested or held accountable?

Did the police just stand there why these people were being attacked?

If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

I think you will find that police don't regularly jump into active riots. It risks their own safety.

You think because of the event that happened on this one day, it is okay to cut federal funding from one of the leading universities in the world and from its students? Cut off federal funds to a university that produced 22 Nobel laureates, 6 Fields medalists, 4 Pulitzer prize winners, 10 Turing winners, over 50 MacArthur genius grant winners, produced people who've made discoveries, started businesses, and generated intellectual content that served and benefited this country for over a hundred years because of what happened today? Because we have a ridiculous, reactionary bully tweeter for president?

So firemen do not rescue people in burning buildings? Policemen when they see someone being attacked, just drive by?

Three people were seriously injured. One had a liquid sprayed in her face. One man was bloodily beaten.

It is not that the event happened. Sh*t happens. It is now what they do to punish those involved instead of doing nothing.

And some here are advocating 1 day national strikes?


Jul 16, 2012
JoCoJenn|1486013298|4123161 said:
But I know the fire/flames will be out, and the precious little angels will already be back home & tucked safely into their bubbles...I mean beds. And I'm sure tomorrow's classes will be canceled so as to allow everyone to process the events from the night before. Might as well tag Friday on as well, for good measure.

Deity-of-your-choice help them when the doors swing open to the real world. :shock:

Precious little angels?
So because some students led a peaceful protest that was interrupted by some violent people who weren't part of the initial protest, they are little angels in bubbles?
The students at Berkeley are far from weak and lame and sheltered.
They're marching, not melting. If they were scared, sensitive little babies who couldn't handle the world they would stay home where it's safe.
Oh, and just to counter all of the gloating about how the little 'snowflakes' who believe in things like equal rights can't make it in the real world...
Most of us are doing GREAT. Being a compassionate, educated, passionate person who cares about the rights of those who may be oppressed really works just fine. My friends who graduated with me have great jobs in government, mental health, engineering and so forth. My friends who are still in school are future doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists and engineers. Sometimes they protest. Sometimes they speak out. But they are doing just fine. Trigger warnings somehow didn't ruin them. Universities making exceptions for things didn't ruin them. Somehow they didn't walk out of college and start crying and screaming for someone to change their diaper!
What magic.


Jan 22, 2017
ruby59|1486072029|4123438 said:
t-c|1486071498|4123429 said:
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:

Apparently it was not enough for them to throw rocks and bottles but they attacked people and sprayed one woman in the face with an unidentified liquid. They beat and bloodied another man.

Then went off campus and damaged some buildings in the city for good measure.

My question - why was no one arrested or held accountable?

Did the police just stand there why these people were being attacked?

If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

I think you will find that police don't regularly jump into active riots. It risks their own safety.

You think because of the event that happened on this one day, it is okay to cut federal funding from one of the leading universities in the world and from its students? Cut off federal funds to a university that produced 22 Nobel laureates, 6 Fields medalists, 4 Pulitzer prize winners, 10 Turing winners, over 50 MacArthur genius grant winners, produced people who've made discoveries, started businesses, and generated intellectual content that served and benefited this country for over a hundred years because of what happened today? Because we have a ridiculous, reactionary bully tweeter for president?

So firemen do not rescue people in burning buildings? Policemen when they see someone being attacked, just drive by?

Three people were seriously injured. One had a liquid sprayed in her face. One man was bloodily beaten.

It is not that the event happened. Sh*t happens. It is now what they do to punish those involved instead of doing nothing.

And some here are advocating 1 day national strikes?

You seem to like to extrapolate to the ridiculous extreme.

It is not up to the University who gets arrested -- specially if what's been report is true and the violent protesters were not even students.


Jul 16, 2012
t-c|1486071498|4123429 said:
I think you will find that police don't regularly jump into active riots. It risks their own safety.

You think because of the event that happened on this one day, it is okay to cut federal funding from one of the leading universities in the world and from its students? Cut off federal funds to a university that produced 22 Nobel laureates, 6 Fields medalists, 4 Pulitzer prize winners, 10 Turing winners, over 50 MacArthur genius grant winners, produced people who've made discoveries, started businesses, and generated intellectual content that served and benefited this country for over a hundred years because of what happened today? Because we have a ridiculous, reactionary bully tweeter for president?

Thank you. Berkeley is an incredible university and just one of many where protests against Milo occurred.


Aug 12, 2005
kylier|1486074182|4123456 said:
JoCoJenn|1486013298|4123161 said:
But I know the fire/flames will be out, and the precious little angels will already be back home & tucked safely into their bubbles...I mean beds. And I'm sure tomorrow's classes will be canceled so as to allow everyone to process the events from the night before. Might as well tag Friday on as well, for good measure.

Deity-of-your-choice help them when the doors swing open to the real world. :shock:

Precious little angels?
So because some students led a peaceful protest that was interrupted by some violent people who weren't part of the initial protest, they are little angels in bubbles?
The students at Berkeley are far from weak and lame and sheltered.
They're marching, not melting. If they were scared, sensitive little babies who couldn't handle the world they would stay home where it's safe.
Oh, and just to counter all of the gloating about how the little 'snowflakes' who believe in things like equal rights can't make it in the real world...
Most of us are doing GREAT. Being a compassionate, educated, passionate person who cares about the rights of those who may be oppressed really works just fine. My friends who graduated with me have great jobs in government, mental health, engineering and so forth. My friends who are still in school are future doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists and engineers. Sometimes they protest. Sometimes they speak out. But they are doing just fine. Trigger warnings somehow didn't ruin them. Universities making exceptions for things didn't ruin them. Somehow they didn't walk out of college and start crying and screaming for someone to change their diaper!
What magic.

Well said, Kylier.

Jenn, your attitude about others' sensitivities is ...insensitive. And mean. I have a hard time believing you are a cruel person, but some of your posts sure come off that way. Not sure if it's intentional or not. You would probably consider me a special snowflake crybaby who needs her safe room/bubble, because yeah, there have been times in my life I've needed to sequester myself after a trying or traumatic experience. Not everyone can just be stoic and soldier on and toughen up. Some are just not built that way. :(sad I like to be snarky on the internet but I also try not to be downright mean, jeez.


Aug 31, 2005
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:
If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

What kind of action can the school take against a group of unaffiliated anarchists? I guess they may have standing to expel students caught, but it doesn't sound like that was the case. So-- what's left for the *school* to do? Specifically.


Sep 10, 2003
monarch64|1486076213|4123478 said:
Well said, Kylier.

Jenn, your attitude about others' sensitivities is ...insensitive. And mean. I have a hard time believing you are a cruel person, but some of your posts sure come off that way. Not sure if it's intentional or not. You would probably consider me a special snowflake crybaby who needs her safe room/bubble, because yeah, there have been times in my life I've needed to sequester myself after a trying or traumatic experience. Not everyone can just be stoic and soldier on and toughen up. Some are just not built that way. :(sad I like to be snarky on the internet but I also try not to be downright mean, jeez.

Wow. have to forgive me this one opportunity to return the favor.



Aug 12, 2005
Matata|1486076855|4123483 said:
monarch64|1486076213|4123478 said:
Well said, Kylier.

Jenn, your attitude about others' sensitivities is ...insensitive. And mean. I have a hard time believing you are a cruel person, but some of your posts sure come off that way. Not sure if it's intentional or not. You would probably consider me a special snowflake crybaby who needs her safe room/bubble, because yeah, there have been times in my life I've needed to sequester myself after a trying or traumatic experience. Not everyone can just be stoic and soldier on and toughen up. Some are just not built that way. :(sad I like to be snarky on the internet but I also try not to be downright mean, jeez.

Wow. have to forgive me this one opportunity to return the favor.

Fair enough, Matata. It's been a trying day. I better go for a walk.


Feb 5, 2004
E B|1486076375|4123481 said:
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:
If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

What kind of action can the school take against a group of unaffiliated anarchists? I guess they may have standing to expel students caught, but it doesn't sound like that was the case. So-- what's left for the *school* to do? Specifically.

And we know for sure none of them were students of the school?


Oct 23, 2011
monarch64|1486076213|4123478 said:
kylier|1486074182|4123456 said:
JoCoJenn|1486013298|4123161 said:
But I know the fire/flames will be out, and the precious little angels will already be back home & tucked safely into their bubbles...I mean beds. And I'm sure tomorrow's classes will be canceled so as to allow everyone to process the events from the night before. Might as well tag Friday on as well, for good measure.

Deity-of-your-choice help them when the doors swing open to the real world. :shock:

Jenn, my precious angel walked past the chaos and into her shift at the non profit that she works at yesterday evening. Then she walked past the helicopters, police officers and the ANARCHISTS and headed to a meet-and-greet for an org that she applied to (and was informed that she was accepted today!) and then went home to do homework and went to school today. You better believe I was worried last night! I'm the sonowflake here when it comes to her. I may have been raised in a tough city, but when it comes to her, I still worry. And in case you have never been, Berkeley Can be a tough city and a tough academic environment-- so not sure where you get your ideas that the kids there live in a bubble. In fact, the org my daughter was just accepted to is a non profit consulting one. No living in a bubble for her.
But you, I think you are living in a bubble, one that Trump is blowing with all his hot air. You are trying to justify a ludicrous tweet. Stop and take a step back and reflect and maybe you will realize that you can't possibly defend everything he says or tweets. It's kind of sad, really. Bc you claim to be a logical person. And yet, don't you see that if he tweeted that, he is on a power trip? Don't you see that it was an irresponsible tweet that only makes him look infantile, uniformed, biased, and ignorant? But most importantly, tyrannical. Does he really think anyone took his tweet seriously? Like why bother making empty threats?


Oct 23, 2011
ruby59|1486077849|4123488 said:
E B|1486076375|4123481 said:
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:
If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

What kind of action can the school take against a group of unaffiliated anarchists? I guess they may have standing to expel students caught, but it doesn't sound like that was the case. So-- what's left for the *school* to do? Specifically.

And we know for sure none of them were students of the school?

Maybe you can call and compare the arrest log to the enrollment roster? Let us know what you find.


Feb 5, 2004
nala|1486078170|4123492 said:
ruby59|1486077849|4123488 said:
E B|1486076375|4123481 said:
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:
If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

What kind of action can the school take against a group of unaffiliated anarchists? I guess they may have standing to expel students caught, but it doesn't sound like that was the case. So-- what's left for the *school* to do? Specifically.

And we know for sure none of them were students of the school?

Maybe you can call and compare the arrest log to the enrollment roster? Let us know what you find.

I do not understand your inflammatory response to my question?

Were any of the agitators - students? Fair question.


Jan 22, 2017
ruby59|1486081423|4123514 said:
I do not understand your inflammatory response to my question?

Were any of the agitators - students? Fair question.

No, none of them were students.


Feb 5, 2004
t-c|1486082935|4123523 said:
ruby59|1486081423|4123514 said:
I do not understand your inflammatory response to my question?

Were any of the agitators - students? Fair question.

No, none of them were students.

Since they wore masks, how is this known?

Do you have a link?

And yes I saw the one directed at alumni, which want to put this in the best light possible.

But I do hope you are right. But since these agitators have been an ongoing problem, why wasn't the university better protected knowing they may show up?


Jul 31, 2014
From what I've read, the protesters who were doing damage and engaging in violent behavior weren't affiliated with Berkley.

Here's a quote from CNN:

he university blamed "150 masked agitators" for the unrest, saying they had come to campus to disturb an otherwise peaceful protest.
Two Berkeley College Republicans "were attacked while conducting an interview" on the campus on Thursday, UC Berkeley also said in a prepared statement. The attackers, who were not affiliated with the university, were taken into custody by UC Berkeley police.At least six people were injured. Some were attacked by the agitators -- who are a part of an anarchist group known as the "Black Bloc" that has been causing problems in Oakland for years, said Dan Mogulof, UC Berkeley spokesman.

I'm not sure anyone knows 100% for sure that not a single person who smashed a window in a mask wasn't affiliated, but the consensus is that the violence and unrest was caused by this anarchist group rather than students. The students and affiliates were engaging in a peaceful protest against the speaker, which I think is 100% justified.


Feb 5, 2004
See my post before yours.

These agitators seem to be an ongoing problem?

Why wasn't security in place to prevent them from even getting on campus?


Jul 31, 2014
ruby59|1486084351|4123535 said:
See my post before yours.

These agitators seem to be an ongoing problem?

Why wasn't security in place to prevent them from even getting on campus?

As far as I can tell they've been a problem in the area generally, and I'm not sure what the campus could have done specifically to bar them from a public campus. The UC schools are large and don't have fences or gated entrances (typically). So there's no way of predicting where they'll go next, and even if one could predict then the school would have had to close down the entire campus, which is really unusual. I'm just trying to point out that it's not a small undertaking to close a campus that large, and I can't entirely imagine how'd they'd do it, especially when there was a speaker (which usually is open to anyone from the community). So there'd be no way to tell who was part of that group vs. not.


Oct 23, 2011
ruby59|1486081423|4123514 said:
nala|1486078170|4123492 said:
ruby59|1486077849|4123488 said:
E B|1486076375|4123481 said:
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:
If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

What kind of action can the school take against a group of unaffiliated anarchists? I guess they may have standing to expel students caught, but it doesn't sound like that was the case. So-- what's left for the *school* to do? Specifically.

And we know for sure none of them were students of the school?

Maybe you can call and compare the arrest log to the enrollment roster? Let us know what you find.

I do not understand your inflammatory response to my question?

Were any of the agitators - students? Fair question.

You and I have different definitions of the term "Inflammatory."
Trump's tweet on Cal is inflammatory. My response was a logical one. Since the news is reporting that the anarchists were not students, as everyone keeps telling you, and you keep doubting those accounts as truth, I merely suggested that if you are so skeptical of the news, you can conduct your own investigation. That's all :wavey:


Sep 10, 2003
Kellyanne Conjob spinning her web

and Robert Reich's response:
A strategy demagogues have used for over a century is to foment unrest and violence, and then blame people who have criticized them for creating the unrest – and use their alleged complicity as a means of reducing their autonomy and building up the demagogue’s power.

Trump did it today, blaming the University of California at Berkeley for denying Milo Yiannopoulos (of Breitbart News) the right to free speech – when in fact the University opened its biggest and most accessible auditorium to that hatemonger. And there’s growing evidence that the agitators who caused police to cancel the speech may have been connected to right-wing groups -- such as those spawned by Yiannopoulos himself – that intended to create an incident that would give Trump and his surrogates a justification to blame the University, the media, the left, and their other targets.

So Trump threatens to withhold federal funds from Berkeley (as if he had the despotic power to do this).

Trump “counselor” Kellyanne Conway blames “the media” – her favorite target. “What’s going on out there is what’s going on all across the country,” Conway, said. The protesters “have got media cameras following them; they give interviews.”

And Yiannopoulos blames his target -- “the Left.” “One thing I do know for sure: The Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down,” he wrote.

It’s all right out of the despot’s playbook. Know your history.


Jan 12, 2012
Matata|1486088596|4123561 said:
Kellyanne Conjob spinning her web

and Robert Reich's response:
A strategy demagogues have used for over a century is to foment unrest and violence, and then blame people who have criticized them for creating the unrest – and use their alleged complicity as a means of reducing their autonomy and building up the demagogue’s power.

Trump did it today, blaming the University of California at Berkeley for denying Milo Yiannopoulos (of Breitbart News) the right to free speech – when in fact the University opened its biggest and most accessible auditorium to that hatemonger. And there’s growing evidence that the agitators who caused police to cancel the speech may have been connected to right-wing groups -- such as those spawned by Yiannopoulos himself – that intended to create an incident that would give Trump and his surrogates a justification to blame the University, the media, the left, and their other targets.

So Trump threatens to withhold federal funds from Berkeley (as if he had the despotic power to do this).

Trump “counselor” Kellyanne Conway blames “the media” – her favorite target. “What’s going on out there is what’s going on all across the country,” Conway, said. The protesters “have got media cameras following them; they give interviews.”

And Yiannopoulos blames his target -- “the Left.” “One thing I do know for sure: The Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down,” he wrote.

It’s all right out of the despot’s playbook. Know your history.

There's always layers to things. Nothing is ever simple black and white, no matter how much a person might like it to be. I think someone said earlier in here that they knew someone who was the Pres of one of Clubs/Societies and how the Republican Club would arrange things to "bait" the other side. I guess you could go even deeper then and ask the next logical question. If it was arranged to cause an incident by a University Club, what responsibility in this (if any) should belong to the Club?


Sep 10, 2003
bunnycat|1486090149|4123570 said:
Matata|1486088596|4123561 said:
Kellyanne Conjob spinning her web

and Robert Reich's response:
A strategy demagogues have used for over a century is to foment unrest and violence, and then blame people who have criticized them for creating the unrest – and use their alleged complicity as a means of reducing their autonomy and building up the demagogue’s power.

Trump did it today, blaming the University of California at Berkeley for denying Milo Yiannopoulos (of Breitbart News) the right to free speech – when in fact the University opened its biggest and most accessible auditorium to that hatemonger. And there’s growing evidence that the agitators who caused police to cancel the speech may have been connected to right-wing groups -- such as those spawned by Yiannopoulos himself – that intended to create an incident that would give Trump and his surrogates a justification to blame the University, the media, the left, and their other targets.

So Trump threatens to withhold federal funds from Berkeley (as if he had the despotic power to do this).

Trump “counselor” Kellyanne Conway blames “the media” – her favorite target. “What’s going on out there is what’s going on all across the country,” Conway, said. The protesters “have got media cameras following them; they give interviews.”

And Yiannopoulos blames his target -- “the Left.” “One thing I do know for sure: The Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down,” he wrote.

It’s all right out of the despot’s playbook. Know your history.

There's always layers to things. Nothing is ever simple black and white, no matter how much a person might like it to be. I think someone said earlier in here that they knew someone who was the Pres of one of Clubs/Societies and how the Republican Club would arrange things to "bait" the other side. I guess you could go even deeper then and ask the next logical question. If it was arranged to cause an incident by a University Club, what responsibility in this (if any) should belong to the Club?

I read the letter the president wrote to faculty (who were against the speaker) prior to the event wherein he asserted the rights of free speech and stated that the club would be held accountable for its choices and actions. I'm sure the Univ. will mete out whatever discipline it feels appropriate if circumstances warrant.


May 11, 2012
ruby59|1486008341|4123138 said:

You do not like the speaker, so throw rocks and set the place on fire.

See why I am fearful of one day strikes and the mobs it attracts.

How about just not attending if you do not want to hear this speaker?

I hope Ruby, you will participate in the post I started about your points of view. I'm going to say something, hopefully from an objective point of view, you seem to be fearful of mobs, of people who pose a threat to the social order. During and after your election there were examples of mobs of KKK members, white supremacists and Trump supporters also both verbally and physically attacking people. The point I am making is there was and is anger and aggression on both sides. I don't think lefties like myself condone anyone throwing rocks and setting fire to anything from either political side. What we do advocate is for freedom of speech, and the right to protest injustice which is a central part of your constitution.


Mar 2, 2013
lovedogs said:
I think it's important to remember that UC Berkley isn't responsible for what the violent protesters did, so they don't deserve to lose federal funding regardless. Like I said, I disagree with violence and think the people responsible are the ones who should be punished for their actions, not the University at which the protests occurred

I didn't say Berkely was responsible for the protests; but they DID know the event was happening, and they ARE responsible for campus security, are they not?

And I wholeheartedly agree that INDIVIDUALS who are responsible for committing acts should be the ones held accountable.

E B said:
Bingo. The only way the hypothetical holds up is if the university was responsible.

See above. Did the campus administration know the event was happening? I assume so b/c usually permission is needed for such events, and approval must come from the University. Was it happening on campus grounds/in campus buildings? Do they provide security for other types of demonstrations & events that take place on campus? If so, did they provide any for this, considering they likely knew who Milo was?

monarch64 said:
Jenn, your attitude about others' sensitivities is ...insensitive. And mean. I have a hard time believing you are a cruel person, but some of your posts sure come off that way. Not sure if it's intentional or not. You would probably consider me a special snowflake crybaby who needs her safe room/bubble, because yeah, there have been times in my life I've needed to sequester myself after a trying or traumatic experience. Not everyone can just be stoic and soldier on and toughen up. Some are just not built that way. :(sad I like to be snarky on the internet but I also try not to be downright mean, jeez.
I am definitely not a cruel nor 'insensitive' person. If you weren't out committing acts of violence, setting fires to others' property, causing physical harm to people, etc., then no, I wouldn't call you a "special snowflake", at least, not in the way I referenced.

Am I direct? Yes. Am I apt to call out BS/injustice/hypocrisy/blatant disrespect when I see/read/hear it? You betcha! Except for when it comes to personal/sensitive matters (e.g, pets, loss, family) of course. But perhaps that is 'what you're picking up that I'm putting down'? If my desire to see people punished for those kinds of acts (violence) is "insensitive"; if me being sick and tired of some people's over-entitled attitudes that make them feel it is just A-OK to participate in or provoke violent protests that harm others physically as well as property; if me calling out people as disrespectful & insensitive when they 'barf' all over a thread about Black History Month makes me insensitive; if me pointing out to someone who posts comments to me that their own words and 'sources' quite clearly fail to support their point makes me insensitive ... then by golly, I'll wear the 'hat'. But no, it is generally not my goal to ever be 'cruel'. I know 'when to say when'.

nala said:
Jenn, my precious angel walked past the chaos and into her shift at the non profit that she works at yesterday evening. Then she walked past the helicopters, police officers and the ANARCHISTS and headed to a meet-and-greet for an org that she applied to (and was informed that she was accepted today!) and then went home to do homework and went to school today. You better believe I was worried last night! I'm the sonowflake here when it comes to her. I may have been raised in a tough city, but when it comes to her, I still worry. And in case you have never been, Berkeley Can be a tough city and a tough academic environment-- so not sure where you get your ideas that the kids there live in a bubble. In fact, the org my daughter was just accepted to is a non profit consulting one. No living in a bubble for her. But you, I think you are living in a bubble, one that Trump is blowing with all his hot air. You are trying to justify a ludicrous tweet. Stop and take a step back and reflect and maybe you will realize that you can't possibly defend everything he says or tweets. It's kind of sad, really. Bc you claim to be a logical person. And yet, don't you see that if he tweeted that, he is on a power trip? Don't you see that it was an irresponsible tweet that only makes him look infantile, uniformed, biased, and ignorant? But most importantly, tyrannical. Does he really think anyone took his tweet seriously? Like why bother making empty threats?

If your daughter wasn't part of the "problem children" to which my comments referred, why would you take them so personal? I wasn't defending Chump in this thread either; I was asked a direct question with regard to Federal funding to colleges, and I answered it, WITH LOGIC (to which I posted the definition of somewhere on here today, if you need to review, since you commented).

Nala - I hate to burst your bubble, but 1) I definitely didn't grow a thick skin by living in one myself; and, 2) YOU 'defended' someone recently who made a very direct, rude, completely inappropriate & absolutely uncalled for personal attack on another PSer; so you'll just have to accept that your opinions, assumptions & judgments about me defending anything are really of no concern to me. If you don't like what I post, who or what I choose to defend/support, etc., that's a 'you' problem; and you can put me on iggy to solve it.


Oct 23, 2011
Jenn, we have different definitions of taking things personally. I merely offered you a true account of an actual Cal student to counter your arguments. I didn't internalize any insults Bc TBH, I don't think the terms snowflake or angels are offensive to me. As to your perception that I defended someone, I guess you internalized my comments and took them personally, if you still remember what I said a week ago? Maybe you should take your own advice and put me on ignore, since it's apparent you don't move on well. I don't care to put you on ignore Bc it's quite entertaining to see you take on the entire forum to repeatedly come to trump's defense. Btw, just Bc you can define logic, doesn't mean you are using it. :wavey:


Jul 17, 2008
Every group has a right to speak and every person has a right to ignore them. I never heard of this looney but because of the violence his name is in papers all over the world. Kooks will now be coming out of the woodwork to book him. Meanwhile the protesters have ruined the campus and private businesses and made themselves look worse. Sad state of America.


Oct 23, 2011
AprilBaby|1486096664|4123609 said:
Every group has a right to speak and every person has a right to ignore them. I never heard of this looney but because of the violence his name is in papers all over the world. Kooks will now be coming out of the woodwork to book him. Meanwhile the protesters have ruined the campus and private businesses and made themselves look worse. Sad state of America.

Makes you wonder if Reich is on to something!


Feb 5, 2004
arkieb1|1486092195|4123576 said:
ruby59|1486008341|4123138 said:

You do not like the speaker, so throw rocks and set the place on fire.

See why I am fearful of one day strikes and the mobs it attracts.

How about just not attending if you do not want to hear this speaker?

I hope Ruby, you will participate in the post I started about your points of view. I'm going to say something, hopefully from an objective point of view, you seem to be fearful of mobs, of people who pose a threat to the social order. During and after your election there were examples of mobs of KKK members, white supremacists and Trump supporters also both verbally and physically attacking people. The point I am making is there was and is anger and aggression on both sides. I don't think lefties like myself condone anyone throwing rocks and setting fire to anything from either political side. What we do advocate is for freedom of speech, and the right to protest injustice which is a central part of your constitution.

Afraid of mobs? People get hurt. Businesses get destroyed. One woman had pepper spray sprayed into her eyes? Could it have affected her vision or even blinded her? Another was bloodily beaten. I wonder how he is doing or if this will scar him? So, yes, any sane person would be when people start throwing incendiary devices at each or are swinging clubs. How would you have liked it if your children were on that campus?

When a business is looted or damaged, not everyone has insurance to repair and replace. Everyone loses - the owner, the workers, and the people who depend on it to do their shopping.

As far as freedom of speech, now we have two incidents, one day apart where the right to freedom of speech was taken away very violently.


Feb 5, 2004
t-c|1486075124|4123464 said:
ruby59|1486072029|4123438 said:
t-c|1486071498|4123429 said:
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:

Apparently it was not enough for them to throw rocks and bottles but they attacked people and sprayed one woman in the face with an unidentified liquid. They beat and bloodied another man.

Then went off campus and damaged some buildings in the city for good measure.

My question - why was no one arrested or held accountable?

Did the police just stand there why these people were being attacked?

If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

I think you will find that police don't regularly jump into active riots. It risks their own safety.

You think because of the event that happened on this one day, it is okay to cut federal funding from one of the leading universities in the world and from its students? Cut off federal funds to a university that produced 22 Nobel laureates, 6 Fields medalists, 4 Pulitzer prize winners, 10 Turing winners, over 50 MacArthur genius grant winners, produced people who've made discoveries, started businesses, and generated intellectual content that served and benefited this country for over a hundred years because of what happened today? Because we have a ridiculous, reactionary bully tweeter for president?

So firemen do not rescue people in burning buildings? Policemen when they see someone being attacked, just drive by?

Three people were seriously injured. One had a liquid sprayed in her face. One man was bloodily beaten.

It is not that the event happened. Sh*t happens. It is now what they do to punish those involved instead of doing nothing.

And some here are advocating 1 day national strikes?

You seem to like to extrapolate to the ridiculous extreme.

It is not up to the University who gets arrested -- specially if what's been report is true and the violent protesters were not even students.

University police stood there why people were getting injured. What were they there for - to hold up the buildings they were leaning against.

So are you saying the University should not act when something is occurring on their property? That sounds pretty ridiculous to me.


Feb 5, 2004
AprilBaby|1486096664|4123609 said:
Every group has a right to speak and every person has a right to ignore them. I never heard of this looney but because of the violence his name is in papers all over the world. Kooks will now be coming out of the woodwork to book him. Meanwhile the protesters have ruined the campus and private businesses and made themselves look worse. Sad state of America.


If no one attended, an empty auditorium would speak volumes.

And the agitators would not have come.
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