
Your first date?

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Dec 1, 2008
Hey, everyone! I thought it would be fun if we all shared our first dates.

Me and my BFs first date was to a Thai place for lunch, followed by a gay rights rally. We''d been e-mailing for a couple of weeks (after our friend gave him my e-mail address), and he asked me out for a Saturday. I already had plans to go the rally, and I said it worked if he was willing to go. He was, and when I suggested Thai for lunch, he agreed, which is funny now, considering that he is sooooo picky about food. I asked him why he agreed recently, and he said he didn''t want to appear picky.

We will certainly have a unique story to tell our future children!

So, what was yours?
FF and I never really dated. We met at a party, and just started "hanging out."

I guess I don't have a cool story to tell about our first date. Bummer!
TGIFridays, bowling, then to a band playing at a bar.
Then a :30 makeout session in his truck as we parted ways.
Couldn''t stop kissing - Made me feel like a teenager!!!
My nowDh picked me and my buddy up from the airport in early June. (My buddy and I were planning on moving to AZ since Thanksgiving, but decided to stay through the summer because my buddy had season tickets to baseball games and didn''t want to give it up. I waited too, for an opening to become available so i could transfer w/ my current job. The opening came in September. My buddy moved in October. A highschool friend of mine (we went to rivalling highschools), and unknown to me HIS BROTHER-future hubby, moved in February and April to scout out places to live and nicer parts of AZ. The brother, nowdh, went to the rival highschool with my buddy and they were good friends.)

So after drinking several pints at the terminal, and a couple bloody marys on the plane, he just My buddy told me that my BF of a year had been cheating on me. I had suspected it. My friend confirmed it. He waited until we were 3,000 feet up and told me - hoping I wouldn''t make a scene- or at least know I couldn''t call the ex right away. I just said, hmm, I guess I''ll dump him when I get back. That was it. My buddy was confused at the lack of drama. I had suspected it- but no one confirmed it - once it was confirmed. It was over.

So, the whole flight my buddy was talking up his friend. I thought he was a toad. i couldn''t figure out why nobody would date him if he was sooo good looking, sooo funny... blah blah blah. The "he''s shy" excuse just sounded made up. So I thought he was short, fat, ugly, with wicked acne. Then he picked us up... WOWZA - I was wrong. He was GOOOOOD LOOKING. Yes, he was incredibly awkward and shy. Good thing IM NOT! haha!

So, that weekend, I drank a lot of booze, and hung out with my future roomie. My friend, would drink and pass out in the sun by the pool. He spent the entire weekend asleep. We couldn''t wake him up. So me and my nowDh would go out to local pubs, and come back hours later - and our friend would finally wake up... and be like- what are we gonna do now. So I convinced MR SHYGUY to sing Kareoke- and he is good. We went to a baseball game, and my friend slept through that too. THe entire weekend was this incredibly long date with the coma guy tagging along. I tried soooo hard not to like my nowDH because I don''t date people I live with... but it didn''t work.... I was smitten.

I flew back home, dumped the ex. Texted my friend (he stayed out longer than me for a bachelor party in Vegas), who then tells nowDH that I dumped my exbf for HIM... completely omits the part that I dumped him because he was a cheating jerk. So.. of course shy guy doesn''t get it that I DONT WANT TO DATE HIM because he thinks I dumped my ex FOR HIM. But - somewhere between June and September - and many many phone calls and a few visits in between - and I was head over heals. So the one rule I had - not to live w/ my BFs was ruined... I ended up moving in with my future husband... and had to find the boy next door - all the way across the country.
Papa Juan''s (or Papa John''s for everyone else
), coronas (for him), and a movie at my place.
our first official date was hanging out in his car for 2 1/2 hours while we waited for a movie. we talked forever and started kissing at some point.
It was a good night :)
Our first date was scheduled to go see the new (at the time) greek and roman exhibit at the Met. Harry Potter had just come out around then and I kept saying to now FI online that I really wanted to see it. He finally got it in his head and asked me to dinner and a movie. We ate dinner at this little cafe in our old neighborhood, we were outside having such a nice time. It was nice until my boss calls me, I don''t answer, she keeps calling. I had just started that Monday and it was Thursday. I finally call her back and she launches into a 30 minute tirade of to-do''s. I am freaking out and felt so bad as FI just sat there. I eventually got off the phone, turned it off and we went to the movie.

The next day I tried to do everything that boss nagged me about on the phone (mind you I didn''t have paper on me even and it was my first job out of college), so I think I got it all and emailed her a status report. She calls (was traveling) reeming me out again that I did it all wrong. I wrote a letter of resignation, left her keys and BB on her desk and walked out that Friday. FI was very supportive and kept me from starving while I was unemployeed for a month after that- but so worth it!
tlh, I love that story!!! Sometimes it seems like whatever happens, when it's written... It's written!

FI and I had many many first dates, all that I kept canceling because I was terrified. I really liked him but I had never dated anyone. We were in college! So he was incredibly patient and we had many "study dates" but it wasn't until junior year that I finally took the plunge. It was spontaneous - we went to this french cafe and I spilled my soup, jabbered like a tool and made jerky movements. Everything but the crazy facial tic, which would have made it the perfect SNL skit. LOL. Luckily, he didn't notice any of my cuckoo behavior. He saw through it all and saw the real me.
Date: 3/23/2009 11:40:17 AM
Author: sba771
Our first date was scheduled to go see the new (at the time) greek and roman exhibit at the Met. Harry Potter had just come out around then and I kept saying to now FI online that I really wanted to see it. He finally got it in his head and asked me to dinner and a movie. We ate dinner at this little cafe in our old neighborhood, we were outside having such a nice time. It was nice until my boss calls me, I don't answer, she keeps calling. I had just started that Monday and it was Thursday. I finally call her back and she launches into a 30 minute tirade of to-do's. I am freaking out and felt so bad as FI just sat there. I eventually got off the phone, turned it off and we went to the movie.

The next day I tried to do everything that boss nagged me about on the phone (mind you I didn't have paper on me even and it was my first job out of college), so I think I got it all and emailed her a status report. She calls (was traveling) reeming me out again that I did it all wrong. I wrote a letter of resignation, left her keys and BB on her desk and walked out that Friday. FI was very supportive and kept me from starving while I was unemployeed for a month after that- but so worth it!

sba, that is a great story! Your FI is amazing and you must have been so mortified. LOL. At least you have a happy ending! That boss lady sounds nuts. Good thing you didn't burn any more time working for such a psycho!
We met at a party while I was (temporarily) living 500 miles away. He asked me out while I was up visiting some friends a couple of months later. We went to brunch at a popular local hangout (restaurant, hotel, bar, etc.) where I promptly scarfed down a giant burger while he daintily ate away at some breakfast food. LOL Then we went downtown, where he crashed into the parking garage wall! We still love telling that story. Then took a very cold and windy walk along the waterfront (I think this was in February!) where HE DIDN''T kiss me! (He was being shy.) So, after giving him plenty of opportunity, I gave up waiting (because at that party I initiated kissing him, so he needed to do it this time! LOL) and suggested warming up at the nearby bar. He wanted to see me again during the trip, but I didn''t want to do the whole too much, too soon thing. I wasn''t sure how I felt about him yet. In fact, it took me several months after I''d moved back into the area to give him a fair chance....I''m SOOOOOOOO glad that I did!
What a great topic! The stories are so sweet. I get butterflies just thinking about first dates!

For our first date, we went to a hibachi-style restaurant. We got there kind of late and there were only a handful of other people there, so the chef let my [now] boyfriend "impress" me by getting behind the grill and trying to crack/flip eggs. It was cute.
We had a few drinks at the restaurant, so we continued by going to a local club for dancing and more drinks. We ended up at Wal-Mart for some reason or another at the end of the night (I think I wanted a non-alcoholic drink by that point) and goofed around there. Then, we made out in the Wal-Mart parking lot for a while before he dropped me back off at home. Like, Starset Princess, I felt like a teenager! My boyfriend and I both agree, though, it was definitely the best first date either of us have had!
These stories are great!!!!!

Hal and I didn''t get to meet for 4 months after we had first started talking. He came up to visit friends and me for New Years. So our first date was New Years Eve. We all stayed in at his friend''s place. It was nice and cozy, just 4 of us! Hal, me, his friend, and friend''s fiance. Home cooked meal of chicken and steak, in front of the fire place. Lots of good music, watching the ball drop, and lots of making out!
Although he asked permission at midnight! I still have the text message from a few minutes later, asking if he could have another kiss! He texted while we were sitting side by side on the love seat! I think we stayed up until 5am that night, er, morning. We had several more dates over the weekend, and it ended with us making out at the airport deciding to make it all official and serious. And here we are now...
that depends who you ask...

according to him, he''d been asking me out (to breakfast, we had an early morning class together) all semester, but i kept turning him down. i finally agreed to go to dinner with him (hey, i didn''t have to miss any sleep to do that!) at a local italian place. i consider that a just friends thing, because even though i also had a crush on him, i still thought he was just trying to be nice. haha. (i''m pretty dense.)

generally though, we consider our first date to be a couple months later. we were both at home on winter break, and he was telling me about his day with his old high school friends. i didn''t really have many friends in high school and was kind of lonely, so he offered to come down and spend the next day with him (he lives about an hour north of me). i didn''t want him to go out of his way, but he insisted. (i''m pretty dense x 2.)

anyway, he came down, and there''s really nothing to do in my area, so we drove around and went ''shopping''... we went to the local office supply store, hardware store, electronics store, outdoors store, and toy store. (and bought nothing) it was utterly perfect if you know us. we''re huge nerds who love being outside and active and act like 5 year olds. we were joking around the whole time that clearly we both had huge crushes on the other.

as he was leaving, he gives me this long hug and looks down and at me like he wants to kiss me, and i want to kiss him, but i''m afraid i''m interpreting it wrong and so back to hugging him again. this time we actually end up kissing, and he whispers in my ear that he ''wasn''t joking'' earlier. neither was i.

Date: 3/23/2009 11:43:26 AM
Author: Bliss
tlh, I love that story!!! Sometimes it seems like whatever happens, when it''s written... It''s written!

FI and I had many many first dates, all that I kept canceling because I was terrified. I really liked him but I had never dated anyone. We were in college! So he was incredibly patient and we had many ''study dates'' but it wasn''t until junior year that I finally took the plunge. It was spontaneous - we went to this french cafe and I spilled my soup, jabbered like a tool and made jerky movements. Everything but the crazy facial tic, which would have made it the perfect SNL skit. LOL. Luckily, he didn''t notice any of my cuckoo behavior. He saw through it all and saw the real me.
HA- I DID THAT TOO... only it wasn''t soup. In AZ they have these floating ice things in pichers of beer to keep the beverage cold. I tried to pour a round and ended up spilling the entire melted ice center thing all over the table. So I pushed the pitcher right in front of my nowDH and said... OMG what did you do!!! just as the waitress came by - and she was like.. I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL! it was quite funny because I have done this 3 or 4 times since - and now my DH insists on pouring all the beverages! It is funny how little quirky cute things - can just really relax the mood! The laughter can really cut the tension. Our sitch was great because... we never asked each other out. We just kinda... started dating!

I LOVE THE fact that he never noticed your facial tic. That is just sooo adorable! My sister in law never dated before my brother - and was REALLY NERVOUS to date him. She did the same thing, and was sooo nervous she felt like she couldn''t stop talking - but the funny thing is he never noticed that she talked soo much. Now he says he didn''t notice because she talked less than I DO! So in comparison it was like an enjoyable conversation with equal talk and listen sessions... they''ve been married now for almost 4 years - and they have a beautiful baby girl.

Love is in the details.
There''s a lot of background that goes into our first date, but I''ll save it for another day :)

FF FINALLY (after many months of putting out "the vibe") asked me out and set the date for April 1st - April Fool''s Day.
I had a dream the night before that he had taken me to McDonalds for our date and made me pay for my half! Little did I know that he had been brewing up an elaborate plan to pick me up and take me to the McD''s drive thru as an April Fool''s joke! He actually ended up being late picking me up (the nerve!) so his plan fell through. We got a good laugh when I told him about my dream and he told me about his plans.

We had been friends for a couple-a years before we started dating, but things were still "first date awkward." He can be very shy at times. I thought it was very cute :) He took me to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay (next time any of you are in Vegas, you should go!) and to a hibachi style restaurant.

All the while we were out and about he was in kahoots w/ his sister and her BF, who he had assigned to set up a "movie in the desert" (drive in style) using a projector and a big block wall for the screen. Unfortunately, when FF''s sister and BF got out to the "spot" they discovered that the wall they had intended to use had been torn down. So they switched to plan B and set up the projector in my living room.

It turned out great and was pretty romantic. After the movie, we left the projector on and made shadow puppets on the wall, like a couple-a little kids. Very fun!

I don''t remember why exactly, but for some reason I ended up driving him home, and after I helped him carry in all the movie equipment, he kissed me! I couldn''t help but giggle... I was nervous and excited and my really good friend was kissing me! He thought I was laughing AT him and got a lil butt-hurt. But I smoothed it over (although he still teases me about it, to this day) and the rest is history!

He actually *asked* me to be his GF 20 days later, on the 21st, and we''ll be celebrating our 3 year anniv. next month!

phew... that was long. thanks for sticking it out
My SO and I had our "first date" one year into the relationship! (it started out online, then long-distance). It was at the local zoo, which is now one of our favorite date spots. We went there for Valentine''s Day last year and got to watch elephants tear open giant boxes of candy.
It was cute.
We had been talking online for months and I was so scared to meet him! It was a nasty rainy night so he brought over pizza and a movie to the my house I had just bought all by myself! We only made it 3/4 of the way through the movie before we started making out like high school kids. Been together ever since.
Date: 3/23/2009 10:02:50 AM
Author: elledizzy5
FF and I never really dated. We met at a party, and just started 'hanging out.'
Same here!

What I think of as our 'first date' was really just a group trip to see our recording engineer (we were all in singing groups in college, and they all used the same engineer), a singer/songwriter, perform at Room 5 in LA. It was the first time we went 'out' together, and he treated me as a date, rather than a friend.

Now that guy is a close friend of ours, and we regularly babysit for his 2 young kids, while his wife goes to his shows. Almost five years after our 'first date' they came to our wedding
Date: 3/23/2009 2:20:46 PM
Author: musey

Date: 3/23/2009 10:02:50 AM
Author: elledizzy5
FF and I never really dated. We met at a party, and just started ''hanging out.''
Same here!

What I think of as our ''first date'' was really just a group trip to see our recording engineer (we were all in singing groups in college, and they all used the same engineer), a singer/songwriter, perform at Room 5 in LA. It was the first time we went ''out'' together, and he treated me as a date, rather than a friend.

Now that guy is a close friend of ours, and we regularly babysit for his 2 young kids, while his wife goes to his shows. Almost five years after our ''first date'' they came to our wedding
I love how things just fall into place! It is like karma at her best!
The first time we met he came to my apartment at the time and hung out with my best friend and I while we giggled incessantly and watched Team America: World Police.

Our first official date, one month later, was when we took a road trip to Vegas (he''s vowed to never do this again--I can talk a lot) to see a TOOL concert and spend a weekend. Next day consisted of wandering around (I had never been to Vegas before) where we walked past the Mandalay Bay wedding chapel and I thought to myself that this could be the dude I marry.
Then later that night he surprised me with tickets to Blue Man Group and we ate at Postrio. And then did a whole bunch more fun stuff.

The ride to Vegas included getting pulled over because we were speeding (no speed limit signs in Holbrook AZ) and then getting detained at a gas station for about an hour because the cop thought FI had stolen the car, and kidnapped was probably the most memorable road trip ever...
We met in line at Starbucks. I cracked a really inappropriate joke and he cracked up. We ended up having coffee together and exchanged emails. After our then current relationships ended we started dating.
Date: 3/23/2009 1:15:17 PM
Author: tlh
Date: 3/23/2009 11:43:26 AM

Author: Bliss

tlh, I love that story!!! Sometimes it seems like whatever happens, when it's written... It's written!

FI and I had many many first dates, all that I kept canceling because I was terrified. I really liked him but I had never dated anyone. We were in college! So he was incredibly patient and we had many 'study dates' but it wasn't until junior year that I finally took the plunge. It was spontaneous - we went to this french cafe and I spilled my soup, jabbered like a tool and made jerky movements. Everything but the crazy facial tic, which would have made it the perfect SNL skit. LOL. Luckily, he didn't notice any of my cuckoo behavior. He saw through it all and saw the real me.
HA- I DID THAT TOO... only it wasn't soup. In AZ they have these floating ice things in pichers of beer to keep the beverage cold. I tried to pour a round and ended up spilling the entire melted ice center thing all over the table. So I pushed the pitcher right in front of my nowDH and said... OMG what did you do!!! just as the waitress came by - and she was like.. I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL! it was quite funny because I have done this 3 or 4 times since - and now my DH insists on pouring all the beverages! It is funny how little quirky cute things - can just really relax the mood! The laughter can really cut the tension. Our sitch was great because... we never asked each other out. We just kinda... started dating!

I LOVE THE fact that he never noticed your facial tic. That is just sooo adorable! My sister in law never dated before my brother - and was REALLY NERVOUS to date him. She did the same thing, and was sooo nervous she felt like she couldn't stop talking - but the funny thing is he never noticed that she talked soo much. Now he says he didn't notice because she talked less than I DO! So in comparison it was like an enjoyable conversation with equal talk and listen sessions... they've been married now for almost 4 years - and they have a beautiful baby girl.

Love is in the details.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it! OMG, that is so what I would do to FI. "OMG, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO???" :-) I'm also a creature of great mischief! That explains why I'm so often amused by your posts. Love it!

I don't have a facial tic, by the way. LOL. But it would have been ICING on the cake if I did that night!!!!! Can you imagine? Total Saturday Night Live sketch comedy!
we met at work and became friends, but since E had a girlfriend, i put him on the back burner. few summers ago he and his gal broke up, but they were so on and off that i didnt make a move. plus i for some reason liked his d*bag friend. sooo glad i got over that! anywhos, one saturday/sunday we hung out and drank (wine!) we decided to watch movies all sunday long, becuase my roommates (his friends too) were out. and we totally did the whole
"should i move closer? "
"omg was that his hand?"
and the inevitable "stupid cat! why is it sitting in the middle of us??"
The next weekend we again planned a wine night, since E didnt know much about wine and i did. well. we *ahem*
made it official. the next day as soon as E got off work, he spent the rest of the day with me at a local fair! i was so nervous, becuase after enough 1 daters, and bad relationships i totally thought either the ex was going to come into play, or he would just blow me off. Luckly, he didnt!
so we now consider the fair our anniversary :)

Such cute and fun stories.

SO and I were BFF''s and spent a lot of our free time together. We were party buddies, and my roomie had just taken the MCAT''s that day, so we had a party at my place and SO was there. We drank and partied late into the night and eventually everyone went home except SO. I asked if he wanted to, and he said no, he''d crash at my place, so we were on opposite ends of the couch sharing a blanket, talking and watching something on tv. I asked him if I was allowed to ask him out, and he said YES! (he did take about 5 seconds too long, but it was really late and he was falling asleep) So the next day I told him that we would go out to a work event that I had coming up, and he agreed, but once we went, he said that didn''t count, because he wanted to do something one-on-one.
So, we went to see X-Men 2 at the movie theatre across the street from school, and that was our "official" first date!

The funny thing is, we had been sneaking around together and going on ''dates'' for several months by this point! Jazz ensembles, operas, plays, musicals, symphonies, salsa danving lessons, we were definitely ''dating without benefits''. That was such a great, innocent, wonderful, exciting and fun time.

Thank the OP so much for reminding me!
I have been thinking about this lately as our anniversary is this wednesday the 25th.

B sent me a message on myspace. After that we started writing back and forth and eventually we spoke on the phone. About 3 weeks later, we decided it was time to meet up. So we met up at a mall, walked around and then we went to dinner at Chilis. It was going so well that he asked me on a second date in the middle of the first one. He said a few months later that he realized somewhere in that meal that this was something special. I think what sealed the deal for us is when he leaned in to kiss me and I gave him a peck on the lips and said goodnight. He called me two hours later, something he would never normally have done. It kills him to this day...hehe
I love these stories!

I met B when I crashed his birthday party, and I guess our first "date" was a couple weeks later when we went out for wings and beer. We ended up starting a weekly wing night with our mutual friends, and that continued for over a year. It'd be nice to find a group of friends in our new city to help us bring back wing night -- it was so much fun!
FI and I met up at a bar for our first date. It was in the same town he used to live in. We hung out until about 2am, danced in the attached club, and when it was time for the night to be over, we kissed under the stars in the parking lot.
We met for a drink and then went to the cinema to see Star Wars (I hate starwars
). We got along really well and had a smooch in the back of the taxi on the way home
Date: 3/23/2009 2:56:54 PM
Author: Bliss

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it! OMG, that is so what I would do to FI. ''OMG, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO???'' :-) I''m also a creature of great mischief! That explains why I''m so often amused by your posts. Love it!

I don''t have a facial tic, by the way. LOL. But it would have been ICING on the cake if I did that night!!!!! Can you imagine? Total Saturday Night Live sketch comedy!
haha, I was just imagining you like with facial tic, terrets syndrome or something. Bliss you just crack me up!
oh, our first date

BF picked me up on his motorcycle and we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge to a local beach for a picnic. After a few hours, it started to get dark so we cruised back to my place for a movie. He fell asleep on the couch while we were watching the movie (which I thought was so funny/cute at the time, and now I realize he always does that), so I offered to let him spend the night. Just to sleep! Honestly! So we snuggled up and slept and he left the next morning. Been together ever since
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