
Your command words!

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Dec 31, 2008
Do you have special comand words for your pets?

Go to the bathroom? "Go Wee, Go Woo!"
Get in the "crate"? "Go to bed."
Sleep w/ us in the bed? "Time for Night Night"
Go for a walk? "Get your leash."

what do you say that is unique to your animal?
Well, when I got Chupacabra he only understood Spanish that''s just stuck with us. LOL. We call him El Jefe from time to time, and responds to that too.
Walkies! (from Wallace and Grommit)
Bed Time!
Good D.O.G. (Our dog''s name is D.O.G.)
Get down!
Go lay down

We also call him pooples, bubba, baby, D.O.G. the wonder dog, fluff ball

DOG 021.jpg
Date: 2/3/2009 2:38:32 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Well, when I got Chupacabra he only understood Spanish that''s just stuck with us. LOL. We call him El Jefe from time to time, and responds to that too.

My command words for Sophie are:

"Eh!" means "No" or "Don''t even think about it!"
"You stay." Means "Don''t move girlfriend!"
"Go eat." Means...go eat (hehe)
"Snugglebunny..." Means "Come snuggle with me" Usually in the morning. I called her this because she looks like a white bunny rabbit sometimes.
"Drop it." Means "Leave it alone or drop whatever you have in your mouth right now!!!"
"Wannagoout?" Means "Let''s go outside!" <<--Her favorite!
"Waannnnaaaaattrreeeeeeaaattt?" Means, "I''m about to leave and you''re going to lead me to the kitchen anyway, so lets go and get a treat before mommy goes to work!"
"Dame Beso" Means "give mommy a kiss." Literally it means "give me a kiss"
"Venga Gorda" Means "Come to Mommy." Again, literally "Venga" means "come" / "Gorda" is a nickname.
My mom''s favorite when I was a kid was "Go wake Elrohwen up!!" My dog would jump up and lick my face at least 10 times, jump down, and run around the house a little bit. Lol. And she''d only do it if my eyes were closed and I was sleeping (or pretending to sleep). She was a smart pup. She would do it whether I was in bed or on the couch.

Also, if you would say "Glovies!" she would run and get her favorite toy, a leather work glove. My dad used to wear gloves to rough house with them as puppies, so she started picking it up and bringing it over when she wanted to play. She would eventually chew it to death and we''d just buy some more. It''s actually a good toy for a terrier because it''s kind of like a little animal
She wouldn''t play with anything else and had no use for other toys, especially squeak ones.

We used to walk them at the local elementary school so they learned what "school" meant pretty quickly. Then we had to spell it and say "Should we go to the S.C.H.O.O.L.?" But then they learned how to spell

Other than that, sit, stay, leave it, down, etc.
Go pee pees!
Come to beddie.
Do you want foodie?
Sillywilly... (This is one of her many, many nicknames.)
Come to MaaaaaaaaMa!
Where''s papa? (Her ears perk up only for "papa" and not for "mama." Obvious who her favorite is.)
What about liddle PeEeEeEeEtrie?
Do you want to put your necklace on? (Collar=necklace)
Date: 2/3/2009 2:32:34 PM
Do you have special comand words for your pets?

Go to the bathroom? ''Go Wee, Go Woo!''
Get in the ''crate''? ''Go to bed.''
Sleep w/ us in the bed? ''Time for Night Night''
Go for a walk? ''Get your leash.''

what do you say that is unique to your animal?
I totally love that you call it Wee and Woo!

I just say "potty" for both. "Time to go to bed", "Wanna go outside", "Wanna feed the dogs?", are all universally understood. "Wanna go for a walk?" is something you never kid about. (Never lie to your dogs, that''s so bad for them.) Then the usual sit, stay, lay down, off and enough (be quiet). When training puppies, we always get their attention inside and outside for positive attentiveness by calling "Puppy, puppy, puppy!". They associate with good things and come right away.

Of the three dogs, only little Lola responds well to "Wanna have a bath?". She loves baths! So weird. The other two act like it''s going to be punishment even though we do them all in the stand up shower and they like it once they are there.

We call them names like Big, Little and Tiny now. They do know their own names of course. People get funny with their pets, don''t they?

2/3/2009 2:32:34 PM

Do you have special comand words for your pets?

On the advice of a dog expert, I was taught to use, "Nein!" (the German word), pronounced like "nine" in English, when I really meant business with my very difficult dog, Biscuit. In the beginning I used hot sauce to let him know that, "Nein" was a special word!

Date: 2/3/2009 2:38:32 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Well, when I got Chupacabra he only understood Spanish that''s just stuck with us. LOL. We call him El Jefe from time to time, and responds to that too.
This is dog racist maybe, but we use Spanish on Lola all the time in jest. I call her Mija, but my husband will call her Chipolte. I can''t write Spanish, but I can say a few phrases (I''m Canadian!), and I do that with her. Don''t know why, just seems fitting. I also call her our Mexican-Canadian ninja. My husband sometimes shortens it to The Mexican.
I lived with a dog (oh yeah and his owner
) for about 5 years.

Whenever he was in trouble, we''d say "BATHROOM" and he would go running into the bathroom until we told him to come out. One time I forgot all about him and when it hit me I went to go check up on him and he was just sitting there waiting for me to tell him he can come out (note: we don''t close the door). So sad LOL

Other than that we would say "Outside" to go outside and "street" when we wanted him to heel.

Such a good dog. I loved him.
We use the standards plus "not going" for when we leave the house. He knows he's not going with us, and he sits quietly--good pup!
I talked this over with Trooper and he said the question was far too personal and it sounded like a Dancing Fire question
I love your responses! I thought it was cute when I went to the park and heard a lady tell her pooch to "do his business". It made me wonder if anyone else used funny commands.
Date: 2/3/2009 4:48:36 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I talked this over with Trooper and he said the question was far too personal and it sounded like a Dancing Fire question
sorry if I offended your loved one.
Date: 2/3/2009 2:32:34 PM
Go to the bathroom? 'Go Wee, Go Woo!'
We use "hurry up" and "finish."

Get in the 'crate'? 'Go to bed.'
No messin' around with that one!

Sleep w/ us in the bed? 'Time for Night Night'
Oh man, he doesn't need a cue for this one! The second he sees us walking toward the bedroom he is INSTANTLY on that bed.

Go for a walk? 'Get your leash.'
We have "outside" and "walk" and he KNOWS the difference. Outside is all business, but walk means a long adventure.

Speaking of "adventure," he knows that's something special, too. Generally a walk that is out of the ordinary (either with a destination that he gets to participate in, or just through a different area, longer than usual, etc.).

He also knows "car ride," "dog park," and "visit friends" (going to our friend's apartment with him).

Wait = stop and wait for us to catch up to him - he's very fast
Lay down is just down... we try to keep to single words where possible.
He knows spin, tap dance (just what it sounds like!), jump, stand (on his hind legs), high five, shake/other hand, and all the basic stuff like sit/stay/rollover.

What else... he has names that he recognizes for each of his toys, and he knows a few foods (peanut butter, chicken, pretzels and "cookies" (crunchy treats)). He's a smarty-pants

He is called Colby, Colby-bear, bear, puppy, puppy-bear, little bear, Mr. Snappypants and... um, turdface (by my husband much more than me) when he's being annoying. He also responds to long strings of incomprehensible high-pitched noises.

Leave it
Get it
Hurray up=pee and/or poop
Come for leash
With me
Off=off the furniture
Go to bed=go to your crate
Quiet=stop barking
Go back
Roll over
Give paw
High five
There are a few others, but I've gotten a bit lazy with my training

BTW: We have been to obedience and agility training, as a team
We have cats, so not a lot of commands (because of course, a cat commands you, not vice versa).

However, we do try:

"Momo, no no..." (when Morty is sniffing or inching closer to something he shouldn''t be in)

"Elmo, NO!!" (when Elmo has eaten an entire dish of sour cream that I stupidly left unattended for five seconds)

"Where''s your brudder?" (when one cat is sleeping alone)

"Down" (cat on counter)

"Bring it here" (does anyone else have a cat that plays fetch? Or is my cat weird? Elmo is totally into fetch with his crinkly ball)

"Pat pat" (Come here, sit next to me - or if laying down, come lay down on my tummy, goes along with us patting the surface where the animal should come - only works for Elmo)

"Bed bed" (Picking up the cats and putting them in the bed at bedtime)

--in my family, animal commands are commonly a one syllable word repeated. My parents'' dog responds to "Crate crate," "treat treat" and "out out."
"Who''s hungry?" means breakfast/dinner time
"Who wants a walk!" means.. well you know
"In your home" means get in your crate
"C''mon guys" means come in from outside
"Go potty"
"Enough" means stop whatever annoying thing you are doing (usually barking at people and dogs walking past the house)
NOVICK!!! (his name is Vick)
Wanna Cookie?
EAT? (3 dogs get into pre-arranged eatting areas)
IN the BOX (crate) arm pointing at the box
On YOUR Bed (not mom''s bed) looks sad as he moves to his bed
NO CATS!!! (do not eat the cat, it will your last day on earth voice) l
Go for a ride?
Get your rope! ( ball, toy, baby, etc)
Dad''s HOME!!!! All Hell breaks loose for 10 min as dogs jump run and careen around house. (cat hides under bed)
Bed time= she jumps in bed and under the covers
Where''s your toy??= she runs to find the closest toy to her and brings it back
Lay down in your bed/Go to your bed= she goes and lays down in her bed
Go in your crate= I''m leaving the house and she goes into her crate
Drop it= she lets go of anything she is holding in her mouth
Who''s my boogies??= she goes nutso running and jumping in circles

Then there are just basic things that she does like sit, off, no barking/quiet, come, and stay.

This may sound horrible, but sometimes I''ll say (in a slow voice with every syllable clearly articulated): ''lupita, what did you do??'' And she will look at me, drop to the floor, army crawl over to me, and set her face in my lap. Then I''ll get excited and say: who''s my boogies?!? and she''ll get really excited again. It is absolutely the cutest thing ever.

I love her!

I have two doggies. One is smarter than the other...

Go pee pee.
I look at them through the window, it''s snowing here...
They look up at me come right back to the door...

No treats till you go Pee Pee!!......

That gets them every time.

When I leave, I say Mommie s going bye bye, I''ll be back soon. Nay No on the rugs!!!

I hate coming back to any presents on the rugs. It''s the older one that does it. He''s 13, I think he does it to piss me off. He''s a funny one. I have baby gates to most rooms, so the only rug they have access to is the front hall rug.
The only command Pearls knows.. that she sometimes ignores, is "come here."
We tried sit, stay and down but we lost that battle and he does whatever he wants. Yes he owns us body and soul and knows it
We do all of the normal obedience commands, plus several navigation commands (right, left, forward, hold, back, etc.) for water rescue and carting.

The commands we've created, though, are:

Pee-- "Go potty"
Poop-- "Go poopie potty"
Walk-- "Walkie walk?"
Drink--"Get a drinky drink"
(I think the last two started as a joke and stuck)
Shake (this is either after swimming or to shake the drool from his jowels)--"Shake it out!"
Get up--"Up up!"
Dog Park--"Do you wanna go.....DOG PARK!?" which is always greeted by much excitement.
Stop biting your nails--"Don't eat your feet!"
Playing too rough--"settle"

Like Bia, we make and "EH!" sound, which essentially makes him freeze until I give another command
I love all your doggie pictures!!! Your poochies are sooo cute!

Fiery, your poor dog! I''ve done that once too... asked my dog to go to bed... and he just laid in his crate for hours. It wasnt until much later I was like... where''s that dog of mine? But I think he finds comfort in there, so I did''t feel bad, since the door was open and he could come out whenever... maybe your dog is the same???

Elmorton- OMG Yes! I totally forgot but when my cat scratches at the couch, or really does anything bad, I do the naughty thing and yell her name loud and sternly... she''s a cat, and SHE KNOWS I AM TALKING TO HER. Well my dog figured out when I say that I want her to stop, and so he''ll run after her chasing her away from doing the thing that brought mommy displeasure. My cat though will sit, beg, and come. But she only comes to her name... her name is yolanda, and she knows to come when I really like exaggerate the last A of her name and kinda trill it. But I LOVE that your kitty does tricks! Awesome!!!

White Tulips - whose my boogies? that is sooo cute! My dog will turn in cirles when we say leash, but not on command! That is awesome!!!
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