
YES!!!! Progress...

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Oct 12, 2006
This week has turned out way better than expected!!!

I have had an absolutely stressful week and a half.. and Wednesday, it took a turn for the better!

Wedding bands are ordered!!! (and my messed up e-ring setting is being replaced for $200 bucks!!! - its a platinum setting! Sweet deal!)

One of my best friends from the island might actually get to come to the wedding!!!

Bachelorette party is scheduled for March 2nd!!!

My first dress fitting is next Friday.. I get to go home to the States for the weekend.. and see my mom (yay!!) and my MOH...

I found out last night that I reached my mini-weight-goal of 5 more lbs before my fitting (for a total of 32lbs)... so now I get to buy some new coach shoes!!!

Finally.. I see the light at the end of the tunnel...

50 days to go!!!!

I just had to share my complete excitement!! I am starting to feel like a bride again.. and not the depressed slug I was last week!!!
yeah for you!!

i''m in a rut right now. just tired of all the planning and feeling like it''s really only for me since everyone else isn''t so gung ho on wedding stuff, so when i feel blah, there''s no one to build me back up.
gonna put wedding planning on hold for now....

but i''m v. happy for you...!! go girl!
Congrats on all that great stuff!!!
wow thats a huge amount to get done in a week!!! Enjoy your weekend at home!
Jaders that is GREAT!!!

you''re my inspiration- 30lbs??? girl you deserve a coach bag, shoes, and anything else you want!

what has been your secret to success in that area? do share as i would like to drop some lbs over the next few months and have hit the wall. (i eat when i''m stressed)
Thanks Ladies!!!

Janinegirlie... I totally feel for you.. I know how that feels... just bursting with wedding excitement.. and no one else really to share it with... it will get better... there were times where I wish I could just can the whole thing... I get so tired of it.. and planning the wedding is such a HUGE distraction! I dont remember the last day at work where I did nothing BUT work.. no wedding.. it was probably the day I before I got engaged! Take a break from it.. and return to it another day! you will definitely feel better!

Thanks Fata and Bee!!!

Labbie: my secret?!? well.. I''ve been doing Weight Watchers (online, not meetings) since June and that has shown tremendous results... its not for everybody.. but it definitely works for me... I also work out 4-5 times per week... I was taking 3 aerobics classes per week and one rigorous cardio day... I hit a plateau about two weeks ago... so I amped up my running (I am not a runner at all.. so I started about 4 months ago with 5-10 min on the treadmill.. now I am doing 3-4 miles/3-4 times per week!!!) I think the key is to every three weeks or so... CHANGE your work out routine!! your body will respond greatly to the change and it will really show in the mirror!! I find now that I get enough toning in my aerobics classes.. that I dont use weights in the gym at all.. except when I use medicine balls for abs on my BIG cardio days!
I hope that helps!
OH.. and I discovered Haagen Dazs makes a Light Extra Rich ice cream now!!! can you say YUMMY??? I ate some for the first time two days ago (its a miracle that this island actually has it!!) and its the best thing I''ve tasted since I started trying to lose weight!

Good Luck Labbie!!!
thanks jaders,
i''m a ww lifetime member but haven''t been to a meeting in forever.
i think i am gong to start again.
i only have 5 pounds left to re-reach my ww goal (which means meetings are free)

so i better just get my butt up and out the door!!

funny you mention running, i''m thinking of going for a run tomorrow and it''s only 25 degrees here- yes i''m weird, but i miss my runs (ok, jogs- i''m very slow!)
thanks for the advice!
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