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Jul 22, 2002
This website left me howling for 1/2 hour. The website has *genuine* quotes from Iraqi Mininster of Information. In a separate part, the website shows him quoting w/ famous battle scenes behind him.

I had no idea that others felt this guy was a "hero" too.

Every day I could count on the Iraqi Minister of Information to make me chuckle at his press conference. It was a sad day when he didn''t show up for work on Wed. Oddly, he is not on the "deck of cards". As one reporter put it "every deck needs a Joker." Was this guy for real!?

"We have retook the airport. We have driven the infidels out. I swear. I will take you there in an hour." Paraphrased as I remember.

"We will repel them with bullets & shoes."

I will try to post the link.
I have not visited the site, but I heard about it on the radio. Apparently it was bogged down from getting an inordinate amount of traffic. In other words, you appear to be in good company as a fan, fire&ice :-).
It's up & running now. I can't stop chuckling. They went to a bigger server. They are now selling t-shirts, mugs, etc. with this guys "notable" quotes.

Here's a direct quote:

"We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighterplanes, 2 helicopters and their SHOVELS - We have driven them back"

Shovels? Here's hoping it's a translation problem. As I am pretty sure our Military has more fire power than a shovel.

Another thing, What up with the shoe thing? It's clearly some kind of insult. Anyone have a guess to what it means?
The strangest thing is that in places like Jordan they actually BELIEVED this guy and his line of crap. Then they were surprised when the truth was undeniable. For some reason, words have more meaning than deeds with these people.
So, they believed:

"Lying is forbidden in Iraq. President Saddam Hussien will tolerate nothing but truthfulness as he is a man of great honor & integrity. Everyone is encouraged to speak freely of the truths evidenced in their eyes & heart."

Well now they must see more importantly, he is a man with really bad taste. Bad taste on steroids.

Curious, I wonder what went through their mind when things began to unravel.

"I blame Al-Jazeera - they are marketing for the Americans."

But I'm sure they found reassuring:


It is hard for us/we to understand the depth of hatred or sheer naiveity. Perhaps they really *wanted* to believe that we were being "slaughtered". Perhaps they don't know no better.

On a serious note....I really wonder what they believe now. Hussien & the regime clearly folded. He has to be the worst commander & cheif in history. They must know that Al-Shahed was lying.

I wonder how much of the regimes "deeds" will be believed by Arab nations. They see the pics.

I can not fathom where they are coming from. Thank God I can not.

How could someone actually believe him?
A shoe to the face is the ultimate insult, that is why they had a mural of Bush Sr. on the floor of the hotel so they could step on his face.
On 4/15/2003 9:50:14 AM sturkiej wrote:

A shoe to the face is the ultimate insult, that is why they had a mural of Bush Sr. on the floor of the hotel so they could step on his face.

Yes, but what is the origin of this? As simple as I "walk" on you?
They only know what they are told, just like us.

On 4/15/2003 11:10:43 AM emnightingale wrote:

They only know what they are told, just like us.


Not true.

The people in Jordan and Syria and the like have access to the internet, but still chose to believe the Iraqi Information Minister (presumably because Saddam would not allow a lie to be told and therefore the Minister would not be lying).

Take a visit to and see the craziness firsthand.
On 4/15/2003 11:10:43 AM emnightingale wrote:

They only know what they are told, just like us.


Em ......BUT *WE* are free to tell the truth as we may know it. We can also debate for a different perpective. I rely on many sources for my "news". I'm fully aware that news can be distorted in many ways.

I remember years ago our town had some bad flooding of a river. I had no idea it made national news. This particular place flooded frequently & was no surprise to any of the residents. I had friends & relatives call me to make sure we were O.K. The flooding was only in one particular area of the city & the water was not dangerously high (many businesses were affected). The reporting friends said the news made it seem like the whole town was devastated.

I learned a valuable lesson. You want the news - you go to the source. Believe half of what you see & none of what is told. We are free to speak when we don't disagree.
I learned a valuable lesson. You want the news - you go to the source. Believe half of what you see & none of what is told. We are free to speak when we don't disagree.


This is what I'm saying some of us do - believe half of what you see and none of what is told. The fact is, even though we have access to so many more sources than most of the world, and we have the legal right to view such sources, and even more importantly we have the cultural piece that makes it possible for us to do so, there are so many of us who believe what we're told if we like the person or politician telling us. I'm not disagreeing with anyone on this thread, I simply saying I do not find it surprising that people in the middle east believe this clown.

I meant no disrepect with this thread. I am a middle aged women who has seen quite a bit. The "Joker" is quite his aleged beliefs. Aleged (sp?) is huge. And, if anyone saw him on Tues. will know why I think so "highly =funny" I think of him.

I poked into R/A - where is the origin?
On 4/15/2003 6:42:56 PM fire&ice wrote:

I poked into R/A - where is the origin?

I'm not sure I know what you mean by origin.

The site seems to be owned and run by an Omani guy even though it is hosted out of the USA. Most of the info in the forums is quite benign and has to do with Omani life or generic Arab issues. The Politics and Religion forum is fascinating, but reading some of the stuff in there makes my head spin. The most vile hatred for America often comes from people who claim to live in the west rather than their motherland.

I often have been tempted to register and mix it up in there. So far I have let disgression be the better part of valor.


BTW we were posting at the same time after Em. After posting, I *was* going to go back, edit my post, and add a line about believing half or what you see and none of what you hear, but you beat me to it!
Ooops. Double-dutched the clickety-click and had a duplicate posting of the R/A schtick.
I just may have to buy one of those mugs that says:

No American will ever pour coffee in this mug. Never!
On 4/15/2003 10
2:47 PM Rank Amateur wrote:


I'm not sure I know what you mean by origin.

The site seems to be owned and run by an Omani guy even though it is hosted out of the USA. The Politics and Religion forum is fascinating, but reading some of the stuff in there makes my head spin. The most vile hatred for America often comes from people who claim to live in the west rather than their motherland.

I often have been tempted to register and mix it up in there. So far I have let disgression be the better part of valor.



USA site ...umm. We do have freedom of speech. I didn't know if the was Oman the country or Oman, Jordan. I haven't spent much time on that board; but, in some respects .....same bat time ...same bat channel...looks like another site that I need a credit card to become "verified". Could Sempy be a famous Mexican rocket scientist turned jeweler? Same vile hatred - same syntax.

In the little time I spent there, I found it facinating. I didn't find it as Anti-American as you did except for the resident crazies. I found some of the responses quite thoughtful. Could the looting of the museum be an inside job? Also, I remember years ago - one of my antique trade journals had a blurb about that museum. The article insinuated that one was "encouraged" to "donate" items. The article was published around Gulf War I; so, it could have been propaganda.

I am tempted to register as well.

I have already ordered the famous last quote mug "I now inform you that you are too far from reality." & "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"
They're sayin' now he wuz hung. May be a suicide.
On 4/17/2003 10:39:36 AM Rank Amateur wrote:

They're sayin' now he wuz hung. May be a suicide.


Yesterday or the day before the Iranian papers reported this. ...unconfirmed though. Here's hoping for an encore.
Well, I still have my obsession w/ M.S.S. I received my mugs yesterday.

BBC (and the Today Show this morning) has reported he is alive & well in Baghdad. He has tried to surrender; but, since he is not on the deck of cards, we won't take him in.

I wonder if he could get a lawyer & sue for copyright infringment. No adult "Triple Guarantees" anything. And, this one has to be unique only to M.S.S. "I now inform you that you are too far from reality."

Oh well, I continue to visit the site to get daily updates and a chuckle about new possible careers for M.S.S.
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