
WTB/trade looking for a ceylon blue 5-6 mm sapphire


Mar 5, 2013
Hi all

I know this is probably a loooong shot, but I figured I'd give it a try...doesn't hurt to ask, right?

As you all may have noticed, I've had quite a few threads up lately as I've continued to list items for sale. I mostly keep listing items (even though I really adore some of them still!) bc I'm trying to fund a purchase for another gem. But sales haven't been so hot, so I thought I might try going about things a bit differently. Just in case someone is out there who has what I want; and if I have something that they want, perhaps we could trade? I'm willing to do a full trade or a partial trade + cash.

Here's what I'm looking for, and I'll be as specific as I know how to be. I'm looking for a nice quality blue Ceylon sapphire, either in a round or a trillion cut, preferably under the 1 carat mark, but minimally .65 carats or so, up to say .96 carats (that can be negotiable depending on price). I'd like size to be 5.5-6 mm range (this can also be slightly negotiable). I've found a few sapphires I like that fit into this range and cost-wise they seem to run about $400-600, for the nicer ones anyway. I am trying to stay under the 1 ct mark for money reasons obviously, but I don't need a huge gem for this, it's for a stacking ring set. As far as treatments go, I would prefer none, but heat only IS acceptable. As far as color, I would prefer a medium cornflower blue or slightly darker, the saturation and tone is important to me, I already own a couple of sapphires that are either too dark or too gray or too light for this project, lol. Good cutting is a must; no window, and I'd prefer to see a lot of brilliance. I've searched some of the preferred vendors and have found some that meet my qualifications, so I know it's doable, but right now I don't have the full amount of cash (at least not until more stuff sells, lol).

So I'm looking to "spend" around $500 I guess (also negotiable), but I can only do about $200-250 tops in cash right now, the rest would need to be in trade. And I would consider "spending" more, but only if someone is willing to accept most of the cost via trade.

You can view all of my items up on ebay right now, where there is a pretty nice variety of jewelry - if you have a gem that fits my criteria and would like to trade for one (or more) of my items, please have a look! I've got gold bands, silver bands, gemstone rings and earrings, a couple of pendants ranging from small gemstones to huge. My ebay ID is katharath if you have any issues with the link, but I wouldn't expect any :)


If there is actually anyone out there who is interested, you can contact me through one of my ebay auctions at any time, and we can exchange further info from there. Thanks for reading this, and if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions that they'd care to share, I'm all ears :) I will also check in here as well, but contacting me through ebay is probably the easiest way to start off. Fingers crossed... (and hopefully if this doesn't work out, I'll sell something and be able to buy what I want, dangit! I'm just anxious to finish this project; I've already completed the first two stacking rings and I really want to get this last one done!)



Apr 21, 2010
Hey, I just happened upon this OdysseyGem 0.75ct blue sapphire 5.4mm trillion and thought of you - it looks to be good color and decent cut, and within your budget... with no bids yet, you might contact the vendor with an offer 15-20% less than the starting bid. Just a thought!

(PS: Along with many PSers, I have bought from Tan many times, from his various eBay stores - items were always as good or better than depicted/described, and when necessary returns were straightforward.)


Mar 5, 2013
Marymm - thank you for taking the time to post! I really appreciate it. I'm newer to PS (although I did lurk for a few months before joining, like most people seem too :). I have seen many posts about Tan's gems but I don't think I'd ever looked at any before. I really appreciate the link, I now have about 10 more gems on my watch list, lol! I found another trillion as well as a round in his auctions, both with BINs in my budget.

My only real concern is that the gems I'm looking at aren't Ceylon sapphires, and I did want that. However, for the price of a Ceylon, I could get a much more saturated Madagascan or Tanzanian sapphire (which is what Tan has). I really need to think it over and decide if its important to me to wait and save up for a more expensive but more saturated (so $500 range) Ceylon, or just go for a more saturated sapphire from a different place but that would only cost ~$200. My other concern is that I have a pair of Ceylon earrings, which is partly why I wanted another Ceylon - to match more closely with what I already have. I love the medium Ceylons, not too dark. Tan's are actually darker than I would prefer by a shade or so, but still close enough to make me consider them seriously.

Lots to think about...thank you Mary!
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