
Worst Date Ever?

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Jun 15, 2006
A spinoff from the "Eww Your Place Is Wierd" thread...tell us about your worst date ever!

I''ll start. I''ve never had a really bad date, but I did have a bad new dating experience. I was set up by an older acquiantance who lived with one of my best girl friends, to go out with her co-worker/friend''s son. All three of them worked for the same place.

We met for dinner and drinks in and had a good time. There weren''t big sparks, but when I asked me on a second date I agreed. He lived about 1 hour away from me and worked an odd schedule, he was a prison guard. So we worked it out that I''d meet him at his house and we''d have lunch before he had to go to work. He called me the morning of and freaked out, he decided he didn''t want me to come over as his house was a work in progress, which was fine with me (I might have said "eww, your place is wierd if I had seen it!). I told him to call me later that week and we could set something else up. But then he started to ramble and about how much he liked me and how much he wanted to see me and that he wasn''t sure how this would work because of our opposite schedules and on and on. I was like, slow down, Charlie, we just went on a date, we''re not planning our wedding. I got off the phone and decided never to talk to him again.

He ended up calling me about 20 times over the next 2 days, until I called him back and tell him I just wasn''t interested.

About a week later I was visiting my girl friend and her roomate came home with a letter for me. He wrote 2 pages worth of reasons why I should go out with him again. I told the roomate that I was flattered but it was just a tad bit overkill and I just couldn''t imagine seeing him again.

Oh my goodness!
Mine wouldn''t go down in the history books as "worst date ever" or anything, but it was probably the worst I''ve been on. It still gives me the shivers.

I met a guy at happy hour for a group I was involved in at the time. I wasn''t really talking to him much, but he''d sort of focused on me, and at the end of the evening he asked if I was free the next night to see a movie we''d been talking about. Against my better judgement, I said yes and I gave him my number. He called me the next day at 10 am to tell me he''d pick me up at 1 pm!!! One in the afternoon!!! UGH. Some excuse about movie timing or something, but when we got to the theater, the movie start time was still an hour away, so he said "let''s go get ice cream".

So we went to get ice cream and I''m realizing I''m having trouble coming up with stuff to discuss with him. It was just awkward. Then we got back to the theater, and since we''d just had ice cream, he didn''t offer me a soda or anything, but the minute the lights went out in the theater he started to rub my arm. It wasn''t like overly familiar, but I remember that I was wearing a loosely crocheted sweater and it actually HURT. Asked him to stop but he still managed to find a way to touch me through the whole movie. And did I mention it was Gladiator? Like 3 hours long!

Finally the movie was over and he said "let''s go to dinner." We''d been out so long that it was time for dinner! He took me to this little strip mall with a Thai place that didn''t look like much from the outside, but was pretty inside. Then he ordered for us IN THAI. Uh, please... You''re not Thai, you don''t need to order in Thai. But he thought it would impress me. I went to the restroom and was really tempted to exit through the kitchen.

Dinner was actually good, and I didn''t talk much, but when it was over he wanted to go back to my place! I said "no, I''m tired and my roommate is home, so just drop me off" but he still made this big show of parking (and I didn''t have a guest pass for him) and getting out of the car to walk me to the door so he could try to kiss me. I quickly ran into the building and upstairs and locked my door!

I called my roommate, who was actually out of town, and told her about the skeezy creepy man and she laughed hard. But she stopped laughing when he called 10 times a day for the next week when he finally believed my "I''m NOT interested" statement.

I saw him again at the next happy hour, but when he saw me talking to a different guy, he left the room. Heard he moved to NJ the next week. Good riddance.

I do still go to the Thai place though sometimes. And I order in English!
Ooh, that guys just sounds creepy!

Well, I''ve never really had a bad date as I had mostly LD relationships in my 20s...

But the first date I had with the guy I mentioned in the "ew, your place is weird" thread was quite annoying. It became obviously clear that this guy had "yellow fever" (what they call a non-asian guy preferring to only date asian women). Now, I have no problem with people with dating preferences...just like some prefer blondes or brunettes, but yellow fever is sometimes problematic because guys like asian women due to certain traits they expect.

We met for breakfast and within minutes he asked if I could cook, and more specifically, if I could cook Korean food. Then when I laughed at something, he asked me if I was a cheerleader in my past life because I laughed loud. Now let''s make something clear, I do not laugh one has ever said that to me. However, I certainly am not SHY about laughing and can laugh pretty heartily. I realized that he wanted me to titter with my hand over my mouth or something! The gross display of his preferences/stereotypes about asian women just icked me out.

The worst pick up line I had ever heard was from a guy when I was in New Orleans. He asked me what I was, I and answered "Korean." He said he knew a Korean girl once who was cute but who had f''d up teeth. But he really wanted to sleep with her. I asked wryly if he was able to get over the teeth and he replied, "I just made sure I never had to look at her face when I f*cked her."

I chose not to get into the dating scene for another couple of years...until I went to Europe and found TGuy!
One of my worst dates ever was with my own husband! We went to the same high school and managed to both be out with mutual friends one night, so he asked for my number. He called a few days later and we planned to go to play mini-golf that night; unfortunately, it started to rain late afternoon so we decided to catch a movie instead. He told me to pick one, and for some odd reason, I chose "28 Days Later" a total zombie movie (I hate scary movies)!). He was running a little behind (so he tells me now) when he got to my parents'' house so instead of coming to the door, he tooted his little horn. I came downstairs and asked my mom if one of my brothers had a ride waiting for him because I know my date did not just beep at me. My mom told me to give him the benefit of the doubt, so off I went.

Conversation in the car was awkward and once we got to the theater, he didn''t offer to get any snacks or water. The whole movie I wanted to cover my eyes (did I mention I despise scary movies?) and he never once made a move to hold my hand- I wanted him too!

The movie was over kind of late, so we headed back to my parents'' house. We exchanged an awkward hug in the car, he didn''t offer to walk me to the door, and he was half way down the street by the time I was inside. I chalked it up to a bad dating experience and did NOT want to see him again! But he was persistent and despite my better judgement, we went on another date. Needless to say, things went MUCH better and now we''re married
Molly, was he nervous? What was his explanation for how the date went?

The worst date I had was when I went to a guy''s house for dinner. We had just met not too long before that. I thought it was great that he wanted to cook me dinner. THis guy lived about an hour or so away and I (stupidly) drove to his place. I kept thinking it was great for him to want to make me dinner, and I sort of loverlooked the fact that I was the one who drove such a long way. Anyway, when I arrived at his house, he met me at the door and said how he thought I was really going to like waht he had made. We chatted for a while and then he served dinner. I happened to catch a glimpse of a box on the counter as I entered his house, and thought, no, it couldn''t be...

What he had thought was a meal I was really going to like was a Stouffer''s frozen meal -- lasagna or something. He had made it in his large toaster oven. I just stared at it, not knowing what to say. There wasn''t even a salad or anything to go with it. I even had to ask for something to drink.

I was so disappointed! My parents referred to him as "Stouffer''s Boy" after that.
I never saw him again.
Okay. I have seriously got the worst date EVER story.

I had known this guy for a brief period of time. He worked at a convenience store in a college town. I was in my third year of law school. He was young, super cute, and seemed smart. One of those need a few credits until I have my degree types. We went out and got drinks one night. Had a good time. I liked him.

So, through a series of strange events, I had an extra ticket to the u2 concert. $150.00 ticket. I ask. He agrees. So dude, who I shall refer to as "dude," one of my best friends and I go to the concert.

He shows up at my house before the show, and seems a bit intoxicated. Starts talking about how he is taking all these pills. And how he wants to get more to drink. My friend and I were a bit taken aback, but I think I maybe had some vodka in my house - but no mixers, cause I''m not a big drinker. So he basically drinks a glass of vodka, with maybe some diet sprite thrown in. We go get dinner. He drinks TONS of vodka and somethings.

Starts saying REALLY inappropriate things. It was awful. Telling us information about him that I didn''t need to know. Just horrible. Tries to talk my friend and me to going back to his place instead of going to the show - if you catch my drift. Making comments about our chests. It was soooooo awful.

So we finally get to the concert. The opening act comes out. And he passes out. For the whole show. I don''t even know what he was on - but it was something.

After the concert, we wake him up. In the cab ride home he tries to convince my friend and I to go his house cause they (his many roommates) are having 40s night. I think he means 1940s themed party, maybe? No. He means malt liquor 40s. As you might imagine, we passed.

My friend and I went back to my apartment and just laughed and laughed. It was SOOOO awful.

And the best part? He called me a few days later and asked me if I wanted to go to the zoo.

He claims now that he was nervous, but he told me a couple years ago that he was in his "cocky" phase- apparently, he had pulled the same act on another date. He was too cool for school lol.
Oh, gosh. My worst date was with a guy I met at a bar. He was really attractive -- at the bar. Nicely dressed, seemed intelligent and well read, etc. So I gave him my number and he called a few days later and we went to lunch. He showed up in a tee shirt and jeans and tennis shoes. He told me at the restaurant I looked more fit the night we met and started asking me if I worked out and said I was awfully young to be soft. So natch, I ordered a salad with the dressing on the side and ice water, because I was bootyliscious when nothing came between Brooke Shields and her Calvin Klein''s (many of you are probably too young to remember that). I was always super sensitive about my figure and I''m amazed I was never anorexic because I would literally eat an orange and diet 7-Up for lunch and a small dinner at night. Sometimes popcorn. But I was never skinny and I was really humiliated by his comments. I think I ate about two bites of my salad while he spent the entire meal flirting with the waitress. When he got the check he said, "I can''t believe I have to pay for that salad. You hardly touched it."

Now, after all this, he tells me he has some coke and would I like to go back to his house? He didn''t like to do coke alone because it made him horny.

Never saw him again, and never gave my number to a guy in a bar again, LOL! (And NO I didn''t go back to his place!)
lumpkin, i think you might be the winner in my eyes!
OMG, Lumpkin! This may be the worst date story I have ever heard. It''s so crazy it seems like something that would happen in a Saturday Night Live skit, you know? Yikes!

I can''t really think of any bad date stories of my own. I don''t think I''ve ever dated a guy I didn''t already know/know of through other people, although from KimberlyH''s post, it''s clear to me that friends of friends can be crazy, too!
I KNOW! Isn''t that awful! Oh, well, it ended quickly and after I got home I really felt like I dodged the bullet. Once I reflected on it I decided I wasn''t "soft" and that he was a total messed up jerk. What did I expect, I met him at a BAR where people DRINK and hook up for one nighters (before the AIDS epidemic). I was actually young enough and naive enough to think it was possible to meet someone worthwhile at a bar.
Lesson learned. Quickly!
Probably the one with the Marine- who took me to Chili''s(shudder, not a good date place), and ordered the "Faaageettas". Yep, pronounced the "g" and everything.
Littlyser and Lumpkin, those are horrible dates. Sumbride what a creepy guy.

I have had a bunch of crazy dates but nothing ever that bad. Wow!

The worst one was the guy who lived with his mom.
my worst date was actually a non-date lol.
In HS a friend of mine who was a girl was having some problems, failed relationship and so on.
So figured I''d take her out for dinner and cheer her up.
I figured pizza but no she wanted to go to a real restaurant....
So I was like ugh ok, i got the cheapest thing she got one of the more expensive I thought I had enough.. came to $25.. I had $17 on me and she didn''t have any money.
The waitress paid the difference and I went in the next day and paid her plus a huge tip LOL
So ended up the gal had a huge laugh over it and felt better and I was sad and broke LOL
Worst non-date date ever.
Date: 3/31/2007 12:03:42 AM
Author: strmrdr
my worst date was actually a non-date lol.
In HS a friend of mine who was a girl was having some problems, failed relationship and so on.
So figured I''d take her out for dinner and cheer her up.
I figured pizza but no she wanted to go to a real restaurant....
So I was like ugh ok, i got the cheapest thing she got one of the more expensive I thought I had enough.. came to $25.. I had $17 on me and she didn''t have any money.
The waitress paid the difference and I went in the next day and paid her plus a huge tip LOL
So ended up the gal had a huge laugh over it and felt better and I was sad and broke LOL
Worst non-date date ever.
Sorry, but that is so cute, and soooo YOU!!!!
Date: 3/31/2007 12:14:06 AM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 3/31/2007 12:03:42 AM
Author: strmrdr
my worst date was actually a non-date lol.
In HS a friend of mine who was a girl was having some problems, failed relationship and so on.
So figured I''d take her out for dinner and cheer her up.
I figured pizza but no she wanted to go to a real restaurant....
So I was like ugh ok, i got the cheapest thing she got one of the more expensive I thought I had enough.. came to $25.. I had $17 on me and she didn''t have any money.
The waitress paid the difference and I went in the next day and paid her plus a huge tip LOL
So ended up the gal had a huge laugh over it and felt better and I was sad and broke LOL
Worst non-date date ever.
Sorry, but that is so cute, and soooo YOU!!!!
It is cute; not a bad non date. That was sweet of you strmrdr!!!
Strmrdr that was very sweet of you! She sorta took advantage (your nondate)! Did you stay friends with her???
Date: 3/30/2007 10:06:20 PM
Author: lumpkin
I KNOW! Isn''t that awful! Oh, well, it ended quickly and after I got home I really felt like I dodged the bullet. Once I reflected on it I decided I wasn''t ''soft'' and that he was a total messed up jerk. What did I expect, I met him at a BAR where people DRINK and hook up for one nighters (before the AIDS epidemic). I was actually young enough and naive enough to think it was possible to meet someone worthwhile at a bar.
Lesson learned. Quickly!
Hey now, my hubby was bartending when I met him.

Your post was hysterical, in a pathetic kind of way.
And unfortunately, I AM old enough to get the Calvin Klein reference.
Date: 3/31/2007 12:03:42 AM
Author: strmrdr
Worst non-date date ever.
Aww. That WAS sweet of you.
Date: 3/31/2007 6:59:09 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 3/30/2007 10:06:20 PM
Author: lumpkin
I KNOW! Isn''t that awful! Oh, well, it ended quickly and after I got home I really felt like I dodged the bullet. Once I reflected on it I decided I wasn''t ''soft'' and that he was a total messed up jerk. What did I expect, I met him at a BAR where people DRINK and hook up for one nighters (before the AIDS epidemic). I was actually young enough and naive enough to think it was possible to meet someone worthwhile at a bar.
Lesson learned. Quickly!
Hey now, my hubby was bartending when I met him.

Your post was hysterical, in a pathetic kind of way.
And unfortunately, I AM old enough to get the Calvin Klein reference.
You know, you just have to laugh at that stuff, don''t you? It is funny and hysterical -- pathetic???? Well, maybe a little, but I think he was far more pathetic than I was.

So your hubby was a bartender? Bet he''s got a ton of stories!
Date: 3/31/2007 7:07:51 AM
Author: lumpkin

You know, you just have to laugh at that stuff, don''t you? It is funny and hysterical -- pathetic???? Well, maybe a little, but I think he was far more pathetic than I was.

So your hubby was a bartender? Bet he''s got a ton of stories!
Oh lump, I meant HE was pathetic, not you!

And yes, many funny stories.
Date: 3/31/2007 12:03:42 AM
Author: strmrdr
my worst date was actually a non-date lol.
In HS a friend of mine who was a girl was having some problems, failed relationship and so on.
So figured I''d take her out for dinner and cheer her up.
I figured pizza but no she wanted to go to a real restaurant....
So I was like ugh ok, i got the cheapest thing she got one of the more expensive I thought I had enough.. came to $25.. I had $17 on me and she didn''t have any money.
The waitress paid the difference and I went in the next day and paid her plus a huge tip LOL
So ended up the gal had a huge laugh over it and felt better and I was sad and broke LOL
Worst non-date date ever.
All I can say is.....let me at her!!!!!!!!!!!!
... now I can see why he takes me to Wendy''s
giggle Actually he knows he is safe- I am totally opposite - I look for the cheapest thing on the menu - not used to going to fancy restaurants when you are a country bumpkin and only have KFC, Dairy Queen and MacDonalds around yas - lol
okay, now I will fess up about the worst date I have had with Strm....the worst thing about my date with Strm, was that it was never long enough
Date: 3/31/2007 9:03:09 AM
Author: wifey2b
All I can say is.....let me at her!!!!!!!!!!!!
... now I can see why he takes me to Wendy''s
giggle Actually he knows he is safe- I am totally opposite - I look for the cheapest thing on the menu - not used to going to fancy restaurants when you are a country bumpkin and only have KFC, Dairy Queen and MacDonalds around yas - lol
LOL yea Wendy''s is more my kinda place,,,,,,
Date: 3/31/2007 5:38:48 AM
Author: lumpkin
Strmrdr that was very sweet of you! She sorta took advantage (your nondate)! Did you stay friends with her???
yea thru high school then lost touch.
She needed a friend.....
Date: 3/30/2007 9:27:14 PM
Author: lumpkin
Oh, gosh. My worst date was with a guy I met at a bar. He was really attractive -- at the bar. Nicely dressed, seemed intelligent and well read, etc. So I gave him my number and he called a few days later and we went to lunch. He showed up in a tee shirt and jeans and tennis shoes. He told me at the restaurant I looked more fit the night we met and started asking me if I worked out and said I was awfully young to be soft. So natch, I ordered a salad with the dressing on the side and ice water, because I was bootyliscious when nothing came between Brooke Shields and her Calvin Klein''s (many of you are probably too young to remember that). I was always super sensitive about my figure and I''m amazed I was never anorexic because I would literally eat an orange and diet 7-Up for lunch and a small dinner at night. Sometimes popcorn. But I was never skinny and I was really humiliated by his comments. I think I ate about two bites of my salad while he spent the entire meal flirting with the waitress. When he got the check he said, ''I can''t believe I have to pay for that salad. You hardly touched it.''

Now, after all this, he tells me he has some coke and would I like to go back to his house? He didn''t like to do coke alone because it made him horny.

Never saw him again, and never gave my number to a guy in a bar again, LOL! (And NO I didn''t go back to his place!)
OMG, this is the worst EVER! I''m sitting here laughing out loud as I read it though!!
Ok this is my worst date EVER! This was back in the early 80's before cell phones, etc. I was in my teens and went to a nightclub the next town over where no booze was served so they let in anyone 16 or older. It was Holloween and I met a guy and we were both in costume and he seemed clean and well groomed. He was a college student and worked as an auto mechanic part time to make $. I gave him my number, he called and asked me to the movies for Friday night. Well since it was confusing to get to my house (he lived the next town over), he said he'd pick me up from school and give me a ride home to find out where I lived. He showed all all grimy and greasy in his work clothes since he had been at work and just took a break to take me home. No problem.
He then showed up for our date 2 1/2 hours later dressed the same exact way - no shower, no changing the clothes, I don't think he even washed his hands!
I was so embarassed to introduce him to my parents! But back then I was not a forceful person and couldn't work up the courage to say no way, I'm not going anywhere with you. Nor did my parents put their foot down and say I couldn't go. I think they were amused and wanted to see how the whole thing would play out.

So off we go to the movies. I didn't even want to stand in line with him at the movie theatre (thank goodness it was fall and got dark early) and thought everyone was giving me the weirdest looks. No, I didn't want popcorn soda or anything - just get me inside the dark theater as soon as possible!
Well we made it though the movie, and he said "you want to go out and eat" and I said no, take me home so I can meet curfew (a big fat lie there, my curfew was 2 am but he didn't know that). His damn car wouldn't start! So we spent an hour in the parking lot in the cold and rain (I'm from Seattle) trying to start the car before he finally said, it's not going to start. He then said he'd call his sister on the pay phone who lived in that town where the theater was to give us a ride home. So his sister showed up about a half hour later in an old clunky VW Bug that looked like it had seen better days many years before. So ok, I was going to have to squeeze into the back seat, but there was no BACK SEAT! Now, knowing what I know nowadays, I would wonder if these 2 were serial killers and would find any excuse to not even get into the car in the first place, but back then I just went "ok", climbed in the front seat and perched between my dates legs and tried so hard not to touch him or his clothes. Talk about tired thigh muscles from all the clenching I was doing in a state of high anxiety from every bump in the road, etc along with supreme embarassment, fear and disgust.
Needless to say, he knew the date was a disaster since he never called me again.
Not that I would've ever said yes anyway!
I only wish that I could remember all of the details of the worst date ever. I really should call my roommate at the time so I can give you all of the details, but here it goes. This is a true story.

I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life when I was 22 or 23. My friend got a new job in Eau Clair, WI and convinced me to move out there and get a job. One of the trainers at my new gym asked me out. He wasn''t really my type, but he was cute and I was bored so I said ok.

He picks me up at my apartment and when we walk out to the car and there are two baby seats in the back. OK, I was surprised he never mentioned his kids when we talked at the gym but whatever. I get in and notice the garter hanging from the rear view mirror. Then he flicked a switch and the underside of the car glowed a bright blue. I should have known right then.

He then takes me to the college pool hall because they have free pool. After a couple of games we go to the bar for a drink. We meet up with some of his friends who start making racist comments about any and everyone who isn''t white. I tell him that isn''t my thing and get up to call my roommate to come get me. He comes up and says they really aren''t his friends. He then asks me to go and talk to one of his friends (a girl) who is crying in the bathroom. Dumb as I am, I went. She was crying because her husband showed up at the bar and threatened to beat up her boyfriend that she had brought. She said that her husband beat her and she was trying to leave him. I said we would take her home.

We get into the car and she''s in the backseat between the car seats. The husband comes out and all of a sudden we have a car chase through the city. We were squealing around corners while the garter was swinging back and forth all while the car was glowing an eerie blue. We finally lost him and somehow end up at another corner bar where the girl was meeting up with her boyfriend. I thought we were dropping her off and then I was going home.

We get into the bar and the story of the car chase quickly spread. All of a sudden, my date and I are hero''s for saving her. The entire bar starts chanting kiss, kiss, kiss I tried to ignore it, but they wouldn''t stop so I give him a peck and the crowd went wild. He leaned over and whispered in my ear about tucking me in later. I told him that I didn''t need anyone to tuck me in and instead of getting it he winks and whispers to me "that will give us something to look forward to on the second date"

Let''s just say I felt a little awkward running into him at the gym after that.
OMG Lumpkin, that sounds just like my ex bf....actually it sounds a lot like our first date...
I don''t really have a horrible date story... But my worst date was the first official date FI and I had together.

We''d met a few months before and had seen each other three or four times. He wanted to take me to dinner for my 18th birthday and I said yes. We lived about an hour from each other and my birthday was on a Friday, so I told him maybe we should do it on Saturday because the traffic was going to be murder, but he insisted. I dressed up, put on some perfume and make-up and... waited. He was an hour late, and hadn''t taken the time to change. He was working as a carpenter at the time, so he wasn''t exactly dressed for a date. We had a good time, I just wasn''t very impressed with his appearance... Still, I liked him so I decided to give him another chance. Good thing I did!
He''s cleaned up since, but I still tease him about it!
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