
Women dating longer before engagement.


Feb 12, 2014
This made me feel a bit better. Waiting patiently is HARD!

"The results of our survey were very interesting. First and foremost, we found that the average length of a relationship before engagement is 44 months, or 3.67 years. That’s almost an entire year longer than other studies have stated! We also found that the majority of our sample size was between the ages of 21 and 35 when they were proposed to, and they dated an average of 46 months, or 3.83 years, before the proposal."



Sep 23, 2011
!! Did they post about the age? I find that people who date later in life marry/get engaged sooner than those who were together when they're younger. When you're 20, it doesn't matter that you've dated 3 years. Chances are, you're in university still, not yet established, not yet ready to commit to a new family and household. When you're 30, you are already ready in every part of your life just waiting for the right fit. When you find the fit, you get married as soon as you feel right.


May 3, 2009
oooh! I like this . . . thanks for sharing IBKK it looks like the study was talking abt women from 26 to 30, if I am reading the chart correct

wow! more than three years is it bad to assume it's bz the couple is already living together?


Dec 17, 2015
I agree with madelise, it's harder to know people and be sure about a relationship when you're younger because you're both changing so much mentally in your early 20s. My SO is in his early thirties and myself in my late 20s. He told me maybe 3 months into our relationship that a guy his age knows between 4-6 months if they see a future with that person. I thought that sounded really fast for me. I think I started being most sure around 8 months or so. But we're both set in our careers and such. When I was younger and a student and didn't know where exactly my life was taking me yet I don't think I could have even imagined considering marriage with someone before a year and a half, maybe even 2 years or so. I just didn't have my brain and life sorted out enough to know what I wanted.


Feb 28, 2016
Ittybittykittykat|1450289721|3962325 said:
This made me feel a bit better. Waiting patiently is HARD!

"The results of our survey were very interesting. First and foremost, we found that the average length of a relationship before engagement is 44 months, or 3.67 years. That’s almost an entire year longer than other studies have stated! We also found that the majority of our sample size was between the ages of 21 and 35 when they were proposed to, and they dated an average of 46 months, or 3.83 years, before the proposal."

I'm 22 and at almost 3.5 years (We officially started dating October 2012 but were on dates starting in the end of August 2012) and no ring. He is 27. He's working on a ring soon, but hasn't gone to a jeweler. Whereas I know people in their early/mid 30s who have met, gotten engaged, and gotten married within one calendar year.

My cousin is 29 and he started dating his girlfriend May 2014 and got engaged Feb 2016.

Then again, my friend got engaged after 3 months of dating at 18 years old. I don't know if there's a formula.


Jan 29, 2016
Marquise_Madness|1459040670|4011522 said:
Ittybittykittykat|1450289721|3962325 said:
This made me feel a bit better. Waiting patiently is HARD!

"The results of our survey were very interesting. First and foremost, we found that the average length of a relationship before engagement is 44 months, or 3.67 years. That’s almost an entire year longer than other studies have stated! We also found that the majority of our sample size was between the ages of 21 and 35 when they were proposed to, and they dated an average of 46 months, or 3.83 years, before the proposal."

I'm 22 and at almost 3.5 years (We officially started dating October 2012 but were on dates starting in the end of August 2012) and no ring. He is 27. He's working on a ring soon, but hasn't gone to a jeweler. Whereas I know people in their early/mid 30s who have met, gotten engaged, and gotten married within one calendar year.

My cousin is 29 and he started dating his girlfriend May 2014 and got engaged Feb 2016.

Then again, my friend got engaged after 3 months of dating at 18 years old. I don't know if there's a formula.

I'm in agreement with MarquiseMadness. I don't think there is really a formula, every couple is different and has a different situation.

I have noticed a trend that in smaller, more remote towns couples get engaged/married/have children a lot younger than in towns a bit larger. I, personally, think length of engagements may have more to do with whether or not the couple's parents are still together, or if they are divorced, if they're in happy relationships. I also think some engagements are much longer now due to stigma of living together before marriage is less of an issue and couples wanting to make sure things are working for longer due to overcome high divorce rates. Plus, I almost forgot to mention that many couples want to make sure that they're in a good stable spot (they're settled into career fields, have some savings, have done most of the traveling they want to do, etc.) before they "settle down".

I'm also in agreement with IttyBittyKittyKat, that it's so HARD TO WAIT once you do know it's right and working and both parties are in the same comfortable place that a proposal could happen any time!


Feb 12, 2014
lmcriss said:
Marquise_Madness|1459040670|4011522 said:
Ittybittykittykat|1450289721|3962325 said:
This made me feel a bit better. Waiting patiently is HARD!

"The results of our survey were very interesting. First and foremost, we found that the average length of a relationship before engagement is 44 months, or 3.67 years. That’s almost an entire year longer than other studies have stated! We also found that the majority of our sample size was between the ages of 21 and 35 when they were proposed to, and they dated an average of 46 months, or 3.83 years, before the proposal."

I'm 22 and at almost 3.5 years (We officially started dating October 2012 but were on dates starting in the end of August 2012) and no ring. He is 27. He's working on a ring soon, but hasn't gone to a jeweler. Whereas I know people in their early/mid 30s who have met, gotten engaged, and gotten married within one calendar year.

My cousin is 29 and he started dating his girlfriend May 2014 and got engaged Feb 2016.

Then again, my friend got engaged after 3 months of dating at 18 years old. I don't know if there's a formula.

I'm in agreement with MarquiseMadness. I don't think there is really a formula, every couple is different and has a different situation.

I have noticed a trend that in smaller, more remote towns couples get engaged/married/have children a lot younger than in towns a bit larger. I, personally, think length of engagements may have more to do with whether or not the couple's parents are still together, or if they are divorced, if they're in happy relationships. I also think some engagements are much longer now due to stigma of living together before marriage is less of an issue and couples wanting to make sure things are working for longer due to overcome high divorce rates. Plus, I almost forgot to mention that many couples want to make sure that they're in a good stable spot (they're settled into career fields, have some savings, have done most of the traveling they want to do, etc.) before they "settle down".

I'm also in agreement with IttyBittyKittyKat, that it's so HARD TO WAIT once you do know it's right and working and both parties are in the same comfortable place that a proposal could happen any time!

I agree. The relationship you watched growing up surely plays a large role influencing your dating trends. If divorce is prevalent in your family you wouldn't think of it as uncommon. Living together nowadays is like a "test run" I don't personally like that term but I've heard it among my peers. "You don't lose anything if you live together and it doesn't work out." :nono:


Apr 24, 2016
madelise|1450296743|3962363 said:
!! Did they post about the age? I find that people who date later in life marry/get engaged sooner than those who were together when they're younger. When you're 20, it doesn't matter that you've dated 3 years. Chances are, you're in university still, not yet established, not yet ready to commit to a new family and household. When you're 30, you are already ready in every part of your life just waiting for the right fit. When you find the fit, you get married as soon as you feel right.

My first engagement was in 2004 and we'd been together for nearly 2 years. I was 25.
My second engagement was last week and we've been together for over 5 years. I'm now 37.
Although I thought he was going to propose 2 years ago (and I'd have been happy with that).


Feb 28, 2016
I can contribute now!

Relationship start date: October 16, 2012, 18 1/2 years old

Engagement date: July 5, 2016, 22 years old

My fiancé is 5 years older. So he started dating me at 23 and now he is 27.


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Apr 24, 2016
edit (I didn't realise I'd already posted in here!)

That's not the case for me and my fiancé. Both nearly 38.
I've been married before, he hasn't.
We were together nearly 5.5 years before he proposed, and he isn't in a hurry to get married by the sound of it.
I've asked when, but he wants to get other things sorted out.
I'd get married this year (ideally I'd want a bit longer to plan) but unless he wants to surprise me I think it might be next year or later... :think:

Relationship start date: December 2010, 32 years old

Engagement date: April 23, 2016, 37 years old

We are the same age, well... he's a month younger.
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