
Will your husband still buy you jewelry despite your PS knowledge?

Will your husband buy you jewlery post PS?

  • Yes, he knows my taste in jewelry very well

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Jul 27, 2007
While D and I were dating, he bought me a couple of pieces that I love. Would I have bought them myself with the PS knowledge I have now? No, but that is irrelevant. I love that he saw them, liked them and bought them thinking I''d love them, too.

With Valentine''s Day approaching, I mentioned I needed to get him something. He asked me if there was anything I wanted and I said "I always love a stacking band!" and he siad "Hon, all of your jewelry purchases are way over my head--I like to stick to gifts I know you''ll like and you can buy all of your own jewelry...or tell me EXACTLY what to buy."

I comletely understand--I wouldn''t buy him something for a hobby he loves without asking his opinion first, but I''m kind of sad that the days of him buying me jewelry and it being a complete surprise are over. Just thought I''d throw a poll out there to see where others stand!
We buy diamonds and coloured gemstones together. For gold pieces, he has excellent taste and an eye for design, so I let him surprise me with those.
I said no, he knows how picky I am. But... I think he might be confident enough to get me something from Whiteflash or Pearlman''s, as he hears me talk about them often enough! He''d never make a MAJOR purchase for me without letting me have the fun of researching though.
For my engagement ring he used the tips that I provided but mostly researched on his own (gotta give the man props!) so I would trust him to buy me something of good quality now--at least when it comes to diamonds. Although, he did say "No more diamonds!" so I don't think I am getting any new jewelry until we get our wedding bands LOL.

Before PS he bought me some gorgeous diamond earrings (1/2 carats). They aren't PS-inspection quality but they are very special to me anyway. So to answer your question: Because with him its more about getting the style wrong, I think he'd just as soon wait and ask me what I want or go with me to purchase it together.
Sure he does! To be fair though, I talk so often about what I want and like, the choices are always easy for him. For a big purchase, he would want me to consult or just handle it all myself though. I really don''t care what he gets me on his own, that''s sentimental and I don''t care about details.
Nope--not anymore! We definitely shop together. He loves gems, but he knows how particular I am, and he''s the same way. I want to get him a large fun gem to play with, but he needs to choose it--he''s equally particular!
I''m not sure DH *would* choose a piece of jewelry for me now that he knows how uh selective I can be. Its bittersweet I suppose, yet practical.

DID find out recently that my fave jewelry boutique around here has a "wishlist" program, where you tell them what you want & they keep notes on file in case your SO would like to choose something off the list for you. And YES i put down a couple of things. Sadly they are all too $$$ for the short term. And, honestly, I doubt I''d ever REALLY want him to *purchase* from there because the B&M markup is just so high there -- even though its a LOVELY shop with amazing designer pieces. Bah. Practicality. We even sent something back from Tiffany''s once that I''d specifically asked for, because it didn''t look so great/feel so great ON me. He''s a patient guy that sweetie.
He never really bought me much jewelry, but especially now that he knows I''m particular and I''m a good shopper he lets me buy it and then "he" gives it to me as a gift. He often does this with electronics for him...
We don''t buy each other pricey gifts really, but he has very good taste and I would trust him to pick out beautiful things

He has bought me two jewelry gifts that I didn''t "have a say in" (basically everything other than my wedding set and wedding-day jewelry), and both were beautiful and absolutely my taste.
Date: 2/3/2009 4:04:06 PM
Author: decodelighted
DID find out recently that my fave jewelry boutique around here has a ''wishlist'' program, where you tell them what you want & they keep notes on file in case your SO would like to choose something off the list for you.
I do something similar... I keep a "things I want" bookmark folder in my browser that''s separated into different categories (apparel/shoes, housewares, jewelry, etc.). It''s mostly for my own reference so I don''t lose track of things I''m interested in, and he hasn''t utilized it yet, but I bet he will in the future!
My BF says I know too much, so I have never received jewelry from him. However, I know he wants to try to do my future e-ring on his own, and I know he will try to get one that I love.
I''m with you - it makes me sad that he doesn''t feel like he can get me stuff anymore...but I completely understand why.
I voted "No, but he never did before I found PS!" DH doesn't buy me jewelry that often. We hardly celebrate Valentine's days, anniversaries, or birthdays. If we do, we don't buy each other pricey gifts - he definitely won't get me jewelry. He'll only get me jewelry if it represents something special (i.e. engagement ring, wedding band, baby ring). Either we'll shop for it together or he'll approve the budget and I take care of the rest. Works for me.
Date: 2/3/2009 4:51:52 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/3/2009 4:04:06 PM
Author: decodelighted
DID find out recently that my fave jewelry boutique around here has a ''wishlist'' program, where you tell them what you want & they keep notes on file in case your SO would like to choose something off the list for you.
I do something similar... I keep a ''things I want'' bookmark folder in my browser that''s separated into different categories (apparel/shoes, housewares, jewelry, etc.). It''s mostly for my own reference so I don''t lose track of things I''m interested in, and he hasn''t utilized it yet, but I bet he will in the future!
I do something similiar...I have a folder in our filing cabinet that I print out things (not just jewelry) that I like, and he can pick from it whenever he wants. It works really well for both of us!
Up until Christmas I would have said no. I didn''t want hi to buy me anything. However, he went out on a limb at Christmas and bought me two fantastic pieces-a set of 10mm gray pearl studs and a pair of amethyst and diamond earrings. He got these with no guidance from me at all. I had no idea they were coming, and I was blown away! I love both sets!! I''m one of those people though who doesn''t care about the label or the price tag. If he picks up something he thinks I''ll like and it''s in a price range he can afford, then that''s all that matters.
No. No. No.
DH has surprised me with some beautiful, but not too expensive, bands since the wedding. But he went back to the source of our w-rings, so he was comfortable with his surroundings and his choices. Otherwise, he would prefer that I go with him and pick out what I want.
He sticks to items on my wishlist - and usually there''s just one thing that I want or love at a time, so he''s seen the piece and knows exactly what will make my face light up. That said, he''s a really good listener - I think he''d be fine on his own - he knows my taste, cuts I like, styles I like, etc.
i decide what to buy my wife,cuz she doesn''t really know much about diamonds.
I think this idea of a wishlist is a great one--my friend does this as well and she and her husband both love it! In any case, I know our husbands have our best interest at heart and want to make us happy, so I''m delighted we''re all married to sweet men :)

And DancingFire, I''m sure you''re a wonderful husband as well and still have the luxury of buying your wife anything without her scrutinizing the crown height!
Date: 2/3/2009 7:38:23 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
I think this idea of a wishlist is a great one--my friend does this as well and she and her husband both love it! In any case, I know our husbands have our best interest at heart and want to make us happy, so I''m delighted we''re all married to sweet men :)

And DancingFire, I''m sure you''re a wonderful husband as well and still have the luxury of buying your wife anything without her scrutinizing the crown height!
that''s my job.
He wouldn''t buy me diamonds on hiw own, that`s for sure. But now if he wants to surprise me with a nice piece of jewellery, he goes to Tiffany for a nice silver item, as he trusts their quality. Although most of the time he plays it safe and buys something he remembers I liked... (doesn''t want to repeat experiences of me returning his gifts i guess :-))
I''m surprised by the way the voting is going. My husband knows that even if he bought me a crappy diamond that I would still love it because he picked it out himself. (Thankfully, he has a good eye.) The only time I''d suggest an alternative is if he spent a ridiculous amount on something truly terrible.
I said no, way too picky. He''s good w/bracelets, watches etc. But for major purchases, we plan ahead and purchase together.
"I said no, way too picky". He loves jewelry shopping with me so that he can buy and feel good about it but I can be picky about what I get! He has become a MUCH more informed consumer and can see the difference between something nice and junk.
NEL, we have the same situation! When my husband was courting me, I had an idea he might be the one because he bought me jewelry for every occasion. Even though the pieces he bought me are beautiful, there are some that I may not have picked myself, even though I still wear them (he buys a lot of colored gemstones, so I wear them if they match my outfits - I am more of a diamond and pearl wearer otherwise).

Now that he sees how obsessed I am with jewelry quality, I like to bring him shopping and show him what I like, so I can pick out the piece myself. He does think it''s less romantic, but we do have different taste, and when you''re spending a lot of money, you want it to be on something you''ll actually wear.
I said yes, he knows my taste very well and I must say he has very good taste in jewelry of his own. Plus, he''s studied on PS as well.
Before Christmas, my boyfriend told me that he would not be buying me any jewelry because I already have too much and I know too much about it! I did not want any, and completely understand, so I don''t care. I doubt he will ever buy me any either, but coming out of a relationship where jewelry and other expensive items were almost used as bribes to keep me there, I''m content to now have a man that loves and respects me.

If we get engaged/married in the future, all I want is a plain band. To have him put that on my finger and ask me to never take it off would mean more to me than all the diamonds I''ve ever received.
I said No, he steers away from jewelry now because I buy what I want.

Before we got engaged, he had bought me two lovely bands. One, a platinum, sapphire and diamond baguette and round band, and the other, my tiny baguette band. He''s always done well, he just kind of feels like there isn''t much left for him to buy for me.

Although, I''d gone through the process of picking an ACA, having it set, paying for it, and it''s supposed to ship today. He told me last night that he''d like to buy it for me, so perhaps this might be a sign that things may be changing?
Nope. He has good taste and typically the things he points out I like, but I don''t think he''d ever "risk" buying before getting my approval!
He has only ever bought me things that I knew of before hand (even if that meant I picked out 3 and he chose one, like with my stacking ring to represent my daughter).
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