
Will the Hangout see more traffic

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Rank Amateur

Feb 26, 2003
now that DT has off''ed the Off Topic?

Gotta keep ''em on the straight and narrow over there.
On 4/11/2003 9:32:14 PM Rank Amateur wrote:

"Will the Hangout see more traffic now that DT has off'ed the Off Topic?"

What is this about, R/A? Has Diamond Talk done something officially to disallow off-topic postings?

You positively *forced* me to sneak a peek at Diamond Talk, thereby increasing their number of hits! (At least there were only 96 people on line, 9 of them registered users when I dropped in!)

Although the off-topic areas seem harder to find, I think they are still there on DT! In fact, Gilbert seems to be back in the game starting new threads as he used to in the old days when he wanted to increase traffic on the site. He even started a *new* off-topic area, the Baby Room, which clearly copies this forum's area to discuss babies.

His actions and Nathan's over the past several months have been not only mean-spirited, but also based FIRMLY on lousy business sense. In his effort for total control he silenced many of the the most interesting posters, leaving a lot of angry (but barely literate) people in their places. (Smart move: ban the intelligent posters.)

So now he has to go back to starting new areas and threads.

Did I mention I hope he fails? As bayside said, the statute of limitations on the crimes he committed against some of us by publicly posting on his website information from a private group has not run out and will not for a long time.

Diamond Talk advertisers are supporting GilNat. As time goes on I find myself increasingly intolerant of those vendors who still advertise there, thereby endorsing the breaking of laws and supporting the suppression of the best and bravest voices.

Did you know if you sent me to look at DT this would happen, R/A? Do you understand, now, why I was assiduously *avoiding* that site? Perhaps I shouldn't be posting while my mother is as sick as she is. I deliberately *avoided* engaging Rook in a discussion about politics!

When one says The Serenity Prayer he asks God to help us to have the courage to change the things we can and to accept the things we cannot. I cannot do anything but sit by my mother's side and advocate for her with health professionals. Believe me, that helplessness in the face of things over which I have no control motivates me to effect changes in the things I can!!!
The new color scheme is.....bright. Reminded me of that 80's movie.."Pretty In Pink".

On 4/11/2003 9:32:14 PM Rank Amateur wrote:

now that DT has off'ed the Off Topic?

Gotta keep 'em on the straight and narrow over there.

I wondered about this. At first glance, Hot topics could only be accessed by DT users. Are you saying it is gone all together? All other "areas" seem to be in place ...just a tad harder to find.

I hope hangout will get more traffic. I hope Leonid will be pleased by this.
I guess you can get to the Chit Chat section through the pull downs. Took me a while to figure it out. I guess (like me) if you aren't smart enough to figure out how to get there they don't want you posting.

No Hot Topics that I could find. Maybe if I log in I'll be able to see it?
On 4/12/2003 9:24:47 AM Rank Amateur wrote:

"No Hot Topics that I could find. Maybe if I log in I'll be able to see it?"

I haven't a clue. I do not recall seeing a Hot Topics and Politics but I *did* see a Politics and Religion (or Religion and Politics) area. If people can, indeed, discuss politics and religion there, wouldn't that be a place where topics became hot?
>>I guess you can get to the Chit Chat section through the pull downs. <<

I haven't pulled anything down for a long time save for my pants. I have received anonymous email indicating I am no longer welcome there so I am off for good. So maybe there will be more traffic here. Maybe.
On 4/19/2003 3:28:16 PM rodentman wrote:

"I have received anonymous email indicating I am no longer welcome there so I am off for good. So maybe there will be more traffic here. Maybe."

Hey! I always read your postings when I see them! I just couldn't see them when I was avoiding Diamond Talk and *that* was where you were posting. Let's hope your fan club follows you over here

I'm tracing the email which was bounced around to make tracing tough, but I'm getting there. I have a location and I think I know the author and I aint happy about it. So they have finally gotten rid of The Rodentman. Oddly, I started here first and went there in Aug 2001 so I've come full circle. Just with the text was larger since it is hard to read.
I guess DT may have decided that too many of the "hot topic" debates were becoming personal attacks rather than a heated debate of issues.

Or maybe since they are trying to sell their website, as I read in a different thread, they want a warm and fuzzy environment.
"Did you know if you sent me to look at DT this would happen, R/A? Do you understand, now, why I was assiduously *avoiding* that site? Perhaps I shouldn't be posting while my mother is as sick as she is. I deliberately *avoided* engaging Rook in a discussion about politics!"


I hope that you are not upset with me!! I thought we were simply having a friendly, yet spirited debate? I backed off when you commented about you family and I gave a sincere comment toward you.

I surely hope you do not hold me in the same regard as DT!
On 4/24/2003 1:49:37 PM Rook wrote to me:

"I hope that you are not upset with me!! I thought we were simply having a friendly, yet spirited debate? I backed off when you commented about you family and I gave a sincere comment toward you.

I surely hope you do not hold me in the same regard as DT!"

Oh, Rook, you sweetheart! Of course I am not angry with you! You were always the soul of courtesy! I will be back in fighting trim soon, I am sure, but right now I am looking for some lighter fare
. My family would be terribly upset if I used all my energy debating *you* and didn't have time to scream at *them*! I have to conserve my resources

Thank you for caring. You are a real doll.

PS-Please disregard anything I write to Rank Amateur. We have fought for so many years that I just *cannot* let him post without insulting him. I hope you understand. It isn't that I don't care for you, too, but R/A *depends* on me to needle him
Ok then. Hope all is well with the family.
Your the only thing I missed about DT

This seems the place to be
On 4/25/2003 4:16:57 PM Iceman wrote:

Your the only thing I missed about DT

This seems the place to be


Thanks for the sediment. Maybe I will find a home here. We sure had some fun times in the past!
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